// deno-fmt-ignore-file
// deno-lint-ignore-file

// Copyright Joyent and Node contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// Taken from Node 18.12.1
// This file is automatically generated by `tools/node_compat/setup.ts`. Do not modify this file manually.

'use strict';

// This tests that the error thrown from net.createConnection
// comes with host and port properties.
// See https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/issues/7005

const common = require('../common');
const assert = require('assert');
const net = require('net');

const { addresses } = require('../common/internet');
const {
} = require('../common/dns');

// Using port 0 as hostname used is already invalid.
const c = net.createConnection({
  port: 0,
  host: addresses.INVALID_HOST,
  lookup: common.mustCall(errorLookupMock())

c.on('connect', common.mustNotCall());

c.on('error', common.mustCall((error) => {
  assert.ok(!('port' in error));
  assert.ok(!('host' in error));
  assert.throws(() => { throw error; }, {
    errno: mockedErrorCode,
    code: mockedErrorCode,
    name: 'Error',
    message: 'getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND something.invalid',
    hostname: addresses.INVALID_HOST,
    syscall: 'getaddrinfo'