// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. use std::collections::HashMap; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use deno_npm::resolution::NpmResolutionSnapshot; use deno_npm::NpmPackageId; use deno_npm::NpmResolutionPackage; #[derive(Default)] pub struct BinEntries<'a> { /// Packages that have colliding bin names collisions: HashSet<&'a NpmPackageId>, seen_names: HashMap<&'a str, &'a NpmPackageId>, /// The bin entries entries: Vec<(&'a NpmResolutionPackage, PathBuf)>, sorted: bool, } /// Returns the name of the default binary for the given package. /// This is the package name without the organization (`@org/`), if any. fn default_bin_name(package: &NpmResolutionPackage) -> &str { package .id .nv .name .as_str() .rsplit_once('/') .map(|(_, name)| name) .unwrap_or(package.id.nv.name.as_str()) } pub fn warn_missing_entrypoint( bin_name: &str, package_path: &Path, entrypoint: &Path, ) { log::warn!( "{} Trying to set up '{}' bin for \"{}\", but the entry point \"{}\" doesn't exist.", deno_terminal::colors::yellow("Warning"), bin_name, package_path.display(), entrypoint.display() ); } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, deno_error::JsError)] pub enum BinEntriesError { #[class(inherit)] #[error("Creating '{path}'")] Creating { path: PathBuf, #[source] #[inherit] source: std::io::Error, }, #[cfg(unix)] #[class(inherit)] #[error("Setting permissions on '{path}'")] Permissions { path: PathBuf, #[source] #[inherit] source: std::io::Error, }, #[class(inherit)] #[error("Can't set up '{name}' bin at {path}")] SetUpBin { name: String, path: PathBuf, #[source] #[inherit] source: Box, }, #[cfg(unix)] #[class(inherit)] #[error("Setting permissions on '{path}'")] RemoveBinSymlink { path: PathBuf, #[source] #[inherit] source: std::io::Error, }, #[class(inherit)] #[error(transparent)] Io(#[from] std::io::Error), } impl<'a> BinEntries<'a> { pub fn new() -> Self { Self::default() } /// Add a new bin entry (package with a bin field) pub fn add( &mut self, package: &'a NpmResolutionPackage, package_path: PathBuf, ) { self.sorted = false; // check for a new collision, if we haven't already // found one match package.bin.as_ref().unwrap() { deno_npm::registry::NpmPackageVersionBinEntry::String(_) => { let bin_name = default_bin_name(package); if let Some(other) = self.seen_names.insert(bin_name, &package.id) { self.collisions.insert(&package.id); self.collisions.insert(other); } } deno_npm::registry::NpmPackageVersionBinEntry::Map(entries) => { for name in entries.keys() { if let Some(other) = self.seen_names.insert(name, &package.id) { self.collisions.insert(&package.id); self.collisions.insert(other); } } } } self.entries.push((package, package_path)); } fn for_each_entry( &mut self, snapshot: &NpmResolutionSnapshot, mut already_seen: impl FnMut( &Path, &str, // bin script ) -> Result<(), BinEntriesError>, mut new: impl FnMut( &NpmResolutionPackage, &Path, &str, // bin name &str, // bin script ) -> Result<(), BinEntriesError>, mut filter: impl FnMut(&NpmResolutionPackage) -> bool, ) -> Result<(), BinEntriesError> { if !self.collisions.is_empty() && !self.sorted { // walking the dependency tree to find out the depth of each package // is sort of expensive, so we only do it if there's a collision sort_by_depth(snapshot, &mut self.entries, &mut self.collisions); self.sorted = true; } let mut seen = HashSet::new(); for (package, package_path) in &self.entries { if !filter(package) { continue; } if let Some(bin_entries) = &package.bin { match bin_entries { deno_npm::registry::NpmPackageVersionBinEntry::String(script) => { let name = default_bin_name(package); if !seen.insert(name) { already_seen(package_path, script)?; // we already set up a bin entry with this name continue; } new(package, package_path, name, script)?; } deno_npm::registry::NpmPackageVersionBinEntry::Map(entries) => { for (name, script) in entries { if !seen.insert(name) { already_seen(package_path, script)?; // we already set up a bin entry with this name continue; } new(package, package_path, name, script)?; } } } } } Ok(()) } /// Collect the bin entries into a vec of (name, script path) pub fn collect_bin_files( &mut self, snapshot: &NpmResolutionSnapshot, ) -> Vec<(String, PathBuf)> { let mut bins = Vec::new(); self .for_each_entry( snapshot, |_, _| Ok(()), |_, package_path, name, script| { bins.push((name.to_string(), package_path.join(script))); Ok(()) }, |_| true, ) .unwrap(); bins } fn set_up_entries_filtered( mut self, snapshot: &NpmResolutionSnapshot, bin_node_modules_dir_path: &Path, filter: impl FnMut(&NpmResolutionPackage) -> bool, mut handler: impl FnMut(&EntrySetupOutcome<'_>), ) -> Result<(), BinEntriesError> { if !self.entries.is_empty() && !bin_node_modules_dir_path.exists() { std::fs::create_dir_all(bin_node_modules_dir_path).map_err(|source| { BinEntriesError::Creating { path: bin_node_modules_dir_path.to_path_buf(), source, } })?; } self.for_each_entry( snapshot, |_package_path, _script| { #[cfg(unix)] { let path = _package_path.join(_script); make_executable_if_exists(&path)?; } Ok(()) }, |package, package_path, name, script| { let outcome = set_up_bin_entry( package, name, script, package_path, bin_node_modules_dir_path, )?; handler(&outcome); Ok(()) }, filter, )?; Ok(()) } /// Finish setting up the bin entries, writing the necessary files /// to disk. pub fn finish( self, snapshot: &NpmResolutionSnapshot, bin_node_modules_dir_path: &Path, handler: impl FnMut(&EntrySetupOutcome<'_>), ) -> Result<(), BinEntriesError> { self.set_up_entries_filtered( snapshot, bin_node_modules_dir_path, |_| true, handler, ) } /// Finish setting up the bin entries, writing the necessary files /// to disk. pub fn finish_only( self, snapshot: &NpmResolutionSnapshot, bin_node_modules_dir_path: &Path, handler: impl FnMut(&EntrySetupOutcome<'_>), only: &HashSet<&NpmPackageId>, ) -> Result<(), BinEntriesError> { self.set_up_entries_filtered( snapshot, bin_node_modules_dir_path, |package| only.contains(&package.id), handler, ) } } // walk the dependency tree to find out the depth of each package // that has a bin entry, then sort them by depth fn sort_by_depth( snapshot: &NpmResolutionSnapshot, bin_entries: &mut [(&NpmResolutionPackage, PathBuf)], collisions: &mut HashSet<&NpmPackageId>, ) { enum Entry<'a> { Pkg(&'a NpmPackageId), IncreaseDepth, } let mut seen = HashSet::new(); let mut depths: HashMap<&NpmPackageId, u64> = HashMap::with_capacity(collisions.len()); let mut queue = VecDeque::new(); queue.extend(snapshot.top_level_packages().map(Entry::Pkg)); seen.extend(snapshot.top_level_packages()); queue.push_back(Entry::IncreaseDepth); let mut current_depth = 0u64; while let Some(entry) = queue.pop_front() { if collisions.is_empty() { break; } let id = match entry { Entry::Pkg(id) => id, Entry::IncreaseDepth => { current_depth += 1; if queue.is_empty() { break; } queue.push_back(Entry::IncreaseDepth); continue; } }; if let Some(package) = snapshot.package_from_id(id) { if collisions.remove(&package.id) { depths.insert(&package.id, current_depth); } for dep in package.dependencies.values() { if seen.insert(dep) { queue.push_back(Entry::Pkg(dep)); } } } } bin_entries.sort_by(|(a, _), (b, _)| { depths .get(&a.id) .unwrap_or(&u64::MAX) .cmp(depths.get(&b.id).unwrap_or(&u64::MAX)) .then_with(|| a.id.nv.cmp(&b.id.nv).reverse()) }); } pub fn set_up_bin_entry<'a>( package: &'a NpmResolutionPackage, bin_name: &'a str, #[allow(unused_variables)] bin_script: &str, #[allow(unused_variables)] package_path: &'a Path, bin_node_modules_dir_path: &Path, ) -> Result, BinEntriesError> { #[cfg(windows)] { set_up_bin_shim(package, bin_name, bin_node_modules_dir_path)?; Ok(EntrySetupOutcome::Success) } #[cfg(unix)] { symlink_bin_entry( package, bin_name, bin_script, package_path, bin_node_modules_dir_path, ) } } #[cfg(windows)] fn set_up_bin_shim( package: &NpmResolutionPackage, bin_name: &str, bin_node_modules_dir_path: &Path, ) -> Result<(), BinEntriesError> { use std::fs; let mut cmd_shim = bin_node_modules_dir_path.join(bin_name); cmd_shim.set_extension("cmd"); let shim = format!("@deno run -A npm:{}/{bin_name} %*", package.id.nv); fs::write(&cmd_shim, shim).map_err(|err| BinEntriesError::SetUpBin { name: bin_name.to_string(), path: cmd_shim.clone(), source: Box::new(err.into()), })?; Ok(()) } #[cfg(unix)] /// Make the file at `path` executable if it exists. /// Returns `true` if the file exists, `false` otherwise. fn make_executable_if_exists(path: &Path) -> Result { use std::io; use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; let mut perms = match std::fs::metadata(path) { Ok(metadata) => metadata.permissions(), Err(err) => { if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound { return Ok(false); } return Err(err.into()); } }; if perms.mode() & 0o111 == 0 { // if the original file is not executable, make it executable perms.set_mode(perms.mode() | 0o111); std::fs::set_permissions(path, perms).map_err(|source| { BinEntriesError::Permissions { path: path.to_path_buf(), source, } })?; } Ok(true) } pub enum EntrySetupOutcome<'a> { #[cfg_attr(windows, allow(dead_code))] MissingEntrypoint { bin_name: &'a str, package_path: &'a Path, entrypoint: PathBuf, package: &'a NpmResolutionPackage, }, Success, } impl<'a> EntrySetupOutcome<'a> { pub fn warn_if_failed(&self) { match self { EntrySetupOutcome::MissingEntrypoint { bin_name, package_path, entrypoint, .. } => warn_missing_entrypoint(bin_name, package_path, entrypoint), EntrySetupOutcome::Success => {} } } } #[cfg(unix)] fn symlink_bin_entry<'a>( package: &'a NpmResolutionPackage, bin_name: &'a str, bin_script: &str, package_path: &'a Path, bin_node_modules_dir_path: &Path, ) -> Result, BinEntriesError> { use std::io; use std::os::unix::fs::symlink; let link = bin_node_modules_dir_path.join(bin_name); let original = package_path.join(bin_script); let found = make_executable_if_exists(&original).map_err(|source| { BinEntriesError::SetUpBin { name: bin_name.to_string(), path: original.to_path_buf(), source: Box::new(source), } })?; if !found { return Ok(EntrySetupOutcome::MissingEntrypoint { bin_name, package_path, entrypoint: original, package, }); } let original_relative = crate::util::path::relative_path(bin_node_modules_dir_path, &original) .unwrap_or(original); if let Err(err) = symlink(&original_relative, &link) { if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists { // remove and retry std::fs::remove_file(&link).map_err(|source| { BinEntriesError::RemoveBinSymlink { path: link.clone(), source, } })?; symlink(&original_relative, &link).map_err(|source| { BinEntriesError::SetUpBin { name: bin_name.to_string(), path: original_relative.to_path_buf(), source: Box::new(source.into()), } })?; return Ok(EntrySetupOutcome::Success); } return Err(BinEntriesError::SetUpBin { name: bin_name.to_string(), path: original_relative.to_path_buf(), source: Box::new(err.into()), }); } Ok(EntrySetupOutcome::Success) }