// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::fs::resolve_from_cwd; use clap::App; use clap::AppSettings; use clap::Arg; use clap::ArgMatches; use clap::SubCommand; use log::Level; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; /// Creates vector of strings, Vec<String> macro_rules! svec { ($($x:expr),*) => (vec![$($x.to_string()),*]); } /// Creates HashSet<String> from string literals macro_rules! sset { ($($x:expr),*) => {{ let _v = svec![$($x.to_string()),*]; let hash_set: HashSet<String> = _v.iter().cloned().collect(); hash_set }} } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum DenoSubcommand { Bundle { source_file: String, out_file: Option<PathBuf>, }, Completions { buf: Box<[u8]>, }, Eval { code: String, as_typescript: bool, }, Fetch { files: Vec<String>, }, Fmt { check: bool, files: Vec<String>, }, Help, Info { file: Option<String>, }, Install { dir: Option<PathBuf>, exe_name: String, module_url: String, args: Vec<String>, force: bool, }, Repl, Run { script: String, }, Test { fail_fast: bool, quiet: bool, allow_none: bool, include: Option<Vec<String>>, }, Types, } impl Default for DenoSubcommand { fn default() -> DenoSubcommand { DenoSubcommand::Repl } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Default)] pub struct Flags { /// Vector of CLI arguments - these are user script arguments, all Deno /// specific flags are removed. pub argv: Vec<String>, pub subcommand: DenoSubcommand, pub log_level: Option<Level>, pub version: bool, pub reload: bool, pub config_path: Option<String>, pub import_map_path: Option<String>, pub allow_read: bool, pub read_whitelist: Vec<PathBuf>, pub cache_blacklist: Vec<String>, pub allow_write: bool, pub write_whitelist: Vec<PathBuf>, pub allow_net: bool, pub net_whitelist: Vec<String>, pub allow_env: bool, pub allow_run: bool, pub allow_plugin: bool, pub allow_hrtime: bool, pub no_prompts: bool, pub no_remote: bool, pub cached_only: bool, pub seed: Option<u64>, pub v8_flags: Option<Vec<String>>, pub lock: Option<String>, pub lock_write: bool, pub ca_file: Option<String>, } fn join_paths(whitelist: &[PathBuf], d: &str) -> String { whitelist .iter() .map(|path| path.to_str().unwrap().to_string()) .collect::<Vec<String>>() .join(d) } impl Flags { /// Return list of permission arguments that are equivalent /// to the ones used to create `self`. pub fn to_permission_args(&self) -> Vec<String> { let mut args = vec![]; if !self.read_whitelist.is_empty() { let s = format!("--allow-read={}", join_paths(&self.read_whitelist, ",")); args.push(s); } if self.allow_read { args.push("--allow-read".to_string()); } if !self.write_whitelist.is_empty() { let s = format!("--allow-write={}", join_paths(&self.write_whitelist, ",")); args.push(s); } if self.allow_write { args.push("--allow-write".to_string()); } if !self.net_whitelist.is_empty() { let s = format!("--allow-net={}", self.net_whitelist.join(",")); args.push(s); } if self.allow_net { args.push("--allow-net".to_string()); } if self.allow_env { args.push("--allow-env".to_string()); } if self.allow_run { args.push("--allow-run".to_string()); } if self.allow_plugin { args.push("--allow-plugin".to_string()); } if self.allow_hrtime { args.push("--allow-hrtime".to_string()); } args } } static ENV_VARIABLES_HELP: &str = "ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES: DENO_DIR Set deno's base directory NO_COLOR Set to disable color HTTP_PROXY Proxy address for HTTP requests (module downloads, fetch) HTTPS_PROXY Same but for HTTPS"; static DENO_HELP: &str = "A secure JavaScript and TypeScript runtime Docs: https://deno.land/std/manual.md Modules: https://deno.land/x/ Bugs: https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues To run the REPL supply no arguments: deno To evaluate code from the command line: deno eval \"console.log(30933 + 404)\" To execute a script: deno https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts The default subcommand is 'run'. The above is equivalent to deno run https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts See 'deno help run' for run specific flags."; lazy_static! { static ref LONG_VERSION: String = format!( "{}\nv8 {}\ntypescript {}", crate::version::DENO, crate::version::v8(), crate::version::TYPESCRIPT ); } /// Main entry point for parsing deno's command line flags. /// Exits the process on error. pub fn flags_from_vec(args: Vec<String>) -> Flags { match flags_from_vec_safe(args) { Ok(flags) => flags, Err(err) => err.exit(), } } /// Same as flags_from_vec but does not exit on error. pub fn flags_from_vec_safe(args: Vec<String>) -> clap::Result<Flags> { let args = arg_hacks(args); let app = clap_root(); let matches = app.get_matches_from_safe(args)?; let mut flags = Flags::default(); if matches.is_present("log-level") { flags.log_level = match matches.value_of("log-level").unwrap() { "debug" => Some(Level::Debug), "info" => Some(Level::Info), _ => unreachable!(), }; } if let Some(m) = matches.subcommand_matches("run") { run_parse(&mut flags, m); } else if let Some(m) = matches.subcommand_matches("fmt") { fmt_parse(&mut flags, m); } else if let Some(m) = matches.subcommand_matches("types") { types_parse(&mut flags, m); } else if let Some(m) = matches.subcommand_matches("fetch") { fetch_parse(&mut flags, m); } else if let Some(m) = matches.subcommand_matches("info") { info_parse(&mut flags, m); } else if let Some(m) = matches.subcommand_matches("eval") { eval_parse(&mut flags, m); } else if let Some(m) = matches.subcommand_matches("repl") { repl_parse(&mut flags, m); } else if let Some(m) = matches.subcommand_matches("bundle") { bundle_parse(&mut flags, m); } else if let Some(m) = matches.subcommand_matches("install") { install_parse(&mut flags, m); } else if let Some(m) = matches.subcommand_matches("completions") { completions_parse(&mut flags, m); } else if let Some(m) = matches.subcommand_matches("test") { test_parse(&mut flags, m); } else { unimplemented!(); } Ok(flags) } fn clap_root<'a, 'b>() -> App<'a, 'b> { clap::App::new("deno") .bin_name("deno") .global_settings(&[ AppSettings::UnifiedHelpMessage, AppSettings::ColorNever, AppSettings::VersionlessSubcommands, ]) // Disable clap's auto-detection of terminal width .set_term_width(0) // Disable each subcommand having its own version. .version(crate::version::DENO) .long_version(LONG_VERSION.as_str()) .arg( Arg::with_name("log-level") .short("L") .long("log-level") .help("Set log level") .takes_value(true) .possible_values(&["debug", "info"]) .global(true), ) .subcommand(bundle_subcommand()) .subcommand(completions_subcommand()) .subcommand(eval_subcommand()) .subcommand(fetch_subcommand()) .subcommand(fmt_subcommand()) .subcommand(info_subcommand()) .subcommand(install_subcommand()) .subcommand(repl_subcommand()) .subcommand(run_subcommand()) .subcommand(test_subcommand()) .subcommand(types_subcommand()) .long_about(DENO_HELP) .after_help(ENV_VARIABLES_HELP) } fn types_parse(flags: &mut Flags, _matches: &clap::ArgMatches) { flags.subcommand = DenoSubcommand::Types; } fn fmt_parse(flags: &mut Flags, matches: &clap::ArgMatches) { let files = match matches.values_of("files") { Some(f) => f.map(String::from).collect(), None => vec![], }; flags.subcommand = DenoSubcommand::Fmt { check: matches.is_present("check"), files, } } fn install_parse(flags: &mut Flags, matches: &clap::ArgMatches) { permission_args_parse(flags, matches); ca_file_arg_parse(flags, matches); let dir = if matches.is_present("dir") { let install_dir = matches.value_of("dir").unwrap(); Some(PathBuf::from(install_dir)) } else { None }; let force = matches.is_present("force"); let exe_name = matches.value_of("exe_name").unwrap().to_string(); let cmd_values = matches.values_of("cmd").unwrap(); let mut cmd_args = vec![]; for value in cmd_values { cmd_args.push(value.to_string()); } let module_url = cmd_args[0].to_string(); let args = cmd_args[1..].to_vec(); flags.subcommand = DenoSubcommand::Install { dir, exe_name, module_url, args, force, }; } fn bundle_parse(flags: &mut Flags, matches: &clap::ArgMatches) { ca_file_arg_parse(flags, matches); let source_file = matches.value_of("source_file").unwrap().to_string(); let out_file = if let Some(out_file) = matches.value_of("out_file") { flags.allow_write = true; Some(PathBuf::from(out_file)) } else { None }; flags.subcommand = DenoSubcommand::Bundle { source_file, out_file, }; } fn completions_parse(flags: &mut Flags, matches: &clap::ArgMatches) { let shell: &str = matches.value_of("shell").unwrap(); let mut buf: Vec<u8> = vec![]; use std::str::FromStr; clap_root().gen_completions_to( "deno", clap::Shell::from_str(shell).unwrap(), &mut buf, ); flags.subcommand = DenoSubcommand::Completions { buf: buf.into_boxed_slice(), }; } fn repl_parse(flags: &mut Flags, matches: &clap::ArgMatches) { v8_flags_arg_parse(flags, matches); ca_file_arg_parse(flags, matches); flags.subcommand = DenoSubcommand::Repl; flags.allow_net = true; flags.allow_env = true; flags.allow_run = true; flags.allow_read = true; flags.allow_write = true; flags.allow_plugin = true; flags.allow_hrtime = true; } fn eval_parse(flags: &mut Flags, matches: &clap::ArgMatches) { v8_flags_arg_parse(flags, matches); ca_file_arg_parse(flags, matches); flags.allow_net = true; flags.allow_env = true; flags.allow_run = true; flags.allow_read = true; flags.allow_write = true; flags.allow_plugin = true; flags.allow_hrtime = true; let code = matches.value_of("code").unwrap().to_string(); let as_typescript = matches.is_present("ts"); flags.subcommand = DenoSubcommand::Eval { code, as_typescript, } } fn info_parse(flags: &mut Flags, matches: &clap::ArgMatches) { ca_file_arg_parse(flags, matches); flags.subcommand = DenoSubcommand::Info { file: matches.value_of("file").map(|f| f.to_string()), }; } fn fetch_parse(flags: &mut Flags, matches: &clap::ArgMatches) { reload_arg_parse(flags, matches); lock_args_parse(flags, matches); importmap_arg_parse(flags, matches); config_arg_parse(flags, matches); no_remote_arg_parse(flags, matches); ca_file_arg_parse(flags, matches); let files = matches .values_of("file") .unwrap() .map(String::from) .collect(); flags.subcommand = DenoSubcommand::Fetch { files }; } fn lock_args_parse(flags: &mut Flags, matches: &clap::ArgMatches) { if matches.is_present("lock") { let lockfile = matches.value_of("lock").unwrap(); flags.lock = Some(lockfile.to_string()); } if matches.is_present("lock-write") { flags.lock_write = true; } } fn resolve_fs_whitelist(whitelist: &[PathBuf]) -> Vec<PathBuf> { whitelist .iter() .map(|raw_path| resolve_from_cwd(Path::new(&raw_path)).unwrap()) .collect() } // Shared between the run and test subcommands. They both take similar options. fn run_test_args_parse(flags: &mut Flags, matches: &clap::ArgMatches) { reload_arg_parse(flags, matches); lock_args_parse(flags, matches); importmap_arg_parse(flags, matches); config_arg_parse(flags, matches); v8_flags_arg_parse(flags, matches); no_remote_arg_parse(flags, matches); permission_args_parse(flags, matches); ca_file_arg_parse(flags, matches); if matches.is_present("cached-only") { flags.cached_only = true; } if matches.is_present("seed") { let seed_string = matches.value_of("seed").unwrap(); let seed = seed_string.parse::<u64>().unwrap(); flags.seed = Some(seed); let v8_seed_flag = format!("--random-seed={}", seed); match flags.v8_flags { Some(ref mut v8_flags) => { v8_flags.push(v8_seed_flag); } None => { flags.v8_flags = Some(svec![v8_seed_flag]); } } } } fn run_parse(flags: &mut Flags, matches: &clap::ArgMatches) { run_test_args_parse(flags, matches); let mut script: Vec<String> = matches .values_of("script_arg") .unwrap() .map(String::from) .collect(); assert!(!script.is_empty()); let script_args = script.split_off(1); let script = script[0].to_string(); for v in script_args { flags.argv.push(v); } flags.subcommand = DenoSubcommand::Run { script }; } fn test_parse(flags: &mut Flags, matches: &clap::ArgMatches) { flags.allow_read = true; run_test_args_parse(flags, matches); let quiet = matches.is_present("quiet"); let failfast = matches.is_present("failfast"); let allow_none = matches.is_present("allow_none"); let include = if matches.is_present("files") { let files: Vec<String> = matches .values_of("files") .unwrap() .map(String::from) .collect(); Some(files) } else { None }; flags.subcommand = DenoSubcommand::Test { quiet, fail_fast: failfast, include, allow_none, }; } fn types_subcommand<'a, 'b>() -> App<'a, 'b> { SubCommand::with_name("types") .about("Print runtime TypeScript declarations") .long_about( "Print runtime TypeScript declarations. deno types > lib.deno_runtime.d.ts The declaration file could be saved and used for typing information.", ) } fn fmt_subcommand<'a, 'b>() -> App<'a, 'b> { SubCommand::with_name("fmt") .about("Format source files") .long_about( "Auto-format JavaScript/TypeScript source code deno fmt deno fmt myfile1.ts myfile2.ts deno fmt --check # Format stdin and write to stdout cat file.ts | deno fmt -", ) .arg( Arg::with_name("check") .long("check") .help("Check if the source files are formatted.") .takes_value(false), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("files") .takes_value(true) .multiple(true) .required(false), ) } fn repl_subcommand<'a, 'b>() -> App<'a, 'b> { SubCommand::with_name("repl") .about("Read Eval Print Loop") .arg(v8_flags_arg()) .arg(ca_file_arg()) } fn install_subcommand<'a, 'b>() -> App<'a, 'b> { permission_args(SubCommand::with_name("install")) .setting(AppSettings::TrailingVarArg) .arg( Arg::with_name("dir") .long("dir") .short("d") .help("Installation directory (defaults to $HOME/.deno/bin)") .takes_value(true) .multiple(false)) .arg( Arg::with_name("force") .long("force") .short("f") .help("Forcefully overwrite existing installation") .takes_value(false)) .arg( Arg::with_name("exe_name") .required(true) ) .arg( Arg::with_name("cmd") .required(true) .multiple(true) .allow_hyphen_values(true) ) .arg(ca_file_arg()) .about("Install script as executable") .long_about( "Installs a script as executable. The default installation directory is $HOME/.deno/bin and it must be added to the path manually. deno install --allow-net --allow-read file_server https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts deno install colors https://deno.land/std/examples/colors.ts To change installation directory use -d/--dir flag deno install --allow-net --allow-read -d /usr/local/bin file_server https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts") } fn bundle_subcommand<'a, 'b>() -> App<'a, 'b> { SubCommand::with_name("bundle") .arg( Arg::with_name("source_file") .takes_value(true) .required(true), ) .arg(Arg::with_name("out_file").takes_value(true).required(false)) .arg(ca_file_arg()) .about("Bundle module and dependencies into single file") .long_about( "Output a single JavaScript file with all dependencies. If a out_file argument is omitted, the output of the bundle will be sent to standard out. Examples: deno bundle https://deno.land/std/examples/colors.ts deno bundle https://deno.land/std/examples/colors.ts colors.bundle.js", ) } fn completions_subcommand<'a, 'b>() -> App<'a, 'b> { SubCommand::with_name("completions") .setting(AppSettings::DisableHelpSubcommand) .arg( Arg::with_name("shell") .possible_values(&clap::Shell::variants()) .required(true), ) .about("Generate shell completions") .long_about( "Output shell completion script to standard output. Example: deno completions bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/deno.bash source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/deno.bash", ) } fn eval_subcommand<'a, 'b>() -> App<'a, 'b> { SubCommand::with_name("eval") .arg(ca_file_arg()) .about("Eval script") .long_about( "Evaluate JavaScript from command-line This command has implicit access to all permissions (--allow-all) deno eval \"console.log('hello world')\" To evaluate as TypeScript: deno eval -T \"const v: string = 'hello'; console.log(v)\" ", ) .arg( Arg::with_name("ts") .long("ts") .short("T") .help("Treat eval input as TypeScript") .takes_value(false) .multiple(false), ) .arg(Arg::with_name("code").takes_value(true).required(true)) .arg(v8_flags_arg()) } fn info_subcommand<'a, 'b>() -> App<'a, 'b> { SubCommand::with_name("info") .about("Show info about cache or info related to source file") .long_about( "Information about source file and cache Example: deno info https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts The following information is shown: local: Local path of the file. type: JavaScript, TypeScript, or JSON. compiled: Local path of compiled source code (TypeScript only) map: Local path of source map (TypeScript only) deps: Dependency tree of the source file. Without any additional arguments 'deno info' shows: DENO_DIR: directory containing Deno-related files Remote modules cache: directory containing remote modules TypeScript compiler cache: directory containing TS compiler output", ) .arg(Arg::with_name("file").takes_value(true).required(false)) .arg(ca_file_arg()) } fn fetch_subcommand<'a, 'b>() -> App<'a, 'b> { SubCommand::with_name("fetch") .arg(reload_arg()) .arg(lock_arg()) .arg(lock_write_arg()) .arg(importmap_arg()) .arg(config_arg()) .arg(no_remote_arg()) .arg( Arg::with_name("file") .takes_value(true) .required(true) .min_values(1), ) .arg(ca_file_arg()) .about("Fetch the dependencies") .long_about( "Fetch and compile remote dependencies recursively. Downloads all statically imported scripts and save them in local cache, without running the code. No future import network requests would be made unless --reload is specified. Downloads all dependencies deno fetch https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts Once cached, static imports no longer send network requests deno run -A https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts", ) } fn permission_args<'a, 'b>(app: App<'a, 'b>) -> App<'a, 'b> { app .arg( Arg::with_name("allow-read") .long("allow-read") .min_values(0) .takes_value(true) .use_delimiter(true) .require_equals(true) .help("Allow file system read access"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("allow-write") .long("allow-write") .min_values(0) .takes_value(true) .use_delimiter(true) .require_equals(true) .help("Allow file system write access"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("allow-net") .long("allow-net") .min_values(0) .takes_value(true) .use_delimiter(true) .require_equals(true) .help("Allow network access"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("allow-env") .long("allow-env") .help("Allow environment access"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("allow-run") .long("allow-run") .help("Allow running subprocesses"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("allow-plugin") .long("allow-plugin") .help("Allow loading plugins"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("allow-hrtime") .long("allow-hrtime") .help("Allow high resolution time measurement"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("allow-all") .short("A") .long("allow-all") .help("Allow all permissions"), ) } fn run_test_args<'a, 'b>(app: App<'a, 'b>) -> App<'a, 'b> { permission_args(app) .arg(importmap_arg()) .arg(reload_arg()) .arg(config_arg()) .arg(lock_arg()) .arg(lock_write_arg()) .arg(no_remote_arg()) .arg(v8_flags_arg()) .arg(ca_file_arg()) .arg( Arg::with_name("cached-only") .long("cached-only") .help("Require that remote dependencies are already cached"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("seed") .long("seed") .value_name("NUMBER") .help("Seed Math.random()") .takes_value(true) .validator(|val: String| match val.parse::<u64>() { Ok(_) => Ok(()), Err(_) => Err("Seed should be a number".to_string()), }), ) } fn run_subcommand<'a, 'b>() -> App<'a, 'b> { run_test_args(SubCommand::with_name("run")) .setting(AppSettings::TrailingVarArg) .arg(script_arg()) .about("Run a program given a filename or url to the source code") .long_about( "Run a program given a filename or url to the source code. By default all programs are run in sandbox without access to disk, network or ability to spawn subprocesses. deno run https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts With all permissions deno run -A https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts With only permission to read from disk and listen to network deno run --allow-net --allow-read https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts With only permission to read whitelist files from disk deno run --allow-read=/etc https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts", ) } fn test_subcommand<'a, 'b>() -> App<'a, 'b> { run_test_args(SubCommand::with_name("test")) .arg( Arg::with_name("failfast") .short("f") .long("failfast") .help("Stop on first error") .takes_value(false), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("quiet") .short("q") .long("quiet") .help("Don't show output from test cases") .takes_value(false), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("allow_none") .long("allow-none") .help("Don't return error code if no test files are found") .takes_value(false), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("files") .help("List of file names to run") .takes_value(true) .multiple(true), ) .about("Run tests") .long_about( "Run tests using test runner Searches the specified directories for all files that end in _test.ts or _test.js and executes them. deno test src/", ) } fn script_arg<'a, 'b>() -> Arg<'a, 'b> { Arg::with_name("script_arg") .multiple(true) .required(true) .help("script args") .value_name("SCRIPT_ARG") } fn lock_arg<'a, 'b>() -> Arg<'a, 'b> { Arg::with_name("lock") .long("lock") .value_name("FILE") .help("Check the specified lock file") .takes_value(true) } fn lock_write_arg<'a, 'b>() -> Arg<'a, 'b> { Arg::with_name("lock-write") .long("lock-write") .help("Write lock file. Use with --lock.") } fn config_arg<'a, 'b>() -> Arg<'a, 'b> { Arg::with_name("config") .short("c") .long("config") .value_name("FILE") .help("Load tsconfig.json configuration file") .takes_value(true) } fn config_arg_parse(flags: &mut Flags, matches: &ArgMatches) { flags.config_path = matches.value_of("config").map(ToOwned::to_owned); } fn ca_file_arg<'a, 'b>() -> Arg<'a, 'b> { Arg::with_name("cert") .long("cert") .value_name("FILE") .help("Load certificate authority from PEM encoded file") .takes_value(true) } fn ca_file_arg_parse(flags: &mut Flags, matches: &clap::ArgMatches) { flags.ca_file = matches.value_of("cert").map(ToOwned::to_owned); } fn reload_arg<'a, 'b>() -> Arg<'a, 'b> { Arg::with_name("reload") .short("r") .min_values(0) .takes_value(true) .use_delimiter(true) .require_equals(true) .long("reload") .help("Reload source code cache (recompile TypeScript)") .value_name("CACHE_BLACKLIST") .long_help( "Reload source code cache (recompile TypeScript) --reload Reload everything --reload=https://deno.land/std Reload only standard modules --reload=https://deno.land/std/fs/utils.ts,https://deno.land/std/fmt/colors.ts Reloads specific modules", ) } fn reload_arg_parse(flags: &mut Flags, matches: &ArgMatches) { if matches.is_present("reload") { if matches.value_of("reload").is_some() { let cache_bl = matches.values_of("reload").unwrap(); let raw_cache_blacklist: Vec<String> = cache_bl.map(std::string::ToString::to_string).collect(); flags.cache_blacklist = resolve_urls(raw_cache_blacklist); debug!("cache blacklist: {:#?}", &flags.cache_blacklist); flags.reload = false; } else { flags.reload = true; } } } fn importmap_arg<'a, 'b>() -> Arg<'a, 'b> { Arg::with_name("importmap") .long("importmap") .value_name("FILE") .help("Load import map file") .long_help( "Load import map file Docs: https://deno.land/std/manual.md#import-maps Specification: https://wicg.github.io/import-maps/ Examples: https://github.com/WICG/import-maps#the-import-map", ) .takes_value(true) } fn importmap_arg_parse(flags: &mut Flags, matches: &clap::ArgMatches) { flags.import_map_path = matches.value_of("importmap").map(ToOwned::to_owned); } fn v8_flags_arg<'a, 'b>() -> Arg<'a, 'b> { Arg::with_name("v8-flags") .long("v8-flags") .takes_value(true) .use_delimiter(true) .require_equals(true) .help("Set V8 command line options. For help: --v8-flags=--help") } fn v8_flags_arg_parse(flags: &mut Flags, matches: &ArgMatches) { if let Some(v8_flags) = matches.values_of("v8-flags") { let s: Vec<String> = v8_flags.map(String::from).collect(); flags.v8_flags = Some(s); } } fn no_remote_arg<'a, 'b>() -> Arg<'a, 'b> { Arg::with_name("no-remote") .long("no-remote") .help("Do not resolve remote modules") } fn no_remote_arg_parse(flags: &mut Flags, matches: &clap::ArgMatches) { if matches.is_present("no-remote") { flags.no_remote = true; } } fn permission_args_parse(flags: &mut Flags, matches: &clap::ArgMatches) { if matches.is_present("allow-read") { if matches.value_of("allow-read").is_some() { let read_wl = matches.values_of("allow-read").unwrap(); let raw_read_whitelist: Vec<PathBuf> = read_wl.map(PathBuf::from).collect(); flags.read_whitelist = resolve_fs_whitelist(&raw_read_whitelist); debug!("read whitelist: {:#?}", &flags.read_whitelist); } else { flags.allow_read = true; } } if matches.is_present("allow-write") { if matches.value_of("allow-write").is_some() { let write_wl = matches.values_of("allow-write").unwrap(); let raw_write_whitelist: Vec<PathBuf> = write_wl.map(PathBuf::from).collect(); flags.write_whitelist = resolve_fs_whitelist(&raw_write_whitelist); debug!("write whitelist: {:#?}", &flags.write_whitelist); } else { flags.allow_write = true; } } if matches.is_present("allow-net") { if matches.value_of("allow-net").is_some() { let net_wl = matches.values_of("allow-net").unwrap(); let raw_net_whitelist = net_wl.map(std::string::ToString::to_string).collect(); flags.net_whitelist = resolve_hosts(raw_net_whitelist); debug!("net whitelist: {:#?}", &flags.net_whitelist); } else { flags.allow_net = true; } } if matches.is_present("allow-env") { flags.allow_env = true; } if matches.is_present("allow-run") { flags.allow_run = true; } if matches.is_present("allow-plugin") { flags.allow_plugin = true; } if matches.is_present("allow-hrtime") { flags.allow_hrtime = true; } if matches.is_present("allow-all") { flags.allow_read = true; flags.allow_env = true; flags.allow_net = true; flags.allow_run = true; flags.allow_read = true; flags.allow_write = true; flags.allow_plugin = true; flags.allow_hrtime = true; } } // TODO(ry) move this to utility module and add test. /// Strips fragment part of URL. Panics on bad URL. pub fn resolve_urls(urls: Vec<String>) -> Vec<String> { use url::Url; let mut out: Vec<String> = vec![]; for urlstr in urls.iter() { use std::str::FromStr; let result = Url::from_str(urlstr); if result.is_err() { panic!("Bad Url: {}", urlstr); } let mut url = result.unwrap(); url.set_fragment(None); let mut full_url = String::from(url.as_str()); if full_url.len() > 1 && full_url.ends_with('/') { full_url.pop(); } out.push(full_url); } out } /// Expands "bare port" paths (eg. ":8080") into full paths with hosts. It /// expands to such paths into 3 paths with following hosts: ``, /// `` and `localhost:port`. fn resolve_hosts(paths: Vec<String>) -> Vec<String> { let mut out: Vec<String> = vec![]; for host_and_port in paths.iter() { let parts = host_and_port.split(':').collect::<Vec<&str>>(); match parts.len() { // host only 1 => { out.push(host_and_port.to_owned()); } // host and port (NOTE: host might be empty string) 2 => { let host = parts[0]; let port = parts[1]; if !host.is_empty() { out.push(host_and_port.to_owned()); continue; } // we got bare port, let's add default hosts for host in ["", "", "localhost"].iter() { out.push(format!("{}:{}", host, port)); } } _ => panic!("Bad host:port pair: {}", host_and_port), } } out } fn arg_hacks(mut args: Vec<String>) -> Vec<String> { // Hack #1 We want to default the subcommand to "run" // Clap does not let us have a default sub-command. But we want to allow users // to do "deno script.js" instead of "deno run script.js". // This function insert the "run" into the second position of the args. assert!(!args.is_empty()); // Rational: // deno -> deno repl if args.len() == 1 { args.insert(1, "repl".to_string()); return args; } let subcommands = sset![ "bundle", "completions", "eval", "fetch", "fmt", "test", "info", "repl", "run", "types", "install", "help", "version" ]; let modifier_flags = sset!["-h", "--help", "-V", "--version"]; // deno [subcommand|behavior modifier flags] -> do nothing if subcommands.contains(&args[1]) || modifier_flags.contains(&args[1]) { return args; } // This is not perfect either, since originally we should also // support e.g. `-L debug` which `debug` would be treated as main module. // Instead `-L=debug` must be used let mut has_main_module = false; for arg in args.iter().skip(1) { if !arg.starts_with('-') { has_main_module = true; break; } } if has_main_module { // deno ...-[flags] NAME ... -> deno run ...-[flags] NAME ... args.insert(1, "run".to_string()); } else { // deno ...-[flags] -> deno repl ...-[flags] args.insert(1, "repl".to_string()); } args } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use std::env::current_dir; #[test] fn arg_hacks_test() { let args0 = arg_hacks(svec!["deno", "--version"]); assert_eq!(args0, ["deno", "--version"]); let args1 = arg_hacks(svec!["deno"]); assert_eq!(args1, ["deno", "repl"]); let args2 = arg_hacks(svec!["deno", "-L=debug", "-h"]); assert_eq!(args2, ["deno", "repl", "-L=debug", "-h"]); let args3 = arg_hacks(svec!["deno", "script.js"]); assert_eq!(args3, ["deno", "run", "script.js"]); let args4 = arg_hacks(svec!["deno", "-A", "script.js", "-L=info"]); assert_eq!(args4, ["deno", "run", "-A", "script.js", "-L=info"]); } #[test] fn version() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "--version"]); assert_eq!(r.unwrap_err().kind, clap::ErrorKind::VersionDisplayed); let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "-V"]); assert_eq!(r.unwrap_err().kind, clap::ErrorKind::VersionDisplayed); } #[test] fn run_reload() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "run", "-r", "script.ts"]); let flags = r.unwrap(); assert_eq!( flags, Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, reload: true, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn run_reload_allow_write() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "run", "-r", "--allow-write", "script.ts" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { reload: true, subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, allow_write: true, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn run_v8_flags() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "run", "--v8-flags=--help", "script.ts" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, v8_flags: Some(svec!["--help"]), ..Flags::default() } ); let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "run", "--v8-flags=--expose-gc,--gc-stats=1", "script.ts" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, v8_flags: Some(svec!["--expose-gc", "--gc-stats=1"]), ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn script_args() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "run", "--allow-net", "gist.ts", "--title", "X" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "gist.ts".to_string(), }, argv: svec!["--title", "X"], allow_net: true, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn allow_all() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "run", "--allow-all", "gist.ts"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "gist.ts".to_string(), }, allow_net: true, allow_env: true, allow_run: true, allow_read: true, allow_write: true, allow_plugin: true, allow_hrtime: true, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn allow_read() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "run", "--allow-read", "gist.ts"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "gist.ts".to_string(), }, allow_read: true, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn allow_hrtime() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "run", "--allow-hrtime", "gist.ts"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "gist.ts".to_string(), }, allow_hrtime: true, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn double_hyphen() { // notice that flags passed after double dash will not // be parsed to Flags but instead forwarded to // script args as Deno.args let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "run", "--allow-write", "script.ts", "--", "-D", "--allow-net" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, argv: svec!["--", "-D", "--allow-net"], allow_write: true, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn fmt() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "fmt", "script_1.ts", "script_2.ts"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Fmt { check: false, files: vec!["script_1.ts".to_string(), "script_2.ts".to_string()] }, ..Flags::default() } ); let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "fmt", "--check"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Fmt { check: true, files: vec![], }, ..Flags::default() } ); let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "fmt"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Fmt { check: false, files: vec![], }, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn types() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "types"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Types, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn fetch() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "fetch", "script.ts"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Fetch { files: svec!["script.ts"], }, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn info() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "info", "script.ts"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Info { file: Some("script.ts".to_string()), }, ..Flags::default() } ); let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "info"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Info { file: None }, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn tsconfig() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "run", "-c", "tsconfig.json", "script.ts" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, config_path: Some("tsconfig.json".to_owned()), ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn eval() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "eval", "'console.log(\"hello\")'"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Eval { code: "'console.log(\"hello\")'".to_string(), as_typescript: false, }, allow_net: true, allow_env: true, allow_run: true, allow_read: true, allow_write: true, allow_plugin: true, allow_hrtime: true, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn eval_typescript() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "eval", "-T", "'console.log(\"hello\")'" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Eval { code: "'console.log(\"hello\")'".to_string(), as_typescript: true, }, allow_net: true, allow_env: true, allow_run: true, allow_read: true, allow_write: true, allow_plugin: true, allow_hrtime: true, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn eval_with_v8_flags() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "eval", "--v8-flags=--help", "42"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Eval { code: "42".to_string(), as_typescript: false, }, v8_flags: Some(svec!["--help"]), allow_net: true, allow_env: true, allow_run: true, allow_read: true, allow_write: true, allow_plugin: true, allow_hrtime: true, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn repl() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Repl, allow_net: true, allow_env: true, allow_run: true, allow_read: true, allow_write: true, allow_plugin: true, allow_hrtime: true, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn allow_read_whitelist() { use tempfile::TempDir; let temp_dir = TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail").path().to_path_buf(); let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "run", format!("--allow-read=.,{}", temp_dir.to_str().unwrap()), "script.ts" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { allow_read: false, read_whitelist: vec![current_dir().unwrap(), temp_dir], subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn allow_write_whitelist() { use tempfile::TempDir; let temp_dir = TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail").path().to_path_buf(); let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "run", format!("--allow-write=.,{}", temp_dir.to_str().unwrap()), "script.ts" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { allow_write: false, write_whitelist: vec![current_dir().unwrap(), temp_dir], subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn allow_net_whitelist() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "run", "--allow-net=", "script.ts" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, allow_net: false, net_whitelist: svec![""], ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn default_to_run() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "script.ts"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn default_to_run_with_permissions() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "--allow-net", "--allow-read", "script.ts" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, allow_net: true, allow_read: true, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn bundle() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "bundle", "source.ts"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Bundle { source_file: "source.ts".to_string(), out_file: None, }, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn bundle_with_output() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "bundle", "source.ts", "bundle.js"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Bundle { source_file: "source.ts".to_string(), out_file: Some(PathBuf::from("bundle.js")), }, allow_write: true, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn run_importmap() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "run", "--importmap=importmap.json", "script.ts" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, import_map_path: Some("importmap.json".to_owned()), ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn default_to_run_importmap() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "--importmap=importmap.json", "script.ts" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, import_map_path: Some("importmap.json".to_owned()), ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn fetch_importmap() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "fetch", "--importmap=importmap.json", "script.ts" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Fetch { files: svec!["script.ts"], }, import_map_path: Some("importmap.json".to_owned()), ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn fetch_multiple() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "fetch", "script.ts", "script_two.ts"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Fetch { files: svec!["script.ts", "script_two.ts"], }, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn run_seed() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "run", "--seed", "250", "script.ts"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, seed: Some(250 as u64), v8_flags: Some(svec!["--random-seed=250"]), ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn run_seed_with_v8_flags() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "run", "--seed", "250", "--v8-flags=--expose-gc", "script.ts" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, seed: Some(250 as u64), v8_flags: Some(svec!["--expose-gc", "--random-seed=250"]), ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn install() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "install", "deno_colors", "https://deno.land/std/examples/colors.ts" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Install { dir: None, exe_name: "deno_colors".to_string(), module_url: "https://deno.land/std/examples/colors.ts".to_string(), args: vec![], force: false, }, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn install_with_args() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "install", "--allow-net", "--allow-read", "file_server", "https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Install { dir: None, exe_name: "file_server".to_string(), module_url: "https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts".to_string(), args: vec![], force: false, }, allow_net: true, allow_read: true, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn install_with_args_and_dir_and_force() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "install", "-d", "/usr/local/bin", "-f", "--allow-net", "--allow-read", "file_server", "https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts", "arg1", "arg2" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Install { dir: Some(PathBuf::from("/usr/local/bin")), exe_name: "file_server".to_string(), module_url: "https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts".to_string(), args: svec!["arg1", "arg2"], force: true, }, allow_net: true, allow_read: true, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn log_level() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "--log-level=debug", "script.ts"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, log_level: Some(Level::Debug), ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn completions() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "completions", "bash"]).unwrap(); match r.subcommand { DenoSubcommand::Completions { buf } => assert!(!buf.is_empty()), _ => unreachable!(), } } /* TODO(ry) Fix this test #[test] fn test_flags_from_vec_33() { let (flags, subcommand, argv) = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "script.ts", "--allow-read", "--allow-net"]); assert_eq!( flags, Flags { allow_net: true, allow_read: true, ..Flags::default() } ); assert_eq!(subcommand, DenoSubcommand::Run); assert_eq!(argv, svec!["script.ts"]); let (flags, subcommand, argv) = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "run", "--allow-read", "script.ts", "--allow-net", "-r", "--help", "--foo", "bar" ]); assert_eq!( flags, Flags { allow_net: true, allow_read: true, reload: true, ..Flags::default() } ); assert_eq!(subcommand, DenoSubcommand::Run); assert_eq!(argv, svec!["deno", "script.ts", "--help", "--foo", "bar"]); let (flags, subcommand, argv) = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno""script.ts", "foo", "bar"]); assert_eq!(flags, Flags::default()); assert_eq!(subcommand, DenoSubcommand::Run); assert_eq!(argv, svec!["script.ts", "foo", "bar"]); let (flags, subcommand, argv) = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno""script.ts", "-"]); assert_eq!(flags, Flags::default()); assert_eq!(subcommand, DenoSubcommand::Run); assert_eq!(argv, svec!["script.ts", "-"]); let (flags, subcommand, argv) = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno""script.ts", "-", "foo", "bar"]); assert_eq!(flags, Flags::default()); assert_eq!(subcommand, DenoSubcommand::Run); assert_eq!(argv, svec!["script.ts", "-", "foo", "bar"]); } */ #[test] fn no_remote() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "--no-remote", "script.ts"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, no_remote: true, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn cached_only() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "--cached-only", "script.ts"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, cached_only: true, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn allow_net_whitelist_with_ports() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "--allow-net=deno.land,:8000,:4545", "script.ts" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, net_whitelist: svec![ "deno.land", "", "", "localhost:8000", "", "", "localhost:4545" ], ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn lock_write() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "--lock-write", "--lock=lock.json", "script.ts" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, lock_write: true, lock: Some("lock.json".to_string()), ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn test_with_allow_net() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "test", "--allow-net", "--allow-none", "dir1/", "dir2/" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Test { fail_fast: false, quiet: false, allow_none: true, include: Some(svec!["dir1/", "dir2/"]), }, allow_read: true, allow_net: true, ..Flags::default() } ); } } #[test] fn run_with_cafile() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "run", "--cert", "example.crt", "script.ts" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "script.ts".to_string(), }, ca_file: Some("example.crt".to_owned()), ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn bundle_with_cafile() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "bundle", "--cert", "example.crt", "source.ts" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Bundle { source_file: "source.ts".to_string(), out_file: None, }, ca_file: Some("example.crt".to_owned()), ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn eval_with_cafile() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "eval", "--cert", "example.crt", "console.log('hello world')" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Eval { code: "console.log('hello world')".to_string(), as_typescript: false, }, ca_file: Some("example.crt".to_owned()), allow_net: true, allow_env: true, allow_run: true, allow_read: true, allow_write: true, allow_plugin: true, allow_hrtime: true, ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn fetch_with_cafile() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "fetch", "--cert", "example.crt", "script.ts", "script_two.ts" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Fetch { files: svec!["script.ts", "script_two.ts"], }, ca_file: Some("example.crt".to_owned()), ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn info_with_cafile() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "info", "--cert", "example.crt", "https://example.com" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Info { file: Some("https://example.com".to_string()), }, ca_file: Some("example.crt".to_owned()), ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn install_with_cafile() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec![ "deno", "install", "--cert", "example.crt", "deno_colors", "https://deno.land/std/examples/colors.ts" ]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Install { dir: None, exe_name: "deno_colors".to_string(), module_url: "https://deno.land/std/examples/colors.ts".to_string(), args: vec![], force: false, }, ca_file: Some("example.crt".to_owned()), ..Flags::default() } ); } #[test] fn repl_with_cafile() { let r = flags_from_vec_safe(svec!["deno", "repl", "--cert", "example.crt"]); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), Flags { subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Repl {}, ca_file: Some("example.crt".to_owned()), allow_read: true, allow_write: true, allow_net: true, allow_env: true, allow_run: true, allow_plugin: true, allow_hrtime: true, ..Flags::default() } ); }