// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. import { randomFillSync, randomUUID, timingSafeEqual } from "node:crypto"; import { Buffer } from "node:buffer"; import { assert, assertEquals, assertThrows } from "../../unit/test_util.ts"; import { assertNotEquals } from "@std/assert"; Deno.test("[node/crypto.getRandomUUID] works the same way as Web Crypto API", () => { assertEquals(randomUUID().length, crypto.randomUUID().length); assertEquals(typeof randomUUID(), typeof crypto.randomUUID()); }); Deno.test("[node/crypto.randomFillSync] supported arguments", () => { const buf = new Uint8Array(10); assert(randomFillSync(buf)); assert(randomFillSync(buf, 0)); // @ts-ignore: arraybuffer arguments are valid. assert(randomFillSync(buf.buffer)); assert(randomFillSync(new DataView(buf.buffer))); }); Deno.test("[node/crypto.randomFillSync] array buffer view", () => { const buf = new Uint8Array(32); const view = new Uint8Array(buf.buffer, 8, 16); assert(randomFillSync(view)); assertEquals(view.length, 16); assertNotEquals(view, new Uint8Array(16)); assertEquals(buf.subarray(0, 8), new Uint8Array(8)); assertEquals(buf.subarray(24, 32), new Uint8Array(8)); }); Deno.test("[node/crypto.timingSafeEqual] compares equal Buffer with different byteOffset", () => { const a = Buffer.from([212, 213]); const b = Buffer.from([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 212, 213]).subarray(8); assert(timingSafeEqual(a, b)); }); Deno.test("[node/crypto.timingSafeEqual] RangeError on Buffer with different byteLength", () => { const a = Buffer.from([212, 213]); const b = Buffer.from([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 212, 213, 0]); assertThrows(() => timingSafeEqual(a, b), RangeError); });