// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import * as path from "@std/path"; import { Buffer } from "node:buffer"; import * as fs from "node:fs/promises"; import { assert, assertEquals } from "@std/assert"; const moduleDir = path.dirname(path.fromFileUrl(import.meta.url)); const testData = path.resolve(moduleDir, "testdata", "hello.txt"); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); Deno.test("readFileSuccess", async function () { const fileHandle = await fs.open(testData); const data = await fileHandle.readFile(); assert(data instanceof Uint8Array); assertEquals(decoder.decode(data as Uint8Array), "hello world"); await fileHandle.close(); }); Deno.test("read", async function () { const fileHandle = await fs.open(testData); const byteLength = "hello world".length; const buf = new Buffer(byteLength); await fileHandle.read(buf, 0, byteLength, 0); assertEquals(decoder.decode(buf as Uint8Array), "hello world"); await fileHandle.close(); }); Deno.test("read specify opt", async function () { const fileHandle = await fs.open(testData); const byteLength = "hello world".length; const opt = { buffer: new Buffer(byteLength), offset: 6, length: 5, position: 6, }; let res = await fileHandle.read(opt); assertEquals(res.bytesRead, 5); assertEquals( new TextDecoder().decode(res.buffer.subarray(6) as Uint8Array), "world", ); const opt2 = { buffer: new Buffer(byteLength), length: 5, position: 0, }; res = await fileHandle.read(opt2); assertEquals(res.bytesRead, 5); assertEquals( decoder.decode(res.buffer.subarray(0, 5) as Uint8Array), "hello", ); await fileHandle.close(); }); Deno.test("[node/fs filehandle.write] Write from Buffer", async function () { const tempFile: string = await Deno.makeTempFile(); const fileHandle = await fs.open(tempFile, "a+"); const buffer = Buffer.from("hello world"); const res = await fileHandle.write(buffer, 0, 5, 0); const data = Deno.readFileSync(tempFile); await Deno.remove(tempFile); await fileHandle.close(); assertEquals(res.bytesWritten, 5); assertEquals(decoder.decode(data), "hello"); }); Deno.test("[node/fs filehandle.write] Write from string", async function () { const tempFile: string = await Deno.makeTempFile(); const fileHandle = await fs.open(tempFile, "a+"); const str = "hello world"; const res = await fileHandle.write(str); const data = Deno.readFileSync(tempFile); await Deno.remove(tempFile); await fileHandle.close(); assertEquals(res.bytesWritten, 11); assertEquals(decoder.decode(data), "hello world"); }); Deno.test("[node/fs filehandle.stat] Get file status", async function () { const fileHandle = await fs.open(testData); const stat = await fileHandle.stat(); assertEquals(stat.isFile(), true); assertEquals(stat.size, "hello world".length); await fileHandle.close(); }); Deno.test("[node/fs filehandle.writeFile] Write to file", async function () { const tempFile: string = await Deno.makeTempFile(); const fileHandle = await fs.open(tempFile, "w"); const str = "hello world"; await fileHandle.writeFile(str); const data = Deno.readFileSync(tempFile); await Deno.remove(tempFile); await fileHandle.close(); assertEquals(decoder.decode(data), "hello world"); }); Deno.test( "[node/fs filehandle.truncate] Truncate file with length", async function () { const tempFile: string = await Deno.makeTempFile(); const fileHandle = await fs.open(tempFile, "w+"); await fileHandle.writeFile("hello world"); await fileHandle.truncate(5); const data = Deno.readFileSync(tempFile); await Deno.remove(tempFile); await fileHandle.close(); assertEquals(decoder.decode(data), "hello"); }, ); Deno.test( "[node/fs filehandle.truncate] Truncate file without length", async function () { const tempFile: string = await Deno.makeTempFile(); const fileHandle = await fs.open(tempFile, "w+"); await fileHandle.writeFile("hello world"); await fileHandle.truncate(); const data = Deno.readFileSync(tempFile); await Deno.remove(tempFile); await fileHandle.close(); assertEquals(decoder.decode(data), ""); }, ); Deno.test( "[node/fs filehandle.truncate] Truncate file with extension", async function () { const tempFile: string = await Deno.makeTempFile(); const fileHandle = await fs.open(tempFile, "w+"); await fileHandle.writeFile("hi"); await fileHandle.truncate(5); const data = Deno.readFileSync(tempFile); await Deno.remove(tempFile); await fileHandle.close(); const expected = new Uint8Array(5); expected.set(new TextEncoder().encode("hi")); assertEquals(data, expected); assertEquals(data.length, 5); assertEquals(decoder.decode(data.subarray(0, 2)), "hi"); // Verify null bytes assertEquals(data[2], 0); assertEquals(data[3], 0); assertEquals(data[4], 0); }, ); Deno.test( "[node/fs filehandle.truncate] Truncate file with negative length", async function () { const tempFile: string = await Deno.makeTempFile(); const fileHandle = await fs.open(tempFile, "w+"); await fileHandle.writeFile("hello world"); await fileHandle.truncate(-1); const data = Deno.readFileSync(tempFile); await Deno.remove(tempFile); await fileHandle.close(); assertEquals(decoder.decode(data), ""); assertEquals(data.length, 0); }, );