// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::error::AnyError; use crate::gotham_state::GothamState; use crate::resources::ResourceTable; use crate::runtime::GetErrorClassFn; use crate::runtime::JsRuntimeState; use crate::OpDecl; use crate::OpsTracker; use anyhow::Error; use futures::future::maybe_done; use futures::future::FusedFuture; use futures::future::MaybeDone; use futures::ready; use futures::task::noop_waker; use futures::Future; use serde::Serialize; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::ops::Deref; use std::ops::DerefMut; use std::pin::Pin; use std::ptr::NonNull; use std::rc::Rc; use std::rc::Weak; use std::task::Context; use std::task::Poll; use v8::fast_api::CFunctionInfo; use v8::fast_api::CTypeInfo; /// Wrapper around a Future, which causes that Future to be polled immediately. /// /// Background: ops are stored in a `FuturesUnordered` structure which polls /// them, but without the `OpCall` wrapper this doesn't happen until the next /// turn of the event loop, which is too late for certain ops. pub struct OpCall<T>(MaybeDone<Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = T>>>>); pub enum EagerPollResult<T> { Ready(T), Pending(OpCall<T>), } impl<T> OpCall<T> { /// Wraps a future, and polls the inner future immediately. /// This should be the default choice for ops. pub fn eager(fut: impl Future<Output = T> + 'static) -> EagerPollResult<T> { let boxed = Box::pin(fut) as Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = T>>>; let mut inner = maybe_done(boxed); let waker = noop_waker(); let mut cx = Context::from_waker(&waker); let mut pinned = Pin::new(&mut inner); let poll = pinned.as_mut().poll(&mut cx); match poll { Poll::Ready(_) => EagerPollResult::Ready(pinned.take_output().unwrap()), _ => EagerPollResult::Pending(Self(inner)), } } /// Wraps a future; the inner future is polled the usual way (lazily). pub fn lazy(fut: impl Future<Output = T> + 'static) -> Self { let boxed = Box::pin(fut) as Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = T>>>; let inner = maybe_done(boxed); Self(inner) } /// Create a future by specifying its output. This is basically the same as /// `async { value }` or `futures::future::ready(value)`. pub fn ready(value: T) -> Self { Self(MaybeDone::Done(value)) } } impl<T> Future for OpCall<T> { type Output = T; fn poll( self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>, ) -> std::task::Poll<Self::Output> { // TODO(piscisaureus): safety comment #[allow(clippy::undocumented_unsafe_blocks)] let inner = unsafe { &mut self.get_unchecked_mut().0 }; let mut pinned = Pin::new(inner); ready!(pinned.as_mut().poll(cx)); Poll::Ready(pinned.as_mut().take_output().unwrap()) } } impl<F> FusedFuture for OpCall<F> where F: Future, { fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool { self.0.is_terminated() } } pub type RealmIdx = usize; pub type PromiseId = i32; pub type OpAsyncFuture = OpCall<(PromiseId, OpId, OpResult)>; pub type OpFn = fn(&mut v8::HandleScope, v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, v8::ReturnValue); pub type OpId = usize; pub enum Op { Sync(OpResult), Async(OpAsyncFuture), NotFound, } pub enum OpResult { Ok(serde_v8::SerializablePkg), Err(OpError), } impl OpResult { pub fn to_v8<'a>( &mut self, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'a>, ) -> Result<v8::Local<'a, v8::Value>, serde_v8::Error> { match self { Self::Ok(x) => x.to_v8(scope), Self::Err(err) => serde_v8::to_v8(scope, err), } } } #[derive(Debug, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct OpError { #[serde(rename = "$err_class_name")] class_name: &'static str, message: String, code: Option<&'static str>, } impl OpError { pub fn new(get_class: GetErrorClassFn, err: Error) -> Self { Self { class_name: (get_class)(&err), message: format!("{err:#}"), code: crate::error_codes::get_error_code(&err), } } } pub fn to_op_result<R: Serialize + 'static>( get_class: GetErrorClassFn, result: Result<R, Error>, ) -> OpResult { match result { Ok(v) => OpResult::Ok(v.into()), Err(err) => OpResult::Err(OpError::new(get_class, err)), } } // TODO(@AaronO): optimize OpCtx(s) mem usage ? pub struct OpCtx { pub id: OpId, pub state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, pub decl: Rc<OpDecl>, pub fast_fn_c_info: Option<NonNull<v8::fast_api::CFunctionInfo>>, pub runtime_state: Weak<RefCell<JsRuntimeState>>, // Index of the current realm into `JsRuntimeState::known_realms`. pub realm_idx: RealmIdx, } impl OpCtx { pub fn new( id: OpId, realm_idx: RealmIdx, decl: Rc<OpDecl>, state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, runtime_state: Weak<RefCell<JsRuntimeState>>, ) -> Self { let mut fast_fn_c_info = None; if let Some(fast_fn) = &decl.fast_fn { let args = CTypeInfo::new_from_slice(fast_fn.args()); let ret = CTypeInfo::new(fast_fn.return_type()); // SAFETY: all arguments are coming from the trait and they have // static lifetime let c_fn = unsafe { CFunctionInfo::new(args.as_ptr(), fast_fn.args().len(), ret.as_ptr()) }; fast_fn_c_info = Some(c_fn); } OpCtx { id, state, runtime_state, decl, realm_idx, fast_fn_c_info, } } } /// Maintains the resources and ops inside a JS runtime. pub struct OpState { pub resource_table: ResourceTable, pub get_error_class_fn: GetErrorClassFn, pub tracker: OpsTracker, pub last_fast_op_error: Option<AnyError>, gotham_state: GothamState, } impl OpState { pub fn new(ops_count: usize) -> OpState { OpState { resource_table: Default::default(), get_error_class_fn: &|_| "Error", gotham_state: Default::default(), last_fast_op_error: None, tracker: OpsTracker::new(ops_count), } } } impl Deref for OpState { type Target = GothamState; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.gotham_state } } impl DerefMut for OpState { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.gotham_state } }