// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use deno_core::anyhow::bail; use deno_core::error::generic_error; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::serde_json::Map; use deno_core::serde_json::Value; use deno_core::url::Url; use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier; use regex::Regex; use crate::errors; use crate::package_json::PackageJson; use crate::path::PathClean; use crate::RequireNpmResolver; pub static DEFAULT_CONDITIONS: &[&str] = &["deno", "node", "import"]; pub static REQUIRE_CONDITIONS: &[&str] = &["require", "node"]; pub static TYPES_CONDITIONS: &[&str] = &["types"]; #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum NodeModuleKind { Esm, Cjs, } /// Checks if the resolved file has a corresponding declaration file. pub fn path_to_declaration_path( path: PathBuf, referrer_kind: NodeModuleKind, ) -> PathBuf { let lowercase_path = path.to_string_lossy().to_lowercase(); if lowercase_path.ends_with(".d.ts") || lowercase_path.ends_with(".d.cts") || lowercase_path.ends_with(".d.ts") { return path; } let specific_dts_path = match referrer_kind { NodeModuleKind::Cjs => path.with_extension("d.cts"), NodeModuleKind::Esm => path.with_extension("d.mts"), }; if specific_dts_path.exists() { specific_dts_path } else { let dts_path = path.with_extension("d.ts"); if dts_path.exists() { dts_path } else { path } } } fn to_specifier_display_string(url: &ModuleSpecifier) -> String { if let Ok(path) = url.to_file_path() { path.display().to_string() } else { url.to_string() } } fn throw_import_not_defined( specifier: &str, package_json_path: Option<&Path>, base: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> AnyError { errors::err_package_import_not_defined( specifier, package_json_path.map(|p| p.parent().unwrap().display().to_string()), &to_specifier_display_string(base), ) } fn pattern_key_compare(a: &str, b: &str) -> i32 { let a_pattern_index = a.find('*'); let b_pattern_index = b.find('*'); let base_len_a = if let Some(index) = a_pattern_index { index + 1 } else { a.len() }; let base_len_b = if let Some(index) = b_pattern_index { index + 1 } else { b.len() }; if base_len_a > base_len_b { return -1; } if base_len_b > base_len_a { return 1; } if a_pattern_index.is_none() { return 1; } if b_pattern_index.is_none() { return -1; } if a.len() > b.len() { return -1; } if b.len() > a.len() { return 1; } 0 } pub fn package_imports_resolve( name: &str, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, referrer_kind: NodeModuleKind, conditions: &[&str], npm_resolver: &dyn RequireNpmResolver, ) -> Result<PathBuf, AnyError> { if name == "#" || name.starts_with("#/") || name.ends_with('/') { let reason = "is not a valid internal imports specifier name"; return Err(errors::err_invalid_module_specifier( name, reason, Some(to_specifier_display_string(referrer)), )); } let package_config = get_package_scope_config(referrer, npm_resolver)?; let mut package_json_path = None; if package_config.exists { package_json_path = Some(package_config.path.clone()); if let Some(imports) = &package_config.imports { if imports.contains_key(name) && !name.contains('*') { let maybe_resolved = resolve_package_target( package_json_path.as_ref().unwrap(), imports.get(name).unwrap().to_owned(), "".to_string(), name.to_string(), referrer, referrer_kind, false, true, conditions, npm_resolver, )?; if let Some(resolved) = maybe_resolved { return Ok(resolved); } } else { let mut best_match = ""; let mut best_match_subpath = None; for key in imports.keys() { let pattern_index = key.find('*'); if let Some(pattern_index) = pattern_index { let key_sub = &key[0..=pattern_index]; if name.starts_with(key_sub) { let pattern_trailer = &key[pattern_index + 1..]; if name.len() > key.len() && name.ends_with(&pattern_trailer) && pattern_key_compare(best_match, key) == 1 && key.rfind('*') == Some(pattern_index) { best_match = key; best_match_subpath = Some( name[pattern_index..=(name.len() - pattern_trailer.len())] .to_string(), ); } } } } if !best_match.is_empty() { let target = imports.get(best_match).unwrap().to_owned(); let maybe_resolved = resolve_package_target( package_json_path.as_ref().unwrap(), target, best_match_subpath.unwrap(), best_match.to_string(), referrer, referrer_kind, true, true, conditions, npm_resolver, )?; if let Some(resolved) = maybe_resolved { return Ok(resolved); } } } } } Err(throw_import_not_defined( name, package_json_path.as_deref(), referrer, )) } fn throw_invalid_package_target( subpath: String, target: String, package_json_path: &Path, internal: bool, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> AnyError { errors::err_invalid_package_target( package_json_path.parent().unwrap().display().to_string(), subpath, target, internal, Some(referrer.as_str().to_string()), ) } fn throw_invalid_subpath( subpath: String, package_json_path: &Path, internal: bool, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> AnyError { let ie = if internal { "imports" } else { "exports" }; let reason = format!( "request is not a valid subpath for the \"{}\" resolution of {}", ie, package_json_path.display(), ); errors::err_invalid_module_specifier( &subpath, &reason, Some(to_specifier_display_string(referrer)), ) } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn resolve_package_target_string( target: String, subpath: String, match_: String, package_json_path: &Path, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, referrer_kind: NodeModuleKind, pattern: bool, internal: bool, conditions: &[&str], npm_resolver: &dyn RequireNpmResolver, ) -> Result<PathBuf, AnyError> { if !subpath.is_empty() && !pattern && !target.ends_with('/') { return Err(throw_invalid_package_target( match_, target, package_json_path, internal, referrer, )); } let invalid_segment_re = Regex::new(r"(^|\|/)(..?|node_modules)(\|/|$)").expect("bad regex"); let pattern_re = Regex::new(r"\*").expect("bad regex"); if !target.starts_with("./") { if internal && !target.starts_with("../") && !target.starts_with('/') { let is_url = Url::parse(&target).is_ok(); if !is_url { let export_target = if pattern { pattern_re .replace(&target, |_caps: ®ex::Captures| subpath.clone()) .to_string() } else { format!("{}{}", target, subpath) }; let package_json_url = ModuleSpecifier::from_file_path(package_json_path).unwrap(); return match package_resolve( &export_target, &package_json_url, referrer_kind, conditions, npm_resolver, ) { Ok(Some(path)) => Ok(path), Ok(None) => Err(generic_error("not found")), Err(err) => Err(err), }; } } return Err(throw_invalid_package_target( match_, target, package_json_path, internal, referrer, )); } if invalid_segment_re.is_match(&target[2..]) { return Err(throw_invalid_package_target( match_, target, package_json_path, internal, referrer, )); } let package_path = package_json_path.parent().unwrap(); let resolved_path = package_path.join(&target).clean(); if !resolved_path.starts_with(package_path) { return Err(throw_invalid_package_target( match_, target, package_json_path, internal, referrer, )); } if subpath.is_empty() { return Ok(resolved_path); } if invalid_segment_re.is_match(&subpath) { let request = if pattern { match_.replace('*', &subpath) } else { format!("{}{}", match_, subpath) }; return Err(throw_invalid_subpath( request, package_json_path, internal, referrer, )); } if pattern { let resolved_path_str = resolved_path.to_string_lossy(); let replaced = pattern_re .replace(&resolved_path_str, |_caps: ®ex::Captures| { subpath.clone() }); return Ok(PathBuf::from(replaced.to_string())); } Ok(resolved_path.join(&subpath).clean()) } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn resolve_package_target( package_json_path: &Path, target: Value, subpath: String, package_subpath: String, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, referrer_kind: NodeModuleKind, pattern: bool, internal: bool, conditions: &[&str], npm_resolver: &dyn RequireNpmResolver, ) -> Result<Option<PathBuf>, AnyError> { if let Some(target) = target.as_str() { return Ok(Some(resolve_package_target_string( target.to_string(), subpath, package_subpath, package_json_path, referrer, referrer_kind, pattern, internal, conditions, npm_resolver, )?)); } else if let Some(target_arr) = target.as_array() { if target_arr.is_empty() { return Ok(None); } let mut last_error = None; for target_item in target_arr { let resolved_result = resolve_package_target( package_json_path, target_item.to_owned(), subpath.clone(), package_subpath.clone(), referrer, referrer_kind, pattern, internal, conditions, npm_resolver, ); if let Err(e) = resolved_result { let err_string = e.to_string(); last_error = Some(e); if err_string.starts_with("[ERR_INVALID_PACKAGE_TARGET]") { continue; } return Err(last_error.unwrap()); } let resolved = resolved_result.unwrap(); if resolved.is_none() { last_error = None; continue; } return Ok(resolved); } if last_error.is_none() { return Ok(None); } return Err(last_error.unwrap()); } else if let Some(target_obj) = target.as_object() { for key in target_obj.keys() { // TODO(bartlomieju): verify that keys are not numeric // return Err(errors::err_invalid_package_config( // to_file_path_string(package_json_url), // Some(base.as_str().to_string()), // Some("\"exports\" cannot contain numeric property keys.".to_string()), // )); if key == "default" || conditions.contains(&key.as_str()) { let condition_target = target_obj.get(key).unwrap().to_owned(); let resolved = resolve_package_target( package_json_path, condition_target, subpath.clone(), package_subpath.clone(), referrer, referrer_kind, pattern, internal, conditions, npm_resolver, )?; if resolved.is_none() { continue; } return Ok(resolved); } } } else if target.is_null() { return Ok(None); } Err(throw_invalid_package_target( package_subpath, target.to_string(), package_json_path, internal, referrer, )) } fn throw_exports_not_found( subpath: String, package_json_path: &Path, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> AnyError { errors::err_package_path_not_exported( package_json_path.parent().unwrap().display().to_string(), subpath, Some(to_specifier_display_string(referrer)), ) } pub fn package_exports_resolve( package_json_path: &Path, package_subpath: String, package_exports: &Map<String, Value>, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, referrer_kind: NodeModuleKind, conditions: &[&str], npm_resolver: &dyn RequireNpmResolver, ) -> Result<PathBuf, AnyError> { if package_exports.contains_key(&package_subpath) && package_subpath.find('*').is_none() && !package_subpath.ends_with('/') { let target = package_exports.get(&package_subpath).unwrap().to_owned(); let resolved = resolve_package_target( package_json_path, target, "".to_string(), package_subpath.to_string(), referrer, referrer_kind, false, false, conditions, npm_resolver, )?; if resolved.is_none() { return Err(throw_exports_not_found( package_subpath, package_json_path, referrer, )); } return Ok(resolved.unwrap()); } let mut best_match = ""; let mut best_match_subpath = None; for key in package_exports.keys() { let pattern_index = key.find('*'); if let Some(pattern_index) = pattern_index { let key_sub = &key[0..pattern_index]; if package_subpath.starts_with(key_sub) { // When this reaches EOL, this can throw at the top of the whole function: // // if (StringPrototypeEndsWith(packageSubpath, '/')) // throwInvalidSubpath(packageSubpath) // // To match "imports" and the spec. if package_subpath.ends_with('/') { // TODO(bartlomieju): // emitTrailingSlashPatternDeprecation(); } let pattern_trailer = &key[pattern_index + 1..]; if package_subpath.len() > key.len() && package_subpath.ends_with(&pattern_trailer) && pattern_key_compare(best_match, key) == 1 && key.rfind('*') == Some(pattern_index) { best_match = key; best_match_subpath = Some( package_subpath [pattern_index..(package_subpath.len() - pattern_trailer.len())] .to_string(), ); } } } } if !best_match.is_empty() { let target = package_exports.get(best_match).unwrap().to_owned(); let maybe_resolved = resolve_package_target( package_json_path, target, best_match_subpath.unwrap(), best_match.to_string(), referrer, referrer_kind, true, false, conditions, npm_resolver, )?; if let Some(resolved) = maybe_resolved { return Ok(resolved); } else { return Err(throw_exports_not_found( package_subpath, package_json_path, referrer, )); } } Err(throw_exports_not_found( package_subpath, package_json_path, referrer, )) } fn parse_package_name( specifier: &str, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result<(String, String, bool), AnyError> { let mut separator_index = specifier.find('/'); let mut valid_package_name = true; let mut is_scoped = false; if specifier.is_empty() { valid_package_name = false; } else if specifier.starts_with('@') { is_scoped = true; if let Some(index) = separator_index { separator_index = specifier[index + 1..] .find('/') .map(|new_index| index + 1 + new_index); } else { valid_package_name = false; } } let package_name = if let Some(index) = separator_index { specifier[0..index].to_string() } else { specifier.to_string() }; // Package name cannot have leading . and cannot have percent-encoding or separators. for ch in package_name.chars() { if ch == '%' || ch == '\\' { valid_package_name = false; break; } } if !valid_package_name { return Err(errors::err_invalid_module_specifier( specifier, "is not a valid package name", Some(to_specifier_display_string(referrer)), )); } let package_subpath = if let Some(index) = separator_index { format!(".{}", specifier.chars().skip(index).collect::<String>()) } else { ".".to_string() }; Ok((package_name, package_subpath, is_scoped)) } pub fn package_resolve( specifier: &str, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, referrer_kind: NodeModuleKind, conditions: &[&str], npm_resolver: &dyn RequireNpmResolver, ) -> Result<Option<PathBuf>, AnyError> { let (package_name, package_subpath, _is_scoped) = parse_package_name(specifier, referrer)?; // ResolveSelf let package_config = get_package_scope_config(referrer, npm_resolver)?; if package_config.exists && package_config.name.as_ref() == Some(&package_name) { if let Some(exports) = &package_config.exports { return package_exports_resolve( &package_config.path, package_subpath, exports, referrer, referrer_kind, conditions, npm_resolver, ) .map(Some); } } let package_dir_path = npm_resolver.resolve_package_folder_from_package( &package_name, &referrer.to_file_path().unwrap(), conditions, )?; let package_json_path = package_dir_path.join("package.json"); // todo: error with this instead when can't find package // Err(errors::err_module_not_found( // &package_json_url // .join(".") // .unwrap() // .to_file_path() // .unwrap() // .display() // .to_string(), // &to_file_path_string(referrer), // "package", // )) // Package match. let package_json = PackageJson::load(npm_resolver, package_json_path)?; if let Some(exports) = &package_json.exports { return package_exports_resolve( &package_json.path, package_subpath, exports, referrer, referrer_kind, conditions, npm_resolver, ) .map(Some); } if package_subpath == "." { return legacy_main_resolve(&package_json, referrer_kind, conditions); } let file_path = package_json.path.parent().unwrap().join(&package_subpath); if conditions == TYPES_CONDITIONS { let declaration_path = path_to_declaration_path(file_path, referrer_kind); Ok(Some(declaration_path)) } else { Ok(Some(file_path)) } } pub fn get_package_scope_config( referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, npm_resolver: &dyn RequireNpmResolver, ) -> Result<PackageJson, AnyError> { let root_folder = npm_resolver .resolve_package_folder_from_path(&referrer.to_file_path().unwrap())?; let package_json_path = root_folder.join("package.json"); PackageJson::load(npm_resolver, package_json_path) } pub fn get_closest_package_json( url: &ModuleSpecifier, npm_resolver: &dyn RequireNpmResolver, ) -> Result<PackageJson, AnyError> { let package_json_path = get_closest_package_json_path(url, npm_resolver)?; PackageJson::load(npm_resolver, package_json_path) } fn get_closest_package_json_path( url: &ModuleSpecifier, npm_resolver: &dyn RequireNpmResolver, ) -> Result<PathBuf, AnyError> { let file_path = url.to_file_path().unwrap(); let mut current_dir = file_path.parent().unwrap(); let package_json_path = current_dir.join("package.json"); if package_json_path.exists() { return Ok(package_json_path); } let root_pkg_folder = npm_resolver .resolve_package_folder_from_path(&url.to_file_path().unwrap())?; while current_dir.starts_with(&root_pkg_folder) { current_dir = current_dir.parent().unwrap(); let package_json_path = current_dir.join("package.json"); if package_json_path.exists() { return Ok(package_json_path); } } bail!("did not find package.json in {}", root_pkg_folder.display()) } fn file_exists(path: &Path) -> bool { if let Ok(stats) = std::fs::metadata(path) { stats.is_file() } else { false } } pub fn legacy_main_resolve( package_json: &PackageJson, referrer_kind: NodeModuleKind, conditions: &[&str], ) -> Result<Option<PathBuf>, AnyError> { let is_types = conditions == TYPES_CONDITIONS; let maybe_main = if is_types { package_json.types.as_ref() } else { package_json.main(referrer_kind) }; let mut guess; if let Some(main) = maybe_main { guess = package_json.path.parent().unwrap().join(main).clean(); if file_exists(&guess) { return Ok(Some(guess)); } let mut found = false; // todo(dsherret): investigate exactly how node and typescript handles this let endings = if is_types { match referrer_kind { NodeModuleKind::Cjs => { vec![".d.ts", ".d.cts", "/index.d.ts", "/index.d.cts"] } NodeModuleKind::Esm => vec![ ".d.ts", ".d.mts", "/index.d.ts", "/index.d.mts", ".d.cts", "/index.d.cts", ], } } else { vec![".js", "/index.js"] }; for ending in endings { guess = package_json .path .parent() .unwrap() .join(&format!("{}{}", main, ending)) .clean(); if file_exists(&guess) { found = true; break; } } if found { // TODO(bartlomieju): emitLegacyIndexDeprecation() return Ok(Some(guess)); } } let index_file_names = if is_types { // todo(dsherret): investigate exactly how typescript does this match referrer_kind { NodeModuleKind::Cjs => vec!["index.d.ts", "index.d.cts"], NodeModuleKind::Esm => vec!["index.d.ts", "index.d.mts", "index.d.cts"], } } else { vec!["index.js"] }; for index_file_name in index_file_names { guess = package_json .path .parent() .unwrap() .join(index_file_name) .clean(); if file_exists(&guess) { // TODO(bartlomieju): emitLegacyIndexDeprecation() return Ok(Some(guess)); } } Ok(None) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_parse_package_name() { let dummy_referrer = Url::parse("http://example.com").unwrap(); assert_eq!( parse_package_name("fetch-blob", &dummy_referrer).unwrap(), ("fetch-blob".to_string(), ".".to_string(), false) ); assert_eq!( parse_package_name("@vue/plugin-vue", &dummy_referrer).unwrap(), ("@vue/plugin-vue".to_string(), ".".to_string(), true) ); assert_eq!( parse_package_name("@astrojs/prism/dist/highlighter", &dummy_referrer) .unwrap(), ( "@astrojs/prism".to_string(), "./dist/highlighter".to_string(), true ) ); } }