// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. //! This module provides feature to upgrade deno executable use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_runtime::deno_fetch::reqwest; use deno_runtime::deno_fetch::reqwest::Client; use semver_parser::version::parse as semver_parse; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::Command; use tempfile::TempDir; lazy_static! { static ref ARCHIVE_NAME: String = format!("deno-{}.zip", env!("TARGET")); } const RELEASE_URL: &str = "https://github.com/denoland/deno/releases"; pub async fn upgrade_command( dry_run: bool, force: bool, canary: bool, version: Option<String>, output: Option<PathBuf>, ca_file: Option<String>, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let mut client_builder = Client::builder(); // If we have been provided a CA Certificate, add it into the HTTP client if let Some(ca_file) = ca_file { let buf = std::fs::read(ca_file)?; let cert = reqwest::Certificate::from_pem(&buf)?; client_builder = client_builder.add_root_certificate(cert); } let client = client_builder.build()?; let install_version = match version { Some(passed_version) => { let current_is_passed = if canary { crate::version::GIT_COMMIT_HASH == passed_version } else if !crate::version::is_canary() { crate::version::deno() == passed_version } else { false }; if !force && output.is_none() && current_is_passed { println!("Version {} is already installed", crate::version::deno()); return Ok(()); } else { passed_version } } None => { let latest_version = if canary { get_latest_canary_version(&client).await? } else { get_latest_release_version(&client).await? }; let current_is_most_recent = if canary { let mut latest_hash = latest_version.clone(); latest_hash.truncate(7); crate::version::GIT_COMMIT_HASH == latest_hash } else if !crate::version::is_canary() { let current = semver_parse(&*crate::version::deno()).unwrap(); let latest = match semver_parse(&latest_version) { Ok(v) => v, Err(_) => { eprintln!("Invalid semver passed"); std::process::exit(1) } }; current >= latest } else { false }; if !force && output.is_none() && current_is_most_recent { println!( "Local deno version {} is the most recent release", crate::version::deno() ); return Ok(()); } else { println!("Found latest version {}", &latest_version); latest_version } } }; let download_url = if canary { format!( "https://dl.deno.land/canary/{}/{}", install_version, *ARCHIVE_NAME ) } else { format!( "{}/download/v{}/{}", RELEASE_URL, install_version, *ARCHIVE_NAME ) }; let archive_data = download_package(client, &*download_url).await?; println!("Deno is upgrading to version {}", &install_version); let old_exe_path = std::env::current_exe()?; let new_exe_path = unpack(archive_data, "deno", cfg!(windows))?; let permissions = fs::metadata(&old_exe_path)?.permissions(); fs::set_permissions(&new_exe_path, permissions)?; check_exe(&new_exe_path)?; if !dry_run { match output { Some(path) => { fs::rename(&new_exe_path, &path) .or_else(|_| fs::copy(&new_exe_path, &path).map(|_| ()))?; } None => replace_exe(&new_exe_path, &old_exe_path)?, } } println!("Upgraded successfully"); Ok(()) } async fn get_latest_release_version( client: &Client, ) -> Result<String, AnyError> { println!("Looking up latest version"); let res = client .get(&format!("{}/latest", RELEASE_URL)) .send() .await?; let version = res.url().path_segments().unwrap().last().unwrap(); Ok(version.replace("v", "")) } async fn get_latest_canary_version( client: &Client, ) -> Result<String, AnyError> { println!("Looking up latest version"); let res = client .get("https://dl.deno.land/canary-latest.txt") .send() .await?; let version = res.text().await?.trim().to_string(); Ok(version) } async fn download_package( client: Client, download_url: &str, ) -> Result<Vec<u8>, AnyError> { println!("Checking {}", &download_url); let res = client.get(download_url).send().await?; if res.status().is_success() { println!("Download has been found"); Ok(res.bytes().await?.to_vec()) } else { println!("Download could not be found, aborting"); std::process::exit(1) } } pub fn unpack( archive_data: Vec<u8>, exe_name: &str, is_windows: bool, ) -> Result<PathBuf, std::io::Error> { // We use into_path so that the tempdir is not automatically deleted. This is // useful for debugging upgrade, but also so this function can return a path // to the newly uncompressed file without fear of the tempdir being deleted. let temp_dir = TempDir::new()?.into_path(); let exe_ext = if is_windows { "exe" } else { "" }; let archive_path = temp_dir.join(exe_name).with_extension(".zip"); let exe_path = temp_dir.join(exe_name).with_extension(exe_ext); assert!(!exe_path.exists()); let archive_ext = Path::new(&*ARCHIVE_NAME) .extension() .and_then(|ext| ext.to_str()) .unwrap(); let unpack_status = match archive_ext { "zip" if cfg!(windows) => { fs::write(&archive_path, &archive_data)?; Command::new("powershell.exe") .arg("-NoLogo") .arg("-NoProfile") .arg("-NonInteractive") .arg("-Command") .arg( "& { param($Path, $DestinationPath) trap { $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($_.Exception); exit 1 } Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory( $Path, $DestinationPath ); }", ) .arg("-Path") .arg(format!("'{}'", &archive_path.to_str().unwrap())) .arg("-DestinationPath") .arg(format!("'{}'", &temp_dir.to_str().unwrap())) .spawn()? .wait()? } "zip" => { fs::write(&archive_path, &archive_data)?; Command::new("unzip") .current_dir(&temp_dir) .arg(archive_path) .spawn()? .wait()? } ext => panic!("Unsupported archive type: '{}'", ext), }; assert!(unpack_status.success()); assert!(exe_path.exists()); Ok(exe_path) } fn replace_exe(new: &Path, old: &Path) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { if cfg!(windows) { // On windows you cannot replace the currently running executable. // so first we rename it to deno.old.exe fs::rename(old, old.with_extension("old.exe"))?; } else { fs::remove_file(old)?; } // Windows cannot rename files across device boundaries, so if rename fails, // we try again with copy. fs::rename(new, old).or_else(|_| fs::copy(new, old).map(|_| ()))?; Ok(()) } fn check_exe(exe_path: &Path) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let output = Command::new(exe_path) .arg("-V") .stderr(std::process::Stdio::inherit()) .output()?; assert!(output.status.success()); Ok(()) }