// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::RcLike; use futures::future::FusedFuture; use futures::future::Future; use futures::future::TryFuture; use futures::task::Context; use futures::task::Poll; use pin_project::pin_project; use std::any::type_name; use std::error::Error; use std::fmt; use std::fmt::Display; use std::fmt::Formatter; use std::io; use std::pin::Pin; use std::rc::Rc; use self::internal as i; #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct CancelHandle { node: i::Node, } impl CancelHandle { pub fn new() -> Self { Default::default() } pub fn new_rc() -> Rc<Self> { Rc::new(Self::new()) } /// Cancel all cancelable futures that are bound to this handle. Note that /// this method does not require a mutable reference to the `CancelHandle`. pub fn cancel(&self) { self.node.cancel(); } pub fn is_canceled(&self) -> bool { self.node.is_canceled() } } #[pin_project(project = CancelableProjection)] #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Cancelable<F> { Pending { #[pin] future: F, #[pin] registration: i::Registration, }, Terminated, } impl<F: Future> Future for Cancelable<F> { type Output = Result<F::Output, Canceled>; fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output> { let poll_result = match self.as_mut().project() { CancelableProjection::Pending { future, registration, } => Self::poll_pending(future, registration, cx), CancelableProjection::Terminated => { panic!("{}::poll() called after completion", type_name::<Self>()) } }; // Fuse: if this Future is completed or canceled, make sure the inner // `future` and `registration` fields are dropped in order to unlink it from // its cancel handle. if matches!(poll_result, Poll::Ready(_)) { self.set(Cancelable::Terminated) } poll_result } } impl<F: Future> FusedFuture for Cancelable<F> { fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool { matches!(self, Self::Terminated) } } #[pin_project(project = TryCancelableProjection)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct TryCancelable<F> { #[pin] inner: Cancelable<F>, } impl<F, T, E> Future for TryCancelable<F> where F: Future<Output = Result<T, E>>, Canceled: Into<E>, { type Output = F::Output; fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output> { let TryCancelableProjection { inner } = self.project(); match inner.poll(cx) { Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending, Poll::Ready(Ok(result)) => Poll::Ready(result), Poll::Ready(Err(err)) => Poll::Ready(Err(err.into())), } } } impl<F, T, E> FusedFuture for TryCancelable<F> where F: Future<Output = Result<T, E>>, Canceled: Into<E>, { fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool { self.inner.is_terminated() } } pub trait CancelFuture where Self: Future + Sized, { fn or_cancel<H: RcLike<CancelHandle>>( self, cancel_handle: H, ) -> Cancelable<Self> { Cancelable::new(self, cancel_handle.into()) } } impl<F> CancelFuture for F where F: Future {} pub trait CancelTryFuture where Self: TryFuture + Sized, Canceled: Into<Self::Error>, { fn try_or_cancel<H: RcLike<CancelHandle>>( self, cancel_handle: H, ) -> TryCancelable<Self> { TryCancelable::new(self, cancel_handle.into()) } } impl<F> CancelTryFuture for F where F: TryFuture, Canceled: Into<F::Error>, { } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)] pub struct Canceled; impl Display for Canceled { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "operation canceled") } } impl Error for Canceled {} impl From<Canceled> for io::Error { fn from(_: Canceled) -> Self { io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Interrupted, Canceled) } } mod internal { use super::CancelHandle; use super::Cancelable; use super::Canceled; use super::TryCancelable; use crate::RcRef; use futures::future::Future; use futures::task::Context; use futures::task::Poll; use futures::task::Waker; use pin_project::pin_project; use std::any::Any; use std::cell::UnsafeCell; use std::marker::PhantomPinned; use std::mem::replace; use std::pin::Pin; use std::ptr::NonNull; use std::rc::Rc; use std::rc::Weak; impl<F: Future> Cancelable<F> { pub(super) fn new(future: F, cancel_handle: RcRef<CancelHandle>) -> Self { let head_node = RcRef::map(cancel_handle, |r| &r.node); let registration = Registration::WillRegister { head_node }; Self::Pending { future, registration, } } pub(super) fn poll_pending( future: Pin<&mut F>, mut registration: Pin<&mut Registration>, cx: &mut Context, ) -> Poll<Result<F::Output, Canceled>> { // If this future is being polled for the first time, perform an extra // cancellation check _before_ polling the inner future. The reason to do // this is that polling the inner future for the first time might start // some activity that cannot actually be canceled (e.g. running a compute // job in a thread pool), so we should try to never start it at all. match &*registration { Registration::WillRegister { head_node } if head_node.is_canceled() => { return Poll::Ready(Err(Canceled)); } _ => {} } match future.poll(cx) { Poll::Ready(res) => return Poll::Ready(Ok(res)), Poll::Pending => {} } // Register this future with its `CancelHandle`, saving the `Waker` that // can be used to make the runtime poll this future when it is canceled. // When already registered, update the stored `Waker` if necessary. let head_node = match &*registration { Registration::WillRegister { .. } => { match registration.as_mut().project_replace(Default::default()) { RegistrationProjectionOwned::WillRegister { head_node } => { Some(head_node) } _ => unreachable!(), } } _ => None, }; let node = match registration.project() { RegistrationProjection::Registered { node } => node, _ => unreachable!(), }; node.register(cx.waker(), head_node)?; Poll::Pending } } impl<F: Future> TryCancelable<F> { pub(super) fn new(future: F, cancel_handle: RcRef<CancelHandle>) -> Self { Self { inner: Cancelable::new(future, cancel_handle), } } } #[pin_project(project = RegistrationProjection, project_replace = RegistrationProjectionOwned)] #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Registration { WillRegister { head_node: RcRef<Node>, }, Registered { #[pin] node: Node, }, } impl Default for Registration { fn default() -> Self { Self::Registered { node: Default::default(), } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Node { inner: UnsafeCell<NodeInner>, _pin: PhantomPinned, } impl Node { /// If necessary, register a `Cancelable` node with a `CancelHandle`, and /// save or update the `Waker` that can wake with this cancelable future. pub fn register( &self, waker: &Waker, head_rc: Option<RcRef<Node>>, ) -> Result<(), Canceled> { match head_rc.as_ref().map(RcRef::split) { Some((head, rc)) => { // Register this `Cancelable` node with a `CancelHandle` head node. assert_ne!(self, head); let self_inner = unsafe { &mut *self.inner.get() }; let head_inner = unsafe { &mut *head.inner.get() }; self_inner.link(waker, head_inner, rc) } None => { // This `Cancelable` has already been linked to a `CancelHandle` head // node; just update our stored `Waker` if necessary. let inner = unsafe { &mut *self.inner.get() }; inner.update_waker(waker) } } } pub fn cancel(&self) { let inner = unsafe { &mut *self.inner.get() }; inner.cancel(); } pub fn is_canceled(&self) -> bool { let inner = unsafe { &mut *self.inner.get() }; inner.is_canceled() } } impl Default for Node { fn default() -> Self { Self { inner: UnsafeCell::new(NodeInner::Unlinked), _pin: PhantomPinned, } } } impl Drop for Node { fn drop(&mut self) { let inner = unsafe { &mut *self.inner.get() }; inner.unlink(); } } impl PartialEq for Node { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { std::ptr::eq(self, other) } } #[derive(Debug)] enum NodeInner { Unlinked, Linked { kind: NodeKind, prev: NonNull<NodeInner>, next: NonNull<NodeInner>, }, Canceled, } impl NodeInner { fn as_non_null(&mut self) -> NonNull<Self> { NonNull::from(self) } fn link( &mut self, waker: &Waker, head: &mut Self, rc_pin: &Rc<dyn Any>, ) -> Result<(), Canceled> { // The future should not have been linked to a cancel handle before. assert!(matches!(self, NodeInner::Unlinked)); match head { NodeInner::Unlinked => { *head = NodeInner::Linked { kind: NodeKind::head(rc_pin), prev: self.as_non_null(), next: self.as_non_null(), }; *self = NodeInner::Linked { kind: NodeKind::item(waker), prev: head.as_non_null(), next: head.as_non_null(), }; Ok(()) } NodeInner::Linked { kind: NodeKind::Head { .. }, prev: next_prev_nn, .. } => { let prev = unsafe { &mut *next_prev_nn.as_ptr() }; match prev { NodeInner::Linked { kind: NodeKind::Item { .. }, next: prev_next_nn, .. } => { *self = NodeInner::Linked { kind: NodeKind::item(waker), prev: replace(next_prev_nn, self.as_non_null()), next: replace(prev_next_nn, self.as_non_null()), }; Ok(()) } _ => unreachable!(), } } NodeInner::Canceled => Err(Canceled), _ => unreachable!(), } } fn update_waker(&mut self, new_waker: &Waker) -> Result<(), Canceled> { match self { NodeInner::Unlinked => Ok(()), NodeInner::Linked { kind: NodeKind::Item { waker }, .. } => { if !waker.will_wake(new_waker) { *waker = new_waker.clone(); } Ok(()) } NodeInner::Canceled => Err(Canceled), _ => unreachable!(), } } /// If this node is linked to other nodes, remove it from the chain. This /// method is called (only) by the drop handler for `Node`. It is suitable /// for both 'head' and 'item' nodes. fn unlink(&mut self) { if let NodeInner::Linked { prev: mut prev_nn, next: mut next_nn, .. } = replace(self, NodeInner::Unlinked) { if prev_nn == next_nn { // There were only two nodes in this chain; after unlinking ourselves // the other node is no longer linked. let other = unsafe { prev_nn.as_mut() }; *other = NodeInner::Unlinked; } else { // The chain had more than two nodes. match unsafe { prev_nn.as_mut() } { NodeInner::Linked { next: prev_next_nn, .. } => { *prev_next_nn = next_nn; } _ => unreachable!(), } match unsafe { next_nn.as_mut() } { NodeInner::Linked { prev: next_prev_nn, .. } => { *next_prev_nn = prev_nn; } _ => unreachable!(), } } } } /// Mark this node and all linked nodes for cancellation. Note that `self` /// must refer to a head (`CancelHandle`) node. fn cancel(&mut self) { let mut head_nn = NonNull::from(self); let mut item_nn; // Mark the head node as canceled. match replace(unsafe { head_nn.as_mut() }, NodeInner::Canceled) { NodeInner::Linked { kind: NodeKind::Head { .. }, next: next_nn, .. } => item_nn = next_nn, NodeInner::Unlinked | NodeInner::Canceled => return, _ => unreachable!(), }; // Cancel all item nodes in the chain, waking each stored `Waker`. while item_nn != head_nn { match replace(unsafe { item_nn.as_mut() }, NodeInner::Canceled) { NodeInner::Linked { kind: NodeKind::Item { waker }, next: next_nn, .. } => { waker.wake(); item_nn = next_nn; } _ => unreachable!(), } } } /// Returns true if this node has been marked for cancellation. Note that /// `self` must refer to a head (`CancelHandle`) node. fn is_canceled(&self) -> bool { match self { NodeInner::Unlinked => false, NodeInner::Linked { kind: NodeKind::Head { .. }, .. } => false, NodeInner::Canceled => true, _ => unreachable!(), } } } #[derive(Debug)] enum NodeKind { /// In a chain of linked nodes, the "head" node is owned by the /// `CancelHandle`. A chain usually contains at most one head node; however /// when a `CancelHandle` is dropped before the futures associated with it /// are dropped, a chain may temporarily contain no head node at all. Head { /// The `weak_pin` field adds adds a weak reference to the `Rc` guarding /// the heap allocation that contains the `CancelHandle`. Without this /// extra weak reference, `Rc::get_mut()` might succeed and allow the /// `CancelHandle` to be moved when it isn't safe to do so. weak_pin: Weak<dyn Any>, }, /// All item nodes in a chain are associated with a `Cancelable` head node. Item { /// If this future indeed does get canceled, the waker is needed to make /// sure that the canceled future gets polled as soon as possible. waker: Waker, }, } impl NodeKind { fn head(rc_pin: &Rc<dyn Any>) -> Self { let weak_pin = Rc::downgrade(rc_pin); Self::Head { weak_pin } } fn item(waker: &Waker) -> Self { let waker = waker.clone(); Self::Item { waker } } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::error::AnyError; use futures::future::pending; use futures::future::poll_fn; use futures::future::ready; use futures::future::FutureExt; use futures::future::TryFutureExt; use futures::select; use futures::task::noop_waker_ref; use futures::task::Context; use futures::task::Poll; use std::convert::Infallible as Never; use std::io; use tokio::net::TcpStream; use tokio::spawn; fn box_fused<'a, F: FusedFuture + 'a>( future: F, ) -> Pin<Box<dyn FusedFuture<Output = F::Output> + 'a>> { Box::pin(future) } async fn ready_in_n(name: &str, count: usize) -> &str { let mut remaining = count as isize; poll_fn(|_| { assert!(remaining >= 0); if remaining == 0 { Poll::Ready(name) } else { remaining -= 1; Poll::Pending } }) .await } #[test] fn cancel_future() { let cancel_now = CancelHandle::new_rc(); let cancel_at_0 = CancelHandle::new_rc(); let cancel_at_1 = CancelHandle::new_rc(); let cancel_at_4 = CancelHandle::new_rc(); let cancel_never = CancelHandle::new_rc(); cancel_now.cancel(); let mut futures = vec![ box_fused(ready("A").or_cancel(&cancel_now)), box_fused(ready("B").or_cancel(&cancel_at_0)), box_fused(ready("C").or_cancel(&cancel_at_1)), box_fused( ready_in_n("D", 0) .or_cancel(&cancel_never) .try_or_cancel(&cancel_now), ), box_fused( ready_in_n("E", 1) .or_cancel(&cancel_at_1) .try_or_cancel(&cancel_at_1), ), box_fused(ready_in_n("F", 2).or_cancel(&cancel_at_1)), box_fused(ready_in_n("G", 3).or_cancel(&cancel_at_4)), box_fused(ready_in_n("H", 4).or_cancel(&cancel_at_4)), box_fused(ready_in_n("I", 5).or_cancel(&cancel_at_4)), box_fused(ready_in_n("J", 5).map(Ok)), box_fused(ready_in_n("K", 5).or_cancel(cancel_never)), ]; let mut cx = Context::from_waker(noop_waker_ref()); for i in 0..=5 { match i { 0 => cancel_at_0.cancel(), 1 => cancel_at_1.cancel(), 4 => cancel_at_4.cancel(), 2 | 3 | 5 => {} _ => unreachable!(), } let results = futures .iter_mut() .filter(|fut| !fut.is_terminated()) .filter_map(|fut| match fut.poll_unpin(&mut cx) { Poll::Pending => None, Poll::Ready(res) => Some(res), }) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); match i { 0 => assert_eq!( results, [Err(Canceled), Err(Canceled), Ok("C"), Err(Canceled)] ), 1 => assert_eq!(results, [Ok("E"), Err(Canceled)]), 2 => assert_eq!(results, []), 3 => assert_eq!(results, [Ok("G")]), 4 => assert_eq!(results, [Ok("H"), Err(Canceled)]), 5 => assert_eq!(results, [Ok("J"), Ok("K")]), _ => unreachable!(), } } assert!(!futures.into_iter().any(|fut| !fut.is_terminated())); let cancel_handles = [cancel_now, cancel_at_0, cancel_at_1, cancel_at_4]; assert!(!cancel_handles.iter().any(|c| !c.is_canceled())); } #[tokio::test] async fn cancel_try_future() { { // Cancel a spawned task before it actually runs. let cancel_handle = Rc::new(CancelHandle::new()); let future = spawn(async { panic!("the task should not be spawned") }) .map_err(AnyError::from) .try_or_cancel(&cancel_handle); cancel_handle.cancel(); let error = future.await.unwrap_err(); assert!(error.downcast_ref::<Canceled>().is_some()); assert_eq!(error.to_string().as_str(), "operation canceled"); } { // Cancel a network I/O future right after polling it. let cancel_handle = Rc::new(CancelHandle::new()); let result = loop { select! { r = TcpStream::connect("") .try_or_cancel(&cancel_handle) => break r, default => cancel_handle.cancel(), }; }; let error = result.unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(error.kind(), io::ErrorKind::Interrupted); assert_eq!(error.to_string().as_str(), "operation canceled"); } } #[test] fn cancel_handle_pinning() { let mut cancel_handle = CancelHandle::new_rc(); // There is only one reference to `cancel_handle`, so `Rc::get_mut()` should // succeed. assert!(Rc::get_mut(&mut cancel_handle).is_some()); let mut future = pending::<Never>().or_cancel(&cancel_handle); let future = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&mut future) }; // There are two `Rc<CancelHandle>` references now, so this fails. assert!(Rc::get_mut(&mut cancel_handle).is_none()); let mut cx = Context::from_waker(noop_waker_ref()); assert!(future.poll(&mut cx).is_pending()); // Polling `future` has established a link between the future and // `cancel_handle`, so both values should be pinned at this point. assert!(Rc::get_mut(&mut cancel_handle).is_none()); cancel_handle.cancel(); // Canceling or dropping the associated future(s) unlinks them from the // cancel handle, therefore `cancel_handle` can now safely be moved again. assert!(Rc::get_mut(&mut cancel_handle).is_some()); } }