// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use serde::Serialize; use super::*; use crate::tools::test::TestFailureFormatOptions; use crate::version; pub trait BenchReporter { fn report_group_summary(&mut self); fn report_plan(&mut self, plan: &BenchPlan); fn report_end(&mut self, report: &BenchReport); fn report_register(&mut self, desc: &BenchDescription); fn report_wait(&mut self, desc: &BenchDescription); fn report_output(&mut self, output: &str); fn report_result(&mut self, desc: &BenchDescription, result: &BenchResult); fn report_uncaught_error(&mut self, origin: &str, error: Box); } const JSON_SCHEMA_VERSION: u8 = 1; #[derive(Debug, Serialize)] struct JsonReporterOutput { version: u8, runtime: String, cpu: String, benches: Vec, } impl Default for JsonReporterOutput { fn default() -> Self { Self { version: JSON_SCHEMA_VERSION, runtime: format!( "{} {}", version::DENO_VERSION_INFO.user_agent, env!("TARGET") ), cpu: mitata::cpu::name(), benches: vec![], } } } #[derive(Debug, Serialize)] struct JsonReporterBench { origin: String, group: Option, name: String, baseline: bool, results: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize)] pub struct JsonReporter(JsonReporterOutput); impl JsonReporter { pub fn new() -> Self { Self(Default::default()) } } #[allow(clippy::print_stdout)] impl BenchReporter for JsonReporter { fn report_group_summary(&mut self) {} #[cold] fn report_plan(&mut self, _plan: &BenchPlan) {} fn report_end(&mut self, _report: &BenchReport) { match write_json_to_stdout(self) { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => println!("{}", e), } } fn report_register(&mut self, _desc: &BenchDescription) {} fn report_wait(&mut self, _desc: &BenchDescription) {} fn report_output(&mut self, _output: &str) {} fn report_result(&mut self, desc: &BenchDescription, result: &BenchResult) { if desc.warmup { return; } let maybe_bench = self.0.benches.iter_mut().find(|bench| { bench.origin == desc.origin && bench.group == desc.group && bench.name == desc.name && bench.baseline == desc.baseline }); if let Some(bench) = maybe_bench { bench.results.push(result.clone()); } else { self.0.benches.push(JsonReporterBench { origin: desc.origin.clone(), group: desc.group.clone(), name: desc.name.clone(), baseline: desc.baseline, results: vec![result.clone()], }); } } fn report_uncaught_error(&mut self, _origin: &str, _error: Box) {} } pub struct ConsoleReporter { name: String, show_output: bool, group: Option, baseline: bool, group_measurements: Vec<(BenchDescription, BenchStats)>, options: Option, } impl ConsoleReporter { pub fn new(show_output: bool) -> Self { Self { show_output, group: None, options: None, baseline: false, name: String::new(), group_measurements: Vec::new(), } } } #[allow(clippy::print_stdout)] impl BenchReporter for ConsoleReporter { #[cold] fn report_plan(&mut self, plan: &BenchPlan) { use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering; static FIRST_PLAN: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(true); self.report_group_summary(); self.group = None; self.baseline = false; self.name = String::new(); self.group_measurements.clear(); self.options = Some(mitata::reporter::Options::new( &plan.names.iter().map(|x| x.as_str()).collect::>(), )); let options = self.options.as_mut().unwrap(); options.percentiles = true; if FIRST_PLAN .compare_exchange(true, false, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst) .is_ok() { println!( "{}", colors::gray(format!(" CPU | {}", mitata::cpu::name())) ); println!( "{}\n", colors::gray(format!( "Runtime | Deno {} ({})", crate::version::DENO_VERSION_INFO.deno, env!("TARGET") )) ); } else { println!(); } println!( "{}\n\n{}\n{}", colors::gray(&plan.origin), mitata::reporter::header(options), mitata::reporter::br(options) ); } fn report_register(&mut self, _desc: &BenchDescription) {} fn report_wait(&mut self, desc: &BenchDescription) { self.name.clone_from(&desc.name); match &desc.group { None => {} Some(group) => { if self.group.is_none() || group != self.group.as_ref().unwrap() { self.report_group_summary(); println!("{} {}", colors::gray("group"), colors::green(group)); } self.group = Some(group.clone()); } } } fn report_output(&mut self, output: &str) { if self.show_output { print!("{} {}", colors::gray(format!("{}:", self.name)), output) } } fn report_result(&mut self, desc: &BenchDescription, result: &BenchResult) { if desc.warmup { return; } let options = self.options.as_ref().unwrap(); match result { BenchResult::Ok(stats) => { let mut desc = desc.clone(); if desc.baseline && !self.baseline { self.baseline = true; } else { desc.baseline = false; } println!( "{}", mitata::reporter::benchmark( &desc.name, &mitata::reporter::BenchmarkStats { avg: stats.avg, min: stats.min, max: stats.max, p75: stats.p75, p99: stats.p99, p995: stats.p995, }, options ) ); if !stats.high_precision && stats.used_explicit_timers { println!("{}", colors::yellow(format!("Warning: start() and end() calls in \"{}\" are ignored because it averages less\nthan 10µs per iteration. Remove them for better results.", &desc.name))); } self.group_measurements.push((desc, stats.clone())); } BenchResult::Failed(js_error) => { println!( "{}", mitata::reporter::benchmark_error( &desc.name, &mitata::reporter::Error { stack: None, message: format_test_error( js_error, &TestFailureFormatOptions::default() ), }, options ) ) } }; } fn report_group_summary(&mut self) { if self.options.is_none() { return; } if 2 <= self.group_measurements.len() && (self.group.is_some() || (self.group.is_none() && self.baseline)) { println!( "\n{}", mitata::reporter::summary( &self .group_measurements .iter() .map(|(d, s)| mitata::reporter::GroupBenchmark { name: d.name.clone(), baseline: d.baseline, group: d.group.as_deref().unwrap_or("").to_owned(), stats: mitata::reporter::BenchmarkStats { avg: s.avg, min: s.min, max: s.max, p75: s.p75, p99: s.p99, p995: s.p995, }, }) .collect::>(), ) ); } println!(); self.baseline = false; self.group_measurements.clear(); } fn report_end(&mut self, _: &BenchReport) { self.report_group_summary(); } fn report_uncaught_error(&mut self, _origin: &str, error: Box) { println!( "{}: {}", colors::red_bold("error"), format_test_error(&error, &TestFailureFormatOptions::default()) ); println!("This error was not caught from a benchmark and caused the bench runner to fail on the referenced module."); println!("It most likely originated from a dangling promise, event/timeout handler or top-level code."); println!(); } }