// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use deno_core::v8; use deno_core::v8::GetPropertyNamesArgs; use deno_core::v8::MapFnTo; // NOTE(bartlomieju): somehow calling `.map_fn_to()` multiple times on a function // returns two different pointers. That shouldn't be the case as `.map_fn_to()` // creates a thin wrapper that is a pure function. @piscisaureus suggests it // might be a bug in Rust compiler; so for now we just create and store // these mapped functions per-thread. We should revisit it in the future and // ideally remove altogether. thread_local! { pub static GETTER_MAP_FN: v8::NamedPropertyGetterCallback<'static> = getter.map_fn_to(); pub static SETTER_MAP_FN: v8::NamedPropertySetterCallback<'static> = setter.map_fn_to(); pub static QUERY_MAP_FN: v8::NamedPropertyQueryCallback<'static> = query.map_fn_to(); pub static DELETER_MAP_FN: v8::NamedPropertyDeleterCallback<'static> = deleter.map_fn_to(); pub static ENUMERATOR_MAP_FN: v8::NamedPropertyEnumeratorCallback<'static> = enumerator.map_fn_to(); pub static DEFINER_MAP_FN: v8::NamedPropertyDefinerCallback<'static> = definer.map_fn_to(); pub static DESCRIPTOR_MAP_FN: v8::NamedPropertyGetterCallback<'static> = descriptor.map_fn_to(); } /// Convert an ASCII string to a UTF-16 byte encoding of the string. const fn str_to_utf16<const N: usize>(s: &str) -> [u16; N] { let mut out = [0_u16; N]; let mut i = 0; let bytes = s.as_bytes(); assert!(N == bytes.len()); while i < bytes.len() { assert!(bytes[i] < 128, "only works for ASCII strings"); out[i] = bytes[i] as u16; i += 1; } out } // ext/node changes the global object to be a proxy object that intercepts all // property accesses for globals that are different between Node and Deno and // dynamically returns a different value depending on if the accessing code is // in node_modules/ or not. // // To make this performant, a v8 named property handler is used, that only // intercepts property accesses for properties that are not already present on // the global object (it is non-masking). This means that in the common case, // when a user accesses a global that is the same between Node and Deno (like // Uint8Array or fetch), the proxy overhead is avoided. // // The Deno and Node specific globals are stored in a struct in a context slot. // // These are the globals that are handled: // - Buffer (node only) // - clearImmediate (node only) // - clearInterval (both, but different implementation) // - clearTimeout (both, but different implementation) // - global (node only) // - performance (both, but different implementation) // - setImmediate (node only) // - setInterval (both, but different implementation) // - setTimeout (both, but different implementation) // - window (deno only) // UTF-16 encodings of the managed globals. THIS LIST MUST BE SORTED. #[rustfmt::skip] const MANAGED_GLOBALS: [&[u16]; 12] = [ &str_to_utf16::<6>("Buffer"), &str_to_utf16::<17>("WorkerGlobalScope"), &str_to_utf16::<14>("clearImmediate"), &str_to_utf16::<13>("clearInterval"), &str_to_utf16::<12>("clearTimeout"), &str_to_utf16::<6>("global"), &str_to_utf16::<11>("performance"), &str_to_utf16::<4>("self"), &str_to_utf16::<12>("setImmediate"), &str_to_utf16::<11>("setInterval"), &str_to_utf16::<10>("setTimeout"), &str_to_utf16::<6>("window"), ]; // Calculates the shortest & longest length of global var names const MANAGED_GLOBALS_INFO: (usize, usize) = { let l = MANAGED_GLOBALS[0].len(); let (mut longest, mut shortest, mut i) = (l, l, 1); while i < MANAGED_GLOBALS.len() { let l = MANAGED_GLOBALS[i].len(); if l > longest { longest = l } if l < shortest { shortest = l } i += 1; } (shortest, longest) }; const SHORTEST_MANAGED_GLOBAL: usize = MANAGED_GLOBALS_INFO.0; const LONGEST_MANAGED_GLOBAL: usize = MANAGED_GLOBALS_INFO.1; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] enum Mode { Deno, Node, } struct GlobalsStorage { deno_globals: v8::Global<v8::Object>, node_globals: v8::Global<v8::Object>, } impl GlobalsStorage { fn inner_for_mode(&self, mode: Mode) -> v8::Global<v8::Object> { match mode { Mode::Deno => &self.deno_globals, Mode::Node => &self.node_globals, } .clone() } } pub fn global_template_middleware<'s>( _scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s, ()>, template: v8::Local<'s, v8::ObjectTemplate>, ) -> v8::Local<'s, v8::ObjectTemplate> { let mut config = v8::NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration::new().flags( v8::PropertyHandlerFlags::NON_MASKING | v8::PropertyHandlerFlags::HAS_NO_SIDE_EFFECT, ); config = GETTER_MAP_FN.with(|getter| config.getter_raw(*getter)); config = SETTER_MAP_FN.with(|setter| config.setter_raw(*setter)); config = QUERY_MAP_FN.with(|query| config.query_raw(*query)); config = DELETER_MAP_FN.with(|deleter| config.deleter_raw(*deleter)); config = ENUMERATOR_MAP_FN.with(|enumerator| config.enumerator_raw(*enumerator)); config = DEFINER_MAP_FN.with(|definer| config.definer_raw(*definer)); config = DESCRIPTOR_MAP_FN.with(|descriptor| config.descriptor_raw(*descriptor)); template.set_named_property_handler(config); template } pub fn global_object_middleware<'s>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, global: v8::Local<'s, v8::Object>, ) { // ensure the global object is not Object.prototype let object_key = v8::String::new_external_onebyte_static(scope, b"Object").unwrap(); let object = global .get(scope, object_key.into()) .unwrap() .to_object(scope) .unwrap(); let prototype_key = v8::String::new_external_onebyte_static(scope, b"prototype").unwrap(); let object_prototype = object .get(scope, prototype_key.into()) .unwrap() .to_object(scope) .unwrap(); assert_ne!(global, object_prototype); // globalThis.__bootstrap.ext_node_denoGlobals and // globalThis.__bootstrap.ext_node_nodeGlobals are the objects that contain // the Deno and Node specific globals respectively. If they do not yet exist // on the global object, create them as null prototype objects. let bootstrap_key = v8::String::new_external_onebyte_static(scope, b"__bootstrap").unwrap(); let bootstrap = match global.get(scope, bootstrap_key.into()) { Some(value) if value.is_object() => value.to_object(scope).unwrap(), Some(value) if value.is_undefined() => { let null = v8::null(scope); let obj = v8::Object::with_prototype_and_properties(scope, null.into(), &[], &[]); global.set(scope, bootstrap_key.into(), obj.into()); obj } _ => panic!("__bootstrap should not be tampered with"), }; let deno_globals_key = v8::String::new_external_onebyte_static(scope, b"ext_node_denoGlobals") .unwrap(); let deno_globals = match bootstrap.get(scope, deno_globals_key.into()) { Some(value) if value.is_object() => value, Some(value) if value.is_undefined() => { let null = v8::null(scope); let obj = v8::Object::with_prototype_and_properties(scope, null.into(), &[], &[]) .into(); bootstrap.set(scope, deno_globals_key.into(), obj); obj } _ => panic!("__bootstrap.ext_node_denoGlobals should not be tampered with"), }; let deno_globals_obj: v8::Local<v8::Object> = deno_globals.try_into().unwrap(); let deno_globals = v8::Global::new(scope, deno_globals_obj); let node_globals_key = v8::String::new_external_onebyte_static(scope, b"ext_node_nodeGlobals") .unwrap(); let node_globals = match bootstrap.get(scope, node_globals_key.into()) { Some(value) if value.is_object() => value, Some(value) if value.is_undefined() => { let null = v8::null(scope); let obj = v8::Object::with_prototype_and_properties(scope, null.into(), &[], &[]) .into(); bootstrap.set(scope, node_globals_key.into(), obj); obj } _ => panic!("__bootstrap.ext_node_nodeGlobals should not be tampered with"), }; let node_globals_obj: v8::Local<v8::Object> = node_globals.try_into().unwrap(); let node_globals = v8::Global::new(scope, node_globals_obj); // Create the storage struct and store it in a context slot. let storage = GlobalsStorage { deno_globals, node_globals, }; scope.get_current_context().set_slot(storage); } fn is_managed_key( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, key: v8::Local<v8::Name>, ) -> bool { let Ok(str): Result<v8::Local<v8::String>, _> = key.try_into() else { return false; }; let len = str.length(); #[allow(clippy::manual_range_contains)] if len < SHORTEST_MANAGED_GLOBAL || len > LONGEST_MANAGED_GLOBAL { return false; } let buf = &mut [0u16; LONGEST_MANAGED_GLOBAL]; let written = str.write( scope, buf.as_mut_slice(), 0, v8::WriteOptions::NO_NULL_TERMINATION, ); assert_eq!(written, len); MANAGED_GLOBALS.binary_search(&&buf[..len]).is_ok() } fn current_mode(scope: &mut v8::HandleScope) -> Mode { let Some(host_defined_options) = scope.get_current_host_defined_options() else { return Mode::Deno; }; // SAFETY: host defined options must always be a PrimitiveArray in current V8. let host_defined_options = unsafe { v8::Local::<v8::PrimitiveArray>::cast_unchecked(host_defined_options) }; if host_defined_options.length() < 1 { return Mode::Deno; } let is_node = host_defined_options.get(scope, 0).is_true(); if is_node { Mode::Node } else { Mode::Deno } } pub fn getter<'s>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, key: v8::Local<'s, v8::Name>, args: v8::PropertyCallbackArguments<'s>, mut rv: v8::ReturnValue, ) -> v8::Intercepted { if !is_managed_key(scope, key) { return v8::Intercepted::No; }; let this = args.this(); let mode = current_mode(scope); let context = scope.get_current_context(); let inner = { let storage = context.get_slot::<GlobalsStorage>().unwrap(); storage.inner_for_mode(mode) }; let inner = v8::Local::new(scope, inner); if !inner.has_own_property(scope, key).unwrap_or(false) { return v8::Intercepted::No; } let Some(value) = inner.get_with_receiver(scope, key.into(), this) else { return v8::Intercepted::No; }; rv.set(value); v8::Intercepted::Yes } pub fn setter<'s>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, key: v8::Local<'s, v8::Name>, value: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, args: v8::PropertyCallbackArguments<'s>, mut rv: v8::ReturnValue<()>, ) -> v8::Intercepted { if !is_managed_key(scope, key) { return v8::Intercepted::No; }; let this = args.this(); let mode = current_mode(scope); let context = scope.get_current_context(); let inner = { let storage = context.get_slot::<GlobalsStorage>().unwrap(); storage.inner_for_mode(mode) }; let inner = v8::Local::new(scope, inner); let Some(success) = inner.set_with_receiver(scope, key.into(), value, this) else { return v8::Intercepted::No; }; rv.set_bool(success); v8::Intercepted::Yes } pub fn query<'s>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, key: v8::Local<'s, v8::Name>, _args: v8::PropertyCallbackArguments<'s>, mut rv: v8::ReturnValue<v8::Integer>, ) -> v8::Intercepted { if !is_managed_key(scope, key) { return v8::Intercepted::No; }; let mode = current_mode(scope); let context = scope.get_current_context(); let inner = { let storage = context.get_slot::<GlobalsStorage>().unwrap(); storage.inner_for_mode(mode) }; let inner = v8::Local::new(scope, inner); let Some(true) = inner.has_own_property(scope, key) else { return v8::Intercepted::No; }; let Some(attributes) = inner.get_property_attributes(scope, key.into()) else { return v8::Intercepted::No; }; rv.set_uint32(attributes.as_u32()); v8::Intercepted::Yes } pub fn deleter<'s>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, key: v8::Local<'s, v8::Name>, args: v8::PropertyCallbackArguments<'s>, mut rv: v8::ReturnValue<v8::Boolean>, ) -> v8::Intercepted { if !is_managed_key(scope, key) { return v8::Intercepted::No; }; let mode = current_mode(scope); let context = scope.get_current_context(); let inner = { let storage = context.get_slot::<GlobalsStorage>().unwrap(); storage.inner_for_mode(mode) }; let inner = v8::Local::new(scope, inner); let Some(success) = inner.delete(scope, key.into()) else { return v8::Intercepted::No; }; if args.should_throw_on_error() && !success { let message = v8::String::new(scope, "Cannot delete property").unwrap(); let exception = v8::Exception::type_error(scope, message); scope.throw_exception(exception); return v8::Intercepted::Yes; } rv.set_bool(success); v8::Intercepted::Yes } pub fn enumerator<'s>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, _args: v8::PropertyCallbackArguments<'s>, mut rv: v8::ReturnValue<v8::Array>, ) { let mode = current_mode(scope); let context = scope.get_current_context(); let inner = { let storage = context.get_slot::<GlobalsStorage>().unwrap(); storage.inner_for_mode(mode) }; let inner = v8::Local::new(scope, inner); let Some(array) = inner.get_property_names( scope, GetPropertyNamesArgs { mode: v8::KeyCollectionMode::OwnOnly, property_filter: v8::PropertyFilter::ALL_PROPERTIES, ..Default::default() }, ) else { return; }; rv.set(array); } pub fn definer<'s>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, key: v8::Local<'s, v8::Name>, descriptor: &v8::PropertyDescriptor, args: v8::PropertyCallbackArguments<'s>, _rv: v8::ReturnValue<()>, ) -> v8::Intercepted { if !is_managed_key(scope, key) { return v8::Intercepted::No; }; let mode = current_mode(scope); let context = scope.get_current_context(); let inner = { let storage = context.get_slot::<GlobalsStorage>().unwrap(); storage.inner_for_mode(mode) }; let inner = v8::Local::new(scope, inner); let Some(success) = inner.define_property(scope, key, descriptor) else { return v8::Intercepted::No; }; if args.should_throw_on_error() && !success { let message = v8::String::new(scope, "Cannot define property").unwrap(); let exception = v8::Exception::type_error(scope, message); scope.throw_exception(exception); } v8::Intercepted::Yes } pub fn descriptor<'s>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, key: v8::Local<'s, v8::Name>, _args: v8::PropertyCallbackArguments<'s>, mut rv: v8::ReturnValue, ) -> v8::Intercepted { if !is_managed_key(scope, key) { return v8::Intercepted::No; }; let mode = current_mode(scope); let scope = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope); let context = scope.get_current_context(); let inner = { let storage = context.get_slot::<GlobalsStorage>().unwrap(); storage.inner_for_mode(mode) }; let inner = v8::Local::new(scope, inner); let Some(descriptor) = inner.get_own_property_descriptor(scope, key) else { scope.rethrow().expect("to have caught an exception"); return v8::Intercepted::Yes; }; if descriptor.is_undefined() { return v8::Intercepted::No; } rv.set(descriptor); v8::Intercepted::Yes }