#!/usr/bin/env deno --allow-read --allow-run // Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import * as deno from "deno"; import { join } from "../js/deps/https/deno.land/x/std/fs/path.ts"; import { findFiles, lookupDenoPath } from "./util.ts"; const clangFormat = join("third_party", "depot_tools", "clang-format"); const gn = join("third_party", "depot_tools", "gn"); const yapf = join("third_party", "python_packages", "bin", "yapf"); const rustfmt = join("third_party", "rustfmt", deno.platform.os, "rustfmt"); const rustfmtConfig = ".rustfmt.toml"; const decoder = new TextDecoder(); async function run(...args: string[]): Promise { if (deno.platform.os === "win") { args = ["cmd.exe", "/c", ...args]; } const p = deno.run({ args, stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped" }); const { code } = await p.status(); if (code !== 0) { console.log(decoder.decode(await deno.readAll(p.stderr))); console.log(decoder.decode(await deno.readAll(p.stdout))); deno.exit(code); } } (async () => { console.log("clang_format"); await run( clangFormat, "-i", "-style", "Google", ...findFiles(["libdeno"], [".cc", ".h"]) ); console.log("gn format"); for (const fn of [ "BUILD.gn", ".gn", ...findFiles(["build_extra", "libdeno"], [".gn", ".gni"]) ]) { await run(gn, "format", fn); } console.log("yapf"); await run( "python", yapf, "-i", ...findFiles(["tools", "build_extra"], [".py"], { skip: [join("tools", "clang")] }) ); console.log("prettier"); await run( lookupDenoPath(), "--allow-read", "--allow-write", "js/deps/https/deno.land/x/std/prettier/main.ts", "rollup.config.js", ...findFiles([".", "website"], [".json", ".md"], { depth: 1 }), ...findFiles( [".github", "js", "tests", "tools", "website"], [".js", ".json", ".ts", ".md"], { skip: [ join("tools", "clang"), join("js", "deps"), join("tests", "badly_formatted.js"), join("tests", "error_syntax.js") ] } ) ); console.log("rustfmt"); await run( rustfmt, "--config-path", rustfmtConfig, "build.rs", ...findFiles(["src"], [".rs"]) ); })();