// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import * as colors from "@std/fmt/colors"; import { assert } from "@std/assert"; export { colors }; import { join, resolve } from "@std/path"; export { assert, assertEquals, assertFalse, AssertionError, assertIsError, assertMatch, assertNotEquals, assertNotStrictEquals, assertRejects, assertStrictEquals, assertStringIncludes, assertThrows, fail, unimplemented, unreachable, } from "@std/assert"; export { delay } from "@std/async/delay"; export { readLines } from "@std/io/read-lines"; export { parseArgs } from "@std/cli/parse-args"; export function pathToAbsoluteFileUrl(path: string): URL { path = resolve(path); return new URL(`file://${Deno.build.os === "windows" ? "/" : ""}${path}`); } export function execCode(code: string): Promise<readonly [number, string]> { return execCode2(code).finished(); } export function execCode3(cmd: string, args: string[]) { const command = new Deno.Command(cmd, { args, stdout: "piped", stderr: "inherit", }); const child = command.spawn(); const stdout = child.stdout.pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream()).getReader(); let output = ""; return { async waitStdoutText(text: string) { while (true) { const readData = await stdout.read(); if (readData.value) { output += readData.value; if (output.includes(text)) { return; } } if (readData.done) { throw new Error(`Did not find text '${text}' in stdout.`); } } }, async finished() { while (true) { const readData = await stdout.read(); if (readData.value) { output += readData.value; } if (readData.done) { break; } } const status = await child.status; return [status.code, output] as const; }, }; } export function execCode2(code: string) { return execCode3(Deno.execPath(), ["eval", code]); } export function tmpUnixSocketPath(): string { const folder = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); return join(folder, "socket"); } export async function curlRequest(args: string[]) { const { success, stdout, stderr } = await new Deno.Command("curl", { args, stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped", }).output(); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); assert( success, `Failed to cURL ${args}: stdout\n\n${ decoder.decode(stdout) }\n\nstderr:\n\n${decoder.decode(stderr)}`, ); return decoder.decode(stdout); } export async function curlRequestWithStdErr(args: string[]) { const { success, stdout, stderr } = await new Deno.Command("curl", { args, stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped", }).output(); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); assert( success, `Failed to cURL ${args}: stdout\n\n${ decoder.decode(stdout) }\n\nstderr:\n\n${decoder.decode(stderr)}`, ); return [decoder.decode(stdout), decoder.decode(stderr)]; }