// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use crate::shared::ReleaseChannel; const GIT_COMMIT_HASH: &str = env!("GIT_COMMIT_HASH"); const TYPESCRIPT: &str = env!("TS_VERSION"); const CARGO_PKG_VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); // TODO(bartlomieju): ideally we could remove this const. const IS_CANARY: bool = option_env!("DENO_CANARY").is_some(); // TODO(bartlomieju): this is temporary, to allow Homebrew to cut RC releases as well const IS_RC: bool = option_env!("DENO_RC").is_some(); pub static DENO_VERSION_INFO: Lazy<DenoVersionInfo> = Lazy::new(|| { let release_channel = libsui::find_section("denover") .and_then(|buf| std::str::from_utf8(buf).ok()) .and_then(|str_| ReleaseChannel::deserialize(str_).ok()) .unwrap_or({ if IS_CANARY { ReleaseChannel::Canary } else if IS_RC { ReleaseChannel::Rc } else { ReleaseChannel::Stable } }); DenoVersionInfo { deno: if release_channel == ReleaseChannel::Canary { concat!( env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), "+", env!("GIT_COMMIT_HASH_SHORT") ) } else { env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION") }, release_channel, git_hash: GIT_COMMIT_HASH, // Keep in sync with `deno` field. user_agent: if release_channel == ReleaseChannel::Canary { concat!( "Deno/", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), "+", env!("GIT_COMMIT_HASH_SHORT") ) } else { concat!("Deno/", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")) }, typescript: TYPESCRIPT, } }); pub struct DenoVersionInfo { /// Human-readable version of the current Deno binary. /// /// For stable release, a semver, eg. `v1.46.2`. /// For canary release, a semver + 7-char git hash, eg. `v1.46.3+asdfqwq`. pub deno: &'static str, pub release_channel: ReleaseChannel, /// A full git hash. pub git_hash: &'static str, /// A user-agent header that will be used in HTTP client. pub user_agent: &'static str, pub typescript: &'static str, } impl DenoVersionInfo { /// For stable release, a semver like, eg. `v1.46.2`. /// For canary release a full git hash, eg. `9bdab6fb6b93eb43b1930f40987fa4997287f9c8`. pub fn version_or_git_hash(&self) -> &'static str { if self.release_channel == ReleaseChannel::Canary { self.git_hash } else { CARGO_PKG_VERSION } } }