// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use super::util; use super::CoverageReport; use crate::args::CoverageType; use crate::colors; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::url::Url; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Error; use std::io::Write; use std::io::{self}; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; #[derive(Default)] struct CoverageStats<'a> { pub line_hit: usize, pub line_miss: usize, pub branch_hit: usize, pub branch_miss: usize, pub parent: Option, pub file_text: Option, pub report: Option<&'a CoverageReport>, } type CoverageSummary<'a> = HashMap>; pub fn create(kind: CoverageType) -> Box { match kind { CoverageType::Lcov => Box::new(LcovCoverageReporter::new()), CoverageType::Pretty => Box::new(PrettyCoverageReporter::new()), CoverageType::Html => Box::new(HtmlCoverageReporter::new()), } } pub trait CoverageReporter { fn report( &mut self, coverage_report: &CoverageReport, file_text: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError>; fn done(&mut self, _coverage_root: &Path) {} } struct LcovCoverageReporter {} impl LcovCoverageReporter { pub fn new() -> LcovCoverageReporter { LcovCoverageReporter {} } } impl CoverageReporter for LcovCoverageReporter { fn report( &mut self, coverage_report: &CoverageReport, _file_text: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { // pipes output to stdout if no file is specified let out_mode: Result, Error> = match coverage_report.output { // only append to the file as the file should be created already Some(ref path) => File::options() .append(true) .open(path) .map(|f| Box::new(f) as Box), None => Ok(Box::new(io::stdout())), }; let mut out_writer = out_mode?; let file_path = coverage_report .url .to_file_path() .ok() .and_then(|p| p.to_str().map(|p| p.to_string())) .unwrap_or_else(|| coverage_report.url.to_string()); writeln!(out_writer, "SF:{file_path}")?; for function in &coverage_report.named_functions { writeln!( out_writer, "FN:{},{}", function.line_index + 1, function.name )?; } for function in &coverage_report.named_functions { writeln!( out_writer, "FNDA:{},{}", function.execution_count, function.name )?; } let functions_found = coverage_report.named_functions.len(); writeln!(out_writer, "FNF:{functions_found}")?; let functions_hit = coverage_report .named_functions .iter() .filter(|f| f.execution_count > 0) .count(); writeln!(out_writer, "FNH:{functions_hit}")?; for branch in &coverage_report.branches { let taken = if let Some(taken) = &branch.taken { taken.to_string() } else { "-".to_string() }; writeln!( out_writer, "BRDA:{},{},{},{}", branch.line_index + 1, branch.block_number, branch.branch_number, taken )?; } let branches_found = coverage_report.branches.len(); writeln!(out_writer, "BRF:{branches_found}")?; let branches_hit = coverage_report.branches.iter().filter(|b| b.is_hit).count(); writeln!(out_writer, "BRH:{branches_hit}")?; for (index, count) in &coverage_report.found_lines { writeln!(out_writer, "DA:{},{}", index + 1, count)?; } let lines_hit = coverage_report .found_lines .iter() .filter(|(_, count)| *count != 0) .count(); writeln!(out_writer, "LH:{lines_hit}")?; let lines_found = coverage_report.found_lines.len(); writeln!(out_writer, "LF:{lines_found}")?; writeln!(out_writer, "end_of_record")?; Ok(()) } } struct PrettyCoverageReporter {} impl PrettyCoverageReporter { pub fn new() -> PrettyCoverageReporter { PrettyCoverageReporter {} } } impl CoverageReporter for PrettyCoverageReporter { fn report( &mut self, coverage_report: &CoverageReport, file_text: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let lines = file_text.split('\n').collect::>(); print!("cover {} ... ", coverage_report.url); let hit_lines = coverage_report .found_lines .iter() .filter(|(_, count)| *count > 0) .map(|(index, _)| *index); let missed_lines = coverage_report .found_lines .iter() .filter(|(_, count)| *count == 0) .map(|(index, _)| *index); let lines_found = coverage_report.found_lines.len(); let lines_hit = hit_lines.count(); let line_ratio = lines_hit as f32 / lines_found as f32; let line_coverage = format!("{:.3}% ({}/{})", line_ratio * 100.0, lines_hit, lines_found); if line_ratio >= 0.9 { println!("{}", colors::green(&line_coverage)); } else if line_ratio >= 0.75 { println!("{}", colors::yellow(&line_coverage)); } else { println!("{}", colors::red(&line_coverage)); } let mut last_line = None; for line_index in missed_lines { const WIDTH: usize = 4; const SEPARATOR: &str = "|"; // Put a horizontal separator between disjoint runs of lines if let Some(last_line) = last_line { if last_line + 1 != line_index { let dash = colors::gray("-".repeat(WIDTH + 1)); println!("{}{}{}", dash, colors::gray(SEPARATOR), dash); } } println!( "{:width$} {} {}", line_index + 1, colors::gray(SEPARATOR), colors::red(&lines[line_index]), width = WIDTH ); last_line = Some(line_index); } Ok(()) } } struct HtmlCoverageReporter { file_reports: Vec<(CoverageReport, String)>, } impl CoverageReporter for HtmlCoverageReporter { fn report( &mut self, report: &CoverageReport, text: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { self.file_reports.push((report.clone(), text.to_string())); Ok(()) } fn done(&mut self, coverage_root: &Path) { let summary = self.collect_summary(); let now = crate::util::time::utc_now().to_rfc2822(); for (node, stats) in &summary { let report_path = self.get_report_path(coverage_root, node, stats.file_text.is_none()); let main_content = if let Some(file_text) = &stats.file_text { self.create_html_code_table(file_text, stats.report.unwrap()) } else { self.create_html_summary_table(node, &summary) }; let is_dir = stats.file_text.is_none(); let html = self.create_html(node, is_dir, stats, &now, &main_content); fs::create_dir_all(report_path.parent().unwrap()).unwrap(); fs::write(report_path, html).unwrap(); } let root_report = Url::from_file_path( coverage_root .join("html") .join("index.html") .canonicalize() .unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); println!("HTML coverage report has been generated at {}", root_report); } } impl HtmlCoverageReporter { pub fn new() -> HtmlCoverageReporter { HtmlCoverageReporter { file_reports: Vec::new(), } } /// Collects the coverage summary of each file or directory. pub fn collect_summary(&self) -> CoverageSummary { let urls = self.file_reports.iter().map(|rep| &rep.0.url).collect(); let root = util::find_root(urls).unwrap().to_file_path().unwrap(); // summary by file or directory // tuple of (line hit, line miss, branch hit, branch miss, parent) let mut summary = HashMap::new(); summary.insert("".to_string(), CoverageStats::default()); // root entry for (report, file_text) in &self.file_reports { let path = report.url.to_file_path().unwrap(); let relative_path = path.strip_prefix(&root).unwrap(); let mut file_text = Some(file_text.to_string()); let mut summary_path = Some(relative_path); // From leaf to root, adds up the coverage stats while let Some(path) = summary_path { let path_str = path.to_str().unwrap().to_string(); let parent = path .parent() .and_then(|p| p.to_str()) .map(|p| p.to_string()); let stats = summary.entry(path_str).or_insert(CoverageStats { parent, file_text, report: Some(report), ..CoverageStats::default() }); stats.line_hit += report .found_lines .iter() .filter(|(_, count)| *count > 0) .count(); stats.line_miss += report .found_lines .iter() .filter(|(_, count)| *count == 0) .count(); stats.branch_hit += report.branches.iter().filter(|b| b.is_hit).count(); stats.branch_miss += report.branches.iter().filter(|b| !b.is_hit).count(); file_text = None; summary_path = path.parent(); } } summary } /// Gets the report path for a single file pub fn get_report_path( &self, coverage_root: &Path, node: &str, is_dir: bool, ) -> PathBuf { if is_dir { // e.g. /path/to/coverage/html/src/index.html coverage_root.join("html").join(node).join("index.html") } else { // e.g. /path/to/coverage/html/src/main.ts.html Path::new(&format!( "{}.html", coverage_root.join("html").join(node).to_str().unwrap() )) .to_path_buf() } } /// Creates single page of html report. pub fn create_html( &self, node: &str, is_dir: bool, stats: &CoverageStats, timestamp: &str, main_content: &str, ) -> String { let title = if node.is_empty() { "Coverage report for all files".to_string() } else { let node = if is_dir { format!("{}/", node) } else { node.to_string() }; format!("Coverage report for {node}") }; let title = title.replace(std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR, "/"); let head = self.create_html_head(&title); let header = self.create_html_header(&title, stats); let footer = self.create_html_footer(timestamp); format!( " {head}
{footer} " ) } /// Creates tag for html report. pub fn create_html_head(&self, title: &str) -> String { let style_css = include_str!("style.css"); format!( " {title} " ) } /// Creates header part of the contents for html report. pub fn create_html_header( &self, title: &str, stats: &CoverageStats, ) -> String { let CoverageStats { line_hit, line_miss, branch_hit, branch_miss, .. } = stats; let (line_total, line_percent, line_class) = util::calc_coverage_display_info(*line_hit, *line_miss); let (branch_total, branch_percent, _) = util::calc_coverage_display_info(*branch_hit, *branch_miss); format!( "


{branch_percent:.2}% Branches {branch_hit}/{branch_total}
{line_percent:.2}% Lines {line_hit}/{line_total}
" ) } /// Creates footer part of the contents for html report. pub fn create_html_footer(&self, now: &str) -> String { let version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); format!( " " ) } /// Creates of summary for html report. pub fn create_html_summary_table( &self, node: &String, summary: &CoverageSummary, ) -> String { let mut children = summary .iter() .filter(|(_, stats)| stats.parent.as_ref() == Some(node)) .map(|(k, stats)| (stats.file_text.is_some(), k.clone())) .collect::>(); // Sort directories first, then files children.sort(); let table_rows: Vec = children.iter().map(|(is_file, c)| { let CoverageStats { line_hit, line_miss, branch_hit, branch_miss, .. } = summary.get(c).unwrap(); let (line_total, line_percent, line_class) = util::calc_coverage_display_info(*line_hit, *line_miss); let (branch_total, branch_percent, branch_class) = util::calc_coverage_display_info(*branch_hit, *branch_miss); let path = Path::new(c.strip_prefix(&format!("{node}{}", std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR)).unwrap_or(c)).to_str().unwrap(); let path = path.replace(std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR, "/"); let path_label = if *is_file { path.to_string() } else { format!("{}/", path) }; let path_link = if *is_file { format!("{}.html", path) } else { format!("{}index.html", path_label) }; format!(" ")}).collect(); let table_rows = table_rows.join("\n"); format!( "
{branch_percent:.2}% {branch_hit}/{branch_total} {line_percent:.2}% {line_hit}/{line_total}
File Branches Lines
" ) } /// Creates of single file code coverage. pub fn create_html_code_table( &self, file_text: &str, report: &CoverageReport, ) -> String { let line_num = file_text.lines().count(); let line_count = (1..line_num + 1) .map(|i| format!("{i}")) .collect::>() .join("\n"); let line_coverage = (0..line_num) .map(|i| { if let Some((_, count)) = report.found_lines.iter().find(|(line, _)| i == *line) { if *count == 0 { " ".to_string() } else { format!("x{count}") } } else { " ".to_string() } }) .collect::>() .join("\n"); let branch_coverage = (0..line_num) .map(|i| { let branch_is_missed = report.branches.iter().any(|b| b.line_index == i && !b.is_hit); if branch_is_missed { "I".to_string() } else { "".to_string() } }) .collect::>() .join("\n"); let file_text = file_text .replace('&', "&") .replace('<', "<") .replace('>', ">"); // TODO(kt3k): Add syntax highlight to source code format!( "
" ) } }