// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::serde::Deserialize; use deno_core::serde_json; use deno_core::serde_json::json; use deno_core::serde_json::Value; use deno_core::url::Url; use lspower::lsp; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::path::Path; use std::time::Duration; use test_util::lsp::LspClient; use test_util::lsp::LspResponseError; static FIXTURE_CODE_LENS_TS: &str = include_str!("testdata/code_lens.ts"); static FIXTURE_DB_TS: &str = include_str!("testdata/db.ts"); static FIXTURE_DB_MESSAGES: &[u8] = include_bytes!("testdata/db_messages.json"); static FIXTURE_INIT_JSON: &[u8] = include_bytes!("testdata/initialize_params.json"); #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] enum FixtureType { #[serde(rename = "action")] Action, #[serde(rename = "change")] Change, #[serde(rename = "completion")] Completion, #[serde(rename = "highlight")] Highlight, #[serde(rename = "hover")] Hover, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct FixtureMessage { #[serde(rename = "type")] fixture_type: FixtureType, params: Value, } /// A benchmark that opens a 8000+ line TypeScript document, adds a function to /// the end of the document and does a level of hovering and gets quick fix /// code actions. fn bench_big_file_edits(deno_exe: &Path) -> Result<Duration, AnyError> { let mut client = LspClient::new(deno_exe)?; let params: Value = serde_json::from_slice(FIXTURE_INIT_JSON)?; let (_, response_error): (Option<Value>, Option<LspResponseError>) = client.write_request("initialize", params)?; assert!(response_error.is_none()); client.write_notification("initialized", json!({}))?; client.write_notification( "textDocument/didOpen", json!({ "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///testdata/db.ts", "languageId": "typescript", "version": 1, "text": FIXTURE_DB_TS } }), )?; let (id, method, _): (u64, String, Option<Value>) = client.read_request()?; assert_eq!(method, "workspace/configuration"); client.write_response( id, json!({ "enable": true }), )?; let (method, _): (String, Option<Value>) = client.read_notification()?; assert_eq!(method, "textDocument/publishDiagnostics"); let (method, _): (String, Option<Value>) = client.read_notification()?; assert_eq!(method, "textDocument/publishDiagnostics"); let (method, _): (String, Option<Value>) = client.read_notification()?; assert_eq!(method, "textDocument/publishDiagnostics"); let messages: Vec<FixtureMessage> = serde_json::from_slice(FIXTURE_DB_MESSAGES)?; for msg in messages { match msg.fixture_type { FixtureType::Action => { client.write_request::<_, _, Value>( "textDocument/codeAction", msg.params, )?; } FixtureType::Change => { client.write_notification("textDocument/didChange", msg.params)?; } FixtureType::Completion => { client.write_request::<_, _, Value>( "textDocument/completion", msg.params, )?; } FixtureType::Highlight => { client.write_request::<_, _, Value>( "textDocument/documentHighlight", msg.params, )?; } FixtureType::Hover => { client .write_request::<_, _, Value>("textDocument/hover", msg.params)?; } } } let (_, response_error): (Option<Value>, Option<LspResponseError>) = client.write_request("shutdown", json!(null))?; assert!(response_error.is_none()); client.write_notification("exit", json!(null))?; Ok(client.duration()) } fn bench_code_lens(deno_exe: &Path) -> Result<Duration, AnyError> { let mut client = LspClient::new(deno_exe)?; let params: Value = serde_json::from_slice(FIXTURE_INIT_JSON)?; let (_, maybe_err) = client.write_request::<_, _, Value>("initialize", params)?; assert!(maybe_err.is_none()); client.write_notification("initialized", json!({}))?; client.write_notification( "textDocument/didOpen", json!({ "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///testdata/code_lens.ts", "languageId": "typescript", "version": 1, "text": FIXTURE_CODE_LENS_TS } }), )?; let (id, method, _): (u64, String, Option<Value>) = client.read_request()?; assert_eq!(method, "workspace/configuration"); client.write_response( id, json!({ "enable": true }), )?; let (method, _): (String, Option<Value>) = client.read_notification()?; assert_eq!(method, "textDocument/publishDiagnostics"); let (method, _): (String, Option<Value>) = client.read_notification()?; assert_eq!(method, "textDocument/publishDiagnostics"); let (method, _): (String, Option<Value>) = client.read_notification()?; assert_eq!(method, "textDocument/publishDiagnostics"); let (maybe_res, maybe_err) = client .write_request::<_, _, Vec<lsp::CodeLens>>( "textDocument/codeLens", json!({ "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///testdata/code_lens.ts" } }), ) .unwrap(); assert!(maybe_err.is_none()); assert!(maybe_res.is_some()); let res = maybe_res.unwrap(); assert!(!res.is_empty()); for code_lens in res { let (maybe_res, maybe_err) = client .write_request::<_, _, lsp::CodeLens>("codeLens/resolve", code_lens) .unwrap(); assert!(maybe_err.is_none()); assert!(maybe_res.is_some()); } Ok(client.duration()) } fn bench_find_replace(deno_exe: &Path) -> Result<Duration, AnyError> { let mut client = LspClient::new(deno_exe)?; let params: Value = serde_json::from_slice(FIXTURE_INIT_JSON)?; let (_, maybe_err) = client.write_request::<_, _, Value>("initialize", params)?; assert!(maybe_err.is_none()); client.write_notification("initialized", json!({}))?; for i in 0..10 { client.write_notification( "textDocument/didOpen", json!({ "textDocument": { "uri": format!("file:///a/file_{}.ts", i), "languageId": "typescript", "version": 1, "text": "console.log(\"000\");\n" } }), )?; } for _ in 0..10 { let (id, method, _) = client.read_request::<Value>()?; assert_eq!(method, "workspace/configuration"); client.write_response(id, json!({ "enable": true }))?; } for _ in 0..3 { let (method, _): (String, Option<Value>) = client.read_notification()?; assert_eq!(method, "textDocument/publishDiagnostics"); } for i in 0..10 { let file_name = format!("file:///a/file_{}.ts", i); client.write_notification( "textDocument/didChange", lsp::DidChangeTextDocumentParams { text_document: lsp::VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier { uri: Url::parse(&file_name).unwrap(), version: 2, }, content_changes: vec![lsp::TextDocumentContentChangeEvent { range: Some(lsp::Range { start: lsp::Position { line: 0, character: 13, }, end: lsp::Position { line: 0, character: 16, }, }), range_length: None, text: "111".to_string(), }], }, )?; } for i in 0..10 { let file_name = format!("file:///a/file_{}.ts", i); let (maybe_res, maybe_err) = client.write_request::<_, _, Value>( "textDocument/formatting", lsp::DocumentFormattingParams { text_document: lsp::TextDocumentIdentifier { uri: Url::parse(&file_name).unwrap(), }, options: lsp::FormattingOptions { tab_size: 2, insert_spaces: true, ..Default::default() }, work_done_progress_params: Default::default(), }, )?; assert!(maybe_err.is_none()); assert!(maybe_res.is_some()); } for _ in 0..3 { let (method, _): (String, Option<Value>) = client.read_notification()?; assert_eq!(method, "textDocument/publishDiagnostics"); } let (_, response_error): (Option<Value>, Option<LspResponseError>) = client.write_request("shutdown", json!(null))?; assert!(response_error.is_none()); client.write_notification("exit", json!(null))?; Ok(client.duration()) } /// A test that starts up the LSP, opens a single line document, and exits. fn bench_startup_shutdown(deno_exe: &Path) -> Result<Duration, AnyError> { let mut client = LspClient::new(deno_exe)?; let params: Value = serde_json::from_slice(FIXTURE_INIT_JSON)?; let (_, response_error) = client.write_request::<_, _, Value>("initialize", params)?; assert!(response_error.is_none()); client.write_notification("initialized", json!({}))?; client.write_notification( "textDocument/didOpen", json!({ "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///a/file.ts", "languageId": "typescript", "version": 1, "text": "console.log(Deno.args);\n" } }), )?; let (id, method, _) = client.read_request::<Value>()?; assert_eq!(method, "workspace/configuration"); client.write_response( id, json!({ "enable": true }), )?; let (method, _): (String, Option<Value>) = client.read_notification()?; assert_eq!(method, "textDocument/publishDiagnostics"); let (method, _): (String, Option<Value>) = client.read_notification()?; assert_eq!(method, "textDocument/publishDiagnostics"); let (method, _): (String, Option<Value>) = client.read_notification()?; assert_eq!(method, "textDocument/publishDiagnostics"); let (_, response_error): (Option<Value>, Option<LspResponseError>) = client.write_request("shutdown", json!(null))?; assert!(response_error.is_none()); client.write_notification("exit", json!(null))?; Ok(client.duration()) } /// Generate benchmarks for the LSP server. pub(crate) fn benchmarks( deno_exe: &Path, ) -> Result<HashMap<String, u64>, AnyError> { println!("-> Start benchmarking lsp"); let mut exec_times = HashMap::new(); println!(" - Simple Startup/Shutdown "); let mut times = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..10 { times.push(bench_startup_shutdown(deno_exe)?); } let mean = (times.iter().sum::<Duration>() / times.len() as u32).as_millis() as u64; println!(" ({} runs, mean: {}ms)", times.len(), mean); exec_times.insert("startup_shutdown".to_string(), mean); println!(" - Big Document/Several Edits "); let mut times = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..5 { times.push(bench_big_file_edits(deno_exe)?); } let mean = (times.iter().sum::<Duration>() / times.len() as u32).as_millis() as u64; println!(" ({} runs, mean: {}ms)", times.len(), mean); exec_times.insert("big_file_edits".to_string(), mean); println!(" - Find/Replace"); let mut times = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..10 { times.push(bench_find_replace(deno_exe)?); } let mean = (times.iter().sum::<Duration>() / times.len() as u32).as_millis() as u64; println!(" ({} runs, mean: {}ms)", times.len(), mean); exec_times.insert("find_replace".to_string(), mean); println!(" - Code Lens"); let mut times = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..10 { times.push(bench_code_lens(deno_exe)?); } let mean = (times.iter().sum::<Duration>() / times.len() as u32).as_millis() as u64; println!(" ({} runs, mean: {}ms)", times.len(), mean); exec_times.insert("code_lens".to_string(), mean); println!("<- End benchmarking lsp"); Ok(exec_times) }