// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { join } from "../fs/path.ts"; import { EOL } from "../fs/path/constants.ts"; import { assertEquals } from "../testing/asserts.ts"; import { test, runIfMain } from "../testing/mod.ts"; import { xrun } from "./util.ts"; import { copy, emptyDir } from "../fs/mod.ts"; const { readAll, execPath } = Deno; const decoder = new TextDecoder(); async function run( args: string[] ): Promise<{ stdout: string; code: number | undefined }> { const p = xrun({ args, stdout: "piped" }); const stdout = decoder.decode(await readAll(p.stdout!)); const { code } = await p.status(); return { stdout, code }; } const cmd = [ execPath(), "run", "--allow-run", "--allow-write", "--allow-read", "prettier/main.ts" ]; const testdata = join("prettier", "testdata"); function normalizeOutput(output: string): string { return output .replace(/\r/g, "") .replace(/\\/g, "/") .trim() .split("\n") .sort() .join("\n"); } function normalizeSourceCode(source: string): string { return source.replace(/\r/g, ""); } test(async function testPrettierCheckAndFormatFiles(): Promise { const tempDir = await Deno.makeTempDir(); await copy(testdata, tempDir, { overwrite: true }); const files = [ join(tempDir, "0.ts"), join(tempDir, "1.js"), join(tempDir, "2.ts") ]; let p = await run([...cmd, "--check", ...files]); assertEquals(p.code, 1); assertEquals(normalizeOutput(p.stdout), "Some files are not formatted"); p = await run([...cmd, "--write", ...files]); assertEquals(p.code, 0); assertEquals( normalizeOutput(p.stdout), normalizeOutput(`Formatting ${tempDir}/0.ts Formatting ${tempDir}/1.js`) ); p = await run([...cmd, "--check", ...files]); assertEquals(p.code, 0); assertEquals(normalizeOutput(p.stdout), "Every file is formatted"); emptyDir(tempDir); }); test(async function testPrettierCheckAndFormatDirs(): Promise { const tempDir = await Deno.makeTempDir(); await copy(testdata, tempDir, { overwrite: true }); const dirs = [join(tempDir, "foo"), join(tempDir, "bar")]; let p = await run([...cmd, "--check", ...dirs]); assertEquals(p.code, 1); assertEquals(normalizeOutput(p.stdout), "Some files are not formatted"); p = await run([...cmd, "--write", ...dirs]); assertEquals(p.code, 0); assertEquals( normalizeOutput(p.stdout), normalizeOutput(`Formatting ${tempDir}/bar/0.ts Formatting ${tempDir}/bar/1.js Formatting ${tempDir}/foo/0.ts Formatting ${tempDir}/foo/1.js`) ); p = await run([...cmd, "--check", ...dirs]); assertEquals(p.code, 0); assertEquals(normalizeOutput(p.stdout), "Every file is formatted"); emptyDir(tempDir); }); test(async function testPrettierOptions(): Promise { const tempDir = await Deno.makeTempDir(); await copy(testdata, tempDir, { overwrite: true }); const file0 = join(tempDir, "opts", "0.ts"); const file1 = join(tempDir, "opts", "1.ts"); const file2 = join(tempDir, "opts", "2.ts"); const file3 = join(tempDir, "opts", "3.md"); const getSourceCode = async (f: string): Promise => decoder.decode(await Deno.readFile(f)); await run([...cmd, "--no-semi", "--write", file0]); assertEquals( normalizeSourceCode(await getSourceCode(file0)), `console.log(0) console.log([function foo() {}, function baz() {}, a => {}]) ` ); await run([ ...cmd, "--print-width", "30", "--tab-width", "4", "--write", file0 ]); assertEquals( normalizeSourceCode(await getSourceCode(file0)), `console.log(0); console.log([ function foo() {}, function baz() {}, a => {} ]); ` ); await run([...cmd, "--print-width", "30", "--use-tabs", "--write", file0]); assertEquals( normalizeSourceCode(await getSourceCode(file0)), `console.log(0); console.log([ function foo() {}, function baz() {}, a => {} ]); ` ); await run([...cmd, "--single-quote", "--write", file1]); assertEquals( normalizeSourceCode(await getSourceCode(file1)), `console.log('1'); ` ); await run([ ...cmd, "--print-width", "30", "--trailing-comma", "all", "--write", file0 ]); assertEquals( normalizeSourceCode(await getSourceCode(file0)), `console.log(0); console.log([ function foo() {}, function baz() {}, a => {}, ]); ` ); await run([...cmd, "--no-bracket-spacing", "--write", file2]); assertEquals( normalizeSourceCode(await getSourceCode(file2)), `console.log({a: 1}); ` ); await run([...cmd, "--arrow-parens", "always", "--write", file0]); assertEquals( normalizeSourceCode(await getSourceCode(file0)), `console.log(0); console.log([function foo() {}, function baz() {}, (a) => {}]); ` ); await run([...cmd, "--prose-wrap", "always", "--write", file3]); assertEquals( normalizeSourceCode(await getSourceCode(file3)), "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, " + "sed do eiusmod tempor" + "\nincididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.\n" ); await run([...cmd, "--end-of-line", "crlf", "--write", file2]); assertEquals(await getSourceCode(file2), "console.log({ a: 1 });\r\n"); emptyDir(tempDir); }); test(async function testPrettierPrintToStdout(): Promise { const tempDir = await Deno.makeTempDir(); await copy(testdata, tempDir, { overwrite: true }); const file0 = join(tempDir, "0.ts"); const file1 = join(tempDir, "formatted.ts"); const getSourceCode = async (f: string): Promise => decoder.decode(await Deno.readFile(f)); const { stdout } = await run([...cmd, file0]); // The source file will not change without `--write` flags. assertEquals(await getSourceCode(file0), "console.log (0)" + EOL); // The output should be formatted code. assertEquals(stdout, "console.log(0);" + EOL); const { stdout: formattedCode } = await run([...cmd, file1]); // The source file will not change without `--write` flags. assertEquals(await getSourceCode(file1), "console.log(0);" + EOL); // The output will be formatted code even it is the same as the source file's // content. assertEquals(formattedCode, "console.log(0);" + EOL); emptyDir(tempDir); }); test(async function testPrettierReadFromStdin(): Promise { interface TestCase { stdin: string; stdout: string; stderr: string; code: number; success: boolean; parser?: string; } async function readFromStdinAssertion( stdin: string, expectedStdout: string, expectedStderr: string, expectedCode: number, expectedSuccess: boolean, parser?: string ): Promise { const inputCode = stdin; const p1 = Deno.run({ args: [execPath(), "./prettier/testdata/echox.ts", `${inputCode}`], stdout: "piped" }); const p2 = Deno.run({ args: [ execPath(), "run", "./prettier/main.ts", "--stdin", ...(parser ? ["--stdin-parser", parser] : []) ], stdin: "piped", stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped" }); const n = await Deno.copy(p2.stdin!, p1.stdout!); assertEquals(n, new TextEncoder().encode(stdin).length); const status1 = await p1.status(); assertEquals(status1.code, 0); assertEquals(status1.success, true); p2.stdin!.close(); const status2 = await p2.status(); assertEquals(status2.code, expectedCode); assertEquals(status2.success, expectedSuccess); const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); assertEquals( decoder.decode(await Deno.readAll(p2.stdout!)), expectedStdout ); assertEquals( decoder.decode(await Deno.readAll(p2.stderr!)).split(EOL)[0], expectedStderr ); p2.close(); p1.close(); } const testCases: TestCase[] = [ { stdin: `console.log("abc" )`, stdout: `console.log("abc");\n`, stderr: ``, code: 0, success: true }, { stdin: `console.log("abc" )`, stdout: `console.log("abc");\n`, stderr: ``, code: 0, success: true, parser: "babel" }, { stdin: `{\"a\":\"b\"}`, stdout: `{ "a": "b" }\n`, stderr: ``, code: 0, success: true, parser: "json" }, { stdin: `## test`, stdout: `## test\n`, stderr: ``, code: 0, success: true, parser: "markdown" }, { stdin: `invalid typescript code##!!@@`, stdout: ``, stderr: `SyntaxError: ';' expected. (1:9)`, code: 1, success: false }, { stdin: `console.log("foo");`, stdout: ``, stderr: 'Error: Couldn\'t resolve parser "invalid_parser". ' + "Parsers must be explicitly added to the standalone bundle.", code: 1, success: false, parser: "invalid_parser" } ]; for (const t of testCases) { await readFromStdinAssertion( t.stdin, t.stdout, t.stderr, t.code, t.success, t.parser ); } }); runIfMain(import.meta);