// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { assert } from "../../../test_util/std/testing/asserts.ts"; import * as colors from "../../../test_util/std/fmt/colors.ts"; export { colors }; import { resolve } from "../../../test_util/std/path/mod.ts"; export { assert, assertEquals, assertMatch, assertNotEquals, assertRejects, assertStrictEquals, assertStringIncludes, assertThrows, fail, unimplemented, unreachable, } from "../../../test_util/std/testing/asserts.ts"; export { deferred } from "../../../test_util/std/async/deferred.ts"; export type { Deferred } from "../../../test_util/std/async/deferred.ts"; export { delay } from "../../../test_util/std/async/delay.ts"; export { readLines } from "../../../test_util/std/io/bufio.ts"; export { parse as parseArgs } from "../../../test_util/std/flags/mod.ts"; interface UnitTestPermissions { env?: "inherit" | boolean | string[]; hrtime?: "inherit" | boolean; net?: "inherit" | boolean | string[]; ffi?: "inherit" | boolean; read?: "inherit" | boolean | Array<string | URL>; run?: "inherit" | boolean | Array<string | URL>; write?: "inherit" | boolean | Array<string | URL>; } interface UnitTestOptions { ignore?: boolean; only?: boolean; permissions?: UnitTestPermissions; } type TestFunction = (tester: Deno.TestContext) => void | Promise<void>; export function unitTest(fn: TestFunction): void; export function unitTest(options: UnitTestOptions, fn: TestFunction): void; export function unitTest( optionsOrFn: UnitTestOptions | TestFunction, maybeFn?: TestFunction, ): void { assert(optionsOrFn, "At least one argument is required"); let options: UnitTestOptions; let name: string; let fn: TestFunction; if (typeof optionsOrFn === "function") { options = {}; fn = optionsOrFn; name = fn.name; assert(name, "Missing test function name"); } else { options = optionsOrFn; assert(maybeFn, "Missing test function definition"); assert( typeof maybeFn === "function", "Second argument should be test function definition", ); fn = maybeFn; name = fn.name; assert(name, "Missing test function name"); } const testDefinition: Deno.TestDefinition = { name, fn, ignore: !!options.ignore, only: !!options.only, permissions: Object.assign({ read: false, write: false, net: false, env: false, run: false, ffi: false, hrtime: false, }, options.permissions), }; Deno.test(testDefinition); } export function pathToAbsoluteFileUrl(path: string): URL { path = resolve(path); return new URL(`file://${Deno.build.os === "windows" ? "/" : ""}${path}`); }