// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // This module ports: // - https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/src/uv.cc // - https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/deps/uv // // See also: http://docs.libuv.org/en/v1.x/errors.html#error-constants import { unreachable } from "ext:deno_node/_util/asserts.ts"; import { osType } from "ext:deno_node/_util/os.ts"; import { uvTranslateSysError } from "ext:deno_node/internal_binding/_libuv_winerror.ts"; // In Node these values are coming from libuv: // Ref: https://github.com/libuv/libuv/blob/v1.x/include/uv/errno.h // Ref: https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/524123fbf064ff64bb6fcd83485cfc27db932f68/lib/internal/errors.js#L383 // Since there is no easy way to port code from libuv and these maps are // changing very rarely, we simply extract them from Node and store here. // Note // Run the following to get the map: // $ node -e "console.log(process.binding('uv').getErrorMap())" // This setup automatically exports maps from both "win", "linux" & darwin: // https://github.com/schwarzkopfb/node_errno_map type ErrorMapData = Array<[number, [string, string]]>; type CodeMapData = Array<[string, number]>; const codeToErrorWindows: ErrorMapData = [ [-4093, ["E2BIG", "argument list too long"]], [-4092, ["EACCES", "permission denied"]], [-4091, ["EADDRINUSE", "address already in use"]], [-4090, ["EADDRNOTAVAIL", "address not available"]], [-4089, ["EAFNOSUPPORT", "address family not supported"]], [-4088, ["EAGAIN", "resource temporarily unavailable"]], [-3000, ["EAI_ADDRFAMILY", "address family not supported"]], [-3001, ["EAI_AGAIN", "temporary failure"]], [-3002, ["EAI_BADFLAGS", "bad ai_flags value"]], [-3013, ["EAI_BADHINTS", "invalid value for hints"]], [-3003, ["EAI_CANCELED", "request canceled"]], [-3004, ["EAI_FAIL", "permanent failure"]], [-3005, ["EAI_FAMILY", "ai_family not supported"]], [-3006, ["EAI_MEMORY", "out of memory"]], [-3007, ["EAI_NODATA", "no address"]], [-3008, ["EAI_NONAME", "unknown node or service"]], [-3009, ["EAI_OVERFLOW", "argument buffer overflow"]], [-3014, ["EAI_PROTOCOL", "resolved protocol is unknown"]], [-3010, ["EAI_SERVICE", "service not available for socket type"]], [-3011, ["EAI_SOCKTYPE", "socket type not supported"]], [-4084, ["EALREADY", "connection already in progress"]], [-4083, ["EBADF", "bad file descriptor"]], [-4082, ["EBUSY", "resource busy or locked"]], [-4081, ["ECANCELED", "operation canceled"]], [-4080, ["ECHARSET", "invalid Unicode character"]], [-4079, ["ECONNABORTED", "software caused connection abort"]], [-4078, ["ECONNREFUSED", "connection refused"]], [-4077, ["ECONNRESET", "connection reset by peer"]], [-4076, ["EDESTADDRREQ", "destination address required"]], [-4075, ["EEXIST", "file already exists"]], [-4074, ["EFAULT", "bad address in system call argument"]], [-4036, ["EFBIG", "file too large"]], [-4073, ["EHOSTUNREACH", "host is unreachable"]], [-4072, ["EINTR", "interrupted system call"]], [-4071, ["EINVAL", "invalid argument"]], [-4070, ["EIO", "i/o error"]], [-4069, ["EISCONN", "socket is already connected"]], [-4068, ["EISDIR", "illegal operation on a directory"]], [-4067, ["ELOOP", "too many symbolic links encountered"]], [-4066, ["EMFILE", "too many open files"]], [-4065, ["EMSGSIZE", "message too long"]], [-4064, ["ENAMETOOLONG", "name too long"]], [-4063, ["ENETDOWN", "network is down"]], [-4062, ["ENETUNREACH", "network is unreachable"]], [-4061, ["ENFILE", "file table overflow"]], [-4060, ["ENOBUFS", "no buffer space available"]], [-4059, ["ENODEV", "no such device"]], [-4058, ["ENOENT", "no such file or directory"]], [-4057, ["ENOMEM", "not enough memory"]], [-4056, ["ENONET", "machine is not on the network"]], [-4035, ["ENOPROTOOPT", "protocol not available"]], [-4055, ["ENOSPC", "no space left on device"]], [-4054, ["ENOSYS", "function not implemented"]], [-4053, ["ENOTCONN", "socket is not connected"]], [-4052, ["ENOTDIR", "not a directory"]], [-4051, ["ENOTEMPTY", "directory not empty"]], [-4050, ["ENOTSOCK", "socket operation on non-socket"]], [-4049, ["ENOTSUP", "operation not supported on socket"]], [-4048, ["EPERM", "operation not permitted"]], [-4047, ["EPIPE", "broken pipe"]], [-4046, ["EPROTO", "protocol error"]], [-4045, ["EPROTONOSUPPORT", "protocol not supported"]], [-4044, ["EPROTOTYPE", "protocol wrong type for socket"]], [-4034, ["ERANGE", "result too large"]], [-4043, ["EROFS", "read-only file system"]], [-4042, ["ESHUTDOWN", "cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown"]], [-4041, ["ESPIPE", "invalid seek"]], [-4040, ["ESRCH", "no such process"]], [-4039, ["ETIMEDOUT", "connection timed out"]], [-4038, ["ETXTBSY", "text file is busy"]], [-4037, ["EXDEV", "cross-device link not permitted"]], [-4094, ["UNKNOWN", "unknown error"]], [-4095, ["EOF", "end of file"]], [-4033, ["ENXIO", "no such device or address"]], [-4032, ["EMLINK", "too many links"]], [-4031, ["EHOSTDOWN", "host is down"]], [-4030, ["EREMOTEIO", "remote I/O error"]], [-4029, ["ENOTTY", "inappropriate ioctl for device"]], [-4028, ["EFTYPE", "inappropriate file type or format"]], [-4027, ["EILSEQ", "illegal byte sequence"]], ]; const errorToCodeWindows: CodeMapData = codeToErrorWindows.map(( [status, [error]], ) => [error, status]); const codeToErrorDarwin: ErrorMapData = [ [-7, ["E2BIG", "argument list too long"]], [-13, ["EACCES", "permission denied"]], [-48, ["EADDRINUSE", "address already in use"]], [-49, ["EADDRNOTAVAIL", "address not available"]], [-47, ["EAFNOSUPPORT", "address family not supported"]], [-35, ["EAGAIN", "resource temporarily unavailable"]], [-3000, ["EAI_ADDRFAMILY", "address family not supported"]], [-3001, ["EAI_AGAIN", "temporary failure"]], [-3002, ["EAI_BADFLAGS", "bad ai_flags value"]], [-3013, ["EAI_BADHINTS", "invalid value for hints"]], [-3003, ["EAI_CANCELED", "request canceled"]], [-3004, ["EAI_FAIL", "permanent failure"]], [-3005, ["EAI_FAMILY", "ai_family not supported"]], [-3006, ["EAI_MEMORY", "out of memory"]], [-3007, ["EAI_NODATA", "no address"]], [-3008, ["EAI_NONAME", "unknown node or service"]], [-3009, ["EAI_OVERFLOW", "argument buffer overflow"]], [-3014, ["EAI_PROTOCOL", "resolved protocol is unknown"]], [-3010, ["EAI_SERVICE", "service not available for socket type"]], [-3011, ["EAI_SOCKTYPE", "socket type not supported"]], [-37, ["EALREADY", "connection already in progress"]], [-9, ["EBADF", "bad file descriptor"]], [-16, ["EBUSY", "resource busy or locked"]], [-89, ["ECANCELED", "operation canceled"]], [-4080, ["ECHARSET", "invalid Unicode character"]], [-53, ["ECONNABORTED", "software caused connection abort"]], [-61, ["ECONNREFUSED", "connection refused"]], [-54, ["ECONNRESET", "connection reset by peer"]], [-39, ["EDESTADDRREQ", "destination address required"]], [-17, ["EEXIST", "file already exists"]], [-14, ["EFAULT", "bad address in system call argument"]], [-27, ["EFBIG", "file too large"]], [-65, ["EHOSTUNREACH", "host is unreachable"]], [-4, ["EINTR", "interrupted system call"]], [-22, ["EINVAL", "invalid argument"]], [-5, ["EIO", "i/o error"]], [-56, ["EISCONN", "socket is already connected"]], [-21, ["EISDIR", "illegal operation on a directory"]], [-62, ["ELOOP", "too many symbolic links encountered"]], [-24, ["EMFILE", "too many open files"]], [-40, ["EMSGSIZE", "message too long"]], [-63, ["ENAMETOOLONG", "name too long"]], [-50, ["ENETDOWN", "network is down"]], [-51, ["ENETUNREACH", "network is unreachable"]], [-23, ["ENFILE", "file table overflow"]], [-55, ["ENOBUFS", "no buffer space available"]], [-19, ["ENODEV", "no such device"]], [-2, ["ENOENT", "no such file or directory"]], [-12, ["ENOMEM", "not enough memory"]], [-4056, ["ENONET", "machine is not on the network"]], [-42, ["ENOPROTOOPT", "protocol not available"]], [-28, ["ENOSPC", "no space left on device"]], [-78, ["ENOSYS", "function not implemented"]], [-57, ["ENOTCONN", "socket is not connected"]], [-20, ["ENOTDIR", "not a directory"]], [-66, ["ENOTEMPTY", "directory not empty"]], [-38, ["ENOTSOCK", "socket operation on non-socket"]], [-45, ["ENOTSUP", "operation not supported on socket"]], [-1, ["EPERM", "operation not permitted"]], [-32, ["EPIPE", "broken pipe"]], [-100, ["EPROTO", "protocol error"]], [-43, ["EPROTONOSUPPORT", "protocol not supported"]], [-41, ["EPROTOTYPE", "protocol wrong type for socket"]], [-34, ["ERANGE", "result too large"]], [-30, ["EROFS", "read-only file system"]], [-58, ["ESHUTDOWN", "cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown"]], [-29, ["ESPIPE", "invalid seek"]], [-3, ["ESRCH", "no such process"]], [-60, ["ETIMEDOUT", "connection timed out"]], [-26, ["ETXTBSY", "text file is busy"]], [-18, ["EXDEV", "cross-device link not permitted"]], [-4094, ["UNKNOWN", "unknown error"]], [-4095, ["EOF", "end of file"]], [-6, ["ENXIO", "no such device or address"]], [-31, ["EMLINK", "too many links"]], [-64, ["EHOSTDOWN", "host is down"]], [-4030, ["EREMOTEIO", "remote I/O error"]], [-25, ["ENOTTY", "inappropriate ioctl for device"]], [-79, ["EFTYPE", "inappropriate file type or format"]], [-92, ["EILSEQ", "illegal byte sequence"]], ]; const errorToCodeDarwin: CodeMapData = codeToErrorDarwin.map(( [status, [code]], ) => [code, status]); const codeToErrorLinux: ErrorMapData = [ [-7, ["E2BIG", "argument list too long"]], [-13, ["EACCES", "permission denied"]], [-98, ["EADDRINUSE", "address already in use"]], [-99, ["EADDRNOTAVAIL", "address not available"]], [-97, ["EAFNOSUPPORT", "address family not supported"]], [-11, ["EAGAIN", "resource temporarily unavailable"]], [-3000, ["EAI_ADDRFAMILY", "address family not supported"]], [-3001, ["EAI_AGAIN", "temporary failure"]], [-3002, ["EAI_BADFLAGS", "bad ai_flags value"]], [-3013, ["EAI_BADHINTS", "invalid value for hints"]], [-3003, ["EAI_CANCELED", "request canceled"]], [-3004, ["EAI_FAIL", "permanent failure"]], [-3005, ["EAI_FAMILY", "ai_family not supported"]], [-3006, ["EAI_MEMORY", "out of memory"]], [-3007, ["EAI_NODATA", "no address"]], [-3008, ["EAI_NONAME", "unknown node or service"]], [-3009, ["EAI_OVERFLOW", "argument buffer overflow"]], [-3014, ["EAI_PROTOCOL", "resolved protocol is unknown"]], [-3010, ["EAI_SERVICE", "service not available for socket type"]], [-3011, ["EAI_SOCKTYPE", "socket type not supported"]], [-114, ["EALREADY", "connection already in progress"]], [-9, ["EBADF", "bad file descriptor"]], [-16, ["EBUSY", "resource busy or locked"]], [-125, ["ECANCELED", "operation canceled"]], [-4080, ["ECHARSET", "invalid Unicode character"]], [-103, ["ECONNABORTED", "software caused connection abort"]], [-111, ["ECONNREFUSED", "connection refused"]], [-104, ["ECONNRESET", "connection reset by peer"]], [-89, ["EDESTADDRREQ", "destination address required"]], [-17, ["EEXIST", "file already exists"]], [-14, ["EFAULT", "bad address in system call argument"]], [-27, ["EFBIG", "file too large"]], [-113, ["EHOSTUNREACH", "host is unreachable"]], [-4, ["EINTR", "interrupted system call"]], [-22, ["EINVAL", "invalid argument"]], [-5, ["EIO", "i/o error"]], [-106, ["EISCONN", "socket is already connected"]], [-21, ["EISDIR", "illegal operation on a directory"]], [-40, ["ELOOP", "too many symbolic links encountered"]], [-24, ["EMFILE", "too many open files"]], [-90, ["EMSGSIZE", "message too long"]], [-36, ["ENAMETOOLONG", "name too long"]], [-100, ["ENETDOWN", "network is down"]], [-101, ["ENETUNREACH", "network is unreachable"]], [-23, ["ENFILE", "file table overflow"]], [-105, ["ENOBUFS", "no buffer space available"]], [-19, ["ENODEV", "no such device"]], [-2, ["ENOENT", "no such file or directory"]], [-12, ["ENOMEM", "not enough memory"]], [-64, ["ENONET", "machine is not on the network"]], [-92, ["ENOPROTOOPT", "protocol not available"]], [-28, ["ENOSPC", "no space left on device"]], [-38, ["ENOSYS", "function not implemented"]], [-107, ["ENOTCONN", "socket is not connected"]], [-20, ["ENOTDIR", "not a directory"]], [-39, ["ENOTEMPTY", "directory not empty"]], [-88, ["ENOTSOCK", "socket operation on non-socket"]], [-95, ["ENOTSUP", "operation not supported on socket"]], [-1, ["EPERM", "operation not permitted"]], [-32, ["EPIPE", "broken pipe"]], [-71, ["EPROTO", "protocol error"]], [-93, ["EPROTONOSUPPORT", "protocol not supported"]], [-91, ["EPROTOTYPE", "protocol wrong type for socket"]], [-34, ["ERANGE", "result too large"]], [-30, ["EROFS", "read-only file system"]], [-108, ["ESHUTDOWN", "cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown"]], [-29, ["ESPIPE", "invalid seek"]], [-3, ["ESRCH", "no such process"]], [-110, ["ETIMEDOUT", "connection timed out"]], [-26, ["ETXTBSY", "text file is busy"]], [-18, ["EXDEV", "cross-device link not permitted"]], [-4094, ["UNKNOWN", "unknown error"]], [-4095, ["EOF", "end of file"]], [-6, ["ENXIO", "no such device or address"]], [-31, ["EMLINK", "too many links"]], [-112, ["EHOSTDOWN", "host is down"]], [-121, ["EREMOTEIO", "remote I/O error"]], [-25, ["ENOTTY", "inappropriate ioctl for device"]], [-4028, ["EFTYPE", "inappropriate file type or format"]], [-84, ["EILSEQ", "illegal byte sequence"]], ]; const errorToCodeLinux: CodeMapData = codeToErrorLinux.map(( [status, [code]], ) => [code, status]); const codeToErrorFreebsd: ErrorMapData = [ [-7, ["E2BIG", "argument list too long"]], [-13, ["EACCES", "permission denied"]], [-48, ["EADDRINUSE", "address already in use"]], [-49, ["EADDRNOTAVAIL", "address not available"]], [-47, ["EAFNOSUPPORT", "address family not supported"]], [-35, ["EAGAIN", "resource temporarily unavailable"]], [-3000, ["EAI_ADDRFAMILY", "address family not supported"]], [-3001, ["EAI_AGAIN", "temporary failure"]], [-3002, ["EAI_BADFLAGS", "bad ai_flags value"]], [-3013, ["EAI_BADHINTS", "invalid value for hints"]], [-3003, ["EAI_CANCELED", "request canceled"]], [-3004, ["EAI_FAIL", "permanent failure"]], [-3005, ["EAI_FAMILY", "ai_family not supported"]], [-3006, ["EAI_MEMORY", "out of memory"]], [-3007, ["EAI_NODATA", "no address"]], [-3008, ["EAI_NONAME", "unknown node or service"]], [-3009, ["EAI_OVERFLOW", "argument buffer overflow"]], [-3014, ["EAI_PROTOCOL", "resolved protocol is unknown"]], [-3010, ["EAI_SERVICE", "service not available for socket type"]], [-3011, ["EAI_SOCKTYPE", "socket type not supported"]], [-37, ["EALREADY", "connection already in progress"]], [-9, ["EBADF", "bad file descriptor"]], [-16, ["EBUSY", "resource busy or locked"]], [-85, ["ECANCELED", "operation canceled"]], [-4080, ["ECHARSET", "invalid Unicode character"]], [-53, ["ECONNABORTED", "software caused connection abort"]], [-61, ["ECONNREFUSED", "connection refused"]], [-54, ["ECONNRESET", "connection reset by peer"]], [-39, ["EDESTADDRREQ", "destination address required"]], [-17, ["EEXIST", "file already exists"]], [-14, ["EFAULT", "bad address in system call argument"]], [-27, ["EFBIG", "file too large"]], [-65, ["EHOSTUNREACH", "host is unreachable"]], [-4, ["EINTR", "interrupted system call"]], [-22, ["EINVAL", "invalid argument"]], [-5, ["EIO", "i/o error"]], [-56, ["EISCONN", "socket is already connected"]], [-21, ["EISDIR", "illegal operation on a directory"]], [-62, ["ELOOP", "too many symbolic links encountered"]], [-24, ["EMFILE", "too many open files"]], [-40, ["EMSGSIZE", "message too long"]], [-63, ["ENAMETOOLONG", "name too long"]], [-50, ["ENETDOWN", "network is down"]], [-51, ["ENETUNREACH", "network is unreachable"]], [-23, ["ENFILE", "file table overflow"]], [-55, ["ENOBUFS", "no buffer space available"]], [-19, ["ENODEV", "no such device"]], [-2, ["ENOENT", "no such file or directory"]], [-12, ["ENOMEM", "not enough memory"]], [-4056, ["ENONET", "machine is not on the network"]], [-42, ["ENOPROTOOPT", "protocol not available"]], [-28, ["ENOSPC", "no space left on device"]], [-78, ["ENOSYS", "function not implemented"]], [-57, ["ENOTCONN", "socket is not connected"]], [-20, ["ENOTDIR", "not a directory"]], [-66, ["ENOTEMPTY", "directory not empty"]], [-38, ["ENOTSOCK", "socket operation on non-socket"]], [-45, ["ENOTSUP", "operation not supported on socket"]], [-84, ["EOVERFLOW", "value too large for defined data type"]], [-1, ["EPERM", "operation not permitted"]], [-32, ["EPIPE", "broken pipe"]], [-92, ["EPROTO", "protocol error"]], [-43, ["EPROTONOSUPPORT", "protocol not supported"]], [-41, ["EPROTOTYPE", "protocol wrong type for socket"]], [-34, ["ERANGE", "result too large"]], [-30, ["EROFS", "read-only file system"]], [-58, ["ESHUTDOWN", "cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown"]], [-29, ["ESPIPE", "invalid seek"]], [-3, ["ESRCH", "no such process"]], [-60, ["ETIMEDOUT", "connection timed out"]], [-26, ["ETXTBSY", "text file is busy"]], [-18, ["EXDEV", "cross-device link not permitted"]], [-4094, ["UNKNOWN", "unknown error"]], [-4095, ["EOF", "end of file"]], [-6, ["ENXIO", "no such device or address"]], [-31, ["EMLINK", "too many links"]], [-64, ["EHOSTDOWN", "host is down"]], [-4030, ["EREMOTEIO", "remote I/O error"]], [-25, ["ENOTTY", "inappropriate ioctl for device"]], [-79, ["EFTYPE", "inappropriate file type or format"]], [-86, ["EILSEQ", "illegal byte sequence"]], [-44, ["ESOCKTNOSUPPORT", "socket type not supported"]], ]; const errorToCodeFreebsd: CodeMapData = codeToErrorFreebsd.map(( [status, [code]], ) => [code, status]); export const errorMap = new Map<number, [string, string]>( osType === "windows" ? codeToErrorWindows : osType === "darwin" ? codeToErrorDarwin : osType === "linux" ? codeToErrorLinux : osType === "freebsd" ? codeToErrorFreebsd : unreachable(), ); export const codeMap = new Map<string, number>( osType === "windows" ? errorToCodeWindows : osType === "darwin" ? errorToCodeDarwin : osType === "linux" ? errorToCodeLinux : osType === "freebsd" ? errorToCodeFreebsd : unreachable(), ); export function mapSysErrnoToUvErrno(sysErrno: number): number { if (osType === "windows") { const code = uvTranslateSysError(sysErrno); return codeMap.get(code) ?? -sysErrno; } else { return -sysErrno; } } export const UV_EAI_MEMORY = codeMap.get("EAI_MEMORY")!; export const UV_EBADF = codeMap.get("EBADF")!; export const UV_EEXIST = codeMap.get("EEXIST"); export const UV_EINVAL = codeMap.get("EINVAL")!; export const UV_ENOENT = codeMap.get("ENOENT"); export const UV_ENOTSOCK = codeMap.get("ENOTSOCK")!; export const UV_UNKNOWN = codeMap.get("UNKNOWN")!;