// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { delay, join, readLines, ROOT_PATH, toFileUrl } from "../util.js"; import { assert, denoBinary, ManifestTestOptions, runPy } from "./utils.ts"; import { DOMParser } from "https://deno.land/x/deno_dom@v0.1.3-alpha2/deno-dom-wasm.ts"; export async function runWithTestUtil<T>( verbose: boolean, f: () => Promise<T>, ): Promise<T> { const proc = runPy([ "wpt", "serve", "--config", "../../tools/wpt/config.json", ], { stdout: verbose ? "inherit" : "piped", stderr: verbose ? "inherit" : "piped", }); const start = performance.now(); while (true) { await delay(1000); try { const req = await fetch("http://localhost:8000/"); await req.body?.cancel(); if (req.status == 200) { break; } } catch (_err) { // do nothing if this fails } const passedTime = performance.now() - start; if (passedTime > 15000) { proc.kill("SIGINT"); await proc.status(); proc.close(); throw new Error("Timed out while trying to start wpt test util."); } } if (verbose) console.log(`Started wpt test util.`); try { return await f(); } finally { if (verbose) console.log("Killing wpt test util."); proc.kill("SIGINT"); await proc.status(); proc.close(); } } export interface TestResult { cases: TestCaseResult[]; harnessStatus: TestHarnessStatus | null; duration: number; status: number; stderr: string; } export interface TestHarnessStatus { status: number; message: string | null; stack: string | null; } export interface TestCaseResult { name: string; passed: boolean; status: number; message: string | null; stack: string | null; } export async function runSingleTest( url: URL, _options: ManifestTestOptions, reporter: (result: TestCaseResult) => void, inspectBrk: boolean, ): Promise<TestResult> { const bundle = await generateBundle(url); const tempFile = await Deno.makeTempFile({ prefix: "wpt-bundle-", suffix: ".js", }); try { await Deno.writeTextFile(tempFile, bundle); const startTime = new Date().getTime(); const cmd = [ denoBinary(), "run", ]; cmd.push( "-A", "--unstable", ); if (inspectBrk) { cmd.push("--inspect-brk"); } cmd.push( "--enable-testing-features-do-not-use", "--location", url.toString(), "--cert", join(ROOT_PATH, `./tools/wpt/certs/cacert.pem`), tempFile, "[]", ); const proc = Deno.run({ cmd, env: { NO_COLOR: "1", }, stdout: "null", stderr: "piped", }); const cases = []; let stderr = ""; let harnessStatus = null; const lines = readLines(proc.stderr); for await (const line of lines) { if (line.startsWith("{")) { const data = JSON.parse(line); const result = { ...data, passed: data.status == 0 }; cases.push(result); reporter(result); } else if (line.startsWith("#$#$#{")) { harnessStatus = JSON.parse(line.slice(5)); } else { stderr += line + "\n"; console.error(line); } } const duration = new Date().getTime() - startTime; const { code } = await proc.status(); return { status: code, harnessStatus, duration, cases, stderr, }; } finally { await Deno.remove(tempFile); } } async function generateBundle(location: URL): Promise<string> { const res = await fetch(location); const body = await res.text(); const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(body, "text/html"); assert(doc, "document should have been parsed"); const scripts = doc.getElementsByTagName("script"); const scriptContents = []; let inlineScriptCount = 0; for (const script of scripts) { const src = script.getAttribute("src"); if (src === "/resources/testharnessreport.js") { const url = toFileUrl( join(ROOT_PATH, "./tools/wpt/testharnessreport.js"), ); const contents = await Deno.readTextFile(url); scriptContents.push([url.href, contents]); } else if (src) { const url = new URL(src, location); const res = await fetch(url); if (res.ok) { const contents = await res.text(); scriptContents.push([url.href, contents]); } } else { const url = new URL(`#${inlineScriptCount}`, location); inlineScriptCount++; scriptContents.push([url.href, script.textContent]); } } return scriptContents.map(([url, contents]) => ` (function() { const [_,err] = Deno.core.evalContext(${JSON.stringify(contents)}, ${ JSON.stringify(url) }); if (err !== null) { throw err?.thrown; } })();`).join("\n"); }