import * as ts from "typescript"; import { log, assert, globalEval } from "./util"; import { exit, readFileSync } from "./os"; import * as path from "path"; export function compile(cwd: string, inputFn: string): void { const options: ts.CompilerOptions = { allowJs: true, outDir: "_denoCache_/", }; const host = new CompilerHost(cwd); const inputExt = path.extname(inputFn); if (!EXTENSIONS.includes(inputExt)) { console.error(`Bad file name extension for input "${inputFn}"`); exit(1); } const program = ts.createProgram([inputFn], options, host); //let sourceFiles = program.getSourceFiles(); //log("rootFileNames", program.getRootFileNames()); // Print compilation errors, if any. const diagnostics = getDiagnostics(program); if (diagnostics.length > 0) { const errorMessages = => formatDiagnostic(d, cwd)); for (const msg of errorMessages) { console.error(msg); } exit(2); } const emitResult = program.emit(); assert(!emitResult.emitSkipped); log("emitResult", emitResult); } /** * Format a diagnostic object into a string. * Adapted from TS-Node * which uses the same MIT license as this file but is * Copyright (c) 2014 Blake Embrey ( */ export function formatDiagnostic( diagnostic: ts.Diagnostic, cwd: string, lineOffset = 0 ): string { const messageText = ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText( diagnostic.messageText, "\n" ); const { code } = diagnostic; if (diagnostic.file) { const fn = path.relative(cwd, diagnostic.file.fileName); if (diagnostic.start) { const { line, character } = diagnostic.file.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition( diagnostic.start ); const r = Number(line) + 1 + lineOffset; const c = Number(character) + 1; return `${fn} (${r},${c}): ${messageText} (${code})`; } return `${fn}: ${messageText} (${code})`; } return `${messageText} (${code})`; } function getDiagnostics(program: ts.Program): ReadonlyArray { return program .getOptionsDiagnostics() .concat( program.getGlobalDiagnostics(), program.getSyntacticDiagnostics(), program.getSemanticDiagnostics(), program.getDeclarationDiagnostics() ); } const EXTENSIONS = [".ts", ".js"]; export class CompilerHost { constructor(public cwd: string) {} getSourceFile( fileName: string, languageVersion: ts.ScriptTarget, onError?: (message: string) => void, shouldCreateNewSourceFile?: boolean ): ts.SourceFile | undefined { let sourceText: string; if (fileName === "lib.d.ts") { // TODO this should be compiled into the bindata. sourceText = readFileSync("node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.d.ts"); } else { sourceText = readFileSync(fileName); } if (sourceText) { log("getSourceFile", { fileName //sourceText, }); return ts.createSourceFile(fileName, sourceText, languageVersion); } else { log("getSourceFile NOT FOUND", { fileName }); return undefined; } } getSourceFileByPath?( fileName: string, path: ts.Path, languageVersion: ts.ScriptTarget, onError?: (message: string) => void, shouldCreateNewSourceFile?: boolean ): ts.SourceFile | undefined { console.log("getSourceFileByPath", fileName); return undefined; } // getCancellationToken?(): CancellationToken; getDefaultLibFileName(options: ts.CompilerOptions): string { return ts.getDefaultLibFileName(options); } getDefaultLibLocation(): string { return "/blah/"; } writeFile( fileName: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark: boolean, onError: ((message: string) => void) | undefined, sourceFiles: ReadonlyArray ): void { log("writeFile", { fileName, data }); globalEval(data); } getCurrentDirectory(): string { log("getCurrentDirectory", this.cwd); return this.cwd; } getDirectories(path: string): string[] { log("getDirectories", path); return []; } getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string { return fileName; } useCaseSensitiveFileNames(): boolean { return true; } getNewLine(): string { return "\n"; } resolveModuleNames( moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string, reusedNames?: string[] ): Array { log("resolveModuleNames", { moduleNames, reusedNames }); return string) => { if ( name.startsWith("/") || name.startsWith("http://") || name.startsWith("https://") ) { throw Error("Non-relative imports not yet supported."); } else { // Relative import. const containingDir = path.dirname(containingFile); const resolvedFileName = path.join(containingDir, name); log("relative import", { containingFile, name, resolvedFileName }); const isExternalLibraryImport = false; return { resolvedFileName, isExternalLibraryImport }; } }); } fileExists(fileName: string): boolean { log("fileExists", fileName); return false; } readFile(fileName: string): string | undefined { log("readFile", fileName); return undefined; } /** * This method is a companion for 'resolveModuleNames' and is used to resolve * 'types' references to actual type declaration files */ // resolveTypeReferenceDirectives?(typeReferenceDirectiveNames: string[], // containingFile: string): (ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective | undefined)[]; // getEnvironmentVariable?(name: string): string // createHash?(data: string): string; }