// Copyright 2018 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::js_errors::JSError; use crate::libdeno; use crate::libdeno::deno_buf; use crate::libdeno::deno_mod; use crate::shared_queue::SharedQueue; use crate::shared_queue::RECOMMENDED_SIZE; use futures::Async; use futures::Future; use futures::Poll; use libc::c_void; use std::ffi::CStr; use std::ffi::CString; use std::sync::{Once, ONCE_INIT}; pub type Buf = Box<[u8]>; pub type Op = dyn Future + Send; struct PendingOp { op: Box, polled_recently: bool, zero_copy_id: usize, // non-zero if associated zero-copy buffer. } impl Future for PendingOp { type Item = Buf; type Error = (); fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll { // Do not call poll on ops we've already polled this turn. if self.polled_recently { Ok(Async::NotReady) } else { self.polled_recently = true; let op = &mut self.op; op.poll().map_err(|()| { // Ops should not error. If an op experiences an error it needs to // encode that error into a buf, so it can be returned to JS. panic!("ops should not error") }) } } } /// Defines the behavior of an Isolate. pub trait Behavior { /// Called exactly once when an Isolate is created to retrieve the startup /// snapshot. fn startup_snapshot(&mut self) -> Option; /// Called during mod_instantiate() to resolve imports. fn resolve(&mut self, specifier: &str, referrer: deno_mod) -> deno_mod; /// Called whenever libdeno.send() is called in JavaScript. zero_copy_buf /// corresponds to the second argument of libdeno.send(). fn dispatch( &mut self, control: &[u8], zero_copy_buf: deno_buf, ) -> (bool, Box); } /// A single execution context of JavaScript. Corresponds roughly to the "Web /// Worker" concept in the DOM. An Isolate is a Future that can be used with /// Tokio. The Isolate future complete when there is an error or when all /// pending ops have completed. /// /// Ops are created in JavaScript by calling libdeno.send(), and in Rust by /// implementing Behavior::dispatch. An Op corresponds exactly to a Promise in /// JavaScript. pub struct Isolate { libdeno_isolate: *const libdeno::isolate, behavior: B, shared: SharedQueue, pending_ops: Vec, polled_recently: bool, } unsafe impl Send for Isolate {} impl Drop for Isolate { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { libdeno::deno_delete(self.libdeno_isolate) } } } static DENO_INIT: Once = ONCE_INIT; impl Isolate { pub fn new(mut behavior: B) -> Self { DENO_INIT.call_once(|| { unsafe { libdeno::deno_init() }; }); let shared = SharedQueue::new(RECOMMENDED_SIZE); let config = libdeno::deno_config { will_snapshot: 0, load_snapshot: match behavior.startup_snapshot() { Some(s) => s, None => libdeno::deno_buf::empty(), }, shared: shared.as_deno_buf(), recv_cb: Self::pre_dispatch, }; let libdeno_isolate = unsafe { libdeno::deno_new(config) }; Self { libdeno_isolate, behavior, shared, pending_ops: Vec::new(), polled_recently: false, } } /// Executes a bit of built-in JavaScript to provide Deno._sharedQueue. pub fn shared_init(&self) { js_check(self.execute("shared_queue.js", include_str!("shared_queue.js"))); } extern "C" fn pre_dispatch( user_data: *mut c_void, control_argv0: deno_buf, zero_copy_buf: deno_buf, ) { let isolate = unsafe { Isolate::::from_raw_ptr(user_data) }; let zero_copy_id = zero_copy_buf.zero_copy_id; let control_shared = isolate.shared.shift(); let (is_sync, op) = if control_argv0.len() > 0 { // The user called libdeno.send(control) isolate .behavior .dispatch(control_argv0.as_ref(), zero_copy_buf) } else if let Some(c) = control_shared { // The user called Deno._sharedQueue.push(control) isolate.behavior.dispatch(&c, zero_copy_buf) } else { // The sharedQueue is empty. The shouldn't happen usually, but it's also // not technically a failure. #[cfg(test)] unreachable!(); #[cfg(not(test))] return; }; // At this point the SharedQueue should be empty. assert_eq!(isolate.shared.size(), 0); if is_sync { let res_record = op.wait().unwrap(); let push_success = isolate.shared.push(res_record); assert!(push_success); // TODO check that if JSError thrown during respond(), that it will be // picked up. let _ = isolate.respond(); } else { isolate.pending_ops.push(PendingOp { op, polled_recently: false, zero_copy_id, }); isolate.polled_recently = false; } } fn zero_copy_release(&self, zero_copy_id: usize) { unsafe { libdeno::deno_zero_copy_release(self.libdeno_isolate, zero_copy_id) } } #[inline] unsafe fn from_raw_ptr<'a>(ptr: *const c_void) -> &'a mut Self { let ptr = ptr as *mut _; &mut *ptr } #[inline] fn as_raw_ptr(&self) -> *const c_void { self as *const _ as *const c_void } pub fn execute( &self, js_filename: &str, js_source: &str, ) -> Result<(), JSError> { let filename = CString::new(js_filename).unwrap(); let source = CString::new(js_source).unwrap(); unsafe { libdeno::deno_execute( self.libdeno_isolate, self.as_raw_ptr(), filename.as_ptr(), source.as_ptr(), ) }; if let Some(err) = self.last_exception() { return Err(err); } Ok(()) } fn last_exception(&self) -> Option { let ptr = unsafe { libdeno::deno_last_exception(self.libdeno_isolate) }; if ptr.is_null() { None } else { let cstr = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(ptr) }; let v8_exception = cstr.to_str().unwrap(); debug!("v8_exception\n{}\n", v8_exception); let js_error = JSError::from_v8_exception(v8_exception).unwrap(); Some(js_error) } } fn check_promise_errors(&self) { unsafe { libdeno::deno_check_promise_errors(self.libdeno_isolate); } } fn respond(&mut self) -> Result<(), JSError> { let buf = deno_buf::empty(); unsafe { libdeno::deno_respond(self.libdeno_isolate, self.as_raw_ptr(), buf) } if let Some(err) = self.last_exception() { Err(err) } else { Ok(()) } } /// Low-level module creation. /// You probably want to use IsolateState::mod_execute instead. pub fn mod_new( &self, main: bool, name: &str, source: &str, ) -> Result { let name_ = CString::new(name.to_string()).unwrap(); let name_ptr = name_.as_ptr() as *const libc::c_char; let source_ = CString::new(source.to_string()).unwrap(); let source_ptr = source_.as_ptr() as *const libc::c_char; let id = unsafe { libdeno::deno_mod_new(self.libdeno_isolate, main, name_ptr, source_ptr) }; if let Some(js_error) = self.last_exception() { assert_eq!(id, 0); return Err(js_error); } Ok(id) } pub fn mod_get_imports(&self, id: deno_mod) -> Vec { let len = unsafe { libdeno::deno_mod_imports_len(self.libdeno_isolate, id) }; let mut out = Vec::new(); for i in 0..len { let specifier_ptr = unsafe { libdeno::deno_mod_imports_get(self.libdeno_isolate, id, i) }; let specifier_c: &CStr = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(specifier_ptr) }; let specifier: &str = specifier_c.to_str().unwrap(); out.push(specifier.to_string()); } out } pub fn mod_instantiate(&self, id: deno_mod) -> Result<(), JSError> { unsafe { libdeno::deno_mod_instantiate( self.libdeno_isolate, self.as_raw_ptr(), id, Self::resolve_cb, ) }; if let Some(js_error) = self.last_exception() { return Err(js_error); } Ok(()) } pub fn mod_evaluate(&self, id: deno_mod) -> Result<(), JSError> { unsafe { libdeno::deno_mod_evaluate(self.libdeno_isolate, self.as_raw_ptr(), id) }; if let Some(js_error) = self.last_exception() { return Err(js_error); } Ok(()) } /// Called during mod_instantiate() only. extern "C" fn resolve_cb( user_data: *mut libc::c_void, specifier_ptr: *const libc::c_char, referrer: deno_mod, ) -> deno_mod { let isolate = unsafe { Isolate::::from_raw_ptr(user_data) }; let specifier_c: &CStr = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(specifier_ptr) }; let specifier: &str = specifier_c.to_str().unwrap(); isolate.behavior.resolve(specifier, referrer) } } struct LockerScope { libdeno_isolate: *const libdeno::isolate, } impl LockerScope { fn new(libdeno_isolate: *const libdeno::isolate) -> LockerScope { unsafe { libdeno::deno_lock(libdeno_isolate) } LockerScope { libdeno_isolate } } } impl Drop for LockerScope { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { libdeno::deno_unlock(self.libdeno_isolate) } } } impl Future for Isolate { type Item = (); type Error = JSError; fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<(), JSError> { // Lock the current thread for V8. let _locker = LockerScope::new(self.libdeno_isolate); // Clear poll_recently state both on the Isolate itself and // on the pending ops. self.polled_recently = false; for pending in self.pending_ops.iter_mut() { pending.polled_recently = false; } while !self.polled_recently { let mut completed_count = 0; self.polled_recently = true; assert_eq!(self.shared.size(), 0); let mut i = 0; while i < self.pending_ops.len() { let pending = &mut self.pending_ops[i]; match pending.poll() { Err(()) => panic!("unexpected error"), Ok(Async::NotReady) => { i += 1; } Ok(Async::Ready(buf)) => { let completed = self.pending_ops.remove(i); completed_count += 1; if completed.zero_copy_id > 0 { self.zero_copy_release(completed.zero_copy_id); } self.shared.push(buf); } } } if completed_count > 0 { self.respond()?; // The other side should have shifted off all the messages. assert_eq!(self.shared.size(), 0); self.shared.reset(); } } self.check_promise_errors(); if let Some(err) = self.last_exception() { return Err(err); } // We're idle if pending_ops is empty. if self.pending_ops.is_empty() { Ok(futures::Async::Ready(())) } else { Ok(futures::Async::NotReady) } } } pub fn js_check(r: Result<(), JSError>) { if let Err(e) = r { panic!(e.to_string()); } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::test_util::*; #[test] fn test_dispatch() { let behavior = TestBehavior::new(); let isolate = Isolate::new(behavior); js_check(isolate.execute( "filename.js", r#" let control = new Uint8Array([42]); libdeno.send(control); async function main() { libdeno.send(control); } main(); "#, )); assert_eq!(isolate.behavior.dispatch_count, 2); } #[test] fn test_mods() { let behavior = TestBehavior::new(); let mut isolate = Isolate::new(behavior); let mod_a = isolate .mod_new( true, "a.js", r#" import { b } from 'b.js' if (b() != 'b') throw Error(); let control = new Uint8Array([42]); libdeno.send(control); "#, ).unwrap(); assert_eq!(isolate.behavior.dispatch_count, 0); assert_eq!(isolate.behavior.resolve_count, 0); let imports = isolate.mod_get_imports(mod_a); assert_eq!(imports, vec!["b.js".to_string()]); let mod_b = isolate .mod_new(false, "b.js", "export function b() { return 'b' }") .unwrap(); let imports = isolate.mod_get_imports(mod_b); assert_eq!(imports.len(), 0); js_check(isolate.mod_instantiate(mod_b)); assert_eq!(isolate.behavior.dispatch_count, 0); assert_eq!(isolate.behavior.resolve_count, 0); isolate.behavior.register("b.js", mod_b); js_check(isolate.mod_instantiate(mod_a)); assert_eq!(isolate.behavior.dispatch_count, 0); assert_eq!(isolate.behavior.resolve_count, 1); js_check(isolate.mod_evaluate(mod_a)); assert_eq!(isolate.behavior.dispatch_count, 1); assert_eq!(isolate.behavior.resolve_count, 1); } #[test] fn test_poll_async_immediate_ops() { let behavior = TestBehavior::new(); let mut isolate = Isolate::new(behavior); isolate.shared_init(); js_check(isolate.execute( "setup.js", r#" let nrecv = 0; Deno._setAsyncHandler((buf) => { nrecv++; }); function assertEq(actual, expected) { if (expected != actual) { throw Error(`actual ${actual} expected ${expected} `); } } "#, )); assert_eq!(isolate.behavior.dispatch_count, 0); js_check(isolate.execute( "check1.js", r#" assertEq(nrecv, 0); let control = new Uint8Array([42]); libdeno.send(control); assertEq(nrecv, 0); "#, )); assert_eq!(isolate.behavior.dispatch_count, 1); assert_eq!(Ok(Async::Ready(())), isolate.poll()); assert_eq!(isolate.behavior.dispatch_count, 1); js_check(isolate.execute( "check2.js", r#" assertEq(nrecv, 1); libdeno.send(control); assertEq(nrecv, 1); "#, )); assert_eq!(isolate.behavior.dispatch_count, 2); assert_eq!(Ok(Async::Ready(())), isolate.poll()); js_check(isolate.execute("check3.js", "assertEq(nrecv, 2)")); assert_eq!(isolate.behavior.dispatch_count, 2); // We are idle, so the next poll should be the last. assert_eq!(Ok(Async::Ready(())), isolate.poll()); } #[test] fn test_shared() { let behavior = TestBehavior::new(); let mut isolate = Isolate::new(behavior); isolate.shared_init(); js_check(isolate.execute( "setup.js", r#" let nrecv = 0; Deno._setAsyncHandler((buf) => { assert(buf.byteLength === 1); assert(buf[0] === 43); nrecv++; }); function assert(cond) { if (!cond) { throw Error("assert"); } } "#, )); assert_eq!(isolate.behavior.dispatch_count, 0); js_check(isolate.execute( "send1.js", r#" let control = new Uint8Array([42]); Deno._sharedQueue.push(control); libdeno.send(); assert(nrecv === 0); Deno._sharedQueue.push(control); libdeno.send(); assert(nrecv === 0); "#, )); assert_eq!(isolate.behavior.dispatch_count, 2); assert_eq!(Ok(Async::Ready(())), isolate.poll()); js_check(isolate.execute("send1.js", "assert(nrecv === 2);")); } }