diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock
index 16173cfd19..da61d07244 100644
--- a/Cargo.lock
+++ b/Cargo.lock
@@ -1040,6 +1040,24 @@ dependencies = [
"winapi 0.3.9",
+name = "deno_flash"
+version = "0.1.0"
+dependencies = [
+ "deno_core",
+ "deno_tls",
+ "deno_websocket",
+ "http",
+ "httparse",
+ "libc",
+ "log 0.4.17",
+ "mio",
+ "rustls",
+ "rustls-pemfile 0.2.1",
+ "serde",
+ "tokio",
name = "deno_graph"
version = "0.30.0"
@@ -1147,6 +1165,7 @@ dependencies = [
+ "deno_flash",
@@ -3606,6 +3625,15 @@ dependencies = [
+name = "rustls-pemfile"
+version = "0.2.1"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "5eebeaeb360c87bfb72e84abdb3447159c0eaececf1bef2aecd65a8be949d1c9"
+dependencies = [
+ "base64 0.13.0",
name = "rustls-pemfile"
version = "0.3.0"
diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index 2609221b6e..91b9a0d659 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ members = [
+ "ext/flash",
@@ -134,6 +135,8 @@ opt-level = 3
opt-level = 3
opt-level = 3
+opt-level = 3
opt-level = 3
diff --git a/cli/bench/http/bun_http_send_file.js b/cli/bench/http/bun_http_send_file.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..615c35d31a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli/bench/http/bun_http_send_file.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
+const port = Bun.argv[2] || "4545";
+const path = new URL("../testdata/128k.bin", import.meta.url).pathname;
+ fetch(_req) {
+ const file = Bun.file(path);
+ return new Response(file);
+ },
+ port: Number(port),
diff --git a/cli/bench/http/deno_flash_send_file.js b/cli/bench/http/deno_flash_send_file.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..261f5a2079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli/bench/http/deno_flash_send_file.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
+const addr = Deno.args[0] || "";
+const [hostname, port] = addr.split(":");
+const { serve } = Deno;
+const path = new URL("../testdata/128k.bin", import.meta.url).pathname;
+function handler() {
+ const file = Deno.openSync(path, { read: true });
+ return new Response(file.readable);
+serve(handler, { hostname, port: Number(port) });
diff --git a/cli/bench/http/deno_http_flash.js b/cli/bench/http/deno_http_flash.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d3de68f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli/bench/http/deno_http_flash.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
+const addr = Deno.args[0] || "";
+const [hostname, port] = addr.split(":");
+const { serve } = Deno;
+function handler() {
+ return new Response("Hello World");
+serve(handler, {
+ hostname,
+ port,
diff --git a/cli/bench/http/deno_http_flash_ops.js b/cli/bench/http/deno_http_flash_ops.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b833e7f7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli/bench/http/deno_http_flash_ops.js
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
+// deno-lint-ignore-file
+const {
+ core: {
+ opAsync,
+ ops: { op_flash_make_request, op_flash_serve },
+ encode,
+ },
+} = Deno;
+const addr = Deno.args[0] || "";
+const [hostname, port] = addr.split(":");
+const serverId = op_flash_serve({ hostname, port });
+const serverPromise = opAsync("op_flash_drive_server", serverId);
+const fastOps = op_flash_make_request();
+function nextRequest() {
+ return fastOps.nextRequest();
+function respond(token, response) {
+ return fastOps.respond(token, response, true);
+const response = encode(
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 11\r\n\r\nHello World",
+while (true) {
+ let token = nextRequest();
+ if (token === 0) token = await opAsync("op_flash_next_async", serverId);
+ for (let i = 0; i < token; i++) {
+ respond(
+ i,
+ response,
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/cli/bench/http/deno_reactdom_ssr_flash.jsx b/cli/bench/http/deno_reactdom_ssr_flash.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..571545b275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli/bench/http/deno_reactdom_ssr_flash.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { renderToReadableStream } from "https://esm.run/react-dom/server";
+import * as React from "https://esm.run/react";
+const { serve } = Deno;
+const addr = Deno.args[0] || "";
+const [hostname, port] = addr.split(":");
+const App = () => (
+ Hello World
+const headers = {
+ headers: {
+ "Content-Type": "text/html",
+ },
+ async () => {
+ return new Response(await renderToReadableStream(), headers);
+ },
+ { hostname, port },
diff --git a/cli/bench/http/node_reactdom_ssr.js b/cli/bench/http/node_reactdom_ssr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e784b946a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli/bench/http/node_reactdom_ssr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16199 @@
+var Gd = Object.create;
+var Ac = Object.defineProperty;
+var Xd = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
+var Zd = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
+var Jd = Object.getPrototypeOf,
+ Qd = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+var an = (e, n) => () => (n || e((n = { exports: {} }).exports, n), n.exports);
+var Kd = (e, n, i, s) => {
+ if ((n && typeof n == "object") || typeof n == "function") {
+ for (let v of Zd(n)) {
+ !Qd.call(e, v) &&
+ v !== i &&
+ Ac(e, v, {
+ get: () => n[v],
+ enumerable: !(s = Xd(n, v)) || s.enumerable,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return e;
+var Dc = (e, n, i) => (
+ (i = e != null ? Gd(Jd(e)) : {}),
+ Kd(
+ n || !e || !e.__esModule
+ ? Ac(i, "default", { value: e, enumerable: !0 })
+ : i,
+ e,
+ )
+var Nc = an(($) => {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ai = Symbol.for("react.element"),
+ qd = Symbol.for("react.portal"),
+ ep = Symbol.for("react.fragment"),
+ tp = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"),
+ rp = Symbol.for("react.profiler"),
+ np = Symbol.for("react.provider"),
+ op = Symbol.for("react.context"),
+ ap = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"),
+ ip = Symbol.for("react.suspense"),
+ lp = Symbol.for("react.memo"),
+ sp = Symbol.for("react.lazy"),
+ Oc = Symbol.iterator;
+ function up(e) {
+ return e === null || typeof e != "object"
+ ? null
+ : ((e = (Oc && e[Oc]) || e["@@iterator"]),
+ typeof e == "function" ? e : null);
+ }
+ var Bc = {
+ isMounted: function () {
+ return !1;
+ },
+ enqueueForceUpdate: function () {},
+ enqueueReplaceState: function () {},
+ enqueueSetState: function () {},
+ },
+ Uc = Object.assign,
+ jc = {};
+ function sa(e, n, i) {
+ (this.props = e),
+ (this.context = n),
+ (this.refs = jc),
+ (this.updater = i || Bc);
+ }
+ sa.prototype.isReactComponent = {};
+ sa.prototype.setState = function (e, n) {
+ if (typeof e != "object" && typeof e != "function" && e != null) {
+ throw Error(
+ "setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a function which returns an object of state variables.",
+ );
+ }
+ this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, e, n, "setState");
+ };
+ sa.prototype.forceUpdate = function (e) {
+ this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this, e, "forceUpdate");
+ };
+ function Hc() {}
+ Hc.prototype = sa.prototype;
+ function Hu(e, n, i) {
+ (this.props = e),
+ (this.context = n),
+ (this.refs = jc),
+ (this.updater = i || Bc);
+ }
+ var Wu = (Hu.prototype = new Hc());
+ Wu.constructor = Hu;
+ Uc(Wu, sa.prototype);
+ Wu.isPureReactComponent = !0;
+ var Mc = Array.isArray,
+ Wc = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
+ zu = { current: null },
+ zc = { key: !0, ref: !0, __self: !0, __source: !0 };
+ function $c(e, n, i) {
+ var s,
+ v = {},
+ c = null,
+ m = null;
+ if (n != null) {
+ for (
+ s
+ in (n.ref !== void 0 && (m = n.ref),
+ n.key !== void 0 && (c = "" + n.key),
+ n)
+ ) {
+ Wc.call(n, s) && !zc.hasOwnProperty(s) && (v[s] = n[s]);
+ }
+ }
+ var S = arguments.length - 2;
+ if (S === 1) v.children = i;
+ else if (1 < S) {
+ for (var E = Array(S), x = 0; x < S; x++) E[x] = arguments[x + 2];
+ v.children = E;
+ }
+ if (e && e.defaultProps) {
+ for (s in ((S = e.defaultProps), S)) v[s] === void 0 && (v[s] = S[s]);
+ }
+ return {
+ $$typeof: Ai,
+ type: e,
+ key: c,
+ ref: m,
+ props: v,
+ _owner: zu.current,
+ };
+ }
+ function cp(e, n) {
+ return {
+ $$typeof: Ai,
+ type: e.type,
+ key: n,
+ ref: e.ref,
+ props: e.props,
+ _owner: e._owner,
+ };
+ }
+ function $u(e) {
+ return typeof e == "object" && e !== null && e.$$typeof === Ai;
+ }
+ function fp(e) {
+ var n = { "=": "=0", ":": "=2" };
+ return (
+ "$" +
+ e.replace(/[=:]/g, function (i) {
+ return n[i];
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ var Lc = /\/+/g;
+ function ju(e, n) {
+ return typeof e == "object" && e !== null && e.key != null
+ ? fp("" + e.key)
+ : n.toString(36);
+ }
+ function Ml(e, n, i, s, v) {
+ var c = typeof e;
+ (c === "undefined" || c === "boolean") && (e = null);
+ var m = !1;
+ if (e === null) m = !0;
+ else {
+ switch (c) {
+ case "string":
+ case "number":
+ m = !0;
+ break;
+ case "object":
+ switch (e.$$typeof) {
+ case Ai:
+ case qd:
+ m = !0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (m) {
+ return (
+ (m = e),
+ (v = v(m)),
+ (e = s === "" ? "." + ju(m, 0) : s),
+ Mc(v)
+ ? ((i = ""),
+ e != null && (i = e.replace(Lc, "$&/") + "/"),
+ Ml(v, n, i, "", function (x) {
+ return x;
+ }))
+ : v != null &&
+ ($u(v) &&
+ (v = cp(
+ v,
+ i +
+ (!v.key || (m && m.key === v.key)
+ ? ""
+ : ("" + v.key).replace(Lc, "$&/") + "/") +
+ e,
+ )),
+ n.push(v)),
+ 1
+ );
+ }
+ if (((m = 0), (s = s === "" ? "." : s + ":"), Mc(e))) {
+ for (var S = 0; S < e.length; S++) {
+ c = e[S];
+ var E = s + ju(c, S);
+ m += Ml(c, n, i, E, v);
+ }
+ } else if (((E = up(e)), typeof E == "function")) {
+ for (e = E.call(e), S = 0; !(c = e.next()).done;) {
+ (c = c.value), (E = s + ju(c, S++)), (m += Ml(c, n, i, E, v));
+ }
+ } else if (c === "object") {
+ throw (
+ ((n = String(e)),
+ Error(
+ "Objects are not valid as a React child (found: " +
+ (n === "[object Object]"
+ ? "object with keys {" + Object.keys(e).join(", ") + "}"
+ : n) +
+ "). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.",
+ ))
+ );
+ }
+ return m;
+ }
+ function Ol(e, n, i) {
+ if (e == null) return e;
+ var s = [],
+ v = 0;
+ return (
+ Ml(e, s, "", "", function (c) {
+ return n.call(i, c, v++);
+ }), s
+ );
+ }
+ function dp(e) {
+ if (e._status === -1) {
+ var n = e._result;
+ (n = n()),
+ n.then(
+ function (i) {
+ (e._status === 0 || e._status === -1) &&
+ ((e._status = 1), (e._result = i));
+ },
+ function (i) {
+ (e._status === 0 || e._status === -1) &&
+ ((e._status = 2), (e._result = i));
+ },
+ ),
+ e._status === -1 && ((e._status = 0), (e._result = n));
+ }
+ if (e._status === 1) return e._result.default;
+ throw e._result;
+ }
+ var Ve = { current: null },
+ Ll = { transition: null },
+ pp = {
+ ReactCurrentDispatcher: Ve,
+ ReactCurrentBatchConfig: Ll,
+ ReactCurrentOwner: zu,
+ };
+ $.Children = {
+ map: Ol,
+ forEach: function (e, n, i) {
+ Ol(
+ e,
+ function () {
+ n.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ i,
+ );
+ },
+ count: function (e) {
+ var n = 0;
+ return (
+ Ol(e, function () {
+ n++;
+ }), n
+ );
+ },
+ toArray: function (e) {
+ return (
+ Ol(e, function (n) {
+ return n;
+ }) || []
+ );
+ },
+ only: function (e) {
+ if (!$u(e)) {
+ throw Error(
+ "React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child.",
+ );
+ }
+ return e;
+ },
+ };
+ $.Component = sa;
+ $.Fragment = ep;
+ $.Profiler = rp;
+ $.PureComponent = Hu;
+ $.StrictMode = tp;
+ $.Suspense = ip;
+ $.cloneElement = function (e, n, i) {
+ if (e == null) {
+ throw Error(
+ "React.cloneElement(...): The argument must be a React element, but you passed " +
+ e +
+ ".",
+ );
+ }
+ var s = Uc({}, e.props),
+ v = e.key,
+ c = e.ref,
+ m = e._owner;
+ if (n != null) {
+ if (
+ (n.ref !== void 0 && ((c = n.ref), (m = zu.current)),
+ n.key !== void 0 && (v = "" + n.key),
+ e.type && e.type.defaultProps)
+ ) {
+ var S = e.type.defaultProps;
+ }
+ for (E in n) {
+ Wc.call(n, E) &&
+ !zc.hasOwnProperty(E) &&
+ (s[E] = n[E] === void 0 && S !== void 0 ? S[E] : n[E]);
+ }
+ }
+ var E = arguments.length - 2;
+ if (E === 1) s.children = i;
+ else if (1 < E) {
+ S = Array(E);
+ for (var x = 0; x < E; x++) S[x] = arguments[x + 2];
+ s.children = S;
+ }
+ return { $$typeof: Ai, type: e.type, key: v, ref: c, props: s, _owner: m };
+ };
+ $.createContext = function (e) {
+ return (
+ (e = {
+ $$typeof: op,
+ _currentValue: e,
+ _currentValue2: e,
+ _threadCount: 0,
+ Provider: null,
+ Consumer: null,
+ _defaultValue: null,
+ _globalName: null,
+ }),
+ (e.Provider = { $$typeof: np, _context: e }),
+ (e.Consumer = e)
+ );
+ };
+ $.createElement = $c;
+ $.createFactory = function (e) {
+ var n = $c.bind(null, e);
+ return (n.type = e), n;
+ };
+ $.createRef = function () {
+ return { current: null };
+ };
+ $.forwardRef = function (e) {
+ return { $$typeof: ap, render: e };
+ };
+ $.isValidElement = $u;
+ $.lazy = function (e) {
+ return { $$typeof: sp, _payload: { _status: -1, _result: e }, _init: dp };
+ };
+ $.memo = function (e, n) {
+ return { $$typeof: lp, type: e, compare: n === void 0 ? null : n };
+ };
+ $.startTransition = function (e) {
+ var n = Ll.transition;
+ Ll.transition = {};
+ try {
+ e();
+ } finally {
+ Ll.transition = n;
+ }
+ };
+ $.unstable_act = function () {
+ throw Error("act(...) is not supported in production builds of React.");
+ };
+ $.useCallback = function (e, n) {
+ return Ve.current.useCallback(e, n);
+ };
+ $.useContext = function (e) {
+ return Ve.current.useContext(e);
+ };
+ $.useDebugValue = function () {};
+ $.useDeferredValue = function (e) {
+ return Ve.current.useDeferredValue(e);
+ };
+ $.useEffect = function (e, n) {
+ return Ve.current.useEffect(e, n);
+ };
+ $.useId = function () {
+ return Ve.current.useId();
+ };
+ $.useImperativeHandle = function (e, n, i) {
+ return Ve.current.useImperativeHandle(e, n, i);
+ };
+ $.useInsertionEffect = function (e, n) {
+ return Ve.current.useInsertionEffect(e, n);
+ };
+ $.useLayoutEffect = function (e, n) {
+ return Ve.current.useLayoutEffect(e, n);
+ };
+ $.useMemo = function (e, n) {
+ return Ve.current.useMemo(e, n);
+ };
+ $.useReducer = function (e, n, i) {
+ return Ve.current.useReducer(e, n, i);
+ };
+ $.useRef = function (e) {
+ return Ve.current.useRef(e);
+ };
+ $.useState = function (e) {
+ return Ve.current.useState(e);
+ };
+ $.useSyncExternalStore = function (e, n, i) {
+ return Ve.current.useSyncExternalStore(e, n, i);
+ };
+ $.useTransition = function () {
+ return Ve.current.useTransition();
+ };
+ $.version = "18.2.0";
+var Vc = an((N, Bl) => {
+ "use strict";
+ process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" &&
+ (function () {
+ "use strict";
+ typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ < "u" &&
+ typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart ==
+ "function" &&
+ __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart(new Error());
+ var e = "18.2.0",
+ n = Symbol.for("react.element"),
+ i = Symbol.for("react.portal"),
+ s = Symbol.for("react.fragment"),
+ v = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"),
+ c = Symbol.for("react.profiler"),
+ m = Symbol.for("react.provider"),
+ S = Symbol.for("react.context"),
+ E = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"),
+ x = Symbol.for("react.suspense"),
+ R = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"),
+ D = Symbol.for("react.memo"),
+ V = Symbol.for("react.lazy"),
+ te = Symbol.for("react.offscreen"),
+ J = Symbol.iterator,
+ Oe = "@@iterator";
+ function P(h) {
+ if (h === null || typeof h != "object") return null;
+ var b = (J && h[J]) || h[Oe];
+ return typeof b == "function" ? b : null;
+ }
+ var ue = { current: null },
+ W = { transition: null },
+ q = {
+ current: null,
+ isBatchingLegacy: !1,
+ didScheduleLegacyUpdate: !1,
+ },
+ xe = { current: null },
+ _e = {},
+ he = null;
+ function F(h) {
+ he = h;
+ }
+ (_e.setExtraStackFrame = function (h) {
+ he = h;
+ }),
+ (_e.getCurrentStack = null),
+ (_e.getStackAddendum = function () {
+ var h = "";
+ he && (h += he);
+ var b = _e.getCurrentStack;
+ return b && (h += b() || ""), h;
+ });
+ var ct = !1,
+ qt = !1,
+ yt = !1,
+ Mt = !1,
+ Lt = !1,
+ ft = {
+ ReactCurrentDispatcher: ue,
+ ReactCurrentBatchConfig: W,
+ ReactCurrentOwner: xe,
+ };
+ (ft.ReactDebugCurrentFrame = _e), (ft.ReactCurrentActQueue = q);
+ function Me(h) {
+ {
+ for (
+ var b = arguments.length, k = new Array(b > 1 ? b - 1 : 0), T = 1;
+ T < b;
+ T++
+ ) {
+ k[T - 1] = arguments[T];
+ }
+ Er("warn", h, k);
+ }
+ }
+ function B(h) {
+ {
+ for (
+ var b = arguments.length, k = new Array(b > 1 ? b - 1 : 0), T = 1;
+ T < b;
+ T++
+ ) {
+ k[T - 1] = arguments[T];
+ }
+ Er("error", h, k);
+ }
+ }
+ function Er(h, b, k) {
+ {
+ var T = ft.ReactDebugCurrentFrame,
+ I = T.getStackAddendum();
+ I !== "" && ((b += "%s"), (k = k.concat([I])));
+ var U = k.map(function (M) {
+ return String(M);
+ });
+ U.unshift("Warning: " + b),
+ Function.prototype.apply.call(console[h], console, U);
+ }
+ }
+ var tt = {};
+ function Bt(h, b) {
+ {
+ var k = h.constructor,
+ T = (k && (k.displayName || k.name)) || "ReactClass",
+ I = T + "." + b;
+ if (tt[I]) return;
+ B(
+ "Can't call %s on a component that is not yet mounted. This is a no-op, but it might indicate a bug in your application. Instead, assign to `this.state` directly or define a `state = {};` class property with the desired state in the %s component.",
+ b,
+ T,
+ ), (tt[I] = !0);
+ }
+ }
+ var bt = {
+ isMounted: function (h) {
+ return !1;
+ },
+ enqueueForceUpdate: function (h, b, k) {
+ Bt(h, "forceUpdate");
+ },
+ enqueueReplaceState: function (h, b, k, T) {
+ Bt(h, "replaceState");
+ },
+ enqueueSetState: function (h, b, k, T) {
+ Bt(h, "setState");
+ },
+ },
+ Le = Object.assign,
+ er = {};
+ Object.freeze(er);
+ function re(h, b, k) {
+ (this.props = h),
+ (this.context = b),
+ (this.refs = er),
+ (this.updater = k || bt);
+ }
+ (re.prototype.isReactComponent = {}),
+ (re.prototype.setState = function (h, b) {
+ if (typeof h != "object" && typeof h != "function" && h != null) {
+ throw new Error(
+ "setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a function which returns an object of state variables.",
+ );
+ }
+ this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, h, b, "setState");
+ }),
+ (re.prototype.forceUpdate = function (h) {
+ this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this, h, "forceUpdate");
+ });
+ {
+ var ce = {
+ isMounted: [
+ "isMounted",
+ "Instead, make sure to clean up subscriptions and pending requests in componentWillUnmount to prevent memory leaks.",
+ ],
+ replaceState: [
+ "replaceState",
+ "Refactor your code to use setState instead (see https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/3236).",
+ ],
+ },
+ tr = function (h, b) {
+ Object.defineProperty(re.prototype, h, {
+ get: function () {
+ Me(
+ "%s(...) is deprecated in plain JavaScript React classes. %s",
+ b[0],
+ b[1],
+ );
+ },
+ });
+ };
+ for (var rr in ce) ce.hasOwnProperty(rr) && tr(rr, ce[rr]);
+ }
+ function nr() {}
+ nr.prototype = re.prototype;
+ function Rr(h, b, k) {
+ (this.props = h),
+ (this.context = b),
+ (this.refs = er),
+ (this.updater = k || bt);
+ }
+ var St = (Rr.prototype = new nr());
+ (St.constructor = Rr),
+ Le(St, re.prototype),
+ (St.isPureReactComponent = !0);
+ function so() {
+ var h = { current: null };
+ return Object.seal(h), h;
+ }
+ var uo = Array.isArray;
+ function ye(h) {
+ return uo(h);
+ }
+ function ve(h) {
+ {
+ var b = typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.toStringTag,
+ k = (b && h[Symbol.toStringTag]) || h.constructor.name || "Object";
+ return k;
+ }
+ }
+ function co(h) {
+ try {
+ return or(h), !1;
+ } catch {
+ return !0;
+ }
+ }
+ function or(h) {
+ return "" + h;
+ }
+ function je(h) {
+ if (co(h)) {
+ return (
+ B(
+ "The provided key is an unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.",
+ ve(h),
+ ), or(h)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ function ha(h, b, k) {
+ var T = h.displayName;
+ if (T) return T;
+ var I = b.displayName || b.name || "";
+ return I !== "" ? k + "(" + I + ")" : k;
+ }
+ function ar(h) {
+ return h.displayName || "Context";
+ }
+ function dt(h) {
+ if (h == null) return null;
+ if (
+ (typeof h.tag == "number" &&
+ B(
+ "Received an unexpected object in getComponentNameFromType(). This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue.",
+ ),
+ typeof h == "function")
+ ) {
+ return h.displayName || h.name || null;
+ }
+ if (typeof h == "string") return h;
+ switch (h) {
+ case s:
+ return "Fragment";
+ case i:
+ return "Portal";
+ case c:
+ return "Profiler";
+ case v:
+ return "StrictMode";
+ case x:
+ return "Suspense";
+ case R:
+ return "SuspenseList";
+ }
+ if (typeof h == "object") {
+ switch (h.$$typeof) {
+ case S:
+ var b = h;
+ return ar(b) + ".Consumer";
+ case m:
+ var k = h;
+ return ar(k._context) + ".Provider";
+ case E:
+ return ha(h, h.render, "ForwardRef");
+ case D:
+ var T = h.displayName || null;
+ return T !== null ? T : dt(h.type) || "Memo";
+ case V: {
+ var I = h,
+ U = I._payload,
+ M = I._init;
+ try {
+ return dt(M(U));
+ } catch {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ var ir = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
+ fo = { key: !0, ref: !0, __self: !0, __source: !0 },
+ lr,
+ fn,
+ sr;
+ sr = {};
+ function pt(h) {
+ if (ir.call(h, "ref")) {
+ var b = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(h, "ref").get;
+ if (b && b.isReactWarning) return !1;
+ }
+ return h.ref !== void 0;
+ }
+ function ke(h) {
+ if (ir.call(h, "key")) {
+ var b = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(h, "key").get;
+ if (b && b.isReactWarning) return !1;
+ }
+ return h.key !== void 0;
+ }
+ function po(h, b) {
+ var k = function () {
+ lr ||
+ ((lr = !0),
+ B(
+ "%s: `key` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (https://reactjs.org/link/special-props)",
+ b,
+ ));
+ };
+ (k.isReactWarning = !0),
+ Object.defineProperty(h, "key", { get: k, configurable: !0 });
+ }
+ function va(h, b) {
+ var k = function () {
+ fn ||
+ ((fn = !0),
+ B(
+ "%s: `ref` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (https://reactjs.org/link/special-props)",
+ b,
+ ));
+ };
+ (k.isReactWarning = !0),
+ Object.defineProperty(h, "ref", { get: k, configurable: !0 });
+ }
+ function ga(h) {
+ if (
+ typeof h.ref == "string" &&
+ xe.current &&
+ h.__self &&
+ xe.current.stateNode !== h.__self
+ ) {
+ var b = dt(xe.current.type);
+ sr[b] ||
+ (B(
+ 'Component "%s" contains the string ref "%s". Support for string refs will be removed in a future major release. This case cannot be automatically converted to an arrow function. We ask you to manually fix this case by using useRef() or createRef() instead. Learn more about using refs safely here: https://reactjs.org/link/strict-mode-string-ref',
+ b,
+ h.ref,
+ ),
+ (sr[b] = !0));
+ }
+ }
+ var dn = function (h, b, k, T, I, U, M) {
+ var H = { $$typeof: n, type: h, key: b, ref: k, props: M, _owner: U };
+ return (
+ (H._store = {}),
+ Object.defineProperty(H._store, "validated", {
+ configurable: !1,
+ enumerable: !1,
+ writable: !0,
+ value: !1,
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(H, "_self", {
+ configurable: !1,
+ enumerable: !1,
+ writable: !1,
+ value: T,
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(H, "_source", {
+ configurable: !1,
+ enumerable: !1,
+ writable: !1,
+ value: I,
+ }),
+ Object.freeze && (Object.freeze(H.props), Object.freeze(H)),
+ H
+ );
+ };
+ function ho(h, b, k) {
+ var T,
+ I = {},
+ U = null,
+ M = null,
+ H = null,
+ z = null;
+ if (b != null) {
+ pt(b) && ((M = b.ref), ga(b)),
+ ke(b) && (je(b.key), (U = "" + b.key)),
+ (H = b.__self === void 0 ? null : b.__self),
+ (z = b.__source === void 0 ? null : b.__source);
+ for (T in b) ir.call(b, T) && !fo.hasOwnProperty(T) && (I[T] = b[T]);
+ }
+ var Y = arguments.length - 2;
+ if (Y === 1) I.children = k;
+ else if (Y > 1) {
+ for (var Q = Array(Y), K = 0; K < Y; K++) Q[K] = arguments[K + 2];
+ Object.freeze && Object.freeze(Q), (I.children = Q);
+ }
+ if (h && h.defaultProps) {
+ var ee = h.defaultProps;
+ for (T in ee) I[T] === void 0 && (I[T] = ee[T]);
+ }
+ if (U || M) {
+ var fe = typeof h == "function"
+ ? h.displayName || h.name || "Unknown"
+ : h;
+ U && po(I, fe), M && va(I, fe);
+ }
+ return dn(h, U, M, H, z, xe.current, I);
+ }
+ function ma(h, b) {
+ var k = dn(h.type, b, h.ref, h._self, h._source, h._owner, h.props);
+ return k;
+ }
+ function pn(h, b, k) {
+ if (h == null) {
+ throw new Error(
+ "React.cloneElement(...): The argument must be a React element, but you passed " +
+ h +
+ ".",
+ );
+ }
+ var T,
+ I = Le({}, h.props),
+ U = h.key,
+ M = h.ref,
+ H = h._self,
+ z = h._source,
+ Y = h._owner;
+ if (b != null) {
+ pt(b) && ((M = b.ref), (Y = xe.current)),
+ ke(b) && (je(b.key), (U = "" + b.key));
+ var Q;
+ h.type && h.type.defaultProps && (Q = h.type.defaultProps);
+ for (T in b) {
+ ir.call(b, T) &&
+ !fo.hasOwnProperty(T) &&
+ (b[T] === void 0 && Q !== void 0 ? (I[T] = Q[T]) : (I[T] = b[T]));
+ }
+ }
+ var K = arguments.length - 2;
+ if (K === 1) I.children = k;
+ else if (K > 1) {
+ for (var ee = Array(K), fe = 0; fe < K; fe++) {
+ ee[fe] = arguments[fe + 2];
+ }
+ I.children = ee;
+ }
+ return dn(h.type, U, M, H, z, Y, I);
+ }
+ function wt(h) {
+ return typeof h == "object" && h !== null && h.$$typeof === n;
+ }
+ var Te = ".",
+ vo = ":";
+ function go(h) {
+ var b = /[=:]/g,
+ k = { "=": "=0", ":": "=2" },
+ T = h.replace(b, function (I) {
+ return k[I];
+ });
+ return "$" + T;
+ }
+ var xt = !1,
+ hn = /\/+/g;
+ function vn(h) {
+ return h.replace(hn, "$&/");
+ }
+ function Ir(h, b) {
+ return typeof h == "object" && h !== null && h.key != null
+ ? (je(h.key), go("" + h.key))
+ : b.toString(36);
+ }
+ function ur(h, b, k, T, I) {
+ var U = typeof h;
+ (U === "undefined" || U === "boolean") && (h = null);
+ var M = !1;
+ if (h === null) M = !0;
+ else {
+ switch (U) {
+ case "string":
+ case "number":
+ M = !0;
+ break;
+ case "object":
+ switch (h.$$typeof) {
+ case n:
+ case i:
+ M = !0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (M) {
+ var H = h,
+ z = I(H),
+ Y = T === "" ? Te + Ir(H, 0) : T;
+ if (ye(z)) {
+ var Q = "";
+ Y != null && (Q = vn(Y) + "/"),
+ ur(z, b, Q, "", function (Ma) {
+ return Ma;
+ });
+ } else {
+ z != null &&
+ (wt(z) &&
+ (z.key && (!H || H.key !== z.key) && je(z.key),
+ (z = ma(
+ z,
+ k +
+ (z.key && (!H || H.key !== z.key)
+ ? vn("" + z.key) + "/"
+ : "") +
+ Y,
+ ))),
+ b.push(z));
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ var K,
+ ee,
+ fe = 0,
+ Se = T === "" ? Te : T + vo;
+ if (ye(h)) {
+ for (var yr = 0; yr < h.length; yr++) {
+ (K = h[yr]), (ee = Se + Ir(K, yr)), (fe += ur(K, b, k, ee, I));
+ }
+ } else {
+ var Pn = P(h);
+ if (typeof Pn == "function") {
+ var Wr = h;
+ Pn === Wr.entries &&
+ (xt ||
+ Me(
+ "Using Maps as children is not supported. Use an array of keyed ReactElements instead.",
+ ),
+ (xt = !0));
+ for (var Co = Pn.call(Wr), zr, Oa = 0; !(zr = Co.next()).done;) {
+ (K = zr.value),
+ (ee = Se + Ir(K, Oa++)),
+ (fe += ur(K, b, k, ee, I));
+ }
+ } else if (U === "object") {
+ var Eo = String(h);
+ throw new Error(
+ "Objects are not valid as a React child (found: " +
+ (Eo === "[object Object]"
+ ? "object with keys {" + Object.keys(h).join(", ") + "}"
+ : Eo) +
+ "). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.",
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return fe;
+ }
+ function _r(h, b, k) {
+ if (h == null) return h;
+ var T = [],
+ I = 0;
+ return (
+ ur(h, T, "", "", function (U) {
+ return b.call(k, U, I++);
+ }), T
+ );
+ }
+ function ya(h) {
+ var b = 0;
+ return (
+ _r(h, function () {
+ b++;
+ }), b
+ );
+ }
+ function ba(h, b, k) {
+ _r(
+ h,
+ function () {
+ b.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ k,
+ );
+ }
+ function mo(h) {
+ return (
+ _r(h, function (b) {
+ return b;
+ }) || []
+ );
+ }
+ function Ut(h) {
+ if (!wt(h)) {
+ throw new Error(
+ "React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child.",
+ );
+ }
+ return h;
+ }
+ function gn(h) {
+ var b = {
+ $$typeof: S,
+ _currentValue: h,
+ _currentValue2: h,
+ _threadCount: 0,
+ Provider: null,
+ Consumer: null,
+ _defaultValue: null,
+ _globalName: null,
+ };
+ b.Provider = { $$typeof: m, _context: b };
+ var k = !1,
+ T = !1,
+ I = !1;
+ {
+ var U = { $$typeof: S, _context: b };
+ Object.defineProperties(U, {
+ Provider: {
+ get: function () {
+ return (
+ T ||
+ ((T = !0),
+ B(
+ "Rendering is not supported and will be removed in a future major release. Did you mean to render instead?",
+ )), b.Provider
+ );
+ },
+ set: function (M) {
+ b.Provider = M;
+ },
+ },
+ _currentValue: {
+ get: function () {
+ return b._currentValue;
+ },
+ set: function (M) {
+ b._currentValue = M;
+ },
+ },
+ _currentValue2: {
+ get: function () {
+ return b._currentValue2;
+ },
+ set: function (M) {
+ b._currentValue2 = M;
+ },
+ },
+ _threadCount: {
+ get: function () {
+ return b._threadCount;
+ },
+ set: function (M) {
+ b._threadCount = M;
+ },
+ },
+ Consumer: {
+ get: function () {
+ return (
+ k ||
+ ((k = !0),
+ B(
+ "Rendering is not supported and will be removed in a future major release. Did you mean to render instead?",
+ )), b.Consumer
+ );
+ },
+ },
+ displayName: {
+ get: function () {
+ return b.displayName;
+ },
+ set: function (M) {
+ I ||
+ (Me(
+ "Setting `displayName` on Context.Consumer has no effect. You should set it directly on the context with Context.displayName = '%s'.",
+ M,
+ ),
+ (I = !0));
+ },
+ },
+ }), (b.Consumer = U);
+ }
+ return (b._currentRenderer = null), (b._currentRenderer2 = null), b;
+ }
+ var jt = -1,
+ Pr = 0,
+ ge = 1,
+ Sa = 2;
+ function wa(h) {
+ if (h._status === jt) {
+ var b = h._result,
+ k = b();
+ if (
+ (k.then(
+ function (U) {
+ if (h._status === Pr || h._status === jt) {
+ var M = h;
+ (M._status = ge), (M._result = U);
+ }
+ },
+ function (U) {
+ if (h._status === Pr || h._status === jt) {
+ var M = h;
+ (M._status = Sa), (M._result = U);
+ }
+ },
+ ),
+ h._status === jt)
+ ) {
+ var T = h;
+ (T._status = Pr), (T._result = k);
+ }
+ }
+ if (h._status === ge) {
+ var I = h._result;
+ return (
+ I === void 0 &&
+ B(
+ `lazy: Expected the result of a dynamic import() call. Instead received: %s
+Your code should look like:
+ const MyComponent = lazy(() => import('./MyComponent'))
+Did you accidentally put curly braces around the import?`,
+ I,
+ ),
+ "default" in I ||
+ B(
+ `lazy: Expected the result of a dynamic import() call. Instead received: %s
+Your code should look like:
+ const MyComponent = lazy(() => import('./MyComponent'))`,
+ I,
+ ),
+ I.default
+ );
+ } else throw h._result;
+ }
+ function xa(h) {
+ var b = { _status: jt, _result: h },
+ k = { $$typeof: V, _payload: b, _init: wa };
+ {
+ var T, I;
+ Object.defineProperties(k, {
+ defaultProps: {
+ configurable: !0,
+ get: function () {
+ return T;
+ },
+ set: function (U) {
+ B(
+ "React.lazy(...): It is not supported to assign `defaultProps` to a lazy component import. Either specify them where the component is defined, or create a wrapping component around it.",
+ ),
+ (T = U),
+ Object.defineProperty(k, "defaultProps", { enumerable: !0 });
+ },
+ },
+ propTypes: {
+ configurable: !0,
+ get: function () {
+ return I;
+ },
+ set: function (U) {
+ B(
+ "React.lazy(...): It is not supported to assign `propTypes` to a lazy component import. Either specify them where the component is defined, or create a wrapping component around it.",
+ ),
+ (I = U),
+ Object.defineProperty(k, "propTypes", { enumerable: !0 });
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ }
+ function ka(h) {
+ h != null && h.$$typeof === D
+ ? B(
+ "forwardRef requires a render function but received a `memo` component. Instead of forwardRef(memo(...)), use memo(forwardRef(...)).",
+ )
+ : typeof h != "function"
+ ? B(
+ "forwardRef requires a render function but was given %s.",
+ h === null ? "null" : typeof h,
+ )
+ : h.length !== 0 &&
+ h.length !== 2 &&
+ B(
+ "forwardRef render functions accept exactly two parameters: props and ref. %s",
+ h.length === 1
+ ? "Did you forget to use the ref parameter?"
+ : "Any additional parameter will be undefined.",
+ ),
+ h != null &&
+ (h.defaultProps != null || h.propTypes != null) &&
+ B(
+ "forwardRef render functions do not support propTypes or defaultProps. Did you accidentally pass a React component?",
+ );
+ var b = { $$typeof: E, render: h };
+ {
+ var k;
+ Object.defineProperty(b, "displayName", {
+ enumerable: !1,
+ configurable: !0,
+ get: function () {
+ return k;
+ },
+ set: function (T) {
+ (k = T), !h.name && !h.displayName && (h.displayName = T);
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ }
+ var mn;
+ mn = Symbol.for("react.module.reference");
+ function yo(h) {
+ return !!(
+ typeof h == "string" ||
+ typeof h == "function" ||
+ h === s ||
+ h === c ||
+ Lt ||
+ h === v ||
+ h === x ||
+ h === R ||
+ Mt ||
+ h === te ||
+ ct ||
+ qt ||
+ yt ||
+ (typeof h == "object" &&
+ h !== null &&
+ (h.$$typeof === V ||
+ h.$$typeof === D ||
+ h.$$typeof === m ||
+ h.$$typeof === S ||
+ h.$$typeof === E ||
+ h.$$typeof === mn ||
+ h.getModuleId !== void 0))
+ );
+ }
+ function Ta(h, b) {
+ yo(h) ||
+ B(
+ "memo: The first argument must be a component. Instead received: %s",
+ h === null ? "null" : typeof h,
+ );
+ var k = { $$typeof: D, type: h, compare: b === void 0 ? null : b };
+ {
+ var T;
+ Object.defineProperty(k, "displayName", {
+ enumerable: !1,
+ configurable: !0,
+ get: function () {
+ return T;
+ },
+ set: function (I) {
+ (T = I), !h.name && !h.displayName && (h.displayName = I);
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ }
+ function me() {
+ var h = ue.current;
+ return (
+ h === null &&
+ B(`Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for one of the following reasons:
+1. You might have mismatching versions of React and the renderer (such as React DOM)
+2. You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks
+3. You might have more than one copy of React in the same app
+See https://reactjs.org/link/invalid-hook-call for tips about how to debug and fix this problem.`),
+ h
+ );
+ }
+ function be(h) {
+ var b = me();
+ if (h._context !== void 0) {
+ var k = h._context;
+ k.Consumer === h
+ ? B(
+ "Calling useContext(Context.Consumer) is not supported, may cause bugs, and will be removed in a future major release. Did you mean to call useContext(Context) instead?",
+ )
+ : k.Provider === h &&
+ B(
+ "Calling useContext(Context.Provider) is not supported. Did you mean to call useContext(Context) instead?",
+ );
+ }
+ return b.useContext(h);
+ }
+ function Ca(h) {
+ var b = me();
+ return b.useState(h);
+ }
+ function Ea(h, b, k) {
+ var T = me();
+ return T.useReducer(h, b, k);
+ }
+ function Ra(h) {
+ var b = me();
+ return b.useRef(h);
+ }
+ function bo(h, b) {
+ var k = me();
+ return k.useEffect(h, b);
+ }
+ function So(h, b) {
+ var k = me();
+ return k.useInsertionEffect(h, b);
+ }
+ function Ia(h, b) {
+ var k = me();
+ return k.useLayoutEffect(h, b);
+ }
+ function _a(h, b) {
+ var k = me();
+ return k.useCallback(h, b);
+ }
+ function cr(h, b) {
+ var k = me();
+ return k.useMemo(h, b);
+ }
+ function Fr(h, b, k) {
+ var T = me();
+ return T.useImperativeHandle(h, b, k);
+ }
+ function kt(h, b) {
+ {
+ var k = me();
+ return k.useDebugValue(h, b);
+ }
+ }
+ function Ar() {
+ var h = me();
+ return h.useTransition();
+ }
+ function Dr(h) {
+ var b = me();
+ return b.useDeferredValue(h);
+ }
+ function fr() {
+ var h = me();
+ return h.useId();
+ }
+ function yn(h, b, k) {
+ var T = me();
+ return T.useSyncExternalStore(h, b, k);
+ }
+ var Tt = 0,
+ Or,
+ He,
+ Ht,
+ Ct,
+ Wt,
+ zt,
+ Et;
+ function dr() {}
+ dr.__reactDisabledLog = !0;
+ function bn() {
+ {
+ if (Tt === 0) {
+ (Or = console.log),
+ (He = console.info),
+ (Ht = console.warn),
+ (Ct = console.error),
+ (Wt = console.group),
+ (zt = console.groupCollapsed),
+ (Et = console.groupEnd);
+ var h = {
+ configurable: !0,
+ enumerable: !0,
+ value: dr,
+ writable: !0,
+ };
+ Object.defineProperties(console, {
+ info: h,
+ log: h,
+ warn: h,
+ error: h,
+ group: h,
+ groupCollapsed: h,
+ groupEnd: h,
+ });
+ }
+ Tt++;
+ }
+ }
+ function Sn() {
+ {
+ if ((Tt--, Tt === 0)) {
+ var h = { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, writable: !0 };
+ Object.defineProperties(console, {
+ log: Le({}, h, { value: Or }),
+ info: Le({}, h, { value: He }),
+ warn: Le({}, h, { value: Ht }),
+ error: Le({}, h, { value: Ct }),
+ group: Le({}, h, { value: Wt }),
+ groupCollapsed: Le({}, h, { value: zt }),
+ groupEnd: Le({}, h, { value: Et }),
+ });
+ }
+ Tt < 0 &&
+ B(
+ "disabledDepth fell below zero. This is a bug in React. Please file an issue.",
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ var Ee = ft.ReactCurrentDispatcher,
+ wn;
+ function Mr(h, b, k) {
+ {
+ if (wn === void 0) {
+ try {
+ throw Error();
+ } catch (I) {
+ var T = I.stack.trim().match(/\n( *(at )?)/);
+ wn = (T && T[1]) || "";
+ }
+ }
+ return (
+ `
+` +
+ wn +
+ h
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ var Lr = !1,
+ Br;
+ {
+ var wo = typeof WeakMap == "function" ? WeakMap : Map;
+ Br = new wo();
+ }
+ function We(h, b) {
+ if (!h || Lr) return "";
+ {
+ var k = Br.get(h);
+ if (k !== void 0) return k;
+ }
+ var T;
+ Lr = !0;
+ var I = Error.prepareStackTrace;
+ Error.prepareStackTrace = void 0;
+ var U;
+ (U = Ee.current), (Ee.current = null), bn();
+ try {
+ if (b) {
+ var M = function () {
+ throw Error();
+ };
+ if (
+ (Object.defineProperty(M.prototype, "props", {
+ set: function () {
+ throw Error();
+ },
+ }),
+ typeof Reflect == "object" && Reflect.construct)
+ ) {
+ try {
+ Reflect.construct(M, []);
+ } catch (Se) {
+ T = Se;
+ }
+ Reflect.construct(h, [], M);
+ } else {
+ try {
+ M.call();
+ } catch (Se) {
+ T = Se;
+ }
+ h.call(M.prototype);
+ }
+ } else {
+ try {
+ throw Error();
+ } catch (Se) {
+ T = Se;
+ }
+ h();
+ }
+ } catch (Se) {
+ if (Se && T && typeof Se.stack == "string") {
+ for (
+ var H = Se.stack.split(`
+ z = T.stack.split(`
+ Y = H.length - 1,
+ Q = z.length - 1;
+ Y >= 1 && Q >= 0 && H[Y] !== z[Q];
+ ) {
+ Q--;
+ }
+ for (; Y >= 1 && Q >= 0; Y--, Q--) {
+ if (H[Y] !== z[Q]) {
+ if (Y !== 1 || Q !== 1) {
+ do if ((Y--, Q--, Q < 0 || H[Y] !== z[Q])) {
+ var K = `
+` + H[Y].replace(" at new ", " at ");
+ return (
+ h.displayName &&
+ K.includes("") &&
+ (K = K.replace("", h.displayName)),
+ typeof h == "function" && Br.set(h, K),
+ K
+ );
+ } while (Y >= 1 && Q >= 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } finally {
+ (Lr = !1), (Ee.current = U), Sn(), (Error.prepareStackTrace = I);
+ }
+ var ee = h ? h.displayName || h.name : "",
+ fe = ee ? Mr(ee) : "";
+ return typeof h == "function" && Br.set(h, fe), fe;
+ }
+ function Rt(h, b, k) {
+ return We(h, !1);
+ }
+ function ht(h) {
+ var b = h.prototype;
+ return !!(b && b.isReactComponent);
+ }
+ function $t(h, b, k) {
+ if (h == null) return "";
+ if (typeof h == "function") return We(h, ht(h));
+ if (typeof h == "string") return Mr(h);
+ switch (h) {
+ case x:
+ return Mr("Suspense");
+ case R:
+ return Mr("SuspenseList");
+ }
+ if (typeof h == "object") {
+ switch (h.$$typeof) {
+ case E:
+ return Rt(h.render);
+ case D:
+ return $t(h.type, b, k);
+ case V: {
+ var T = h,
+ I = T._payload,
+ U = T._init;
+ try {
+ return $t(U(I), b, k);
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return "";
+ }
+ var Ce = {},
+ rt = ft.ReactDebugCurrentFrame;
+ function pr(h) {
+ if (h) {
+ var b = h._owner,
+ k = $t(h.type, h._source, b ? b.type : null);
+ rt.setExtraStackFrame(k);
+ } else rt.setExtraStackFrame(null);
+ }
+ function hr(h, b, k, T, I) {
+ {
+ var U = Function.call.bind(ir);
+ for (var M in h) {
+ if (U(h, M)) {
+ var H = void 0;
+ try {
+ if (typeof h[M] != "function") {
+ var z = Error(
+ (T || "React class") +
+ ": " +
+ k +
+ " type `" +
+ M +
+ "` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `" +
+ typeof h[M] +
+ "`.This often happens because of typos such as `PropTypes.function` instead of `PropTypes.func`.",
+ );
+ throw ((z.name = "Invariant Violation"), z);
+ }
+ H = h[M](
+ b,
+ M,
+ T,
+ k,
+ null,
+ );
+ } catch (Y) {
+ H = Y;
+ }
+ H &&
+ !(H instanceof Error) &&
+ (pr(I),
+ B(
+ "%s: type specification of %s `%s` is invalid; the type checker function must return `null` or an `Error` but returned a %s. You may have forgotten to pass an argument to the type checker creator (arrayOf, instanceOf, objectOf, oneOf, oneOfType, and shape all require an argument).",
+ T || "React class",
+ k,
+ M,
+ typeof H,
+ ),
+ pr(null)),
+ H instanceof Error &&
+ !(H.message in Ce) &&
+ ((Ce[H.message] = !0),
+ pr(I),
+ B("Failed %s type: %s", k, H.message),
+ pr(null));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function It(h) {
+ if (h) {
+ var b = h._owner,
+ k = $t(h.type, h._source, b ? b.type : null);
+ F(k);
+ } else F(null);
+ }
+ var vr;
+ vr = !1;
+ function Ze() {
+ if (xe.current) {
+ var h = dt(xe.current.type);
+ if (h) {
+ return (
+ `
+Check the render method of \`` +
+ h +
+ "`."
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return "";
+ }
+ function _t(h) {
+ if (h !== void 0) {
+ var b = h.fileName.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, ""),
+ k = h.lineNumber;
+ return (
+ `
+Check your code at ` +
+ b +
+ ":" +
+ k +
+ "."
+ );
+ }
+ return "";
+ }
+ function vt(h) {
+ return h != null ? _t(h.__source) : "";
+ }
+ var Ur = {};
+ function Re(h) {
+ var b = Ze();
+ if (!b) {
+ var k = typeof h == "string" ? h : h.displayName || h.name;
+ k &&
+ (b = `
+Check the top-level render call using <` +
+ k +
+ ">.");
+ }
+ return b;
+ }
+ function Je(h, b) {
+ if (!(!h._store || h._store.validated || h.key != null)) {
+ h._store.validated = !0;
+ var k = Re(b);
+ if (!Ur[k]) {
+ Ur[k] = !0;
+ var T = "";
+ h &&
+ h._owner &&
+ h._owner !== xe.current &&
+ (T = " It was passed a child from " + dt(h._owner.type) + "."),
+ It(h),
+ B(
+ 'Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.%s%s See https://reactjs.org/link/warning-keys for more information.',
+ k,
+ T,
+ ),
+ It(null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function xn(h, b) {
+ if (typeof h == "object") {
+ if (ye(h)) {
+ for (var k = 0; k < h.length; k++) {
+ var T = h[k];
+ wt(T) && Je(T, b);
+ }
+ } else if (wt(h)) h._store && (h._store.validated = !0);
+ else if (h) {
+ var I = P(h);
+ if (typeof I == "function" && I !== h.entries) {
+ for (var U = I.call(h), M; !(M = U.next()).done;) {
+ wt(M.value) && Je(M.value, b);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function gr(h) {
+ {
+ var b = h.type;
+ if (b == null || typeof b == "string") return;
+ var k;
+ if (typeof b == "function") k = b.propTypes;
+ else if (
+ typeof b == "object" &&
+ (b.$$typeof === E || b.$$typeof === D)
+ ) {
+ k = b.propTypes;
+ } else return;
+ if (k) {
+ var T = dt(b);
+ hr(k, h.props, "prop", T, h);
+ } else if (b.PropTypes !== void 0 && !vr) {
+ vr = !0;
+ var I = dt(b);
+ B(
+ "Component %s declared `PropTypes` instead of `propTypes`. Did you misspell the property assignment?",
+ I || "Unknown",
+ );
+ }
+ typeof b.getDefaultProps == "function" &&
+ !b.getDefaultProps.isReactClassApproved &&
+ B(
+ "getDefaultProps is only used on classic React.createClass definitions. Use a static property named `defaultProps` instead.",
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ function jr(h) {
+ {
+ for (var b = Object.keys(h.props), k = 0; k < b.length; k++) {
+ var T = b[k];
+ if (T !== "children" && T !== "key") {
+ It(h),
+ B(
+ "Invalid prop `%s` supplied to `React.Fragment`. React.Fragment can only have `key` and `children` props.",
+ T,
+ ),
+ It(null);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ h.ref !== null &&
+ (It(h),
+ B("Invalid attribute `ref` supplied to `React.Fragment`."),
+ It(null));
+ }
+ }
+ function kn(h, b, k) {
+ var T = yo(h);
+ if (!T) {
+ var I = "";
+ (h === void 0 ||
+ (typeof h == "object" &&
+ h !== null &&
+ Object.keys(h).length === 0)) &&
+ (I +=
+ " You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports.");
+ var U = vt(b);
+ U ? (I += U) : (I += Ze());
+ var M;
+ h === null
+ ? (M = "null")
+ : ye(h)
+ ? (M = "array")
+ : h !== void 0 && h.$$typeof === n
+ ? ((M = "<" + (dt(h.type) || "Unknown") + " />"),
+ (I =
+ " Did you accidentally export a JSX literal instead of a component?"))
+ : (M = typeof h),
+ B(
+ "React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: %s.%s",
+ M,
+ I,
+ );
+ }
+ var H = ho.apply(this, arguments);
+ if (H == null) return H;
+ if (T) for (var z = 2; z < arguments.length; z++) xn(arguments[z], h);
+ return h === s ? jr(H) : gr(H), H;
+ }
+ var Tn = !1;
+ function xo(h) {
+ var b = kn.bind(null, h);
+ return (
+ (b.type = h),
+ Tn ||
+ ((Tn = !0),
+ Me(
+ "React.createFactory() is deprecated and will be removed in a future major release. Consider using JSX or use React.createElement() directly instead.",
+ )),
+ Object.defineProperty(b, "type", {
+ enumerable: !1,
+ get: function () {
+ return (
+ Me(
+ "Factory.type is deprecated. Access the class directly before passing it to createFactory.",
+ ),
+ Object.defineProperty(this, "type", { value: h }),
+ h
+ );
+ },
+ }),
+ b
+ );
+ }
+ function ko(h, b, k) {
+ for (
+ var T = pn.apply(this, arguments), I = 2;
+ I < arguments.length;
+ I++
+ ) {
+ xn(arguments[I], T.type);
+ }
+ return gr(T), T;
+ }
+ function To(h, b) {
+ var k = W.transition;
+ W.transition = {};
+ var T = W.transition;
+ W.transition._updatedFibers = new Set();
+ try {
+ h();
+ } finally {
+ if (((W.transition = k), k === null && T._updatedFibers)) {
+ var I = T._updatedFibers.size;
+ I > 10 &&
+ Me(
+ "Detected a large number of updates inside startTransition. If this is due to a subscription please re-write it to use React provided hooks. Otherwise concurrent mode guarantees are off the table.",
+ ), T._updatedFibers.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var Cn = !1,
+ Pt = null;
+ function Pa(h) {
+ if (Pt === null) {
+ try {
+ var b = ("require" + Math.random()).slice(0, 7),
+ k = Bl && Bl[b];
+ Pt = k.call(Bl, "timers").setImmediate;
+ } catch {
+ Pt = function (I) {
+ Cn === !1 &&
+ ((Cn = !0),
+ typeof MessageChannel > "u" &&
+ B(
+ "This browser does not have a MessageChannel implementation, so enqueuing tasks via await act(async () => ...) will fail. Please file an issue at https://github.com/facebook/react/issues if you encounter this warning.",
+ ));
+ var U = new MessageChannel();
+ (U.port1.onmessage = I), U.port2.postMessage(void 0);
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ return Pt(h);
+ }
+ var gt = 0,
+ Hr = !1;
+ function Fa(h) {
+ {
+ var b = gt;
+ gt++, q.current === null && (q.current = []);
+ var k = q.isBatchingLegacy,
+ T;
+ try {
+ if (
+ ((q.isBatchingLegacy = !0),
+ (T = h()),
+ !k && q.didScheduleLegacyUpdate)
+ ) {
+ var I = q.current;
+ I !== null && ((q.didScheduleLegacyUpdate = !1), Rn(I));
+ }
+ } catch (ee) {
+ throw (mr(b), ee);
+ } finally {
+ q.isBatchingLegacy = k;
+ }
+ if (
+ T !== null &&
+ typeof T == "object" &&
+ typeof T.then == "function"
+ ) {
+ var U = T,
+ M = !1,
+ H = {
+ then: function (ee, fe) {
+ (M = !0),
+ U.then(
+ function (Se) {
+ mr(b), gt === 0 ? Be(Se, ee, fe) : ee(Se);
+ },
+ function (Se) {
+ mr(b), fe(Se);
+ },
+ );
+ },
+ };
+ return (
+ !Hr &&
+ typeof Promise < "u" &&
+ Promise.resolve()
+ .then(function () {})
+ .then(function () {
+ M ||
+ ((Hr = !0),
+ B(
+ "You called act(async () => ...) without await. This could lead to unexpected testing behaviour, interleaving multiple act calls and mixing their scopes. You should - await act(async () => ...);",
+ ));
+ }), H
+ );
+ } else {
+ var z = T;
+ if ((mr(b), gt === 0)) {
+ var Y = q.current;
+ Y !== null && (Rn(Y), (q.current = null));
+ var Q = {
+ then: function (ee, fe) {
+ q.current === null
+ ? ((q.current = []), Be(z, ee, fe))
+ : ee(z);
+ },
+ };
+ return Q;
+ } else {
+ var K = {
+ then: function (ee, fe) {
+ ee(z);
+ },
+ };
+ return K;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function mr(h) {
+ h !== gt - 1 &&
+ B(
+ "You seem to have overlapping act() calls, this is not supported. Be sure to await previous act() calls before making a new one. ",
+ ), (gt = h);
+ }
+ function Be(h, b, k) {
+ {
+ var T = q.current;
+ if (T !== null) {
+ try {
+ Rn(T),
+ Pa(function () {
+ T.length === 0 ? ((q.current = null), b(h)) : Be(h, b, k);
+ });
+ } catch (I) {
+ k(I);
+ }
+ } else b(h);
+ }
+ }
+ var En = !1;
+ function Rn(h) {
+ if (!En) {
+ En = !0;
+ var b = 0;
+ try {
+ for (; b < h.length; b++) {
+ var k = h[b];
+ do k = k(!0); while (k !== null);
+ }
+ h.length = 0;
+ } catch (T) {
+ throw ((h = h.slice(b + 1)), T);
+ } finally {
+ En = !1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var Aa = kn,
+ In = ko,
+ Da = xo,
+ _n = { map: _r, forEach: ba, count: ya, toArray: mo, only: Ut };
+ (N.Children = _n),
+ (N.Component = re),
+ (N.Fragment = s),
+ (N.Profiler = c),
+ (N.PureComponent = Rr),
+ (N.StrictMode = v),
+ (N.Suspense = x),
+ (N.cloneElement = In),
+ (N.createContext = gn),
+ (N.createElement = Aa),
+ (N.createFactory = Da),
+ (N.createRef = so),
+ (N.forwardRef = ka),
+ (N.isValidElement = wt),
+ (N.lazy = xa),
+ (N.memo = Ta),
+ (N.startTransition = To),
+ (N.unstable_act = Fa),
+ (N.useCallback = _a),
+ (N.useContext = be),
+ (N.useDebugValue = kt),
+ (N.useDeferredValue = Dr),
+ (N.useEffect = bo),
+ (N.useId = fr),
+ (N.useImperativeHandle = Fr),
+ (N.useInsertionEffect = So),
+ (N.useLayoutEffect = Ia),
+ (N.useMemo = cr),
+ (N.useReducer = Ea),
+ (N.useRef = Ra),
+ (N.useState = Ca),
+ (N.useSyncExternalStore = yn),
+ (N.useTransition = Ar),
+ (N.version = e),
+ typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ < "u" &&
+ typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop ==
+ "function" &&
+ __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop(
+ new Error(),
+ );
+ })();
+var ua = an((_v, Nu) => {
+ "use strict";
+ process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"
+ ? (Nu.exports = Nc())
+ : (Nu.exports = Vc());
+var Wf = an((ca) => {
+ "use strict";
+ var pf = ua(),
+ hp = require("stream"),
+ qe = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
+ vp =
+ /^[:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD][:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\-.0-9\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040]*$/,
+ Yc = {},
+ Gc = {};
+ function hf(e) {
+ return qe.call(Gc, e)
+ ? !0
+ : qe.call(Yc, e)
+ ? !1
+ : vp.test(e)
+ ? (Gc[e] = !0)
+ : ((Yc[e] = !0), !1);
+ }
+ function Ge(e, n, i, s, v, c, m) {
+ (this.acceptsBooleans = n === 2 || n === 3 || n === 4),
+ (this.attributeName = s),
+ (this.attributeNamespace = v),
+ (this.mustUseProperty = i),
+ (this.propertyName = e),
+ (this.type = n),
+ (this.sanitizeURL = c),
+ (this.removeEmptyString = m);
+ }
+ var Fe = {};
+ "children dangerouslySetInnerHTML defaultValue defaultChecked innerHTML suppressContentEditableWarning suppressHydrationWarning style"
+ .split(" ")
+ .forEach(function (e) {
+ Fe[e] = new Ge(e, 0, !1, e, null, !1, !1);
+ });
+ [
+ ["acceptCharset", "accept-charset"],
+ ["className", "class"],
+ ["htmlFor", "for"],
+ ["httpEquiv", "http-equiv"],
+ ].forEach(function (e) {
+ var n = e[0];
+ Fe[n] = new Ge(n, 1, !1, e[1], null, !1, !1);
+ });
+ ["contentEditable", "draggable", "spellCheck", "value"].forEach(function (e) {
+ Fe[e] = new Ge(e, 2, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !1, !1);
+ });
+ [
+ "autoReverse",
+ "externalResourcesRequired",
+ "focusable",
+ "preserveAlpha",
+ ].forEach(function (e) {
+ Fe[e] = new Ge(e, 2, !1, e, null, !1, !1);
+ });
+ "allowFullScreen async autoFocus autoPlay controls default defer disabled disablePictureInPicture disableRemotePlayback formNoValidate hidden loop noModule noValidate open playsInline readOnly required reversed scoped seamless itemScope"
+ .split(" ")
+ .forEach(function (e) {
+ Fe[e] = new Ge(e, 3, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !1, !1);
+ });
+ ["checked", "multiple", "muted", "selected"].forEach(function (e) {
+ Fe[e] = new Ge(e, 3, !0, e, null, !1, !1);
+ });
+ ["capture", "download"].forEach(function (e) {
+ Fe[e] = new Ge(e, 4, !1, e, null, !1, !1);
+ });
+ ["cols", "rows", "size", "span"].forEach(function (e) {
+ Fe[e] = new Ge(e, 6, !1, e, null, !1, !1);
+ });
+ ["rowSpan", "start"].forEach(function (e) {
+ Fe[e] = new Ge(e, 5, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !1, !1);
+ });
+ var qu = /[\-:]([a-z])/g;
+ function ec(e) {
+ return e[1].toUpperCase();
+ }
+ "accent-height alignment-baseline arabic-form baseline-shift cap-height clip-path clip-rule color-interpolation color-interpolation-filters color-profile color-rendering dominant-baseline enable-background fill-opacity fill-rule flood-color flood-opacity font-family font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch font-style font-variant font-weight glyph-name glyph-orientation-horizontal glyph-orientation-vertical horiz-adv-x horiz-origin-x image-rendering letter-spacing lighting-color marker-end marker-mid marker-start overline-position overline-thickness paint-order panose-1 pointer-events rendering-intent shape-rendering stop-color stop-opacity strikethrough-position strikethrough-thickness stroke-dasharray stroke-dashoffset stroke-linecap stroke-linejoin stroke-miterlimit stroke-opacity stroke-width text-anchor text-decoration text-rendering underline-position underline-thickness unicode-bidi unicode-range units-per-em v-alphabetic v-hanging v-ideographic v-mathematical vector-effect vert-adv-y vert-origin-x vert-origin-y word-spacing writing-mode xmlns:xlink x-height"
+ .split(" ")
+ .forEach(function (e) {
+ var n = e.replace(qu, ec);
+ Fe[n] = new Ge(n, 1, !1, e, null, !1, !1);
+ });
+ "xlink:actuate xlink:arcrole xlink:role xlink:show xlink:title xlink:type"
+ .split(" ")
+ .forEach(function (e) {
+ var n = e.replace(qu, ec);
+ Fe[n] = new Ge(n, 1, !1, e, "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", !1, !1);
+ });
+ ["xml:base", "xml:lang", "xml:space"].forEach(function (e) {
+ var n = e.replace(qu, ec);
+ Fe[n] = new Ge(n, 1, !1, e, "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", !1, !1);
+ });
+ ["tabIndex", "crossOrigin"].forEach(function (e) {
+ Fe[e] = new Ge(e, 1, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !1, !1);
+ });
+ Fe.xlinkHref = new Ge(
+ "xlinkHref",
+ 1,
+ !1,
+ "xlink:href",
+ "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",
+ !0,
+ !1,
+ );
+ ["src", "href", "action", "formAction"].forEach(function (e) {
+ Fe[e] = new Ge(e, 1, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !0, !0);
+ });
+ var Hl = {
+ animationIterationCount: !0,
+ aspectRatio: !0,
+ borderImageOutset: !0,
+ borderImageSlice: !0,
+ borderImageWidth: !0,
+ boxFlex: !0,
+ boxFlexGroup: !0,
+ boxOrdinalGroup: !0,
+ columnCount: !0,
+ columns: !0,
+ flex: !0,
+ flexGrow: !0,
+ flexPositive: !0,
+ flexShrink: !0,
+ flexNegative: !0,
+ flexOrder: !0,
+ gridArea: !0,
+ gridRow: !0,
+ gridRowEnd: !0,
+ gridRowSpan: !0,
+ gridRowStart: !0,
+ gridColumn: !0,
+ gridColumnEnd: !0,
+ gridColumnSpan: !0,
+ gridColumnStart: !0,
+ fontWeight: !0,
+ lineClamp: !0,
+ lineHeight: !0,
+ opacity: !0,
+ order: !0,
+ orphans: !0,
+ tabSize: !0,
+ widows: !0,
+ zIndex: !0,
+ zoom: !0,
+ fillOpacity: !0,
+ floodOpacity: !0,
+ stopOpacity: !0,
+ strokeDasharray: !0,
+ strokeDashoffset: !0,
+ strokeMiterlimit: !0,
+ strokeOpacity: !0,
+ strokeWidth: !0,
+ },
+ gp = ["Webkit", "ms", "Moz", "O"];
+ Object.keys(Hl).forEach(function (e) {
+ gp.forEach(function (n) {
+ (n = n + e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.substring(1)), (Hl[n] = Hl[e]);
+ });
+ });
+ var mp = /["'&<>]/;
+ function Ye(e) {
+ if (typeof e == "boolean" || typeof e == "number") return "" + e;
+ e = "" + e;
+ var n = mp.exec(e);
+ if (n) {
+ var i = "",
+ s,
+ v = 0;
+ for (s = n.index; s < e.length; s++) {
+ switch (e.charCodeAt(s)) {
+ case 34:
+ n = """;
+ break;
+ case 38:
+ n = "&";
+ break;
+ case 39:
+ n = "'";
+ break;
+ case 60:
+ n = "<";
+ break;
+ case 62:
+ n = ">";
+ break;
+ default:
+ continue;
+ }
+ v !== s && (i += e.substring(v, s)), (v = s + 1), (i += n);
+ }
+ e = v !== s ? i + e.substring(v, s) : i;
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ var yp = /([A-Z])/g,
+ bp = /^ms-/,
+ Xu = Array.isArray;
+ function xr(e, n) {
+ return { insertionMode: e, selectedValue: n };
+ }
+ function Sp(e, n, i) {
+ switch (n) {
+ case "select":
+ return xr(1, i.value != null ? i.value : i.defaultValue);
+ case "svg":
+ return xr(2, null);
+ case "math":
+ return xr(3, null);
+ case "foreignObject":
+ return xr(1, null);
+ case "table":
+ return xr(4, null);
+ case "thead":
+ case "tbody":
+ case "tfoot":
+ return xr(5, null);
+ case "colgroup":
+ return xr(7, null);
+ case "tr":
+ return xr(6, null);
+ }
+ return 4 <= e.insertionMode || e.insertionMode === 0 ? xr(1, null) : e;
+ }
+ var Xc = new Map();
+ function vf(e, n, i) {
+ if (typeof i != "object") {
+ throw Error(
+ "The `style` prop expects a mapping from style properties to values, not a string. For example, style={{marginRight: spacing + 'em'}} when using JSX.",
+ );
+ }
+ n = !0;
+ for (var s in i) {
+ if (qe.call(i, s)) {
+ var v = i[s];
+ if (v != null && typeof v != "boolean" && v !== "") {
+ if (s.indexOf("--") === 0) {
+ var c = Ye(s);
+ v = Ye(("" + v).trim());
+ } else {
+ c = s;
+ var m = Xc.get(c);
+ m !== void 0 ||
+ ((m = Ye(c.replace(yp, "-$1").toLowerCase().replace(bp, "-ms-"))),
+ Xc.set(c, m)),
+ (c = m),
+ (v = typeof v == "number"
+ ? v === 0 || qe.call(Hl, s) ? "" + v : v + "px"
+ : Ye(("" + v).trim()));
+ }
+ n
+ ? ((n = !1), e.push(' style="', c, ":", v))
+ : e.push(";", c, ":", v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ n || e.push('"');
+ }
+ function it(e, n, i, s) {
+ switch (i) {
+ case "style":
+ vf(e, n, s);
+ return;
+ case "defaultValue":
+ case "defaultChecked":
+ case "innerHTML":
+ case "suppressContentEditableWarning":
+ case "suppressHydrationWarning":
+ return;
+ }
+ if (
+ !(2 < i.length) ||
+ (i[0] !== "o" && i[0] !== "O") ||
+ (i[1] !== "n" && i[1] !== "N")
+ ) {
+ if (((n = Fe.hasOwnProperty(i) ? Fe[i] : null), n !== null)) {
+ switch (typeof s) {
+ case "function":
+ case "symbol":
+ return;
+ case "boolean":
+ if (!n.acceptsBooleans) return;
+ }
+ switch (((i = n.attributeName), n.type)) {
+ case 3:
+ s && e.push(" ", i, '=""');
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ s === !0
+ ? e.push(" ", i, '=""')
+ : s !== !1 && e.push(" ", i, '="', Ye(s), '"');
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ isNaN(s) || e.push(" ", i, '="', Ye(s), '"');
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ !isNaN(s) && 1 <= s && e.push(" ", i, '="', Ye(s), '"');
+ break;
+ default:
+ n.sanitizeURL && (s = "" + s), e.push(" ", i, '="', Ye(s), '"');
+ }
+ } else if (hf(i)) {
+ switch (typeof s) {
+ case "function":
+ case "symbol":
+ return;
+ case "boolean":
+ if (
+ ((n = i.toLowerCase().slice(0, 5)),
+ n !== "data-" && n !== "aria-")
+ ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ e.push(" ", i, '="', Ye(s), '"');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function Wl(e, n, i) {
+ if (n != null) {
+ if (i != null) {
+ throw Error(
+ "Can only set one of `children` or `props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML`.",
+ );
+ }
+ if (typeof n != "object" || !("__html" in n)) {
+ throw Error(
+ "`props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML` must be in the form `{__html: ...}`. Please visit https://reactjs.org/link/dangerously-set-inner-html for more information.",
+ );
+ }
+ (n = n.__html), n != null && e.push("" + n);
+ }
+ }
+ function wp(e) {
+ var n = "";
+ return (
+ pf.Children.forEach(e, function (i) {
+ i != null && (n += i);
+ }), n
+ );
+ }
+ function Vu(e, n, i, s) {
+ e.push(Jt(i));
+ var v = (i = null),
+ c;
+ for (c in n) {
+ if (qe.call(n, c)) {
+ var m = n[c];
+ if (m != null) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case "children":
+ i = m;
+ break;
+ case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
+ v = m;
+ break;
+ default:
+ it(e, s, c, m);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (
+ e.push(">"), Wl(e, v, i), typeof i == "string" ? (e.push(Ye(i)), null) : i
+ );
+ }
+ var xp = /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z:_\.\-\d]*$/,
+ Zc = new Map();
+ function Jt(e) {
+ var n = Zc.get(e);
+ if (n === void 0) {
+ if (!xp.test(e)) throw Error("Invalid tag: " + e);
+ (n = "<" + e), Zc.set(e, n);
+ }
+ return n;
+ }
+ function kp(e, n, i, s, v) {
+ switch (n) {
+ case "select":
+ e.push(Jt("select"));
+ var c = null,
+ m = null;
+ for (R in i) {
+ if (qe.call(i, R)) {
+ var S = i[R];
+ if (S != null) {
+ switch (R) {
+ case "children":
+ c = S;
+ break;
+ case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
+ m = S;
+ break;
+ case "defaultValue":
+ case "value":
+ break;
+ default:
+ it(e, s, R, S);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return e.push(">"), Wl(e, m, c), c;
+ case "option":
+ (m = v.selectedValue), e.push(Jt("option"));
+ var E = (S = null),
+ x = null,
+ R = null;
+ for (c in i) {
+ if (qe.call(i, c)) {
+ var D = i[c];
+ if (D != null) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case "children":
+ S = D;
+ break;
+ case "selected":
+ x = D;
+ break;
+ case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
+ R = D;
+ break;
+ case "value":
+ E = D;
+ default:
+ it(e, s, c, D);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (m != null) {
+ if (((i = E !== null ? "" + E : wp(S)), Xu(m))) {
+ for (s = 0; s < m.length; s++) {
+ if ("" + m[s] === i) {
+ e.push(' selected=""');
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else "" + m === i && e.push(' selected=""');
+ } else x && e.push(' selected=""');
+ return e.push(">"), Wl(e, R, S), S;
+ case "textarea":
+ e.push(Jt("textarea")), (R = m = c = null);
+ for (S in i) {
+ if (qe.call(i, S) && ((E = i[S]), E != null)) {
+ switch (S) {
+ case "children":
+ R = E;
+ break;
+ case "value":
+ c = E;
+ break;
+ case "defaultValue":
+ m = E;
+ break;
+ case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
+ throw Error(
+ "`dangerouslySetInnerHTML` does not make sense on