// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use dirs; use errors; use errors::DenoError; use errors::DenoResult; use errors::ErrorKind; use fs as deno_fs; use http_util; use js_errors::SourceMapGetter; use msg; use ring; use std; use std::fmt::Write; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::result::Result; use url; use url::Url; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CodeFetchOutput { pub module_name: String, pub filename: String, pub media_type: msg::MediaType, pub source_code: String, pub maybe_output_code: Option, pub maybe_source_map: Option, } impl CodeFetchOutput { pub fn js_source<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a String { match self.maybe_output_code { None => &self.source_code, Some(ref output_code) => output_code, } } } /// Gets corresponding MediaType given extension fn extmap(ext: &str) -> msg::MediaType { match ext { "ts" => msg::MediaType::TypeScript, "js" => msg::MediaType::JavaScript, "json" => msg::MediaType::Json, _ => msg::MediaType::Unknown, } } pub struct DenoDir { // Example: /Users/rld/.deno/ pub root: PathBuf, // In the Go code this was called SrcDir. // This is where we cache http resources. Example: // /Users/rld/.deno/deps/github.com/ry/blah.js pub gen: PathBuf, // In the Go code this was called CacheDir. // This is where we cache compilation outputs. Example: // /Users/rld/.deno/gen/f39a473452321cacd7c346a870efb0e3e1264b43.js pub deps: PathBuf, // This splits to http and https deps pub deps_http: PathBuf, pub deps_https: PathBuf, // If remote resources should be reloaded. reload: bool, } impl DenoDir { // Must be called before using any function from this module. // https://github.com/denoland/deno/blob/golang/deno_dir.go#L99-L111 pub fn new( reload: bool, custom_root: Option, ) -> std::io::Result { // Only setup once. let home_dir = dirs::home_dir().expect("Could not get home directory."); let default = home_dir.join(".deno"); let root: PathBuf = custom_root.unwrap_or(default); let gen = root.as_path().join("gen"); let deps = root.as_path().join("deps"); let deps_http = deps.join("http"); let deps_https = deps.join("https"); let deno_dir = Self { root, gen, deps, deps_http, deps_https, reload, }; deno_fs::mkdir(deno_dir.gen.as_ref(), 0o755)?; deno_fs::mkdir(deno_dir.deps.as_ref(), 0o755)?; deno_fs::mkdir(deno_dir.deps_http.as_ref(), 0o755)?; deno_fs::mkdir(deno_dir.deps_https.as_ref(), 0o755)?; debug!("root {}", deno_dir.root.display()); debug!("gen {}", deno_dir.gen.display()); debug!("deps {}", deno_dir.deps.display()); debug!("deps_http {}", deno_dir.deps_http.display()); debug!("deps_https {}", deno_dir.deps_https.display()); Ok(deno_dir) } // https://github.com/denoland/deno/blob/golang/deno_dir.go#L32-L35 pub fn cache_path( self: &Self, filename: &str, source_code: &str, ) -> (PathBuf, PathBuf) { let cache_key = source_code_hash(filename, source_code); ( self.gen.join(cache_key.to_string() + ".js"), self.gen.join(cache_key.to_string() + ".js.map"), ) } fn load_cache( self: &Self, filename: &str, source_code: &str, ) -> Result<(String, String), std::io::Error> { let (output_code, source_map) = self.cache_path(filename, source_code); debug!( "load_cache code: {} map: {}", output_code.display(), source_map.display() ); let read_output_code = fs::read_to_string(&output_code)?; let read_source_map = fs::read_to_string(&source_map)?; Ok((read_output_code, read_source_map)) } pub fn code_cache( self: &Self, filename: &str, source_code: &str, output_code: &str, source_map: &str, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { let (cache_path, source_map_path) = self.cache_path(filename, source_code); // TODO(ry) This is a race condition w.r.t to exists() -- probably should // create the file in exclusive mode. A worry is what might happen is there // are two processes and one reads the cache file while the other is in the // midst of writing it. if cache_path.exists() && source_map_path.exists() { Ok(()) } else { fs::write(cache_path, output_code.as_bytes())?; fs::write(source_map_path, source_map.as_bytes())?; Ok(()) } } // Prototype https://github.com/denoland/deno/blob/golang/deno_dir.go#L37-L73 /// Fetch remote source code. fn fetch_remote_source( self: &Self, module_name: &str, filename: &str, ) -> DenoResult> { let p = Path::new(&filename); // We write a special ".mime" file into the `.deno/deps` directory along side the // cached file, containing just the media type. let media_type_filename = [&filename, ".mime"].concat(); let mt = Path::new(&media_type_filename); eprint!("Downloading {}...", &module_name); // no newline let maybe_source = http_util::fetch_sync_string(&module_name); if let Ok((source, content_type)) = maybe_source { eprintln!(""); // next line match p.parent() { Some(ref parent) => fs::create_dir_all(parent), None => Ok(()), }?; deno_fs::write_file(&p, &source, 0o666)?; // Remove possibly existing stale .mime file // may not exist. DON'T unwrap let _ = std::fs::remove_file(&media_type_filename); // Create .mime file only when content type different from extension let resolved_content_type = map_content_type(&p, Some(&content_type)); let ext = p .extension() .map(|x| x.to_str().unwrap_or("")) .unwrap_or(""); let media_type = extmap(&ext); if media_type == msg::MediaType::Unknown || media_type != resolved_content_type { deno_fs::write_file(&mt, content_type.as_bytes(), 0o666)? } return Ok(Some(CodeFetchOutput { module_name: module_name.to_string(), filename: filename.to_string(), media_type: map_content_type(&p, Some(&content_type)), source_code: source, maybe_output_code: None, maybe_source_map: None, })); } else { eprintln!(" NOT FOUND"); } Ok(None) } /// Fetch local or cached source code. fn fetch_local_source( self: &Self, module_name: &str, filename: &str, ) -> DenoResult> { let p = Path::new(&filename); let media_type_filename = [&filename, ".mime"].concat(); let mt = Path::new(&media_type_filename); let source_code = match fs::read(p) { Err(e) => { if e.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound { return Ok(None); } else { return Err(e.into()); } } Ok(c) => String::from_utf8(c).unwrap(), }; // .mime file might not exists // this is okay for local source: maybe_content_type_str will be None let maybe_content_type_string = fs::read_to_string(&mt).ok(); // Option -> Option<&str> let maybe_content_type_str = maybe_content_type_string.as_ref().map(String::as_str); Ok(Some(CodeFetchOutput { module_name: module_name.to_string(), filename: filename.to_string(), media_type: map_content_type(&p, maybe_content_type_str), source_code, maybe_output_code: None, maybe_source_map: None, })) } // Prototype: https://github.com/denoland/deno/blob/golang/os.go#L122-L138 fn get_source_code( self: &Self, module_name: &str, filename: &str, ) -> DenoResult { let is_module_remote = is_remote(module_name); // We try fetch local. Two cases: // 1. This is a remote module, but no reload provided // 2. This is a local module if !is_module_remote || !self.reload { debug!( "fetch local or reload {} is_module_remote {}", module_name, is_module_remote ); match self.fetch_local_source(&module_name, &filename)? { Some(output) => { debug!("found local source "); return Ok(output); } None => { debug!("fetch_local_source returned None"); } } } // If not remote file, stop here! if !is_module_remote { debug!("not remote file stop here"); return Err(DenoError::from(std::io::Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound, format!("cannot find local file '{}'", filename), ))); } debug!("is remote but didn't find module"); // not cached/local, try remote let maybe_remote_source = self.fetch_remote_source(&module_name, &filename)?; if let Some(output) = maybe_remote_source { return Ok(output); } return Err(DenoError::from(std::io::Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound, format!("cannot find remote file '{}'", filename), ))); } pub fn code_fetch( self: &Self, specifier: &str, referrer: &str, ) -> Result { debug!("code_fetch. specifier {} referrer {}", specifier, referrer); let (module_name, filename) = self.resolve_module(specifier, referrer)?; let result = self.get_source_code(module_name.as_str(), filename.as_str()); let mut out = match result { Ok(out) => out, Err(err) => { if err.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound { // For NotFound, change the message to something better. return Err(errors::new( ErrorKind::NotFound, format!( "Cannot resolve module \"{}\" from \"{}\"", specifier, referrer ), )); } else { return Err(err); } } }; out.source_code = filter_shebang(out.source_code); let result = self.load_cache(out.filename.as_str(), out.source_code.as_str()); match result { Err(err) => { if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound { Ok(out) } else { Err(err.into()) } } Ok((output_code, source_map)) => Ok(CodeFetchOutput { module_name: out.module_name, filename: out.filename, media_type: out.media_type, source_code: out.source_code, maybe_output_code: Some(output_code), maybe_source_map: Some(source_map), }), } } // Prototype: https://github.com/denoland/deno/blob/golang/os.go#L56-L68 fn src_file_to_url(self: &Self, filename: &str) -> String { let filename_path = Path::new(filename); if filename_path.starts_with(&self.deps) { let (rest, prefix) = if filename_path.starts_with(&self.deps_https) { let rest = filename_path.strip_prefix(&self.deps_https).unwrap(); let prefix = "https://".to_string(); (rest, prefix) } else if filename_path.starts_with(&self.deps_http) { let rest = filename_path.strip_prefix(&self.deps_http).unwrap(); let prefix = "http://".to_string(); (rest, prefix) } else { // TODO(kevinkassimo): change this to support other protocols than http unimplemented!() }; // Windows doesn't support ":" in filenames, so we represent port using a // special string. // TODO(ry) This current implementation will break on a URL that has // the default port but contains "_PORT" in the path. let rest = rest.to_str().unwrap().replacen("_PORT", ":", 1); prefix + &rest } else { String::from(filename) } } // Prototype: https://github.com/denoland/deno/blob/golang/os.go#L70-L98 // Returns (module name, local filename) fn resolve_module( self: &Self, specifier: &str, referrer: &str, ) -> Result<(String, String), url::ParseError> { let module_name; let filename; let specifier = self.src_file_to_url(specifier); let mut referrer = self.src_file_to_url(referrer); debug!( "resolve_module specifier {} referrer {}", specifier, referrer ); if referrer.starts_with(".") { let cwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap(); let referrer_path = cwd.join(referrer); referrer = referrer_path.to_str().unwrap().to_string() + "/"; } let j: Url = if is_remote(&specifier) || Path::new(&specifier).is_absolute() { parse_local_or_remote(&specifier)? } else if referrer.ends_with('/') { let r = Url::from_directory_path(&referrer); // TODO(ry) Properly handle error. if r.is_err() { error!("Url::from_directory_path error {}", referrer); } let base = r.unwrap(); base.join(specifier.as_ref())? } else { let base = parse_local_or_remote(&referrer)?; base.join(specifier.as_ref())? }; match j.scheme() { "file" => { let mut p = deno_fs::normalize_path(j.to_file_path().unwrap().as_ref()); module_name = p.clone(); filename = p; } "https" => { module_name = j.to_string(); filename = deno_fs::normalize_path( get_cache_filename(self.deps_https.as_path(), &j).as_ref(), ) } "http" => { module_name = j.to_string(); filename = deno_fs::normalize_path( get_cache_filename(self.deps_http.as_path(), &j).as_ref(), ) } // TODO(kevinkassimo): change this to support other protocols than http _ => unimplemented!(), } debug!("module_name: {}, filename: {}", module_name, filename); Ok((module_name, filename)) } } impl SourceMapGetter for DenoDir { fn get_source_map(&self, script_name: &str) -> Option { match self.code_fetch(script_name, ".") { Err(_e) => { return None; } Ok(out) => match out.maybe_source_map { None => { return None; } Some(source_map) => { return Some(source_map); } }, } } } fn get_cache_filename(basedir: &Path, url: &Url) -> PathBuf { let host = url.host_str().unwrap(); let host_port = match url.port() { // Windows doesn't support ":" in filenames, so we represent port using a // special string. Some(port) => format!("{}_PORT{}", host, port), None => host.to_string(), }; let mut out = basedir.to_path_buf(); out.push(host_port); for path_seg in url.path_segments().unwrap() { out.push(path_seg); } out } // https://github.com/denoland/deno/blob/golang/deno_dir.go#L25-L30 fn source_code_hash(filename: &str, source_code: &str) -> String { let mut ctx = ring::digest::Context::new(&ring::digest::SHA1); ctx.update(filename.as_bytes()); ctx.update(source_code.as_bytes()); let digest = ctx.finish(); let mut out = String::new(); // TODO There must be a better way to do this... for byte in digest.as_ref() { write!(&mut out, "{:02x}", byte).unwrap(); } out } fn is_remote(module_name: &str) -> bool { module_name.starts_with("http://") || module_name.starts_with("https://") } fn parse_local_or_remote(p: &str) -> Result { if is_remote(p) { Url::parse(p) } else { Url::from_file_path(p).map_err(|_err| url::ParseError::IdnaError) } } fn map_file_extension(path: &Path) -> msg::MediaType { match path.extension() { None => msg::MediaType::Unknown, Some(os_str) => match os_str.to_str() { Some("ts") => msg::MediaType::TypeScript, Some("js") => msg::MediaType::JavaScript, Some("json") => msg::MediaType::Json, _ => msg::MediaType::Unknown, }, } } // convert a ContentType string into a enumerated MediaType fn map_content_type(path: &Path, content_type: Option<&str>) -> msg::MediaType { match content_type { Some(content_type) => { // sometimes there is additional data after the media type in // Content-Type so we have to do a bit of manipulation so we are only // dealing with the actual media type let ct_vector: Vec<&str> = content_type.split(';').collect(); let ct: &str = ct_vector.first().unwrap(); match ct.to_lowercase().as_ref() { "application/typescript" | "text/typescript" | "video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts" | "video/mp2t" | "application/x-typescript" => msg::MediaType::TypeScript, "application/javascript" | "text/javascript" | "application/ecmascript" | "text/ecmascript" | "application/x-javascript" => msg::MediaType::JavaScript, "application/json" | "text/json" => msg::MediaType::Json, "text/plain" => map_file_extension(path), _ => { debug!("unknown content type: {}", content_type); msg::MediaType::Unknown } } } None => map_file_extension(path), } } fn filter_shebang(code: String) -> String { if !code.starts_with("#!") { return code; } if let Some(i) = code.find('\n') { let (_, rest) = code.split_at(i); String::from(rest) } else { String::from("") } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use tempfile::TempDir; use tokio_util; fn test_setup() -> (TempDir, DenoDir) { let temp_dir = TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail"); let deno_dir = DenoDir::new(false, Some(temp_dir.path().to_path_buf())) .expect("setup fail"); (temp_dir, deno_dir) } // The `add_root` macro prepends "C:" to a string if on windows; on posix // systems it returns the input string untouched. This is necessary because // `Url::from_file_path()` fails if the input path isn't an absolute path. macro_rules! add_root { ($path:expr) => { if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { concat!("C:", $path) } else { $path } }; } #[test] fn test_get_cache_filename() { let url = Url::parse("http://example.com:1234/path/to/file.ts").unwrap(); let basedir = Path::new("/cache/dir/"); let cache_file = get_cache_filename(&basedir, &url); assert_eq!( cache_file, Path::new("/cache/dir/example.com_PORT1234/path/to/file.ts") ); } #[test] fn test_cache_path() { let (temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); assert_eq!( ( temp_dir .path() .join("gen/a3e29aece8d35a19bf9da2bb1c086af71fb36ed5.js"), temp_dir .path() .join("gen/a3e29aece8d35a19bf9da2bb1c086af71fb36ed5.js.map") ), deno_dir.cache_path("hello.ts", "1+2") ); } #[test] fn test_code_cache() { let (_temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); let filename = "hello.js"; let source_code = "1+2"; let output_code = "1+2 // output code"; let source_map = "{}"; let (cache_path, source_map_path) = deno_dir.cache_path(filename, source_code); assert!( cache_path.ends_with("gen/e8e3ee6bee4aef2ec63f6ec3db7fc5fdfae910ae.js") ); assert!( source_map_path .ends_with("gen/e8e3ee6bee4aef2ec63f6ec3db7fc5fdfae910ae.js.map") ); let r = deno_dir.code_cache(filename, source_code, output_code, source_map); r.expect("code_cache error"); assert!(cache_path.exists()); assert_eq!(output_code, fs::read_to_string(&cache_path).unwrap()); } #[test] fn test_source_code_hash() { assert_eq!( "a3e29aece8d35a19bf9da2bb1c086af71fb36ed5", source_code_hash("hello.ts", "1+2") ); // Different source_code should result in different hash. assert_eq!( "914352911fc9c85170908ede3df1128d690dda41", source_code_hash("hello.ts", "1") ); // Different filename should result in different hash. assert_eq!( "2e396bc66101ecc642db27507048376d972b1b70", source_code_hash("hi.ts", "1+2") ); } #[test] fn test_get_source_code_1() { let (temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); // http_util::fetch_sync_string requires tokio tokio_util::init(|| { let module_name = "http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/mod2.ts"; let filename = deno_fs::normalize_path( deno_dir .deps_http .join("localhost_PORT4545/tests/subdir/mod2.ts") .as_ref(), ); let mime_file_name = format!("{}.mime", &filename); let result = deno_dir.get_source_code(module_name, &filename); println!("module_name {} filename {}", module_name, filename); assert!(result.is_ok()); let r = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!( &(r.source_code), "export { printHello } from \"./print_hello.ts\";\n" ); assert_eq!(&(r.media_type), &msg::MediaType::TypeScript); // Should not create .mime file due to matching ext assert!(fs::read_to_string(&mime_file_name).is_err()); // Modify .mime let _ = fs::write(&mime_file_name, "text/javascript"); let result2 = deno_dir.get_source_code(module_name, &filename); assert!(result2.is_ok()); let r2 = result2.unwrap(); assert_eq!( &(r2.source_code), "export { printHello } from \"./print_hello.ts\";\n" ); // If get_source_code does not call remote, this should be JavaScript // as we modified before! (we do not overwrite .mime due to no http fetch) assert_eq!(&(r2.media_type), &msg::MediaType::JavaScript); assert_eq!( fs::read_to_string(&mime_file_name).unwrap(), "text/javascript" ); // Force self.reload let deno_dir = DenoDir::new(true, Some(temp_dir.path().to_path_buf())) .expect("setup fail"); let result3 = deno_dir.get_source_code(module_name, &filename); assert!(result3.is_ok()); let r3 = result3.unwrap(); let expected3 = "export { printHello } from \"./print_hello.ts\";\n"; assert_eq!(r3.source_code, expected3); // Now the old .mime file should have gone! Resolved back to TypeScript assert_eq!(&(r3.media_type), &msg::MediaType::TypeScript); assert!(fs::read_to_string(&mime_file_name).is_err()); }); } #[test] fn test_get_source_code_2() { let (temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); // http_util::fetch_sync_string requires tokio tokio_util::init(|| { let module_name = "http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/mismatch_ext.ts"; let filename = deno_fs::normalize_path( deno_dir .deps_http .join("localhost_PORT4545/tests/subdir/mismatch_ext.ts") .as_ref(), ); let mime_file_name = format!("{}.mime", &filename); let result = deno_dir.get_source_code(module_name, &filename); println!("module_name {} filename {}", module_name, filename); assert!(result.is_ok()); let r = result.unwrap(); let expected = "export const loaded = true;\n"; assert_eq!(r.source_code, expected); // Mismatch ext with content type, create .mime assert_eq!(&(r.media_type), &msg::MediaType::JavaScript); assert_eq!( fs::read_to_string(&mime_file_name).unwrap(), "text/javascript" ); // Modify .mime let _ = fs::write(&mime_file_name, "text/typescript"); let result2 = deno_dir.get_source_code(module_name, &filename); assert!(result2.is_ok()); let r2 = result2.unwrap(); let expected2 = "export const loaded = true;\n"; assert_eq!(r2.source_code, expected2); // If get_source_code does not call remote, this should be TypeScript // as we modified before! (we do not overwrite .mime due to no http fetch) assert_eq!(&(r2.media_type), &msg::MediaType::TypeScript); assert_eq!( fs::read_to_string(&mime_file_name).unwrap(), "text/typescript" ); // Force self.reload let deno_dir = DenoDir::new(true, Some(temp_dir.path().to_path_buf())) .expect("setup fail"); let result3 = deno_dir.get_source_code(module_name, &filename); assert!(result3.is_ok()); let r3 = result3.unwrap(); let expected3 = "export const loaded = true;\n"; assert_eq!(r3.source_code, expected3); // Now the old .mime file should be overwritten back to JavaScript! // (due to http fetch) assert_eq!(&(r3.media_type), &msg::MediaType::JavaScript); assert_eq!( fs::read_to_string(&mime_file_name).unwrap(), "text/javascript" ); }); } #[test] fn test_fetch_source_1() { use tokio_util; // http_util::fetch_sync_string requires tokio tokio_util::init(|| { let (_temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); let module_name = "http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/mt_video_mp2t.t3.ts"; let filename = deno_fs::normalize_path( deno_dir .deps_http .join("localhost_PORT4545/tests/subdir/mt_video_mp2t.t3.ts") .as_ref(), ); let mime_file_name = format!("{}.mime", &filename); let result = deno_dir.fetch_remote_source(module_name, &filename); assert!(result.is_ok()); let r = result.unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(&(r.source_code), "export const loaded = true;\n"); assert_eq!(&(r.media_type), &msg::MediaType::TypeScript); // matching ext, no .mime file created assert!(fs::read_to_string(&mime_file_name).is_err()); // Modify .mime, make sure read from local let _ = fs::write(&mime_file_name, "text/javascript"); let result2 = deno_dir.fetch_local_source(module_name, &filename); assert!(result2.is_ok()); let r2 = result2.unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(&(r2.source_code), "export const loaded = true;\n"); // Not MediaType::TypeScript due to .mime modification assert_eq!(&(r2.media_type), &msg::MediaType::JavaScript); }); } #[test] fn test_fetch_source_2() { use tokio_util; // http_util::fetch_sync_string requires tokio tokio_util::init(|| { let (_temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); let module_name = "http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/no_ext"; let filename = deno_fs::normalize_path( deno_dir .deps_http .join("localhost_PORT4545/tests/subdir/no_ext") .as_ref(), ); let mime_file_name = format!("{}.mime", &filename); let result = deno_dir.fetch_remote_source(module_name, &filename); assert!(result.is_ok()); let r = result.unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(&(r.source_code), "export const loaded = true;\n"); assert_eq!(&(r.media_type), &msg::MediaType::TypeScript); // no ext, should create .mime file assert_eq!( fs::read_to_string(&mime_file_name).unwrap(), "text/typescript" ); let module_name_2 = "http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/mismatch_ext.ts"; let filename_2 = deno_fs::normalize_path( deno_dir .deps_http .join("localhost_PORT4545/tests/subdir/mismatch_ext.ts") .as_ref(), ); let mime_file_name_2 = format!("{}.mime", &filename_2); let result_2 = deno_dir.fetch_remote_source(module_name_2, &filename_2); assert!(result_2.is_ok()); let r2 = result_2.unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(&(r2.source_code), "export const loaded = true;\n"); assert_eq!(&(r2.media_type), &msg::MediaType::JavaScript); // mismatch ext, should create .mime file assert_eq!( fs::read_to_string(&mime_file_name_2).unwrap(), "text/javascript" ); // test unknown extension let module_name_3 = "http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/unknown_ext.deno"; let filename_3 = deno_fs::normalize_path( deno_dir .deps_http .join("localhost_PORT4545/tests/subdir/unknown_ext.deno") .as_ref(), ); let mime_file_name_3 = format!("{}.mime", &filename_3); let result_3 = deno_dir.fetch_remote_source(module_name_3, &filename_3); assert!(result_3.is_ok()); let r3 = result_3.unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(&(r3.source_code), "export const loaded = true;\n"); assert_eq!(&(r3.media_type), &msg::MediaType::TypeScript); // unknown ext, should create .mime file assert_eq!( fs::read_to_string(&mime_file_name_3).unwrap(), "text/typescript" ); }); } #[test] fn test_fetch_source_3() { // only local, no http_util::fetch_sync_string called let (_temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); let cwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap(); let cwd_string = cwd.to_str().unwrap(); let module_name = "http://example.com/mt_text_typescript.t1.ts"; // not used let filename = format!("{}/tests/subdir/mt_text_typescript.t1.ts", &cwd_string); let result = deno_dir.fetch_local_source(module_name, &filename); assert!(result.is_ok()); let r = result.unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(&(r.source_code), "export const loaded = true;\n"); assert_eq!(&(r.media_type), &msg::MediaType::TypeScript); } #[test] fn test_code_fetch() { let (_temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); let cwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap(); let cwd_string = String::from(cwd.to_str().unwrap()) + "/"; // Test failure case. let specifier = "hello.ts"; let referrer = add_root!("/baddir/badfile.ts"); let r = deno_dir.code_fetch(specifier, referrer); assert!(r.is_err()); // Assuming cwd is the deno repo root. let specifier = "./js/main.ts"; let referrer = cwd_string.as_str(); let r = deno_dir.code_fetch(specifier, referrer); assert!(r.is_ok()); //let code_fetch_output = r.unwrap(); //println!("code_fetch_output {:?}", code_fetch_output); } #[test] fn test_src_file_to_url_1() { let (_temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); assert_eq!("hello", deno_dir.src_file_to_url("hello")); assert_eq!("/hello", deno_dir.src_file_to_url("/hello")); let x = deno_dir.deps_http.join("hello/world.txt"); assert_eq!( "http://hello/world.txt", deno_dir.src_file_to_url(x.to_str().unwrap()) ); } #[test] fn test_src_file_to_url_2() { let (_temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); assert_eq!("hello", deno_dir.src_file_to_url("hello")); assert_eq!("/hello", deno_dir.src_file_to_url("/hello")); let x = deno_dir.deps_https.join("hello/world.txt"); assert_eq!( "https://hello/world.txt", deno_dir.src_file_to_url(x.to_str().unwrap()) ); } #[test] fn test_src_file_to_url_3() { let (_temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); let x = deno_dir.deps_http.join("localhost_PORT4545/world.txt"); assert_eq!( "http://localhost:4545/world.txt", deno_dir.src_file_to_url(x.to_str().unwrap()) ); } #[test] fn test_src_file_to_url_4() { let (_temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); let x = deno_dir.deps_https.join("localhost_PORT4545/world.txt"); assert_eq!( "https://localhost:4545/world.txt", deno_dir.src_file_to_url(x.to_str().unwrap()) ); } // https://github.com/denoland/deno/blob/golang/os_test.go#L16-L87 #[test] fn test_resolve_module_1() { let (_temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); let test_cases = [ ( "./subdir/print_hello.ts", add_root!( "/Users/rld/go/src/github.com/denoland/deno/testdata/006_url_imports.ts" ), add_root!( "/Users/rld/go/src/github.com/denoland/deno/testdata/subdir/print_hello.ts" ), add_root!( "/Users/rld/go/src/github.com/denoland/deno/testdata/subdir/print_hello.ts" ), ), ( "testdata/001_hello.js", add_root!("/Users/rld/go/src/github.com/denoland/deno/"), add_root!("/Users/rld/go/src/github.com/denoland/deno/testdata/001_hello.js"), add_root!("/Users/rld/go/src/github.com/denoland/deno/testdata/001_hello.js"), ), ( add_root!("/Users/rld/src/deno/hello.js"), ".", add_root!("/Users/rld/src/deno/hello.js"), add_root!("/Users/rld/src/deno/hello.js"), ), ( add_root!("/this/module/got/imported.js"), add_root!("/that/module/did/it.js"), add_root!("/this/module/got/imported.js"), add_root!("/this/module/got/imported.js"), ), ]; for &test in test_cases.iter() { let specifier = String::from(test.0); let referrer = String::from(test.1); let (module_name, filename) = deno_dir.resolve_module(&specifier, &referrer).unwrap(); assert_eq!(module_name, test.2); assert_eq!(filename, test.3); } } #[test] fn test_resolve_module_2() { let (_temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); let specifier = "http://localhost:4545/testdata/subdir/print_hello.ts"; let referrer = add_root!("/deno/testdata/006_url_imports.ts"); let expected_module_name = "http://localhost:4545/testdata/subdir/print_hello.ts"; let expected_filename = deno_fs::normalize_path( deno_dir .deps_http .join("localhost_PORT4545/testdata/subdir/print_hello.ts") .as_ref(), ); let (module_name, filename) = deno_dir.resolve_module(specifier, referrer).unwrap(); assert_eq!(module_name, expected_module_name); assert_eq!(filename, expected_filename); } #[test] fn test_resolve_module_3() { let (_temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); let specifier_ = deno_dir.deps_http.join("unpkg.com/liltest@0.0.5/index.ts"); let specifier = specifier_.to_str().unwrap(); let referrer = "."; let expected_module_name = "http://unpkg.com/liltest@0.0.5/index.ts"; let expected_filename = deno_fs::normalize_path( deno_dir .deps_http .join("unpkg.com/liltest@0.0.5/index.ts") .as_ref(), ); let (module_name, filename) = deno_dir.resolve_module(specifier, referrer).unwrap(); assert_eq!(module_name, expected_module_name); assert_eq!(filename, expected_filename); } #[test] fn test_resolve_module_4() { let (_temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); let specifier = "./util"; let referrer_ = deno_dir.deps_http.join("unpkg.com/liltest@0.0.5/index.ts"); let referrer = referrer_.to_str().unwrap(); // http containing files -> load relative import with http let expected_module_name = "http://unpkg.com/liltest@0.0.5/util"; let expected_filename = deno_fs::normalize_path( deno_dir .deps_http .join("unpkg.com/liltest@0.0.5/util") .as_ref(), ); let (module_name, filename) = deno_dir.resolve_module(specifier, referrer).unwrap(); assert_eq!(module_name, expected_module_name); assert_eq!(filename, expected_filename); } #[test] fn test_resolve_module_5() { let (_temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); let specifier = "./util"; let referrer_ = deno_dir.deps_https.join("unpkg.com/liltest@0.0.5/index.ts"); let referrer = referrer_.to_str().unwrap(); // https containing files -> load relative import with https let expected_module_name = "https://unpkg.com/liltest@0.0.5/util"; let expected_filename = deno_fs::normalize_path( deno_dir .deps_https .join("unpkg.com/liltest@0.0.5/util") .as_ref(), ); let (module_name, filename) = deno_dir.resolve_module(specifier, referrer).unwrap(); assert_eq!(module_name, expected_module_name); assert_eq!(filename, expected_filename); } #[test] fn test_resolve_module_6() { let (_temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); let specifier = "http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/mod2.ts"; let referrer = add_root!("/deno/tests/006_url_imports.ts"); let expected_module_name = "http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/mod2.ts"; let expected_filename = deno_fs::normalize_path( deno_dir .deps_http .join("localhost_PORT4545/tests/subdir/mod2.ts") .as_ref(), ); let (module_name, filename) = deno_dir.resolve_module(specifier, referrer).unwrap(); assert_eq!(module_name, expected_module_name); assert_eq!(filename, expected_filename); } #[test] fn test_resolve_module_7() { let (_temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); let specifier = "http_test.ts"; let referrer = add_root!("/Users/rld/src/deno_net/"); let expected_module_name = add_root!("/Users/rld/src/deno_net/http_test.ts"); let expected_filename = add_root!("/Users/rld/src/deno_net/http_test.ts"); let (module_name, filename) = deno_dir.resolve_module(specifier, referrer).unwrap(); assert_eq!(module_name, expected_module_name); assert_eq!(filename, expected_filename); } #[test] fn test_resolve_module_referrer_dot() { let (_temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); let specifier = "tests/001_hello.js"; let cwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap(); let expected_path = cwd.join(specifier); let expected_module_name = deno_fs::normalize_path(&expected_path); let expected_filename = expected_module_name.clone(); let (module_name, filename) = deno_dir.resolve_module(specifier, ".").unwrap(); assert_eq!(module_name, expected_module_name); assert_eq!(filename, expected_filename); let (module_name, filename) = deno_dir.resolve_module(specifier, "./").unwrap(); assert_eq!(module_name, expected_module_name); assert_eq!(filename, expected_filename); } #[test] fn test_resolve_module_referrer_dotdot() { let (_temp_dir, deno_dir) = test_setup(); let specifier = "tests/001_hello.js"; let cwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap(); let expected_path = cwd.join("..").join(specifier); let expected_module_name = deno_fs::normalize_path(&expected_path); let expected_filename = expected_module_name.clone(); let (module_name, filename) = deno_dir.resolve_module(specifier, "..").unwrap(); assert_eq!(module_name, expected_module_name); assert_eq!(filename, expected_filename); let (module_name, filename) = deno_dir.resolve_module(specifier, "../").unwrap(); assert_eq!(module_name, expected_module_name); assert_eq!(filename, expected_filename); } #[test] fn test_map_file_extension() { assert_eq!( map_file_extension(Path::new("foo/bar.ts")), msg::MediaType::TypeScript ); assert_eq!( map_file_extension(Path::new("foo/bar.d.ts")), msg::MediaType::TypeScript ); assert_eq!( map_file_extension(Path::new("foo/bar.js")), msg::MediaType::JavaScript ); assert_eq!( map_file_extension(Path::new("foo/bar.json")), msg::MediaType::Json ); assert_eq!( map_file_extension(Path::new("foo/bar.txt")), msg::MediaType::Unknown ); assert_eq!( map_file_extension(Path::new("foo/bar")), msg::MediaType::Unknown ); } #[test] fn test_map_content_type() { // Extension only assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar.ts"), None), msg::MediaType::TypeScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar.d.ts"), None), msg::MediaType::TypeScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar.js"), None), msg::MediaType::JavaScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar.json"), None), msg::MediaType::Json ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar.txt"), None), msg::MediaType::Unknown ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), None), msg::MediaType::Unknown ); // Media Type assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("application/typescript")), msg::MediaType::TypeScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("text/typescript")), msg::MediaType::TypeScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts")), msg::MediaType::TypeScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("video/mp2t")), msg::MediaType::TypeScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("application/x-typescript")), msg::MediaType::TypeScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("application/javascript")), msg::MediaType::JavaScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("text/javascript")), msg::MediaType::JavaScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("application/ecmascript")), msg::MediaType::JavaScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("text/ecmascript")), msg::MediaType::JavaScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("application/x-javascript")), msg::MediaType::JavaScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("application/json")), msg::MediaType::Json ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("text/json")), msg::MediaType::Json ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar.ts"), Some("text/plain")), msg::MediaType::TypeScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar.ts"), Some("foo/bar")), msg::MediaType::Unknown ); } #[test] fn test_filter_shebang() { assert_eq!(filter_shebang("".to_string()), ""); assert_eq!(filter_shebang("#".to_string()), "#"); assert_eq!(filter_shebang("#!".to_string()), ""); assert_eq!(filter_shebang("#!\n\n".to_string()), "\n\n"); let code = "#!/usr/bin/env deno\nconsole.log('hello');\n".to_string(); assert_eq!(filter_shebang(code), "\nconsole.log('hello');\n"); } }