// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::args::Flags; use crate::args::TestFlags; use crate::args::TypeCheckMode; use crate::colors; use crate::display; use crate::file_fetcher::File; use crate::graph_util::contains_specifier; use crate::graph_util::graph_valid; use crate::ops; use crate::proc_state::ProcState; use crate::util::checksum; use crate::util::file_watcher; use crate::util::file_watcher::ResolutionResult; use crate::util::fs::collect_specifiers; use crate::util::path::get_extension; use crate::util::path::is_supported_ext; use crate::util::path::specifier_to_file_path; use crate::worker::create_main_worker_for_test_or_bench; use deno_ast::swc::common::comments::CommentKind; use deno_ast::MediaType; use deno_ast::SourceRangedForSpanned; use deno_core::error::generic_error; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::error::JsError; use deno_core::futures::future; use deno_core::futures::stream; use deno_core::futures::FutureExt; use deno_core::futures::StreamExt; use deno_core::parking_lot::Mutex; use deno_core::url::Url; use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_graph::ModuleKind; use deno_runtime::fmt_errors::format_js_error; use deno_runtime::ops::io::Stdio; use deno_runtime::ops::io::StdioPipe; use deno_runtime::permissions::Permissions; use deno_runtime::tokio_util::run_local; use indexmap::IndexMap; use log::Level; use rand::rngs::SmallRng; use rand::seq::SliceRandom; use rand::SeedableRng; use regex::Regex; use serde::Deserialize; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::fmt::Write as _; use std::io::Read; use std::io::Write; use std::num::NonZeroUsize; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use std::time::Instant; use tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel; use tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender; /// The test mode is used to determine how a specifier is to be tested. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum TestMode { /// Test as documentation, type-checking fenced code blocks. Documentation, /// Test as an executable module, loading the module into the isolate and running each test it /// defines. Executable, /// Test as both documentation and an executable module. Both, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] pub struct TestFilter { pub substring: Option<String>, pub regex: Option<Regex>, pub include: Option<Vec<String>>, pub exclude: Vec<String>, } impl TestFilter { pub fn includes(&self, name: &String) -> bool { if let Some(substring) = &self.substring { if !name.contains(substring) { return false; } } if let Some(regex) = &self.regex { if !regex.is_match(name) { return false; } } if let Some(include) = &self.include { if !include.contains(name) { return false; } } if self.exclude.contains(name) { return false; } true } pub fn from_flag(flag: &Option<String>) -> Self { let mut substring = None; let mut regex = None; if let Some(flag) = flag { if flag.starts_with('/') && flag.ends_with('/') { let rs = flag.trim_start_matches('/').trim_end_matches('/'); regex = Some(Regex::new(rs).unwrap_or_else(|_| Regex::new("$^").unwrap())); } else { substring = Some(flag.clone()); } } Self { substring, regex, ..Default::default() } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Deserialize, Eq, Hash)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct TestLocation { pub file_name: String, pub line_number: u32, pub column_number: u32, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Deserialize, Eq, Hash)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct TestDescription { pub id: usize, pub name: String, pub origin: String, pub location: TestLocation, } impl TestDescription { pub fn static_id(&self) -> String { checksum::gen(&[self.location.file_name.as_bytes(), self.name.as_bytes()]) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub enum TestOutput { String(String), Bytes(Vec<u8>), } #[allow(clippy::derive_partial_eq_without_eq)] #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub enum TestResult { Ok, Ignored, Failed(Box<JsError>), Cancelled, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct TestStepDescription { pub id: usize, pub name: String, pub origin: String, pub location: TestLocation, pub level: usize, pub parent_id: usize, pub root_id: usize, pub root_name: String, } impl TestStepDescription { pub fn static_id(&self) -> String { checksum::gen(&[ self.location.file_name.as_bytes(), &self.level.to_be_bytes(), self.name.as_bytes(), ]) } } #[allow(clippy::derive_partial_eq_without_eq)] #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub enum TestStepResult { Ok, Ignored, Failed(Option<Box<JsError>>), Pending(Option<Box<JsError>>), } impl TestStepResult { fn error(&self) -> Option<&JsError> { match self { TestStepResult::Failed(Some(error)) => Some(error), TestStepResult::Pending(Some(error)) => Some(error), _ => None, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct TestPlan { pub origin: String, pub total: usize, pub filtered_out: usize, pub used_only: bool, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub enum TestEvent { Register(TestDescription), Plan(TestPlan), Wait(usize), Output(Vec<u8>), Result(usize, TestResult, u64), UncaughtError(String, Box<JsError>), StepRegister(TestStepDescription), StepWait(usize), StepResult(usize, TestStepResult, u64), } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] pub struct TestSummary { pub total: usize, pub passed: usize, pub failed: usize, pub ignored: usize, pub passed_steps: usize, pub failed_steps: usize, pub pending_steps: usize, pub ignored_steps: usize, pub filtered_out: usize, pub measured: usize, pub failures: Vec<(TestDescription, Box<JsError>)>, pub uncaught_errors: Vec<(String, Box<JsError>)>, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct TestSpecifierOptions { concurrent_jobs: NonZeroUsize, fail_fast: Option<NonZeroUsize>, filter: TestFilter, } impl TestSummary { pub fn new() -> TestSummary { TestSummary { total: 0, passed: 0, failed: 0, ignored: 0, passed_steps: 0, failed_steps: 0, pending_steps: 0, ignored_steps: 0, filtered_out: 0, measured: 0, failures: Vec::new(), uncaught_errors: Vec::new(), } } fn has_failed(&self) -> bool { self.failed > 0 || !self.failures.is_empty() } } struct PrettyTestReporter { parallel: bool, echo_output: bool, in_new_line: bool, last_wait_id: Option<usize>, cwd: Url, did_have_user_output: bool, started_tests: bool, } impl PrettyTestReporter { fn new(parallel: bool, echo_output: bool) -> PrettyTestReporter { PrettyTestReporter { parallel, echo_output, in_new_line: true, last_wait_id: None, cwd: Url::from_directory_path(std::env::current_dir().unwrap()).unwrap(), did_have_user_output: false, started_tests: false, } } fn force_report_wait(&mut self, description: &TestDescription) { if !self.in_new_line { println!(); } if self.parallel { print!( "{}", colors::gray(format!( "{} => ", self.to_relative_path_or_remote_url(&description.origin) )) ); } print!("{} ...", description.name); self.in_new_line = false; // flush for faster feedback when line buffered std::io::stdout().flush().unwrap(); self.last_wait_id = Some(description.id); } fn to_relative_path_or_remote_url(&self, path_or_url: &str) -> String { let url = Url::parse(path_or_url).unwrap(); if url.scheme() == "file" { if let Some(mut r) = self.cwd.make_relative(&url) { if !r.starts_with("../") { r = format!("./{}", r); } return r; } } path_or_url.to_string() } fn force_report_step_wait(&mut self, description: &TestStepDescription) { self.write_output_end(); if !self.in_new_line { println!(); } print!("{}{} ...", " ".repeat(description.level), description.name); self.in_new_line = false; // flush for faster feedback when line buffered std::io::stdout().flush().unwrap(); self.last_wait_id = Some(description.id); } fn force_report_step_result( &mut self, description: &TestStepDescription, result: &TestStepResult, elapsed: u64, ) { let status = match result { TestStepResult::Ok => colors::green("ok").to_string(), TestStepResult::Ignored => colors::yellow("ignored").to_string(), TestStepResult::Pending(_) => colors::gray("pending").to_string(), TestStepResult::Failed(_) => colors::red("FAILED").to_string(), }; self.write_output_end(); if self.in_new_line || self.last_wait_id != Some(description.id) { self.force_report_step_wait(description); } println!( " {} {}", status, colors::gray(format!("({})", display::human_elapsed(elapsed.into()))) ); if let Some(js_error) = result.error() { let err_string = format_test_error(js_error); let err_string = format!("{}: {}", colors::red_bold("error"), err_string); for line in err_string.lines() { println!("{}{}", " ".repeat(description.level + 1), line); } } self.in_new_line = true; } fn write_output_end(&mut self) { if self.did_have_user_output { println!("{}", colors::gray("----- output end -----")); self.in_new_line = true; self.did_have_user_output = false; } } fn report_register(&mut self, _description: &TestDescription) {} fn report_plan(&mut self, plan: &TestPlan) { if self.parallel { return; } let inflection = if plan.total == 1 { "test" } else { "tests" }; println!( "{}", colors::gray(format!( "running {} {} from {}", plan.total, inflection, self.to_relative_path_or_remote_url(&plan.origin) )) ); self.in_new_line = true; } fn report_wait(&mut self, description: &TestDescription) { if !self.parallel { self.force_report_wait(description); } self.started_tests = true; } fn report_output(&mut self, output: &[u8]) { if !self.echo_output { return; } if !self.did_have_user_output && self.started_tests { self.did_have_user_output = true; if !self.in_new_line { println!(); } println!("{}", colors::gray("------- output -------")); self.in_new_line = true; } // output everything to stdout in order to prevent // stdout and stderr racing std::io::stdout().write_all(output).unwrap(); } fn report_result( &mut self, description: &TestDescription, result: &TestResult, elapsed: u64, ) { if self.parallel { self.force_report_wait(description); } self.write_output_end(); if self.in_new_line || self.last_wait_id != Some(description.id) { self.force_report_wait(description); } let status = match result { TestResult::Ok => colors::green("ok").to_string(), TestResult::Ignored => colors::yellow("ignored").to_string(), TestResult::Failed(_) => colors::red("FAILED").to_string(), TestResult::Cancelled => colors::gray("cancelled").to_string(), }; println!( " {} {}", status, colors::gray(format!("({})", display::human_elapsed(elapsed.into()))) ); self.in_new_line = true; } fn report_uncaught_error(&mut self, origin: &str, _error: &JsError) { if !self.in_new_line { println!(); } println!( "Uncaught error from {} {}", self.to_relative_path_or_remote_url(origin), colors::red("FAILED") ); self.in_new_line = true; self.did_have_user_output = false; } fn report_step_register(&mut self, _description: &TestStepDescription) {} fn report_step_wait(&mut self, description: &TestStepDescription) { if !self.parallel { self.force_report_step_wait(description); } } fn report_step_result( &mut self, description: &TestStepDescription, result: &TestStepResult, elapsed: u64, tests: &IndexMap<usize, TestDescription>, test_steps: &IndexMap<usize, TestStepDescription>, ) { if self.parallel { self.write_output_end(); let root; let mut ancestor_names = vec![]; let mut current_desc = description; loop { if let Some(step_desc) = test_steps.get(¤t_desc.parent_id) { ancestor_names.push(&step_desc.name); current_desc = step_desc; } else { root = tests.get(¤t_desc.parent_id).unwrap(); break; } } ancestor_names.reverse(); print!( "{}", colors::gray(format!( "{} =>", self.to_relative_path_or_remote_url(&description.origin) )) ); print!(" {} ...", root.name); for name in ancestor_names { print!(" {} ...", name); } print!(" {} ...", description.name); self.in_new_line = false; self.last_wait_id = Some(description.id); } self.force_report_step_result(description, result, elapsed); } fn report_summary(&mut self, summary: &TestSummary, elapsed: &Duration) { if !summary.failures.is_empty() || !summary.uncaught_errors.is_empty() { #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] // Type alias doesn't look better here let mut failures_by_origin: BTreeMap< String, (Vec<(&TestDescription, &JsError)>, Option<&JsError>), > = BTreeMap::default(); let mut failure_titles = vec![]; for (description, js_error) in &summary.failures { let (failures, _) = failures_by_origin .entry(description.origin.clone()) .or_default(); failures.push((description, js_error.as_ref())); } for (origin, js_error) in &summary.uncaught_errors { let (_, uncaught_error) = failures_by_origin.entry(origin.clone()).or_default(); let _ = uncaught_error.insert(js_error.as_ref()); } println!("\n{}\n", colors::white_bold_on_red(" ERRORS ")); for (origin, (failures, uncaught_error)) in failures_by_origin { for (description, js_error) in failures { let failure_title = format!( "{} {}", &description.name, colors::gray(format!( "=> {}:{}:{}", self.to_relative_path_or_remote_url( &description.location.file_name ), description.location.line_number, description.location.column_number )) ); println!("{}", &failure_title); println!( "{}: {}", colors::red_bold("error"), format_test_error(js_error) ); println!(); failure_titles.push(failure_title); } if let Some(js_error) = uncaught_error { let failure_title = format!( "{} (uncaught error)", self.to_relative_path_or_remote_url(&origin) ); println!("{}", &failure_title); println!( "{}: {}", colors::red_bold("error"), format_test_error(js_error) ); println!("This error was not caught from a test and caused the test runner to fail on the referenced module."); println!("It most likely originated from a dangling promise, event/timeout handler or top-level code."); println!(); failure_titles.push(failure_title); } } println!("{}\n", colors::white_bold_on_red(" FAILURES ")); for failure_title in failure_titles { println!("{}", failure_title); } } let status = if summary.has_failed() { colors::red("FAILED").to_string() } else { colors::green("ok").to_string() }; let get_steps_text = |count: usize| -> String { if count == 0 { String::new() } else if count == 1 { " (1 step)".to_string() } else { format!(" ({} steps)", count) } }; let mut summary_result = String::new(); write!( summary_result, "{} passed{} | {} failed{}", summary.passed, get_steps_text(summary.passed_steps), summary.failed, get_steps_text(summary.failed_steps + summary.pending_steps), ) .unwrap(); let ignored_steps = get_steps_text(summary.ignored_steps); if summary.ignored > 0 || !ignored_steps.is_empty() { write!( summary_result, " | {} ignored{}", summary.ignored, ignored_steps ) .unwrap() } if summary.measured > 0 { write!(summary_result, " | {} measured", summary.measured,).unwrap(); } if summary.filtered_out > 0 { write!(summary_result, " | {} filtered out", summary.filtered_out) .unwrap() }; println!( "\n{} | {} {}\n", status, summary_result, colors::gray(format!( "({})", display::human_elapsed(elapsed.as_millis()) )), ); self.in_new_line = true; } } fn abbreviate_test_error(js_error: &JsError) -> JsError { let mut js_error = js_error.clone(); let frames = std::mem::take(&mut js_error.frames); // check if there are any stack frames coming from user code let should_filter = frames.iter().any(|f| { if let Some(file_name) = &f.file_name { !(file_name.starts_with("[deno:") || file_name.starts_with("deno:")) } else { true } }); if should_filter { let mut frames = frames .into_iter() .rev() .skip_while(|f| { if let Some(file_name) = &f.file_name { file_name.starts_with("[deno:") || file_name.starts_with("deno:") } else { false } }) .into_iter() .collect::<Vec<_>>(); frames.reverse(); js_error.frames = frames; } else { js_error.frames = frames; } js_error.cause = js_error .cause .as_ref() .map(|e| Box::new(abbreviate_test_error(e))); js_error.aggregated = js_error .aggregated .as_ref() .map(|es| es.iter().map(abbreviate_test_error).collect()); js_error } // This function prettifies `JsError` and applies some changes specifically for // test runner purposes: // // - filter out stack frames: // - if stack trace consists of mixed user and internal code, the frames // below the first user code frame are filtered out // - if stack trace consists only of internal code it is preserved as is pub fn format_test_error(js_error: &JsError) -> String { let mut js_error = abbreviate_test_error(js_error); js_error.exception_message = js_error .exception_message .trim_start_matches("Uncaught ") .to_string(); format_js_error(&js_error) } /// Test a single specifier as documentation containing test programs, an executable test module or /// both. async fn test_specifier( ps: ProcState, permissions: Permissions, specifier: ModuleSpecifier, mode: TestMode, sender: &TestEventSender, options: TestSpecifierOptions, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let mut worker = create_main_worker_for_test_or_bench( &ps, specifier.clone(), permissions, vec![ops::testing::init(sender.clone(), options.filter.clone())], Stdio { stdin: StdioPipe::Inherit, stdout: StdioPipe::File(sender.stdout()), stderr: StdioPipe::File(sender.stderr()), }, ) .await?; worker.run_test_specifier(mode).await } fn extract_files_from_regex_blocks( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, source: &str, media_type: MediaType, file_line_index: usize, blocks_regex: &Regex, lines_regex: &Regex, ) -> Result<Vec<File>, AnyError> { let files = blocks_regex .captures_iter(source) .filter_map(|block| { block.get(1)?; let maybe_attributes: Option<Vec<_>> = block .get(1) .map(|attributes| attributes.as_str().split(' ').collect()); let file_media_type = if let Some(attributes) = maybe_attributes { if attributes.contains(&"ignore") { return None; } match attributes.first() { Some(&"js") => MediaType::JavaScript, Some(&"javascript") => MediaType::JavaScript, Some(&"mjs") => MediaType::Mjs, Some(&"cjs") => MediaType::Cjs, Some(&"jsx") => MediaType::Jsx, Some(&"ts") => MediaType::TypeScript, Some(&"typescript") => MediaType::TypeScript, Some(&"mts") => MediaType::Mts, Some(&"cts") => MediaType::Cts, Some(&"tsx") => MediaType::Tsx, Some(&"") => media_type, _ => MediaType::Unknown, } } else { media_type }; if file_media_type == MediaType::Unknown { return None; } let line_offset = source[0..block.get(0).unwrap().start()] .chars() .filter(|c| *c == '\n') .count(); let line_count = block.get(0).unwrap().as_str().split('\n').count(); let body = block.get(2).unwrap(); let text = body.as_str(); // TODO(caspervonb) generate an inline source map let mut file_source = String::new(); for line in lines_regex.captures_iter(text) { let text = line.get(1).unwrap(); writeln!(file_source, "{}", text.as_str()).unwrap(); } let file_specifier = deno_core::resolve_url_or_path(&format!( "{}${}-{}{}", specifier, file_line_index + line_offset + 1, file_line_index + line_offset + line_count + 1, file_media_type.as_ts_extension(), )) .unwrap(); Some(File { local: file_specifier.to_file_path().unwrap(), maybe_types: None, media_type: file_media_type, source: file_source.into(), specifier: file_specifier, maybe_headers: None, }) }) .collect(); Ok(files) } fn extract_files_from_source_comments( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, source: Arc<str>, media_type: MediaType, ) -> Result<Vec<File>, AnyError> { let parsed_source = deno_ast::parse_module(deno_ast::ParseParams { specifier: specifier.as_str().to_string(), text_info: deno_ast::SourceTextInfo::new(source), media_type, capture_tokens: false, maybe_syntax: None, scope_analysis: false, })?; let comments = parsed_source.comments().get_vec(); let blocks_regex = Regex::new(r"```([^\r\n]*)\r?\n([\S\s]*?)```")?; let lines_regex = Regex::new(r"(?:\* ?)(?:\# ?)?(.*)")?; let files = comments .iter() .filter(|comment| { if comment.kind != CommentKind::Block || !comment.text.starts_with('*') { return false; } true }) .flat_map(|comment| { extract_files_from_regex_blocks( specifier, &comment.text, media_type, parsed_source.text_info().line_index(comment.start()), &blocks_regex, &lines_regex, ) }) .flatten() .collect(); Ok(files) } fn extract_files_from_fenced_blocks( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, source: &str, media_type: MediaType, ) -> Result<Vec<File>, AnyError> { // The pattern matches code blocks as well as anything in HTML comment syntax, // but it stores the latter without any capturing groups. This way, a simple // check can be done to see if a block is inside a comment (and skip typechecking) // or not by checking for the presence of capturing groups in the matches. let blocks_regex = Regex::new(r"(?s)<!--.*?-->|```([^\r\n]*)\r?\n([\S\s]*?)```")?; let lines_regex = Regex::new(r"(?:\# ?)?(.*)")?; extract_files_from_regex_blocks( specifier, source, media_type, /* file line index */ 0, &blocks_regex, &lines_regex, ) } async fn fetch_inline_files( ps: ProcState, specifiers: Vec<ModuleSpecifier>, ) -> Result<Vec<File>, AnyError> { let mut files = Vec::new(); for specifier in specifiers { let mut fetch_permissions = Permissions::allow_all(); let file = ps .file_fetcher .fetch(&specifier, &mut fetch_permissions) .await?; let inline_files = if file.media_type == MediaType::Unknown { extract_files_from_fenced_blocks( &file.specifier, &file.source, file.media_type, ) } else { extract_files_from_source_comments( &file.specifier, file.source.clone(), file.media_type, ) }; files.extend(inline_files?); } Ok(files) } /// Type check a collection of module and document specifiers. pub async fn check_specifiers( ps: &ProcState, permissions: Permissions, specifiers: Vec<(ModuleSpecifier, TestMode)>, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let lib = ps.options.ts_type_lib_window(); let inline_files = fetch_inline_files( ps.clone(), specifiers .iter() .filter_map(|(specifier, mode)| { if *mode != TestMode::Executable { Some(specifier.clone()) } else { None } }) .collect(), ) .await?; if !inline_files.is_empty() { let specifiers = inline_files .iter() .map(|file| file.specifier.clone()) .collect(); for file in inline_files { ps.file_fetcher.insert_cached(file); } ps.prepare_module_load( specifiers, false, lib, Permissions::allow_all(), permissions.clone(), false, ) .await?; } let module_specifiers = specifiers .iter() .filter_map(|(specifier, mode)| { if *mode != TestMode::Documentation { Some(specifier.clone()) } else { None } }) .collect(); ps.prepare_module_load( module_specifiers, false, lib, Permissions::allow_all(), permissions, true, ) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Test a collection of specifiers with test modes concurrently. async fn test_specifiers( ps: ProcState, permissions: Permissions, specifiers_with_mode: Vec<(ModuleSpecifier, TestMode)>, options: TestSpecifierOptions, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let log_level = ps.options.log_level(); let specifiers_with_mode = if let Some(seed) = ps.options.shuffle_tests() { let mut rng = SmallRng::seed_from_u64(seed); let mut specifiers_with_mode = specifiers_with_mode.clone(); specifiers_with_mode.sort_by_key(|(specifier, _)| specifier.clone()); specifiers_with_mode.shuffle(&mut rng); specifiers_with_mode } else { specifiers_with_mode }; let (sender, mut receiver) = unbounded_channel::<TestEvent>(); let sender = TestEventSender::new(sender); let concurrent_jobs = options.concurrent_jobs; let fail_fast = options.fail_fast; let join_handles = specifiers_with_mode.iter().map(move |(specifier, mode)| { let ps = ps.clone(); let permissions = permissions.clone(); let specifier = specifier.clone(); let mode = mode.clone(); let mut sender = sender.clone(); let options = options.clone(); tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { let origin = specifier.to_string(); let file_result = run_local(test_specifier( ps, permissions, specifier, mode, &sender, options, )); if let Err(error) = file_result { if error.is::<JsError>() { sender.send(TestEvent::UncaughtError( origin, Box::new(error.downcast::<JsError>().unwrap()), ))?; } else { return Err(error); } } Ok(()) }) }); let join_stream = stream::iter(join_handles) .buffer_unordered(concurrent_jobs.get()) .collect::<Vec<Result<Result<(), AnyError>, tokio::task::JoinError>>>(); let mut reporter = Box::new(PrettyTestReporter::new( concurrent_jobs.get() > 1, log_level != Some(Level::Error), )); let handler = { tokio::task::spawn(async move { let earlier = Instant::now(); let mut tests = IndexMap::new(); let mut test_steps = IndexMap::new(); let mut tests_with_result = HashSet::new(); let mut summary = TestSummary::new(); let mut used_only = false; while let Some(event) = receiver.recv().await { match event { TestEvent::Register(description) => { reporter.report_register(&description); tests.insert(description.id, description); } TestEvent::Plan(plan) => { summary.total += plan.total; summary.filtered_out += plan.filtered_out; if plan.used_only { used_only = true; } reporter.report_plan(&plan); } TestEvent::Wait(id) => { reporter.report_wait(tests.get(&id).unwrap()); } TestEvent::Output(output) => { reporter.report_output(&output); } TestEvent::Result(id, result, elapsed) => { if tests_with_result.insert(id) { let description = tests.get(&id).unwrap().clone(); match &result { TestResult::Ok => { summary.passed += 1; } TestResult::Ignored => { summary.ignored += 1; } TestResult::Failed(error) => { summary.failed += 1; summary.failures.push((description.clone(), error.clone())); } TestResult::Cancelled => { unreachable!("should be handled in TestEvent::UncaughtError"); } } reporter.report_result(&description, &result, elapsed); } } TestEvent::UncaughtError(origin, error) => { reporter.report_uncaught_error(&origin, &error); summary.failed += 1; summary.uncaught_errors.push((origin.clone(), error)); for desc in tests.values() { if desc.origin == origin && tests_with_result.insert(desc.id) { summary.failed += 1; reporter.report_result(desc, &TestResult::Cancelled, 0); } } } TestEvent::StepRegister(description) => { reporter.report_step_register(&description); test_steps.insert(description.id, description); } TestEvent::StepWait(id) => { reporter.report_step_wait(test_steps.get(&id).unwrap()); } TestEvent::StepResult(id, result, duration) => { match &result { TestStepResult::Ok => { summary.passed_steps += 1; } TestStepResult::Ignored => { summary.ignored_steps += 1; } TestStepResult::Failed(_) => { summary.failed_steps += 1; } TestStepResult::Pending(_) => { summary.pending_steps += 1; } } reporter.report_step_result( test_steps.get(&id).unwrap(), &result, duration, &tests, &test_steps, ); } } if let Some(x) = fail_fast { if summary.failed >= x.get() { break; } } } let elapsed = Instant::now().duration_since(earlier); reporter.report_summary(&summary, &elapsed); if used_only { return Err(generic_error( "Test failed because the \"only\" option was used", )); } if summary.failed > 0 { return Err(generic_error("Test failed")); } Ok(()) }) }; let (join_results, result) = future::join(join_stream, handler).await; // propagate any errors for join_result in join_results { join_result??; } result??; Ok(()) } /// Checks if the path has a basename and extension Deno supports for tests. fn is_supported_test_path(path: &Path) -> bool { if let Some(name) = path.file_stem() { let basename = name.to_string_lossy(); (basename.ends_with("_test") || basename.ends_with(".test") || basename == "test") && is_supported_ext(path) } else { false } } /// Checks if the path has an extension Deno supports for tests. fn is_supported_test_ext(path: &Path) -> bool { if let Some(ext) = get_extension(path) { matches!( ext.as_str(), "ts" | "tsx" | "js" | "jsx" | "mjs" | "mts" | "cjs" | "cts" | "md" | "mkd" | "mkdn" | "mdwn" | "mdown" | "markdown" ) } else { false } } /// Collects specifiers marking them with the appropriate test mode while maintaining the natural /// input order. /// /// - Specifiers matching the `is_supported_test_ext` predicate are marked as /// `TestMode::Documentation`. /// - Specifiers matching the `is_supported_test_path` are marked as `TestMode::Executable`. /// - Specifiers matching both predicates are marked as `TestMode::Both` fn collect_specifiers_with_test_mode( include: Vec<String>, ignore: Vec<PathBuf>, include_inline: bool, ) -> Result<Vec<(ModuleSpecifier, TestMode)>, AnyError> { let module_specifiers = collect_specifiers(include.clone(), &ignore, is_supported_test_path)?; if include_inline { return collect_specifiers(include, &ignore, is_supported_test_ext).map( |specifiers| { specifiers .into_iter() .map(|specifier| { let mode = if module_specifiers.contains(&specifier) { TestMode::Both } else { TestMode::Documentation }; (specifier, mode) }) .collect() }, ); } let specifiers_with_mode = module_specifiers .into_iter() .map(|specifier| (specifier, TestMode::Executable)) .collect(); Ok(specifiers_with_mode) } /// Collects module and document specifiers with test modes via /// `collect_specifiers_with_test_mode` which are then pre-fetched and adjusted /// based on the media type. /// /// Specifiers that do not have a known media type that can be executed as a /// module are marked as `TestMode::Documentation`. Type definition files /// cannot be run, and therefore need to be marked as `TestMode::Documentation` /// as well. async fn fetch_specifiers_with_test_mode( ps: &ProcState, include: Vec<String>, ignore: Vec<PathBuf>, include_inline: bool, ) -> Result<Vec<(ModuleSpecifier, TestMode)>, AnyError> { let maybe_test_config = ps.options.to_test_config()?; let mut include_files = include.clone(); let mut exclude_files = ignore.clone(); if let Some(test_config) = maybe_test_config.as_ref() { if include_files.is_empty() { include_files = test_config .files .include .iter() .map(|s| s.to_string()) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); } if exclude_files.is_empty() { exclude_files = test_config .files .exclude .iter() .filter_map(|s| specifier_to_file_path(s).ok()) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); } } if include_files.is_empty() { include_files.push(".".to_string()); } let mut specifiers_with_mode = collect_specifiers_with_test_mode( include_files, exclude_files, include_inline, )?; for (specifier, mode) in &mut specifiers_with_mode { let file = ps .file_fetcher .fetch(specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await?; if file.media_type == MediaType::Unknown || file.media_type == MediaType::Dts { *mode = TestMode::Documentation } } Ok(specifiers_with_mode) } pub async fn run_tests( flags: Flags, test_flags: TestFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let ps = ProcState::build(flags).await?; let permissions = Permissions::from_options(&ps.options.permissions_options())?; let specifiers_with_mode = fetch_specifiers_with_test_mode( &ps, test_flags.include, test_flags.ignore.clone(), test_flags.doc, ) .await?; if !test_flags.allow_none && specifiers_with_mode.is_empty() { return Err(generic_error("No test modules found")); } check_specifiers(&ps, permissions.clone(), specifiers_with_mode.clone()) .await?; if test_flags.no_run { return Ok(()); } test_specifiers( ps, permissions, specifiers_with_mode, TestSpecifierOptions { concurrent_jobs: test_flags.concurrent_jobs, fail_fast: test_flags.fail_fast, filter: TestFilter::from_flag(&test_flags.filter), }, ) .await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn run_tests_with_watch( flags: Flags, test_flags: TestFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let ps = ProcState::build(flags).await?; let permissions = Permissions::from_options(&ps.options.permissions_options())?; let include = test_flags.include; let ignore = test_flags.ignore.clone(); let paths_to_watch: Vec<_> = include.iter().map(PathBuf::from).collect(); let no_check = ps.options.type_check_mode() == TypeCheckMode::None; let resolver = |changed: Option<Vec<PathBuf>>| { let paths_to_watch = paths_to_watch.clone(); let paths_to_watch_clone = paths_to_watch.clone(); let files_changed = changed.is_some(); let include = include.clone(); let ignore = ignore.clone(); let ps = ps.clone(); async move { let test_modules = if test_flags.doc { collect_specifiers(include.clone(), &ignore, is_supported_test_ext) } else { collect_specifiers(include.clone(), &ignore, is_supported_test_path) }?; let mut paths_to_watch = paths_to_watch_clone; let mut modules_to_reload = if files_changed { Vec::new() } else { test_modules .iter() .map(|url| (url.clone(), ModuleKind::Esm)) .collect() }; let graph = ps .create_graph( test_modules .iter() .map(|s| (s.clone(), ModuleKind::Esm)) .collect(), ) .await?; graph_valid(&graph, !no_check, ps.options.check_js())?; // TODO(@kitsonk) - This should be totally derivable from the graph. for specifier in test_modules { fn get_dependencies<'a>( graph: &'a deno_graph::ModuleGraph, maybe_module: Option<&'a deno_graph::Module>, // This needs to be accessible to skip getting dependencies if they're already there, // otherwise this will cause a stack overflow with circular dependencies output: &mut HashSet<&'a ModuleSpecifier>, no_check: bool, ) { if let Some(module) = maybe_module { for dep in module.dependencies.values() { if let Some(specifier) = &dep.get_code() { if !output.contains(specifier) { output.insert(specifier); get_dependencies( graph, graph.get(specifier), output, no_check, ); } } if !no_check { if let Some(specifier) = &dep.get_type() { if !output.contains(specifier) { output.insert(specifier); get_dependencies( graph, graph.get(specifier), output, no_check, ); } } } } } } // This test module and all it's dependencies let mut modules = HashSet::new(); modules.insert(&specifier); get_dependencies(&graph, graph.get(&specifier), &mut modules, no_check); paths_to_watch.extend( modules .iter() .filter_map(|specifier| specifier.to_file_path().ok()), ); if let Some(changed) = &changed { for path in changed.iter().filter_map(|path| { deno_core::resolve_url_or_path(&path.to_string_lossy()).ok() }) { if modules.contains(&&path) { modules_to_reload.push((specifier, ModuleKind::Esm)); break; } } } } Ok((paths_to_watch, modules_to_reload)) } .map(move |result| { if files_changed && matches!(result, Ok((_, ref modules)) if modules.is_empty()) { ResolutionResult::Ignore } else { match result { Ok((paths_to_watch, modules_to_reload)) => { ResolutionResult::Restart { paths_to_watch, result: Ok(modules_to_reload), } } Err(e) => ResolutionResult::Restart { paths_to_watch, result: Err(e), }, } } }) }; let cli_options = ps.options.clone(); let operation = |modules_to_reload: Vec<(ModuleSpecifier, ModuleKind)>| { let filter = test_flags.filter.clone(); let include = include.clone(); let ignore = ignore.clone(); let permissions = permissions.clone(); let ps = ps.clone(); async move { let specifiers_with_mode = fetch_specifiers_with_test_mode( &ps, include.clone(), ignore.clone(), test_flags.doc, ) .await? .iter() .filter(|(specifier, _)| { contains_specifier(&modules_to_reload, specifier) }) .cloned() .collect::<Vec<(ModuleSpecifier, TestMode)>>(); check_specifiers(&ps, permissions.clone(), specifiers_with_mode.clone()) .await?; if test_flags.no_run { return Ok(()); } test_specifiers( ps, permissions.clone(), specifiers_with_mode, TestSpecifierOptions { concurrent_jobs: test_flags.concurrent_jobs, fail_fast: test_flags.fail_fast, filter: TestFilter::from_flag(&filter), }, ) .await?; Ok(()) } }; file_watcher::watch_func( resolver, operation, file_watcher::PrintConfig { job_name: "Test".to_string(), clear_screen: !cli_options.no_clear_screen(), }, ) .await?; Ok(()) } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct TestEventSender { sender: UnboundedSender<TestEvent>, stdout_writer: TestOutputPipe, stderr_writer: TestOutputPipe, } impl TestEventSender { pub fn new(sender: UnboundedSender<TestEvent>) -> Self { Self { stdout_writer: TestOutputPipe::new(sender.clone()), stderr_writer: TestOutputPipe::new(sender.clone()), sender, } } pub fn stdout(&self) -> std::fs::File { self.stdout_writer.as_file() } pub fn stderr(&self) -> std::fs::File { self.stderr_writer.as_file() } pub fn send(&mut self, message: TestEvent) -> Result<(), AnyError> { // for any event that finishes collecting output, we need to // ensure that the collected stdout and stderr pipes are flushed if matches!( message, TestEvent::Result(_, _, _) | TestEvent::StepWait(_) | TestEvent::StepResult(_, _, _) ) { self.flush_stdout_and_stderr(); } self.sender.send(message)?; Ok(()) } fn flush_stdout_and_stderr(&mut self) { self.stdout_writer.flush(); self.stderr_writer.flush(); } } // use a string that if it ends up in the output won't affect how things are displayed const ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE: &str = "\u{200B}"; struct TestOutputPipe { writer: os_pipe::PipeWriter, state: Arc<Mutex<Option<std::sync::mpsc::Sender<()>>>>, } impl Clone for TestOutputPipe { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self { writer: self.writer.try_clone().unwrap(), state: self.state.clone(), } } } impl TestOutputPipe { pub fn new(sender: UnboundedSender<TestEvent>) -> Self { let (reader, writer) = os_pipe::pipe().unwrap(); let state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)); start_output_redirect_thread(reader, sender, state.clone()); Self { writer, state } } pub fn flush(&mut self) { // We want to wake up the other thread and have it respond back // that it's done clearing out its pipe before returning. let (sender, receiver) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); if let Some(sender) = self.state.lock().replace(sender) { let _ = sender.send(()); // just in case } // Bit of a hack to send a zero width space in order to wake // the thread up. It seems that sending zero bytes here does // not work on windows. self.writer.write_all(ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE.as_bytes()).unwrap(); self.writer.flush().unwrap(); // ignore the error as it might have been picked up and closed let _ = receiver.recv(); } pub fn as_file(&self) -> std::fs::File { pipe_writer_to_file(self.writer.try_clone().unwrap()) } } #[cfg(windows)] fn pipe_writer_to_file(writer: os_pipe::PipeWriter) -> std::fs::File { use std::os::windows::prelude::FromRawHandle; use std::os::windows::prelude::IntoRawHandle; // SAFETY: Requires consuming ownership of the provided handle unsafe { std::fs::File::from_raw_handle(writer.into_raw_handle()) } } #[cfg(unix)] fn pipe_writer_to_file(writer: os_pipe::PipeWriter) -> std::fs::File { use std::os::unix::io::FromRawFd; use std::os::unix::io::IntoRawFd; // SAFETY: Requires consuming ownership of the provided handle unsafe { std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(writer.into_raw_fd()) } } fn start_output_redirect_thread( mut pipe_reader: os_pipe::PipeReader, sender: UnboundedSender<TestEvent>, flush_state: Arc<Mutex<Option<std::sync::mpsc::Sender<()>>>>, ) { tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || loop { let mut buffer = [0; 512]; let size = match pipe_reader.read(&mut buffer) { Ok(0) | Err(_) => break, Ok(size) => size, }; let oneshot_sender = flush_state.lock().take(); let mut data = &buffer[0..size]; if data.ends_with(ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE.as_bytes()) { data = &data[0..data.len() - ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE.len()]; } if !data.is_empty() && sender .send(TestEvent::Output(buffer[0..size].to_vec())) .is_err() { break; } // Always respond back if this was set. Ideally we would also check to // ensure the pipe reader is empty before sending back this response. if let Some(sender) = oneshot_sender { let _ignore = sender.send(()); } }); } #[cfg(test)] mod inner_test { use std::path::Path; use super::*; #[test] fn test_is_supported_test_ext() { assert!(!is_supported_test_ext(Path::new("tests/subdir/redirects"))); assert!(is_supported_test_ext(Path::new("README.md"))); assert!(is_supported_test_ext(Path::new("readme.MD"))); assert!(is_supported_test_ext(Path::new("lib/typescript.d.ts"))); assert!(is_supported_test_ext(Path::new( "testdata/run/001_hello.js" ))); assert!(is_supported_test_ext(Path::new( "testdata/run/002_hello.ts" ))); assert!(is_supported_test_ext(Path::new("foo.jsx"))); assert!(is_supported_test_ext(Path::new("foo.tsx"))); assert!(is_supported_test_ext(Path::new("foo.TS"))); assert!(is_supported_test_ext(Path::new("foo.TSX"))); assert!(is_supported_test_ext(Path::new("foo.JS"))); assert!(is_supported_test_ext(Path::new("foo.JSX"))); assert!(is_supported_test_ext(Path::new("foo.mjs"))); assert!(is_supported_test_ext(Path::new("foo.mts"))); assert!(is_supported_test_ext(Path::new("foo.cjs"))); assert!(is_supported_test_ext(Path::new("foo.cts"))); assert!(!is_supported_test_ext(Path::new("foo.mjsx"))); assert!(!is_supported_test_ext(Path::new("foo.jsonc"))); assert!(!is_supported_test_ext(Path::new("foo.JSONC"))); assert!(!is_supported_test_ext(Path::new("foo.json"))); assert!(!is_supported_test_ext(Path::new("foo.JsON"))); } #[test] fn test_is_supported_test_path() { assert!(is_supported_test_path(Path::new( "tests/subdir/foo_test.ts" ))); assert!(is_supported_test_path(Path::new( "tests/subdir/foo_test.tsx" ))); assert!(is_supported_test_path(Path::new( "tests/subdir/foo_test.js" ))); assert!(is_supported_test_path(Path::new( "tests/subdir/foo_test.jsx" ))); assert!(is_supported_test_path(Path::new("bar/foo.test.ts"))); assert!(is_supported_test_path(Path::new("bar/foo.test.tsx"))); assert!(is_supported_test_path(Path::new("bar/foo.test.js"))); assert!(is_supported_test_path(Path::new("bar/foo.test.jsx"))); assert!(is_supported_test_path(Path::new("foo/bar/test.js"))); assert!(is_supported_test_path(Path::new("foo/bar/test.jsx"))); assert!(is_supported_test_path(Path::new("foo/bar/test.ts"))); assert!(is_supported_test_path(Path::new("foo/bar/test.tsx"))); assert!(!is_supported_test_path(Path::new("README.md"))); assert!(!is_supported_test_path(Path::new("lib/typescript.d.ts"))); assert!(!is_supported_test_path(Path::new("notatest.js"))); assert!(!is_supported_test_path(Path::new("NotAtest.ts"))); } }