{ "tests": { "node_gyp": { "tempDir": true, "steps": [ { "args": "cache --allow-scripts=npm:@denotest/node-addon main.js", "output": "[WILDCARD]gyp info ok \n" }, { "args": "run -A main.js", "output": "world\n" } ] }, "run_without_scripts": { "tempDir": true, "steps": [ { "args": "run -A main.js", "output": "node_gyp_not_run.out", "exitCode": 1 } ] }, "implicit_node_gyp": { "tempDir": true, "steps": [ { "envs": { // I don't think this will work on windows "PATH": "" }, "args": "cache --allow-scripts implicit_node_gyp.js", "output": "node_gyp_not_found.out", "exitCode": 1 } ] }, "lifecycle_scripts": { "tempDir": true, "steps": [ { // without running scripts (should warn) "args": "cache all_lifecycles.js", "output": "all_lifecycles_not_run.out" }, { // now run scripts "args": "cache --allow-scripts all_lifecycles.js", // this test package covers running preinstall, install, and postinstall scripts // it also exercises running bin packages (esbuild in this case), using `node` in a script // (with and without node-only CLI flags), and using `npx` in a script "output": "all_lifecycles.out" } ] }, "future_install_lifecycle_scripts": { "tempDir": true, "envs": { "DENO_FUTURE": "1" }, "steps": [ { "args": [ "eval", "Deno.writeTextFileSync('package.json', '{\"dependencies\":{ \"@denotest/node-lifecycle-scripts\": \"*\" } }')" ], "output": "" }, { "args": "install", "output": "future_install_all_lifecycles_not_run.out" } ] }, "lifecycle_scripts_conflicting_bin": { "tempDir": true, "steps": [ { // we import @denotest/says-hello-on-install, which executes `say-hello` from `@denotest/say-hello` in its // install script. we also import `@denotest/better-say-hello`, which provides a // bin called `say-hello` as well. `@denotest/says-hello-on-install` wins (gets put into // node_modules/.bin/say-hello) because it's closer in the dependency tree, but when // we run the install script, we should use the correct binary (relative to the package) "args": "cache --allow-scripts conflicting_bin.js", "output": "conflicting_bin.out" } ] } } }