#!/usr/bin/env -S deno --allow-all // Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. const { env, stdin, args, exit, writeFile, chmod, run } = Deno; import { parse } from "../flags/mod.ts"; import * as path from "../fs/path.ts"; import { exists } from "../fs/exists.ts"; import { ensureDir } from "../fs/ensure_dir.ts"; const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); // Regular expression to test disk driver letter. eg "C:\\User\username\path\to" const driverLetterReg = /^[c-z]:/i; const isWindows = Deno.build.os === "win"; function showHelp(): void { console.log(`deno installer Install remote or local script as executables. USAGE: deno -A https://deno.land/std/installer/mod.ts [OPTIONS] EXE_NAME SCRIPT_URL [FLAGS...] ARGS: EXE_NAME Name for executable SCRIPT_URL Local or remote URL of script to install [FLAGS...] List of flags for script, both Deno permission and script specific flag can be used. OPTIONS: -d, --dir Installation directory path (defaults to ~/.deno/bin) `); } enum Permission { Read, Write, Net, Env, Run, All } function getPermissionFromFlag(flag: string): Permission | undefined { switch (flag) { case "--allow-read": return Permission.Read; case "--allow-write": return Permission.Write; case "--allow-net": return Permission.Net; case "--allow-env": return Permission.Env; case "--allow-run": return Permission.Run; case "--allow-all": return Permission.All; case "-A": return Permission.All; } } function getFlagFromPermission(perm: Permission): string { switch (perm) { case Permission.Read: return "--allow-read"; case Permission.Write: return "--allow-write"; case Permission.Net: return "--allow-net"; case Permission.Env: return "--allow-env"; case Permission.Run: return "--allow-run"; case Permission.All: return "--allow-all"; } return ""; } function getInstallerDir(): string { // In Windows's Powershell $HOME environmental variable maybe null // if so use $HOMEPATH instead. const { HOME, HOMEPATH } = env(); const HOME_PATH = HOME || HOMEPATH; if (!HOME_PATH) { throw new Error("$HOME is not defined."); } return path.join(HOME_PATH, ".deno", "bin"); } async function readCharacter(): Promise { const byteArray = new Uint8Array(1024); await stdin.read(byteArray); const line = decoder.decode(byteArray); return line[0]; } async function yesNoPrompt(message: string): Promise { console.log(`${message} [yN]`); const input = await readCharacter(); console.log(); return input === "y" || input === "Y"; } function checkIfExistsInPath(filePath: string): boolean { // In Windows's Powershell $PATH not exist, so use $Path instead. // $HOMEDRIVE is only used on Windows. const { PATH, Path, HOMEDRIVE } = env(); const envPath = (PATH as string) || (Path as string) || ""; const paths = envPath.split(isWindows ? ";" : ":"); let fileAbsolutePath = filePath; for (const p of paths) { const pathInEnv = path.normalize(p); // On Windows paths from env contain drive letter. // (eg. C:\Users\username\.deno\bin) // But in the path of Deno, there is no drive letter. // (eg \Users\username\.deno\bin) if (isWindows) { if (driverLetterReg.test(pathInEnv)) { fileAbsolutePath = HOMEDRIVE + "\\" + fileAbsolutePath; } } if (pathInEnv === fileAbsolutePath) { return true; } fileAbsolutePath = filePath; } return false; } export function isRemoteUrl(url: string): boolean { return /^https?:\/\//.test(url); } function validateModuleName(moduleName: string): boolean { if (/^[a-z][\w-]*$/i.test(moduleName)) { return true; } else { throw new Error("Invalid module name: " + moduleName); } } async function generateExecutable( filePath: string, commands: string[] ): Promise { commands = commands.map((v): string => JSON.stringify(v)); // On Windows if user is using Powershell .cmd extension is need to run the // installed module. // Generate batch script to satisfy that. const templateHeader = "This executable is generated by Deno. Please don't modify it unless you " + "know what it means."; if (isWindows) { const template = `% ${templateHeader} % @IF EXIST "%~dp0\deno.exe" ( "%~dp0\deno.exe" ${commands.slice(1).join(" ")} %* ) ELSE ( @SETLOCAL @SET PATHEXT=%PATHEXT:;.TS;=;% ${commands.join(" ")} %* ) `; const cmdFile = filePath + ".cmd"; await writeFile(cmdFile, encoder.encode(template)); await chmod(cmdFile, 0o755); } // generate Shell script const template = `#!/bin/sh # ${templateHeader} basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\\\,/,g')") case \`uname\` in *CYGWIN*) basedir=\`cygpath -w "$basedir"\`;; esac if [ -x "$basedir/deno" ]; then "$basedir/deno" ${commands.slice(1).join(" ")} "$@" ret=$? else ${commands.join(" ")} "$@" ret=$? fi exit $ret `; await writeFile(filePath, encoder.encode(template)); await chmod(filePath, 0o755); } export async function install( moduleName: string, moduleUrl: string, flags: string[], installationDir?: string ): Promise { if (!installationDir) { installationDir = getInstallerDir(); } await ensureDir(installationDir); // if install local module if (!isRemoteUrl(moduleUrl)) { moduleUrl = path.resolve(moduleUrl); } validateModuleName(moduleName); const filePath = path.join(installationDir, moduleName); if (await exists(filePath)) { const msg = "⚠️ " + moduleName + " is already installed" + ", do you want to overwrite it?"; if (!(await yesNoPrompt(msg))) { return; } } // ensure script that is being installed exists const ps = run({ args: [Deno.execPath(), "fetch", "--reload", moduleUrl], stdout: "inherit", stderr: "inherit" }); const { code } = await ps.status(); if (code !== 0) { throw new Error("Failed to fetch module."); } const grantedPermissions: Permission[] = []; const scriptArgs: string[] = []; for (const flag of flags) { const permission = getPermissionFromFlag(flag); if (permission === undefined) { scriptArgs.push(flag); } else { grantedPermissions.push(permission); } } const commands = [ "deno", "run", ...grantedPermissions.map(getFlagFromPermission), moduleUrl, ...scriptArgs ]; await generateExecutable(filePath, commands); console.log(`✅ Successfully installed ${moduleName}`); console.log(filePath); if (!checkIfExistsInPath(installationDir)) { console.log(`\nℹ️ Add ${installationDir} to PATH`); console.log( " echo 'export PATH=\"" + installationDir + ":$PATH\"' >> ~/.bashrc # change" + " this to your shell" ); } } async function main(): Promise { const parsedArgs = parse(args.slice(1), { stopEarly: true }); if (parsedArgs.h || parsedArgs.help) { return showHelp(); } if (parsedArgs._.length < 2) { return showHelp(); } const moduleName = parsedArgs._[0]; const moduleUrl = parsedArgs._[1]; const flags = parsedArgs._.slice(2); const installationDir = parsedArgs.d || parsedArgs.dir; try { await install(moduleName, moduleUrl, flags, installationDir); } catch (e) { console.log(e); exit(1); } } if (import.meta.main) { main(); }