// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // @ts-check /// <reference path="../../core/internal.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="../../core/lib.deno_core.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="../webidl/internal.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="../web/lib.deno_web.d.ts" /> "use strict"; ((window) => { const core = window.Deno.core; const ops = core.ops; const webidl = window.__bootstrap.webidl; const { DOMException } = window.__bootstrap.domException; const { ArrayBufferPrototype, ArrayBufferIsView, ArrayPrototypeEvery, ArrayPrototypeFind, ArrayPrototypeIncludes, BigInt64ArrayPrototype, BigUint64ArrayPrototype, Int16ArrayPrototype, Int32ArrayPrototype, Int8ArrayPrototype, JSONParse, JSONStringify, MathCeil, ObjectAssign, ObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty, ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf, StringPrototypeToLowerCase, StringPrototypeToUpperCase, StringPrototypeCharCodeAt, StringFromCharCode, SafeArrayIterator, Symbol, SymbolFor, SyntaxError, TypedArrayPrototypeSlice, TypeError, Uint16ArrayPrototype, Uint32ArrayPrototype, Uint8Array, Uint8ArrayPrototype, Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype, WeakMap, WeakMapPrototypeGet, WeakMapPrototypeSet, } = window.__bootstrap.primordials; // P-521 is not yet supported. const supportedNamedCurves = ["P-256", "P-384"]; const recognisedUsages = [ "encrypt", "decrypt", "sign", "verify", "deriveKey", "deriveBits", "wrapKey", "unwrapKey", ]; const simpleAlgorithmDictionaries = { AesGcmParams: { iv: "BufferSource", additionalData: "BufferSource" }, RsaHashedKeyGenParams: { hash: "HashAlgorithmIdentifier" }, EcKeyGenParams: {}, HmacKeyGenParams: { hash: "HashAlgorithmIdentifier" }, RsaPssParams: {}, EcdsaParams: { hash: "HashAlgorithmIdentifier" }, HmacImportParams: { hash: "HashAlgorithmIdentifier" }, HkdfParams: { hash: "HashAlgorithmIdentifier", salt: "BufferSource", info: "BufferSource", }, Pbkdf2Params: { hash: "HashAlgorithmIdentifier", salt: "BufferSource" }, RsaOaepParams: { label: "BufferSource" }, RsaHashedImportParams: { hash: "HashAlgorithmIdentifier" }, EcKeyImportParams: {}, }; const supportedAlgorithms = { "digest": { "SHA-1": null, "SHA-256": null, "SHA-384": null, "SHA-512": null, }, "generateKey": { "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5": "RsaHashedKeyGenParams", "RSA-PSS": "RsaHashedKeyGenParams", "RSA-OAEP": "RsaHashedKeyGenParams", "ECDSA": "EcKeyGenParams", "ECDH": "EcKeyGenParams", "AES-CTR": "AesKeyGenParams", "AES-CBC": "AesKeyGenParams", "AES-GCM": "AesKeyGenParams", "AES-KW": "AesKeyGenParams", "HMAC": "HmacKeyGenParams", "X25519": null, "Ed25519": null, }, "sign": { "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5": null, "RSA-PSS": "RsaPssParams", "ECDSA": "EcdsaParams", "HMAC": null, "Ed25519": null, }, "verify": { "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5": null, "RSA-PSS": "RsaPssParams", "ECDSA": "EcdsaParams", "HMAC": null, "Ed25519": null, }, "importKey": { "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5": "RsaHashedImportParams", "RSA-PSS": "RsaHashedImportParams", "RSA-OAEP": "RsaHashedImportParams", "ECDSA": "EcKeyImportParams", "ECDH": "EcKeyImportParams", "HMAC": "HmacImportParams", "HKDF": null, "PBKDF2": null, "AES-CTR": null, "AES-CBC": null, "AES-GCM": null, "AES-KW": null, "Ed25519": null, "X25519": null, }, "deriveBits": { "HKDF": "HkdfParams", "PBKDF2": "Pbkdf2Params", "ECDH": "EcdhKeyDeriveParams", "X25519": "EcdhKeyDeriveParams", }, "encrypt": { "RSA-OAEP": "RsaOaepParams", "AES-CBC": "AesCbcParams", "AES-GCM": "AesGcmParams", "AES-CTR": "AesCtrParams", }, "decrypt": { "RSA-OAEP": "RsaOaepParams", "AES-CBC": "AesCbcParams", "AES-GCM": "AesGcmParams", "AES-CTR": "AesCtrParams", }, "get key length": { "AES-CBC": "AesDerivedKeyParams", "AES-CTR": "AesDerivedKeyParams", "AES-GCM": "AesDerivedKeyParams", "AES-KW": "AesDerivedKeyParams", "HMAC": "HmacImportParams", "HKDF": null, "PBKDF2": null, }, "wrapKey": { "AES-KW": null, }, "unwrapKey": { "AES-KW": null, }, }; const aesJwkAlg = { "AES-CTR": { 128: "A128CTR", 192: "A192CTR", 256: "A256CTR", }, "AES-CBC": { 128: "A128CBC", 192: "A192CBC", 256: "A256CBC", }, "AES-GCM": { 128: "A128GCM", 192: "A192GCM", 256: "A256GCM", }, "AES-KW": { 128: "A128KW", 192: "A192KW", 256: "A256KW", }, }; // See https://www.w3.org/TR/WebCryptoAPI/#dfn-normalize-an-algorithm // 18.4.4 function normalizeAlgorithm(algorithm, op) { if (typeof algorithm == "string") { return normalizeAlgorithm({ name: algorithm }, op); } // 1. const registeredAlgorithms = supportedAlgorithms[op]; // 2. 3. const initialAlg = webidl.converters.Algorithm(algorithm, { prefix: "Failed to normalize algorithm", context: "passed algorithm", }); // 4. let algName = initialAlg.name; // 5. let desiredType = undefined; for (const key in registeredAlgorithms) { if (!ObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty(registeredAlgorithms, key)) { continue; } if ( StringPrototypeToUpperCase(key) === StringPrototypeToUpperCase(algName) ) { algName = key; desiredType = registeredAlgorithms[key]; } } if (desiredType === undefined) { throw new DOMException( "Unrecognized algorithm name", "NotSupportedError", ); } // Fast path everything below if the registered dictionary is "None". if (desiredType === null) { return { name: algName }; } // 6. const normalizedAlgorithm = webidl.converters[desiredType](algorithm, { prefix: "Failed to normalize algorithm", context: "passed algorithm", }); // 7. normalizedAlgorithm.name = algName; // 9. const dict = simpleAlgorithmDictionaries[desiredType]; // 10. for (const member in dict) { if (!ObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty(dict, member)) { continue; } const idlType = dict[member]; const idlValue = normalizedAlgorithm[member]; // 3. if (idlType === "BufferSource" && idlValue) { normalizedAlgorithm[member] = TypedArrayPrototypeSlice( new Uint8Array( ArrayBufferIsView(idlValue) ? idlValue.buffer : idlValue, idlValue.byteOffset ?? 0, idlValue.byteLength, ), ); } else if (idlType === "HashAlgorithmIdentifier") { normalizedAlgorithm[member] = normalizeAlgorithm(idlValue, "digest"); } else if (idlType === "AlgorithmIdentifier") { // TODO(lucacasonato): implement throw new TypeError("unimplemented"); } } return normalizedAlgorithm; } /** * @param {ArrayBufferView | ArrayBuffer} input * @returns {Uint8Array} */ function copyBuffer(input) { return TypedArrayPrototypeSlice( ArrayBufferIsView(input) ? new Uint8Array(input.buffer, input.byteOffset, input.byteLength) : new Uint8Array(input), ); } const _handle = Symbol("[[handle]]"); const _algorithm = Symbol("[[algorithm]]"); const _extractable = Symbol("[[extractable]]"); const _usages = Symbol("[[usages]]"); const _type = Symbol("[[type]]"); class CryptoKey { /** @type {string} */ [_type]; /** @type {boolean} */ [_extractable]; /** @type {object} */ [_algorithm]; /** @type {string[]} */ [_usages]; /** @type {object} */ [_handle]; constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } /** @returns {string} */ get type() { webidl.assertBranded(this, CryptoKeyPrototype); return this[_type]; } /** @returns {boolean} */ get extractable() { webidl.assertBranded(this, CryptoKeyPrototype); return this[_extractable]; } /** @returns {string[]} */ get usages() { webidl.assertBranded(this, CryptoKeyPrototype); // TODO(lucacasonato): return a SameObject copy return this[_usages]; } /** @returns {object} */ get algorithm() { webidl.assertBranded(this, CryptoKeyPrototype); // TODO(lucacasonato): return a SameObject copy return this[_algorithm]; } [SymbolFor("Deno.customInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ type: this.type, extractable: this.extractable, algorithm: this.algorithm, usages: this.usages, }) }`; } } webidl.configurePrototype(CryptoKey); const CryptoKeyPrototype = CryptoKey.prototype; /** * @param {string} type * @param {boolean} extractable * @param {string[]} usages * @param {object} algorithm * @param {object} handle * @returns */ function constructKey(type, extractable, usages, algorithm, handle) { const key = webidl.createBranded(CryptoKey); key[_type] = type; key[_extractable] = extractable; key[_usages] = usages; key[_algorithm] = algorithm; key[_handle] = handle; return key; } // https://w3c.github.io/webcrypto/#concept-usage-intersection /** * @param {string[]} a * @param {string[]} b * @returns */ function usageIntersection(a, b) { return a.filter((i) => b.includes(i)); } // TODO(lucacasonato): this should be moved to rust /** @type {WeakMap<object, object>} */ const KEY_STORE = new WeakMap(); function getKeyLength(algorithm) { switch (algorithm.name) { case "AES-CBC": case "AES-CTR": case "AES-GCM": case "AES-KW": { // 1. if (!ArrayPrototypeIncludes([128, 192, 256], algorithm.length)) { throw new DOMException( "length must be 128, 192, or 256", "OperationError", ); } // 2. return algorithm.length; } case "HMAC": { // 1. let length; if (algorithm.length === undefined) { switch (algorithm.hash.name) { case "SHA-1": length = 512; break; case "SHA-256": length = 512; break; case "SHA-384": length = 1024; break; case "SHA-512": length = 1024; break; default: throw new DOMException( "Unrecognized hash algorithm", "NotSupportedError", ); } } else if (algorithm.length !== 0) { length = algorithm.length; } else { throw new TypeError("Invalid length."); } // 2. return length; } case "HKDF": { // 1. return null; } case "PBKDF2": { // 1. return null; } default: throw new TypeError("unreachable"); } } class SubtleCrypto { constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } /** * @param {string} algorithm * @param {BufferSource} data * @returns {Promise<Uint8Array>} */ async digest(algorithm, data) { webidl.assertBranded(this, SubtleCryptoPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'digest' on 'SubtleCrypto'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 2, { prefix }); algorithm = webidl.converters.AlgorithmIdentifier(algorithm, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); data = webidl.converters.BufferSource(data, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); data = copyBuffer(data); algorithm = normalizeAlgorithm(algorithm, "digest"); const result = await core.opAsync( "op_crypto_subtle_digest", algorithm.name, data, ); return result.buffer; } /** * @param {string} algorithm * @param {CryptoKey} key * @param {BufferSource} data * @returns {Promise<any>} */ async encrypt(algorithm, key, data) { webidl.assertBranded(this, SubtleCryptoPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'encrypt' on 'SubtleCrypto'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 3, { prefix }); algorithm = webidl.converters.AlgorithmIdentifier(algorithm, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); key = webidl.converters.CryptoKey(key, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); data = webidl.converters.BufferSource(data, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); // 2. data = copyBuffer(data); // 3. const normalizedAlgorithm = normalizeAlgorithm(algorithm, "encrypt"); // 8. if (normalizedAlgorithm.name !== key[_algorithm].name) { throw new DOMException( "Encryption algorithm doesn't match key algorithm.", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 9. if (!ArrayPrototypeIncludes(key[_usages], "encrypt")) { throw new DOMException( "Key does not support the 'encrypt' operation.", "InvalidAccessError", ); } return await encrypt(normalizedAlgorithm, key, data); } /** * @param {string} algorithm * @param {CryptoKey} key * @param {BufferSource} data * @returns {Promise<any>} */ async decrypt(algorithm, key, data) { webidl.assertBranded(this, SubtleCryptoPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'decrypt' on 'SubtleCrypto'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 3, { prefix }); algorithm = webidl.converters.AlgorithmIdentifier(algorithm, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); key = webidl.converters.CryptoKey(key, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); data = webidl.converters.BufferSource(data, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); // 2. data = copyBuffer(data); // 3. const normalizedAlgorithm = normalizeAlgorithm(algorithm, "decrypt"); // 8. if (normalizedAlgorithm.name !== key[_algorithm].name) { throw new DOMException( "Decryption algorithm doesn't match key algorithm.", "OperationError", ); } // 9. if (!ArrayPrototypeIncludes(key[_usages], "decrypt")) { throw new DOMException( "Key does not support the 'decrypt' operation.", "InvalidAccessError", ); } const handle = key[_handle]; const keyData = WeakMapPrototypeGet(KEY_STORE, handle); switch (normalizedAlgorithm.name) { case "RSA-OAEP": { // 1. if (key[_type] !== "private") { throw new DOMException( "Key type not supported", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 2. if (normalizedAlgorithm.label) { normalizedAlgorithm.label = copyBuffer(normalizedAlgorithm.label); } else { normalizedAlgorithm.label = new Uint8Array(); } // 3-5. const hashAlgorithm = key[_algorithm].hash.name; const plainText = await core.opAsync("op_crypto_decrypt", { key: keyData, algorithm: "RSA-OAEP", hash: hashAlgorithm, label: normalizedAlgorithm.label, }, data); // 6. return plainText.buffer; } case "AES-CBC": { normalizedAlgorithm.iv = copyBuffer(normalizedAlgorithm.iv); // 1. if (normalizedAlgorithm.iv.byteLength !== 16) { throw new DOMException( "Counter must be 16 bytes", "OperationError", ); } const plainText = await core.opAsync("op_crypto_decrypt", { key: keyData, algorithm: "AES-CBC", iv: normalizedAlgorithm.iv, length: key[_algorithm].length, }, data); // 6. return plainText.buffer; } case "AES-CTR": { normalizedAlgorithm.counter = copyBuffer(normalizedAlgorithm.counter); // 1. if (normalizedAlgorithm.counter.byteLength !== 16) { throw new DOMException( "Counter vector must be 16 bytes", "OperationError", ); } // 2. if ( normalizedAlgorithm.length === 0 || normalizedAlgorithm.length > 128 ) { throw new DOMException( "Counter length must not be 0 or greater than 128", "OperationError", ); } // 3. const cipherText = await core.opAsync("op_crypto_decrypt", { key: keyData, algorithm: "AES-CTR", keyLength: key[_algorithm].length, counter: normalizedAlgorithm.counter, ctrLength: normalizedAlgorithm.length, }, data); // 4. return cipherText.buffer; } case "AES-GCM": { normalizedAlgorithm.iv = copyBuffer(normalizedAlgorithm.iv); // 1. if (normalizedAlgorithm.tagLength === undefined) { normalizedAlgorithm.tagLength = 128; } else if ( !ArrayPrototypeIncludes( [32, 64, 96, 104, 112, 120, 128], normalizedAlgorithm.tagLength, ) ) { throw new DOMException( "Invalid tag length", "OperationError", ); } // 2. if (data.byteLength < normalizedAlgorithm.tagLength / 8) { throw new DOMException( "Tag length overflows ciphertext", "OperationError", ); } // 3. We only support 96-bit and 128-bit nonce. if ( ArrayPrototypeIncludes( [12, 16], normalizedAlgorithm.iv.byteLength, ) === undefined ) { throw new DOMException( "Initialization vector length not supported", "NotSupportedError", ); } // 4. if (normalizedAlgorithm.additionalData !== undefined) { if (normalizedAlgorithm.additionalData.byteLength > (2 ** 64) - 1) { throw new DOMException( "Additional data too large", "OperationError", ); } normalizedAlgorithm.additionalData = copyBuffer( normalizedAlgorithm.additionalData, ); } // 5-8. const plaintext = await core.opAsync("op_crypto_decrypt", { key: keyData, algorithm: "AES-GCM", length: key[_algorithm].length, iv: normalizedAlgorithm.iv, additionalData: normalizedAlgorithm.additionalData || null, tagLength: normalizedAlgorithm.tagLength, }, data); // 9. return plaintext.buffer; } default: throw new DOMException("Not implemented", "NotSupportedError"); } } /** * @param {string} algorithm * @param {CryptoKey} key * @param {BufferSource} data * @returns {Promise<any>} */ async sign(algorithm, key, data) { webidl.assertBranded(this, SubtleCryptoPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'sign' on 'SubtleCrypto'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 3, { prefix }); algorithm = webidl.converters.AlgorithmIdentifier(algorithm, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); key = webidl.converters.CryptoKey(key, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); data = webidl.converters.BufferSource(data, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); // 1. data = copyBuffer(data); // 2. const normalizedAlgorithm = normalizeAlgorithm(algorithm, "sign"); const handle = key[_handle]; const keyData = WeakMapPrototypeGet(KEY_STORE, handle); // 8. if (normalizedAlgorithm.name !== key[_algorithm].name) { throw new DOMException( "Signing algorithm doesn't match key algorithm.", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 9. if (!ArrayPrototypeIncludes(key[_usages], "sign")) { throw new DOMException( "Key does not support the 'sign' operation.", "InvalidAccessError", ); } switch (normalizedAlgorithm.name) { case "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5": { // 1. if (key[_type] !== "private") { throw new DOMException( "Key type not supported", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 2. const hashAlgorithm = key[_algorithm].hash.name; const signature = await core.opAsync("op_crypto_sign_key", { key: keyData, algorithm: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5", hash: hashAlgorithm, }, data); return signature.buffer; } case "RSA-PSS": { // 1. if (key[_type] !== "private") { throw new DOMException( "Key type not supported", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 2. const hashAlgorithm = key[_algorithm].hash.name; const signature = await core.opAsync("op_crypto_sign_key", { key: keyData, algorithm: "RSA-PSS", hash: hashAlgorithm, saltLength: normalizedAlgorithm.saltLength, }, data); return signature.buffer; } case "ECDSA": { // 1. if (key[_type] !== "private") { throw new DOMException( "Key type not supported", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 2. const hashAlgorithm = normalizedAlgorithm.hash.name; const namedCurve = key[_algorithm].namedCurve; if (!ArrayPrototypeIncludes(supportedNamedCurves, namedCurve)) { throw new DOMException("Curve not supported", "NotSupportedError"); } const signature = await core.opAsync("op_crypto_sign_key", { key: keyData, algorithm: "ECDSA", hash: hashAlgorithm, namedCurve, }, data); return signature.buffer; } case "HMAC": { const hashAlgorithm = key[_algorithm].hash.name; const signature = await core.opAsync("op_crypto_sign_key", { key: keyData, algorithm: "HMAC", hash: hashAlgorithm, }, data); return signature.buffer; } case "Ed25519": { // 1. if (key[_type] !== "private") { throw new DOMException( "Key type not supported", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // https://briansmith.org/rustdoc/src/ring/ec/curve25519/ed25519/signing.rs.html#260 const SIGNATURE_LEN = 32 * 2; // ELEM_LEN + SCALAR_LEN const signature = new Uint8Array(SIGNATURE_LEN); if (!ops.op_sign_ed25519(keyData, data, signature)) { throw new DOMException( "Failed to sign", "OperationError", ); } return signature.buffer; } } throw new TypeError("unreachable"); } /** * @param {string} format * @param {BufferSource} keyData * @param {string} algorithm * @param {boolean} extractable * @param {KeyUsages[]} keyUsages * @returns {Promise<any>} */ // deno-lint-ignore require-await async importKey(format, keyData, algorithm, extractable, keyUsages) { webidl.assertBranded(this, SubtleCryptoPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'importKey' on 'SubtleCrypto'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 4, { prefix }); format = webidl.converters.KeyFormat(format, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); keyData = webidl.converters["BufferSource or JsonWebKey"](keyData, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); algorithm = webidl.converters.AlgorithmIdentifier(algorithm, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); extractable = webidl.converters.boolean(extractable, { prefix, context: "Argument 4", }); keyUsages = webidl.converters["sequence<KeyUsage>"](keyUsages, { prefix, context: "Argument 5", }); // 2. if (format !== "jwk") { if ( ArrayBufferIsView(keyData) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(ArrayBufferPrototype, keyData) ) { keyData = copyBuffer(keyData); } else { throw new TypeError("keyData is a JsonWebKey"); } } else { if ( ArrayBufferIsView(keyData) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(ArrayBufferPrototype, keyData) ) { throw new TypeError("keyData is not a JsonWebKey"); } } const normalizedAlgorithm = normalizeAlgorithm(algorithm, "importKey"); const algorithmName = normalizedAlgorithm.name; switch (algorithmName) { case "HMAC": { return importKeyHMAC( format, normalizedAlgorithm, keyData, extractable, keyUsages, ); } case "ECDH": case "ECDSA": { return importKeyEC( format, normalizedAlgorithm, keyData, extractable, keyUsages, ); } case "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5": case "RSA-PSS": case "RSA-OAEP": { return importKeyRSA( format, normalizedAlgorithm, keyData, extractable, keyUsages, ); } case "HKDF": { return importKeyHKDF(format, keyData, extractable, keyUsages); } case "PBKDF2": { return importKeyPBKDF2(format, keyData, extractable, keyUsages); } case "AES-CTR": case "AES-CBC": case "AES-GCM": { return importKeyAES( format, normalizedAlgorithm, keyData, extractable, keyUsages, ["encrypt", "decrypt", "wrapKey", "unwrapKey"], ); } case "AES-KW": { return importKeyAES( format, normalizedAlgorithm, keyData, extractable, keyUsages, ["wrapKey", "unwrapKey"], ); } case "X25519": { return importKeyX25519( format, keyData, extractable, keyUsages, ); } case "Ed25519": { return importKeyEd25519( format, keyData, extractable, keyUsages, ); } default: throw new DOMException("Not implemented", "NotSupportedError"); } } /** * @param {string} format * @param {CryptoKey} key * @returns {Promise<any>} */ // deno-lint-ignore require-await async exportKey(format, key) { webidl.assertBranded(this, SubtleCryptoPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'exportKey' on 'SubtleCrypto'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 2, { prefix }); format = webidl.converters.KeyFormat(format, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); key = webidl.converters.CryptoKey(key, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); const handle = key[_handle]; // 2. const innerKey = WeakMapPrototypeGet(KEY_STORE, handle); const algorithmName = key[_algorithm].name; let result; switch (algorithmName) { case "HMAC": { result = exportKeyHMAC(format, key, innerKey); break; } case "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5": case "RSA-PSS": case "RSA-OAEP": { result = exportKeyRSA(format, key, innerKey); break; } case "ECDH": case "ECDSA": { result = exportKeyEC(format, key, innerKey); break; } case "Ed25519": { result = exportKeyEd25519(format, key, innerKey); break; } case "X25519": { result = exportKeyX25519(format, key, innerKey); break; } case "AES-CTR": case "AES-CBC": case "AES-GCM": case "AES-KW": { result = exportKeyAES(format, key, innerKey); break; } default: throw new DOMException("Not implemented", "NotSupportedError"); } if (key.extractable === false) { throw new DOMException( "Key is not extractable", "InvalidAccessError", ); } return result; } /** * @param {AlgorithmIdentifier} algorithm * @param {CryptoKey} baseKey * @param {number | null} length * @returns {Promise<ArrayBuffer>} */ async deriveBits(algorithm, baseKey, length) { webidl.assertBranded(this, SubtleCryptoPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'deriveBits' on 'SubtleCrypto'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 3, { prefix }); algorithm = webidl.converters.AlgorithmIdentifier(algorithm, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); baseKey = webidl.converters.CryptoKey(baseKey, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); if (length !== null) { length = webidl.converters["unsigned long"](length, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); } // 2. const normalizedAlgorithm = normalizeAlgorithm(algorithm, "deriveBits"); // 4-6. const result = await deriveBits(normalizedAlgorithm, baseKey, length); // 7. if (normalizedAlgorithm.name !== baseKey[_algorithm].name) { throw new DOMException("Invalid algorithm name", "InvalidAccessError"); } // 8. if (!ArrayPrototypeIncludes(baseKey[_usages], "deriveBits")) { throw new DOMException( "baseKey usages does not contain `deriveBits`", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 9-10. return result; } /** * @param {AlgorithmIdentifier} algorithm * @param {CryptoKey} baseKey * @param {number} length * @returns {Promise<ArrayBuffer>} */ async deriveKey( algorithm, baseKey, derivedKeyType, extractable, keyUsages, ) { webidl.assertBranded(this, SubtleCryptoPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'deriveKey' on 'SubtleCrypto'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 5, { prefix }); algorithm = webidl.converters.AlgorithmIdentifier(algorithm, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); baseKey = webidl.converters.CryptoKey(baseKey, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); derivedKeyType = webidl.converters.AlgorithmIdentifier(derivedKeyType, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); extractable = webidl.converters["boolean"](extractable, { prefix, context: "Argument 4", }); keyUsages = webidl.converters["sequence<KeyUsage>"](keyUsages, { prefix, context: "Argument 5", }); // 2-3. const normalizedAlgorithm = normalizeAlgorithm(algorithm, "deriveBits"); // 4-5. const normalizedDerivedKeyAlgorithmImport = normalizeAlgorithm( derivedKeyType, "importKey", ); // 6-7. const normalizedDerivedKeyAlgorithmLength = normalizeAlgorithm( derivedKeyType, "get key length", ); // 8-10. // 11. if (normalizedAlgorithm.name !== baseKey[_algorithm].name) { throw new DOMException( "Invalid algorithm name", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 12. if (!ArrayPrototypeIncludes(baseKey[_usages], "deriveKey")) { throw new DOMException( "baseKey usages does not contain `deriveKey`", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 13. const length = getKeyLength(normalizedDerivedKeyAlgorithmLength); // 14. const secret = await this.deriveBits( normalizedAlgorithm, baseKey, length, ); // 15. const result = await this.importKey( "raw", secret, normalizedDerivedKeyAlgorithmImport, extractable, keyUsages, ); // 16. if ( ArrayPrototypeIncludes(["private", "secret"], result[_type]) && keyUsages.length == 0 ) { throw new SyntaxError("Invalid key usages"); } // 17. return result; } /** * @param {string} algorithm * @param {CryptoKey} key * @param {BufferSource} signature * @param {BufferSource} data * @returns {Promise<boolean>} */ async verify(algorithm, key, signature, data) { webidl.assertBranded(this, SubtleCryptoPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'verify' on 'SubtleCrypto'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 4, { prefix }); algorithm = webidl.converters.AlgorithmIdentifier(algorithm, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); key = webidl.converters.CryptoKey(key, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); signature = webidl.converters.BufferSource(signature, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); data = webidl.converters.BufferSource(data, { prefix, context: "Argument 4", }); // 2. signature = copyBuffer(signature); // 3. data = copyBuffer(data); const normalizedAlgorithm = normalizeAlgorithm(algorithm, "verify"); const handle = key[_handle]; const keyData = WeakMapPrototypeGet(KEY_STORE, handle); if (normalizedAlgorithm.name !== key[_algorithm].name) { throw new DOMException( "Verifying algorithm doesn't match key algorithm.", "InvalidAccessError", ); } if (!ArrayPrototypeIncludes(key[_usages], "verify")) { throw new DOMException( "Key does not support the 'verify' operation.", "InvalidAccessError", ); } switch (normalizedAlgorithm.name) { case "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5": { if (key[_type] !== "public") { throw new DOMException( "Key type not supported", "InvalidAccessError", ); } const hashAlgorithm = key[_algorithm].hash.name; return await core.opAsync("op_crypto_verify_key", { key: keyData, algorithm: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5", hash: hashAlgorithm, signature, }, data); } case "RSA-PSS": { if (key[_type] !== "public") { throw new DOMException( "Key type not supported", "InvalidAccessError", ); } const hashAlgorithm = key[_algorithm].hash.name; const saltLength = normalizedAlgorithm.saltLength; return await core.opAsync("op_crypto_verify_key", { key: keyData, algorithm: "RSA-PSS", hash: hashAlgorithm, saltLength, signature, }, data); } case "HMAC": { const hash = key[_algorithm].hash.name; return await core.opAsync("op_crypto_verify_key", { key: keyData, algorithm: "HMAC", hash, signature, }, data); } case "ECDSA": { // 1. if (key[_type] !== "public") { throw new DOMException( "Key type not supported", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 2. const hash = normalizedAlgorithm.hash.name; // 3-8. return await core.opAsync("op_crypto_verify_key", { key: keyData, algorithm: "ECDSA", hash, signature, namedCurve: key[_algorithm].namedCurve, }, data); } case "Ed25519": { // 1. if (key[_type] !== "public") { throw new DOMException( "Key type not supported", "InvalidAccessError", ); } return ops.op_verify_ed25519(keyData, data, signature); } } throw new TypeError("unreachable"); } /** * @param {string} algorithm * @param {boolean} extractable * @param {KeyUsage[]} keyUsages * @returns {Promise<any>} */ async wrapKey(format, key, wrappingKey, wrapAlgorithm) { webidl.assertBranded(this, SubtleCryptoPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'wrapKey' on 'SubtleCrypto'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 4, { prefix }); format = webidl.converters.KeyFormat(format, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); key = webidl.converters.CryptoKey(key, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); wrappingKey = webidl.converters.CryptoKey(wrappingKey, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); wrapAlgorithm = webidl.converters.AlgorithmIdentifier(wrapAlgorithm, { prefix, context: "Argument 4", }); let normalizedAlgorithm; try { // 2. normalizedAlgorithm = normalizeAlgorithm(wrapAlgorithm, "wrapKey"); } catch (_) { // 3. normalizedAlgorithm = normalizeAlgorithm(wrapAlgorithm, "encrypt"); } // 8. if (normalizedAlgorithm.name !== wrappingKey[_algorithm].name) { throw new DOMException( "Wrapping algorithm doesn't match key algorithm.", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 9. if (!ArrayPrototypeIncludes(wrappingKey[_usages], "wrapKey")) { throw new DOMException( "Key does not support the 'wrapKey' operation.", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 10. NotSupportedError will be thrown in step 12. // 11. if (key[_extractable] === false) { throw new DOMException( "Key is not extractable", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 12. const exportedKey = await this.exportKey(format, key); let bytes; // 13. if (format !== "jwk") { bytes = new Uint8Array(exportedKey); } else { const jwk = JSONStringify(exportedKey); const ret = new Uint8Array(jwk.length); for (let i = 0; i < jwk.length; i++) { ret[i] = StringPrototypeCharCodeAt(jwk, i); } bytes = ret; } // 14-15. if ( supportedAlgorithms["wrapKey"][normalizedAlgorithm.name] !== undefined ) { const handle = wrappingKey[_handle]; const keyData = WeakMapPrototypeGet(KEY_STORE, handle); switch (normalizedAlgorithm.name) { case "AES-KW": { const cipherText = await ops.op_crypto_wrap_key({ key: keyData, algorithm: normalizedAlgorithm.name, }, bytes); // 4. return cipherText.buffer; } default: { throw new DOMException( "Not implemented", "NotSupportedError", ); } } } else if ( supportedAlgorithms["encrypt"][normalizedAlgorithm.name] !== undefined ) { // must construct a new key, since keyUsages is ["wrapKey"] and not ["encrypt"] return await encrypt( normalizedAlgorithm, constructKey( wrappingKey[_type], wrappingKey[_extractable], ["encrypt"], wrappingKey[_algorithm], wrappingKey[_handle], ), bytes, ); } else { throw new DOMException( "Algorithm not supported", "NotSupportedError", ); } } /** * @param {string} format * @param {BufferSource} wrappedKey * @param {CryptoKey} unwrappingKey * @param {AlgorithmIdentifier} unwrapAlgorithm * @param {AlgorithmIdentifier} unwrappedKeyAlgorithm * @param {boolean} extractable * @param {KeyUsage[]} keyUsages * @returns {Promise<CryptoKey>} */ async unwrapKey( format, wrappedKey, unwrappingKey, unwrapAlgorithm, unwrappedKeyAlgorithm, extractable, keyUsages, ) { webidl.assertBranded(this, SubtleCryptoPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'unwrapKey' on 'SubtleCrypto'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 7, { prefix }); format = webidl.converters.KeyFormat(format, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); wrappedKey = webidl.converters.BufferSource(wrappedKey, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); unwrappingKey = webidl.converters.CryptoKey(unwrappingKey, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); unwrapAlgorithm = webidl.converters.AlgorithmIdentifier(unwrapAlgorithm, { prefix, context: "Argument 4", }); unwrappedKeyAlgorithm = webidl.converters.AlgorithmIdentifier( unwrappedKeyAlgorithm, { prefix, context: "Argument 5", }, ); extractable = webidl.converters.boolean(extractable, { prefix, context: "Argument 6", }); keyUsages = webidl.converters["sequence<KeyUsage>"](keyUsages, { prefix, context: "Argument 7", }); // 2. wrappedKey = copyBuffer(wrappedKey); let normalizedAlgorithm; try { // 3. normalizedAlgorithm = normalizeAlgorithm(unwrapAlgorithm, "unwrapKey"); } catch (_) { // 4. normalizedAlgorithm = normalizeAlgorithm(unwrapAlgorithm, "decrypt"); } // 6. const normalizedKeyAlgorithm = normalizeAlgorithm( unwrappedKeyAlgorithm, "importKey", ); // 11. if (normalizedAlgorithm.name !== unwrappingKey[_algorithm].name) { throw new DOMException( "Unwrapping algorithm doesn't match key algorithm.", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 12. if (!ArrayPrototypeIncludes(unwrappingKey[_usages], "unwrapKey")) { throw new DOMException( "Key does not support the 'unwrapKey' operation.", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 13. let key; if ( supportedAlgorithms["unwrapKey"][normalizedAlgorithm.name] !== undefined ) { const handle = unwrappingKey[_handle]; const keyData = WeakMapPrototypeGet(KEY_STORE, handle); switch (normalizedAlgorithm.name) { case "AES-KW": { const plainText = await ops.op_crypto_unwrap_key({ key: keyData, algorithm: normalizedAlgorithm.name, }, wrappedKey); // 4. key = plainText.buffer; break; } default: { throw new DOMException( "Not implemented", "NotSupportedError", ); } } } else if ( supportedAlgorithms["decrypt"][normalizedAlgorithm.name] !== undefined ) { // must construct a new key, since keyUsages is ["unwrapKey"] and not ["decrypt"] key = await this.decrypt( normalizedAlgorithm, constructKey( unwrappingKey[_type], unwrappingKey[_extractable], ["decrypt"], unwrappingKey[_algorithm], unwrappingKey[_handle], ), wrappedKey, ); } else { throw new DOMException( "Algorithm not supported", "NotSupportedError", ); } let bytes; // 14. if (format !== "jwk") { bytes = key; } else { const k = new Uint8Array(key); let str = ""; for (let i = 0; i < k.length; i++) { str += StringFromCharCode(k[i]); } bytes = JSONParse(str); } // 15. const result = await this.importKey( format, bytes, normalizedKeyAlgorithm, extractable, keyUsages, ); // 16. if ( (result[_type] == "secret" || result[_type] == "private") && keyUsages.length == 0 ) { throw new SyntaxError("Invalid key type."); } // 17. result[_extractable] = extractable; // 18. result[_usages] = usageIntersection(keyUsages, recognisedUsages); // 19. return result; } /** * @param {string} algorithm * @param {boolean} extractable * @param {KeyUsage[]} keyUsages * @returns {Promise<any>} */ async generateKey(algorithm, extractable, keyUsages) { webidl.assertBranded(this, SubtleCryptoPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'generateKey' on 'SubtleCrypto'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 3, { prefix }); algorithm = webidl.converters.AlgorithmIdentifier(algorithm, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); extractable = webidl.converters["boolean"](extractable, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); keyUsages = webidl.converters["sequence<KeyUsage>"](keyUsages, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); const usages = keyUsages; const normalizedAlgorithm = normalizeAlgorithm(algorithm, "generateKey"); const result = await generateKey( normalizedAlgorithm, extractable, usages, ); if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(CryptoKeyPrototype, result)) { const type = result[_type]; if ((type === "secret" || type === "private") && usages.length === 0) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } } else if ( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(CryptoKeyPrototype, result.privateKey) ) { if (result.privateKey[_usages].length === 0) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } } return result; } } const SubtleCryptoPrototype = SubtleCrypto.prototype; async function generateKey(normalizedAlgorithm, extractable, usages) { const algorithmName = normalizedAlgorithm.name; switch (algorithmName) { case "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5": case "RSA-PSS": { // 1. if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( usages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(["sign", "verify"], u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } // 2. const keyData = await core.opAsync( "op_crypto_generate_key", { algorithm: "RSA", modulusLength: normalizedAlgorithm.modulusLength, publicExponent: normalizedAlgorithm.publicExponent, }, ); const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, { type: "private", data: keyData, }); // 4-8. const algorithm = { name: algorithmName, modulusLength: normalizedAlgorithm.modulusLength, publicExponent: normalizedAlgorithm.publicExponent, hash: normalizedAlgorithm.hash, }; // 9-13. const publicKey = constructKey( "public", true, usageIntersection(usages, ["verify"]), algorithm, handle, ); // 14-18. const privateKey = constructKey( "private", extractable, usageIntersection(usages, ["sign"]), algorithm, handle, ); // 19-22. return { publicKey, privateKey }; } case "RSA-OAEP": { if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( usages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes([ "encrypt", "decrypt", "wrapKey", "unwrapKey", ], u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } // 2. const keyData = await core.opAsync( "op_crypto_generate_key", { algorithm: "RSA", modulusLength: normalizedAlgorithm.modulusLength, publicExponent: normalizedAlgorithm.publicExponent, }, ); const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, { type: "private", data: keyData, }); // 4-8. const algorithm = { name: algorithmName, modulusLength: normalizedAlgorithm.modulusLength, publicExponent: normalizedAlgorithm.publicExponent, hash: normalizedAlgorithm.hash, }; // 9-13. const publicKey = constructKey( "public", true, usageIntersection(usages, ["encrypt", "wrapKey"]), algorithm, handle, ); // 14-18. const privateKey = constructKey( "private", extractable, usageIntersection(usages, ["decrypt", "unwrapKey"]), algorithm, handle, ); // 19-22. return { publicKey, privateKey }; } case "ECDSA": { const namedCurve = normalizedAlgorithm.namedCurve; // 1. if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( usages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(["sign", "verify"], u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } // 2-3. const handle = {}; if ( ArrayPrototypeIncludes( supportedNamedCurves, namedCurve, ) ) { const keyData = await core.opAsync("op_crypto_generate_key", { algorithm: "EC", namedCurve, }); WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, { type: "private", data: keyData, }); } else { throw new DOMException("Curve not supported", "NotSupportedError"); } // 4-6. const algorithm = { name: algorithmName, namedCurve, }; // 7-11. const publicKey = constructKey( "public", true, usageIntersection(usages, ["verify"]), algorithm, handle, ); // 12-16. const privateKey = constructKey( "private", extractable, usageIntersection(usages, ["sign"]), algorithm, handle, ); // 17-20. return { publicKey, privateKey }; } case "ECDH": { const namedCurve = normalizedAlgorithm.namedCurve; // 1. if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( usages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(["deriveKey", "deriveBits"], u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } // 2-3. const handle = {}; if ( ArrayPrototypeIncludes( supportedNamedCurves, namedCurve, ) ) { const keyData = await core.opAsync("op_crypto_generate_key", { algorithm: "EC", namedCurve, }); WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, { type: "private", data: keyData, }); } else { throw new DOMException("Curve not supported", "NotSupportedError"); } // 4-6. const algorithm = { name: algorithmName, namedCurve, }; // 7-11. const publicKey = constructKey( "public", true, usageIntersection(usages, []), algorithm, handle, ); // 12-16. const privateKey = constructKey( "private", extractable, usageIntersection(usages, ["deriveKey", "deriveBits"]), algorithm, handle, ); // 17-20. return { publicKey, privateKey }; } case "AES-CTR": case "AES-CBC": case "AES-GCM": { // 1. if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( usages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes([ "encrypt", "decrypt", "wrapKey", "unwrapKey", ], u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } return generateKeyAES(normalizedAlgorithm, extractable, usages); } case "AES-KW": { // 1. if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( usages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(["wrapKey", "unwrapKey"], u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } return generateKeyAES(normalizedAlgorithm, extractable, usages); } case "X25519": { if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( usages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(["deriveKey", "deriveBits"], u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } const privateKeyData = new Uint8Array(32); const publicKeyData = new Uint8Array(32); ops.op_generate_x25519_keypair(privateKeyData, publicKeyData); const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, privateKeyData); const publicHandle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, publicHandle, publicKeyData); const algorithm = { name: algorithmName, }; const publicKey = constructKey( "public", true, usageIntersection(usages, []), algorithm, publicHandle, ); const privateKey = constructKey( "private", extractable, usageIntersection(usages, ["deriveKey", "deriveBits"]), algorithm, handle, ); return { publicKey, privateKey }; } case "Ed25519": { if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( usages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(["sign", "verify"], u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } const ED25519_SEED_LEN = 32; const ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN = 32; const privateKeyData = new Uint8Array(ED25519_SEED_LEN); const publicKeyData = new Uint8Array(ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN); if ( !ops.op_generate_ed25519_keypair(privateKeyData, publicKeyData) ) { throw new DOMException("Failed to generate key", "OperationError"); } const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, privateKeyData); const publicHandle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, publicHandle, publicKeyData); const algorithm = { name: algorithmName, }; const publicKey = constructKey( "public", true, usageIntersection(usages, ["verify"]), algorithm, publicHandle, ); const privateKey = constructKey( "private", extractable, usageIntersection(usages, ["sign"]), algorithm, handle, ); return { publicKey, privateKey }; } case "HMAC": { // 1. if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( usages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(["sign", "verify"], u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } // 2. let length; if (normalizedAlgorithm.length === undefined) { length = null; } else if (normalizedAlgorithm.length !== 0) { length = normalizedAlgorithm.length; } else { throw new DOMException("Invalid length", "OperationError"); } // 3-4. const keyData = await core.opAsync("op_crypto_generate_key", { algorithm: "HMAC", hash: normalizedAlgorithm.hash.name, length, }); const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, { type: "secret", data: keyData, }); // 6-10. const algorithm = { name: algorithmName, hash: { name: normalizedAlgorithm.hash.name, }, length: keyData.byteLength * 8, }; // 5, 11-13. const key = constructKey( "secret", extractable, usages, algorithm, handle, ); // 14. return key; } } } function importKeyEd25519( format, keyData, extractable, keyUsages, ) { switch (format) { case "raw": { // 1. if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( keyUsages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(["verify"], u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, keyData); // 2-3. const algorithm = { name: "Ed25519", }; // 4-6. return constructKey( "public", extractable, usageIntersection(keyUsages, recognisedUsages), algorithm, handle, ); } case "spki": { // 1. if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( keyUsages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(["verify"], u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } const publicKeyData = new Uint8Array(32); if (!ops.op_import_spki_ed25519(keyData, publicKeyData)) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key data", "DataError"); } const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, publicKeyData); const algorithm = { name: "Ed25519", }; return constructKey( "public", extractable, usageIntersection(keyUsages, recognisedUsages), algorithm, handle, ); } case "pkcs8": { // 1. if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( keyUsages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(["sign"], u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } const privateKeyData = new Uint8Array(32); if (!ops.op_import_pkcs8_ed25519(keyData, privateKeyData)) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key data", "DataError"); } const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, privateKeyData); const algorithm = { name: "Ed25519", }; return constructKey( "private", extractable, usageIntersection(keyUsages, recognisedUsages), algorithm, handle, ); } case "jwk": { // 1. const jwk = keyData; // 2. if (jwk.d !== undefined) { if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( keyUsages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes( ["sign"], u, ), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } } else { if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( keyUsages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes( ["verify"], u, ), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } } // 3. if (jwk.kty !== "OKP") { throw new DOMException("Invalid key type", "DataError"); } // 4. if (jwk.crv !== "Ed25519") { throw new DOMException("Invalid curve", "DataError"); } // 5. if (jwk.alg !== undefined && jwk.alg !== "EdDSA") { throw new DOMException("Invalid algorithm", "DataError"); } // 6. if ( keyUsages.length > 0 && jwk.use !== undefined && jwk.use !== "sig" ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usage", "DataError"); } // 7. if (jwk.key_ops !== undefined) { if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( jwk.key_ops, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(recognisedUsages, u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException( "'key_ops' property of JsonWebKey is invalid", "DataError", ); } if ( !ArrayPrototypeEvery( jwk.key_ops, (u) => ArrayPrototypeIncludes(keyUsages, u), ) ) { throw new DOMException( "'key_ops' property of JsonWebKey is invalid", "DataError", ); } } // 8. if (jwk.ext !== undefined && jwk.ext === false && extractable) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key extractability", "DataError"); } // 9. if (jwk.d !== undefined) { // https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8037#section-2 const privateKeyData = ops.op_crypto_base64url_decode(jwk.d); const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, privateKeyData); const algorithm = { name: "Ed25519", }; return constructKey( "private", extractable, usageIntersection(keyUsages, recognisedUsages), algorithm, handle, ); } else { // https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8037#section-2 const publicKeyData = ops.op_crypto_base64url_decode(jwk.x); const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, publicKeyData); const algorithm = { name: "Ed25519", }; return constructKey( "public", extractable, usageIntersection(keyUsages, recognisedUsages), algorithm, handle, ); } } default: throw new DOMException("Not implemented", "NotSupportedError"); } } function importKeyX25519( format, keyData, extractable, keyUsages, ) { switch (format) { case "raw": { // 1. if (keyUsages.length > 0) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, keyData); // 2-3. const algorithm = { name: "X25519", }; // 4-6. return constructKey( "public", extractable, [], algorithm, handle, ); } case "spki": { // 1. if (keyUsages.length > 0) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } const publicKeyData = new Uint8Array(32); if (!ops.op_import_spki_x25519(keyData, publicKeyData)) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key data", "DataError"); } const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, publicKeyData); const algorithm = { name: "X25519", }; return constructKey( "public", extractable, [], algorithm, handle, ); } case "pkcs8": { // 1. if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( keyUsages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(["deriveKey", "deriveBits"], u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } const privateKeyData = new Uint8Array(32); if (!ops.op_import_pkcs8_x25519(keyData, privateKeyData)) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key data", "DataError"); } const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, privateKeyData); const algorithm = { name: "X25519", }; return constructKey( "private", extractable, usageIntersection(keyUsages, recognisedUsages), algorithm, handle, ); } case "jwk": { // 1. const jwk = keyData; // 2. if (jwk.d !== undefined) { if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( keyUsages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes( ["deriveKey", "deriveBits"], u, ), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } } // 3. if (jwk.d === undefined && keyUsages.length > 0) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } // 4. if (jwk.kty !== "OKP") { throw new DOMException("Invalid key type", "DataError"); } // 5. if (jwk.crv !== "X25519") { throw new DOMException("Invalid curve", "DataError"); } // 6. if (keyUsages.length > 0 && jwk.use !== undefined) { if (jwk.use !== "enc") { throw new DOMException("Invalid key use", "DataError"); } } // 7. if (jwk.key_ops !== undefined) { if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( jwk.key_ops, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(recognisedUsages, u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException( "'key_ops' property of JsonWebKey is invalid", "DataError", ); } if ( !ArrayPrototypeEvery( jwk.key_ops, (u) => ArrayPrototypeIncludes(keyUsages, u), ) ) { throw new DOMException( "'key_ops' property of JsonWebKey is invalid", "DataError", ); } } // 8. if (jwk.ext !== undefined && jwk.ext === false && extractable) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key extractability", "DataError"); } // 9. if (jwk.d !== undefined) { // https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8037#section-2 const privateKeyData = ops.op_crypto_base64url_decode(jwk.d); const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, privateKeyData); const algorithm = { name: "X25519", }; return constructKey( "private", extractable, usageIntersection(keyUsages, ["deriveKey", "deriveBits"]), algorithm, handle, ); } else { // https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8037#section-2 const publicKeyData = ops.op_crypto_base64url_decode(jwk.x); const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, publicKeyData); const algorithm = { name: "X25519", }; return constructKey( "public", extractable, [], algorithm, handle, ); } } default: throw new DOMException("Not implemented", "NotSupportedError"); } } function exportKeyAES( format, key, innerKey, ) { switch (format) { // 2. case "raw": { // 1. const data = innerKey.data; // 2. return data.buffer; } case "jwk": { // 1-2. const jwk = { kty: "oct", }; // 3. const data = ops.op_crypto_export_key({ format: "jwksecret", algorithm: "AES", }, innerKey); ObjectAssign(jwk, data); // 4. const algorithm = key[_algorithm]; switch (algorithm.length) { case 128: jwk.alg = aesJwkAlg[algorithm.name][128]; break; case 192: jwk.alg = aesJwkAlg[algorithm.name][192]; break; case 256: jwk.alg = aesJwkAlg[algorithm.name][256]; break; default: throw new DOMException( "Invalid key length", "NotSupportedError", ); } // 5. jwk.key_ops = key.usages; // 6. jwk.ext = key[_extractable]; // 7. return jwk; } default: throw new DOMException("Not implemented", "NotSupportedError"); } } function importKeyAES( format, normalizedAlgorithm, keyData, extractable, keyUsages, supportedKeyUsages, ) { // 1. if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( keyUsages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(supportedKeyUsages, u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } const algorithmName = normalizedAlgorithm.name; // 2. let data = keyData; switch (format) { case "raw": { // 2. if ( !ArrayPrototypeIncludes([128, 192, 256], keyData.byteLength * 8) ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key length", "Datarror"); } break; } case "jwk": { // 1. const jwk = keyData; // 2. if (jwk.kty !== "oct") { throw new DOMException( "'kty' property of JsonWebKey must be 'oct'", "DataError", ); } // Section 6.4.1 of RFC7518 if (jwk.k === undefined) { throw new DOMException( "'k' property of JsonWebKey must be present", "DataError", ); } // 4. const { rawData } = ops.op_crypto_import_key( { algorithm: "AES" }, { jwkSecret: jwk }, ); data = rawData.data; // 5. switch (data.byteLength * 8) { case 128: if ( jwk.alg !== undefined && jwk.alg !== aesJwkAlg[algorithmName][128] ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid algorithm", "DataError"); } break; case 192: if ( jwk.alg !== undefined && jwk.alg !== aesJwkAlg[algorithmName][192] ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid algorithm", "DataError"); } break; case 256: if ( jwk.alg !== undefined && jwk.alg !== aesJwkAlg[algorithmName][256] ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid algorithm", "DataError"); } break; default: throw new DOMException( "Invalid key length", "DataError", ); } // 6. if ( keyUsages.length > 0 && jwk.use !== undefined && jwk.use !== "enc" ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "DataError"); } // 7. // Section 4.3 of RFC7517 if (jwk.key_ops !== undefined) { if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( jwk.key_ops, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(recognisedUsages, u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException( "'key_ops' property of JsonWebKey is invalid", "DataError", ); } if ( !ArrayPrototypeEvery( jwk.key_ops, (u) => ArrayPrototypeIncludes(keyUsages, u), ) ) { throw new DOMException( "'key_ops' property of JsonWebKey is invalid", "DataError", ); } } // 8. if (jwk.ext === false && extractable === true) { throw new DOMException( "'ext' property of JsonWebKey must not be false if extractable is true", "DataError", ); } break; } default: throw new DOMException("Not implemented", "NotSupportedError"); } const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, { type: "secret", data, }); // 4-7. const algorithm = { name: algorithmName, length: data.byteLength * 8, }; const key = constructKey( "secret", extractable, usageIntersection(keyUsages, recognisedUsages), algorithm, handle, ); // 8. return key; } function importKeyHMAC( format, normalizedAlgorithm, keyData, extractable, keyUsages, ) { // 2. if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( keyUsages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(["sign", "verify"], u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } // 3. let hash; let data; // 4. https://w3c.github.io/webcrypto/#hmac-operations switch (format) { case "raw": { data = keyData; hash = normalizedAlgorithm.hash; break; } case "jwk": { const jwk = keyData; // 2. if (jwk.kty !== "oct") { throw new DOMException( "'kty' property of JsonWebKey must be 'oct'", "DataError", ); } // Section 6.4.1 of RFC7518 if (jwk.k === undefined) { throw new DOMException( "'k' property of JsonWebKey must be present", "DataError", ); } // 4. const { rawData } = ops.op_crypto_import_key( { algorithm: "HMAC" }, { jwkSecret: jwk }, ); data = rawData.data; // 5. hash = normalizedAlgorithm.hash; // 6. switch (hash.name) { case "SHA-1": { if (jwk.alg !== undefined && jwk.alg !== "HS1") { throw new DOMException( "'alg' property of JsonWebKey must be 'HS1'", "DataError", ); } break; } case "SHA-256": { if (jwk.alg !== undefined && jwk.alg !== "HS256") { throw new DOMException( "'alg' property of JsonWebKey must be 'HS256'", "DataError", ); } break; } case "SHA-384": { if (jwk.alg !== undefined && jwk.alg !== "HS384") { throw new DOMException( "'alg' property of JsonWebKey must be 'HS384'", "DataError", ); } break; } case "SHA-512": { if (jwk.alg !== undefined && jwk.alg !== "HS512") { throw new DOMException( "'alg' property of JsonWebKey must be 'HS512'", "DataError", ); } break; } default: throw new TypeError("unreachable"); } // 7. if ( keyUsages.length > 0 && jwk.use !== undefined && jwk.use !== "sig" ) { throw new DOMException( "'use' property of JsonWebKey must be 'sig'", "DataError", ); } // 8. // Section 4.3 of RFC7517 if (jwk.key_ops !== undefined) { if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( jwk.key_ops, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(recognisedUsages, u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException( "'key_ops' property of JsonWebKey is invalid", "DataError", ); } if ( !ArrayPrototypeEvery( jwk.key_ops, (u) => ArrayPrototypeIncludes(keyUsages, u), ) ) { throw new DOMException( "'key_ops' property of JsonWebKey is invalid", "DataError", ); } } // 9. if (jwk.ext === false && extractable === true) { throw new DOMException( "'ext' property of JsonWebKey must not be false if extractable is true", "DataError", ); } break; } default: throw new DOMException("Not implemented", "NotSupportedError"); } // 5. let length = data.byteLength * 8; // 6. if (length === 0) { throw new DOMException("Key length is zero", "DataError"); } // 7. if (normalizedAlgorithm.length !== undefined) { if ( normalizedAlgorithm.length > length || normalizedAlgorithm.length <= (length - 8) ) { throw new DOMException( "Key length is invalid", "DataError", ); } length = normalizedAlgorithm.length; } const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, { type: "secret", data, }); const algorithm = { name: "HMAC", length, hash, }; const key = constructKey( "secret", extractable, usageIntersection(keyUsages, recognisedUsages), algorithm, handle, ); return key; } function importKeyEC( format, normalizedAlgorithm, keyData, extractable, keyUsages, ) { const supportedUsages = SUPPORTED_KEY_USAGES[normalizedAlgorithm.name]; switch (format) { case "raw": { // 1. if ( !ArrayPrototypeIncludes( supportedNamedCurves, normalizedAlgorithm.namedCurve, ) ) { throw new DOMException( "Invalid namedCurve", "DataError", ); } // 2. if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( keyUsages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes( SUPPORTED_KEY_USAGES[normalizedAlgorithm.name].public, u, ), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } // 3. const { rawData } = ops.op_crypto_import_key({ algorithm: normalizedAlgorithm.name, namedCurve: normalizedAlgorithm.namedCurve, }, { raw: keyData }); const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, rawData); // 4-5. const algorithm = { name: normalizedAlgorithm.name, namedCurve: normalizedAlgorithm.namedCurve, }; // 6-8. const key = constructKey( "public", extractable, usageIntersection(keyUsages, recognisedUsages), algorithm, handle, ); return key; } case "pkcs8": { // 1. if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( keyUsages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes( SUPPORTED_KEY_USAGES[normalizedAlgorithm.name].private, u, ), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } // 2-9. const { rawData } = ops.op_crypto_import_key({ algorithm: normalizedAlgorithm.name, namedCurve: normalizedAlgorithm.namedCurve, }, { pkcs8: keyData }); const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, rawData); const algorithm = { name: normalizedAlgorithm.name, namedCurve: normalizedAlgorithm.namedCurve, }; const key = constructKey( "private", extractable, usageIntersection(keyUsages, recognisedUsages), algorithm, handle, ); return key; } case "spki": { // 1. if (normalizedAlgorithm.name == "ECDSA") { if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( keyUsages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes( SUPPORTED_KEY_USAGES[normalizedAlgorithm.name].public, u, ), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } } else if (keyUsages.length != 0) { throw new DOMException("Key usage must be empty", "SyntaxError"); } // 2-12 const { rawData } = ops.op_crypto_import_key({ algorithm: normalizedAlgorithm.name, namedCurve: normalizedAlgorithm.namedCurve, }, { spki: keyData }); const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, rawData); const algorithm = { name: normalizedAlgorithm.name, namedCurve: normalizedAlgorithm.namedCurve, }; // 6-8. const key = constructKey( "public", extractable, usageIntersection(keyUsages, recognisedUsages), algorithm, handle, ); return key; } case "jwk": { const jwk = keyData; const keyType = (jwk.d !== undefined) ? "private" : "public"; // 2. if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( keyUsages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(supportedUsages[keyType], u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } // 3. if (jwk.kty !== "EC") { throw new DOMException( "'kty' property of JsonWebKey must be 'EC'", "DataError", ); } // 4. if ( keyUsages.length > 0 && jwk.use !== undefined && jwk.use !== supportedUsages.jwkUse ) { throw new DOMException( `'use' property of JsonWebKey must be '${supportedUsages.jwkUse}'`, "DataError", ); } // 5. // Section 4.3 of RFC7517 if (jwk.key_ops !== undefined) { if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( jwk.key_ops, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(recognisedUsages, u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException( "'key_ops' member of JsonWebKey is invalid", "DataError", ); } if ( !ArrayPrototypeEvery( jwk.key_ops, (u) => ArrayPrototypeIncludes(keyUsages, u), ) ) { throw new DOMException( "'key_ops' member of JsonWebKey is invalid", "DataError", ); } } // 6. if (jwk.ext === false && extractable === true) { throw new DOMException( "'ext' property of JsonWebKey must not be false if extractable is true", "DataError", ); } // 9. if (jwk.alg !== undefined && normalizedAlgorithm.name == "ECDSA") { let algNamedCurve; switch (jwk.alg) { case "ES256": { algNamedCurve = "P-256"; break; } case "ES384": { algNamedCurve = "P-384"; break; } case "ES512": { algNamedCurve = "P-521"; break; } default: throw new DOMException( "Curve algorithm not supported", "DataError", ); } if (algNamedCurve) { if (algNamedCurve !== normalizedAlgorithm.namedCurve) { throw new DOMException( "Mismatched curve algorithm", "DataError", ); } } } // Validate that this is a valid public key. if (jwk.x === undefined) { throw new DOMException( "'x' property of JsonWebKey is required for EC keys", "DataError", ); } if (jwk.y === undefined) { throw new DOMException( "'y' property of JsonWebKey is required for EC keys", "DataError", ); } if (jwk.d !== undefined) { // it's also a Private key const { rawData } = ops.op_crypto_import_key({ algorithm: normalizedAlgorithm.name, namedCurve: normalizedAlgorithm.namedCurve, }, { jwkPrivateEc: jwk }); const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, rawData); const algorithm = { name: normalizedAlgorithm.name, namedCurve: normalizedAlgorithm.namedCurve, }; const key = constructKey( "private", extractable, usageIntersection(keyUsages, recognisedUsages), algorithm, handle, ); return key; } else { const { rawData } = ops.op_crypto_import_key({ algorithm: normalizedAlgorithm.name, namedCurve: normalizedAlgorithm.namedCurve, }, { jwkPublicEc: jwk }); const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, rawData); const algorithm = { name: normalizedAlgorithm.name, namedCurve: normalizedAlgorithm.namedCurve, }; const key = constructKey( "public", extractable, usageIntersection(keyUsages, recognisedUsages), algorithm, handle, ); return key; } } default: throw new DOMException("Not implemented", "NotSupportedError"); } } const SUPPORTED_KEY_USAGES = { "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5": { public: ["verify"], private: ["sign"], jwkUse: "sig", }, "RSA-PSS": { public: ["verify"], private: ["sign"], jwkUse: "sig", }, "RSA-OAEP": { public: ["encrypt", "wrapKey"], private: ["decrypt", "unwrapKey"], jwkUse: "enc", }, "ECDSA": { public: ["verify"], private: ["sign"], jwkUse: "sig", }, "ECDH": { public: [], private: ["deriveKey", "deriveBits"], jwkUse: "enc", }, }; function importKeyRSA( format, normalizedAlgorithm, keyData, extractable, keyUsages, ) { switch (format) { case "pkcs8": { // 1. if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( keyUsages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes( SUPPORTED_KEY_USAGES[normalizedAlgorithm.name].private, u, ), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } // 2-9. const { modulusLength, publicExponent, rawData } = ops .op_crypto_import_key( { algorithm: normalizedAlgorithm.name, // Needed to perform step 7 without normalization. hash: normalizedAlgorithm.hash.name, }, { pkcs8: keyData }, ); const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, rawData); const algorithm = { name: normalizedAlgorithm.name, modulusLength, publicExponent, hash: normalizedAlgorithm.hash, }; const key = constructKey( "private", extractable, usageIntersection(keyUsages, recognisedUsages), algorithm, handle, ); return key; } case "spki": { // 1. if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( keyUsages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes( SUPPORTED_KEY_USAGES[normalizedAlgorithm.name].public, u, ), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } // 2-9. const { modulusLength, publicExponent, rawData } = ops .op_crypto_import_key( { algorithm: normalizedAlgorithm.name, // Needed to perform step 7 without normalization. hash: normalizedAlgorithm.hash.name, }, { spki: keyData }, ); const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, rawData); const algorithm = { name: normalizedAlgorithm.name, modulusLength, publicExponent, hash: normalizedAlgorithm.hash, }; const key = constructKey( "public", extractable, usageIntersection(keyUsages, recognisedUsages), algorithm, handle, ); return key; } case "jwk": { // 1. const jwk = keyData; // 2. if (jwk.d !== undefined) { if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( keyUsages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes( SUPPORTED_KEY_USAGES[normalizedAlgorithm.name].private, u, ), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } } else if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( keyUsages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes( SUPPORTED_KEY_USAGES[normalizedAlgorithm.name].public, u, ), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } // 3. if (StringPrototypeToUpperCase(jwk.kty) !== "RSA") { throw new DOMException( "'kty' property of JsonWebKey must be 'RSA'", "DataError", ); } // 4. if ( keyUsages.length > 0 && jwk.use !== undefined && StringPrototypeToLowerCase(jwk.use) !== SUPPORTED_KEY_USAGES[normalizedAlgorithm.name].jwkUse ) { throw new DOMException( `'use' property of JsonWebKey must be '${ SUPPORTED_KEY_USAGES[normalizedAlgorithm.name].jwkUse }'`, "DataError", ); } // 5. if (jwk.key_ops !== undefined) { if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( jwk.key_ops, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(recognisedUsages, u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException( "'key_ops' property of JsonWebKey is invalid", "DataError", ); } if ( !ArrayPrototypeEvery( jwk.key_ops, (u) => ArrayPrototypeIncludes(keyUsages, u), ) ) { throw new DOMException( "'key_ops' property of JsonWebKey is invalid", "DataError", ); } } if (jwk.ext === false && extractable === true) { throw new DOMException( "'ext' property of JsonWebKey must not be false if extractable is true", "DataError", ); } // 7. let hash; // 8. if (normalizedAlgorithm.name === "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5") { switch (jwk.alg) { case undefined: hash = undefined; break; case "RS1": hash = "SHA-1"; break; case "RS256": hash = "SHA-256"; break; case "RS384": hash = "SHA-384"; break; case "RS512": hash = "SHA-512"; break; default: throw new DOMException( `'alg' property of JsonWebKey must be one of 'RS1', 'RS256', 'RS384', 'RS512'`, "DataError", ); } } else if (normalizedAlgorithm.name === "RSA-PSS") { switch (jwk.alg) { case undefined: hash = undefined; break; case "PS1": hash = "SHA-1"; break; case "PS256": hash = "SHA-256"; break; case "PS384": hash = "SHA-384"; break; case "PS512": hash = "SHA-512"; break; default: throw new DOMException( `'alg' property of JsonWebKey must be one of 'PS1', 'PS256', 'PS384', 'PS512'`, "DataError", ); } } else { switch (jwk.alg) { case undefined: hash = undefined; break; case "RSA-OAEP": hash = "SHA-1"; break; case "RSA-OAEP-256": hash = "SHA-256"; break; case "RSA-OAEP-384": hash = "SHA-384"; break; case "RSA-OAEP-512": hash = "SHA-512"; break; default: throw new DOMException( `'alg' property of JsonWebKey must be one of 'RSA-OAEP', 'RSA-OAEP-256', 'RSA-OAEP-384', or 'RSA-OAEP-512'`, "DataError", ); } } // 9. if (hash !== undefined) { // 9.1. const normalizedHash = normalizeAlgorithm(hash, "digest"); // 9.2. if (normalizedHash.name !== normalizedAlgorithm.hash.name) { throw new DOMException( `'alg' property of JsonWebKey must be '${normalizedAlgorithm.name}'`, "DataError", ); } } // 10. if (jwk.d !== undefined) { // Private key const optimizationsPresent = jwk.p !== undefined || jwk.q !== undefined || jwk.dp !== undefined || jwk.dq !== undefined || jwk.qi !== undefined; if (optimizationsPresent) { if (jwk.q === undefined) { throw new DOMException( "'q' property of JsonWebKey is required for private keys", "DataError", ); } if (jwk.dp === undefined) { throw new DOMException( "'dp' property of JsonWebKey is required for private keys", "DataError", ); } if (jwk.dq === undefined) { throw new DOMException( "'dq' property of JsonWebKey is required for private keys", "DataError", ); } if (jwk.qi === undefined) { throw new DOMException( "'qi' property of JsonWebKey is required for private keys", "DataError", ); } if (jwk.oth !== undefined) { throw new DOMException( "'oth' property of JsonWebKey is not supported", "NotSupportedError", ); } } else { throw new DOMException( "only optimized private keys are supported", "NotSupportedError", ); } const { modulusLength, publicExponent, rawData } = ops .op_crypto_import_key( { algorithm: normalizedAlgorithm.name, hash: normalizedAlgorithm.hash.name, }, { jwkPrivateRsa: jwk }, ); const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, rawData); const algorithm = { name: normalizedAlgorithm.name, modulusLength, publicExponent, hash: normalizedAlgorithm.hash, }; const key = constructKey( "private", extractable, usageIntersection(keyUsages, recognisedUsages), algorithm, handle, ); return key; } else { // Validate that this is a valid public key. if (jwk.n === undefined) { throw new DOMException( "'n' property of JsonWebKey is required for public keys", "DataError", ); } if (jwk.e === undefined) { throw new DOMException( "'e' property of JsonWebKey is required for public keys", "DataError", ); } const { modulusLength, publicExponent, rawData } = ops .op_crypto_import_key( { algorithm: normalizedAlgorithm.name, hash: normalizedAlgorithm.hash.name, }, { jwkPublicRsa: jwk }, ); const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, rawData); const algorithm = { name: normalizedAlgorithm.name, modulusLength, publicExponent, hash: normalizedAlgorithm.hash, }; const key = constructKey( "public", extractable, usageIntersection(keyUsages, recognisedUsages), algorithm, handle, ); return key; } } default: throw new DOMException("Not implemented", "NotSupportedError"); } } function importKeyHKDF( format, keyData, extractable, keyUsages, ) { if (format !== "raw") { throw new DOMException("Format not supported", "NotSupportedError"); } // 1. if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( keyUsages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(["deriveKey", "deriveBits"], u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } // 2. if (extractable !== false) { throw new DOMException( "Key must not be extractable", "SyntaxError", ); } // 3. const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, { type: "secret", data: keyData, }); // 4-8. const algorithm = { name: "HKDF", }; const key = constructKey( "secret", false, usageIntersection(keyUsages, recognisedUsages), algorithm, handle, ); // 9. return key; } function importKeyPBKDF2( format, keyData, extractable, keyUsages, ) { // 1. if (format !== "raw") { throw new DOMException("Format not supported", "NotSupportedError"); } // 2. if ( ArrayPrototypeFind( keyUsages, (u) => !ArrayPrototypeIncludes(["deriveKey", "deriveBits"], u), ) !== undefined ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key usages", "SyntaxError"); } // 3. if (extractable !== false) { throw new DOMException( "Key must not be extractable", "SyntaxError", ); } // 4. const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, { type: "secret", data: keyData, }); // 5-9. const algorithm = { name: "PBKDF2", }; const key = constructKey( "secret", false, usageIntersection(keyUsages, recognisedUsages), algorithm, handle, ); // 10. return key; } function exportKeyHMAC(format, key, innerKey) { // 1. if (innerKey == null) { throw new DOMException("Key is not available", "OperationError"); } switch (format) { // 3. case "raw": { const bits = innerKey.data; for (let _i = 7 & (8 - bits.length % 8); _i > 0; _i--) { bits.push(0); } // 4-5. return bits.buffer; } case "jwk": { // 1-2. const jwk = { kty: "oct", }; // 3. const data = ops.op_crypto_export_key({ format: "jwksecret", algorithm: key[_algorithm].name, }, innerKey); jwk.k = data.k; // 4. const algorithm = key[_algorithm]; // 5. const hash = algorithm.hash; // 6. switch (hash.name) { case "SHA-1": jwk.alg = "HS1"; break; case "SHA-256": jwk.alg = "HS256"; break; case "SHA-384": jwk.alg = "HS384"; break; case "SHA-512": jwk.alg = "HS512"; break; default: throw new DOMException( "Hash algorithm not supported", "NotSupportedError", ); } // 7. jwk.key_ops = key.usages; // 8. jwk.ext = key[_extractable]; // 9. return jwk; } default: throw new DOMException("Not implemented", "NotSupportedError"); } } function exportKeyRSA(format, key, innerKey) { switch (format) { case "pkcs8": { // 1. if (key[_type] !== "private") { throw new DOMException( "Key is not a private key", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 2. const data = ops.op_crypto_export_key({ algorithm: key[_algorithm].name, format: "pkcs8", }, innerKey); // 3. return data.buffer; } case "spki": { // 1. if (key[_type] !== "public") { throw new DOMException( "Key is not a public key", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 2. const data = ops.op_crypto_export_key({ algorithm: key[_algorithm].name, format: "spki", }, innerKey); // 3. return data.buffer; } case "jwk": { // 1-2. const jwk = { kty: "RSA", }; // 3. const hash = key[_algorithm].hash.name; // 4. if (key[_algorithm].name === "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5") { switch (hash) { case "SHA-1": jwk.alg = "RS1"; break; case "SHA-256": jwk.alg = "RS256"; break; case "SHA-384": jwk.alg = "RS384"; break; case "SHA-512": jwk.alg = "RS512"; break; default: throw new DOMException( "Hash algorithm not supported", "NotSupportedError", ); } } else if (key[_algorithm].name === "RSA-PSS") { switch (hash) { case "SHA-1": jwk.alg = "PS1"; break; case "SHA-256": jwk.alg = "PS256"; break; case "SHA-384": jwk.alg = "PS384"; break; case "SHA-512": jwk.alg = "PS512"; break; default: throw new DOMException( "Hash algorithm not supported", "NotSupportedError", ); } } else { switch (hash) { case "SHA-1": jwk.alg = "RSA-OAEP"; break; case "SHA-256": jwk.alg = "RSA-OAEP-256"; break; case "SHA-384": jwk.alg = "RSA-OAEP-384"; break; case "SHA-512": jwk.alg = "RSA-OAEP-512"; break; default: throw new DOMException( "Hash algorithm not supported", "NotSupportedError", ); } } // 5-6. const data = ops.op_crypto_export_key({ format: key[_type] === "private" ? "jwkprivate" : "jwkpublic", algorithm: key[_algorithm].name, }, innerKey); ObjectAssign(jwk, data); // 7. jwk.key_ops = key.usages; // 8. jwk.ext = key[_extractable]; return jwk; } default: throw new DOMException("Not implemented", "NotSupportedError"); } } function exportKeyEd25519(format, key, innerKey) { switch (format) { case "raw": { // 1. if (key[_type] !== "public") { throw new DOMException( "Key is not a public key", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 2-3. return innerKey.buffer; } case "spki": { // 1. if (key[_type] !== "public") { throw new DOMException( "Key is not a public key", "InvalidAccessError", ); } const spkiDer = ops.op_export_spki_ed25519(innerKey); return spkiDer.buffer; } case "pkcs8": { // 1. if (key[_type] !== "private") { throw new DOMException( "Key is not a public key", "InvalidAccessError", ); } const pkcs8Der = ops.op_export_pkcs8_ed25519( new Uint8Array([0x04, 0x22, ...new SafeArrayIterator(innerKey)]), ); pkcs8Der[15] = 0x20; return pkcs8Der.buffer; } case "jwk": { const x = key[_type] === "private" ? ops.op_jwk_x_ed25519(innerKey) : ops.op_crypto_base64url_encode(innerKey); const jwk = { kty: "OKP", alg: "EdDSA", crv: "Ed25519", x, "key_ops": key.usages, ext: key[_extractable], }; if (key[_type] === "private") { jwk.d = ops.op_crypto_base64url_encode(innerKey); } return jwk; } default: throw new DOMException("Not implemented", "NotSupportedError"); } } function exportKeyX25519(format, key, innerKey) { switch (format) { case "raw": { // 1. if (key[_type] !== "public") { throw new DOMException( "Key is not a public key", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 2-3. return innerKey.buffer; } case "spki": { // 1. if (key[_type] !== "public") { throw new DOMException( "Key is not a public key", "InvalidAccessError", ); } const spkiDer = ops.op_export_spki_x25519(innerKey); return spkiDer.buffer; } case "pkcs8": { // 1. if (key[_type] !== "private") { throw new DOMException( "Key is not a public key", "InvalidAccessError", ); } const pkcs8Der = ops.op_export_pkcs8_x25519( new Uint8Array([0x04, 0x22, ...new SafeArrayIterator(innerKey)]), ); pkcs8Der[15] = 0x20; return pkcs8Der.buffer; } case "jwk": { if (key[_type] === "private") { throw new DOMException("Not implemented", "NotSupportedError"); } const x = ops.op_crypto_base64url_encode(innerKey); const jwk = { kty: "OKP", crv: "X25519", x, "key_ops": key.usages, ext: key[_extractable], }; return jwk; } default: throw new DOMException("Not implemented", "NotSupportedError"); } } function exportKeyEC(format, key, innerKey) { switch (format) { case "raw": { // 1. if (key[_type] !== "public") { throw new DOMException( "Key is not a public key", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 2. const data = ops.op_crypto_export_key({ algorithm: key[_algorithm].name, namedCurve: key[_algorithm].namedCurve, format: "raw", }, innerKey); return data.buffer; } case "pkcs8": { // 1. if (key[_type] !== "private") { throw new DOMException( "Key is not a private key", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 2. const data = ops.op_crypto_export_key({ algorithm: key[_algorithm].name, namedCurve: key[_algorithm].namedCurve, format: "pkcs8", }, innerKey); return data.buffer; } case "spki": { // 1. if (key[_type] !== "public") { throw new DOMException( "Key is not a public key", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 2. const data = ops.op_crypto_export_key({ algorithm: key[_algorithm].name, namedCurve: key[_algorithm].namedCurve, format: "spki", }, innerKey); return data.buffer; } case "jwk": { if (key[_algorithm].name == "ECDSA") { // 1-2. const jwk = { kty: "EC", }; // 3.1 jwk.crv = key[_algorithm].namedCurve; // Missing from spec let algNamedCurve; switch (key[_algorithm].namedCurve) { case "P-256": { algNamedCurve = "ES256"; break; } case "P-384": { algNamedCurve = "ES384"; break; } case "P-521": { algNamedCurve = "ES512"; break; } default: throw new DOMException( "Curve algorithm not supported", "DataError", ); } jwk.alg = algNamedCurve; // 3.2 - 3.4. const data = ops.op_crypto_export_key({ format: key[_type] === "private" ? "jwkprivate" : "jwkpublic", algorithm: key[_algorithm].name, namedCurve: key[_algorithm].namedCurve, }, innerKey); ObjectAssign(jwk, data); // 4. jwk.key_ops = key.usages; // 5. jwk.ext = key[_extractable]; return jwk; } else { // ECDH // 1-2. const jwk = { kty: "EC", }; // missing step from spec jwk.alg = "ECDH"; // 3.1 jwk.crv = key[_algorithm].namedCurve; // 3.2 - 3.4 const data = ops.op_crypto_export_key({ format: key[_type] === "private" ? "jwkprivate" : "jwkpublic", algorithm: key[_algorithm].name, namedCurve: key[_algorithm].namedCurve, }, innerKey); ObjectAssign(jwk, data); // 4. jwk.key_ops = key.usages; // 5. jwk.ext = key[_extractable]; return jwk; } } default: throw new DOMException("Not implemented", "NotSupportedError"); } } async function generateKeyAES(normalizedAlgorithm, extractable, usages) { const algorithmName = normalizedAlgorithm.name; // 2. if (!ArrayPrototypeIncludes([128, 192, 256], normalizedAlgorithm.length)) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key length", "OperationError"); } // 3. const keyData = await core.opAsync("op_crypto_generate_key", { algorithm: "AES", length: normalizedAlgorithm.length, }); const handle = {}; WeakMapPrototypeSet(KEY_STORE, handle, { type: "secret", data: keyData, }); // 6-8. const algorithm = { name: algorithmName, length: normalizedAlgorithm.length, }; // 9-11. const key = constructKey( "secret", extractable, usages, algorithm, handle, ); // 12. return key; } async function deriveBits(normalizedAlgorithm, baseKey, length) { switch (normalizedAlgorithm.name) { case "PBKDF2": { // 1. if (length == null || length == 0 || length % 8 !== 0) { throw new DOMException("Invalid length", "OperationError"); } if (normalizedAlgorithm.iterations == 0) { throw new DOMException( "iterations must not be zero", "OperationError", ); } const handle = baseKey[_handle]; const keyData = WeakMapPrototypeGet(KEY_STORE, handle); normalizedAlgorithm.salt = copyBuffer(normalizedAlgorithm.salt); const buf = await core.opAsync("op_crypto_derive_bits", { key: keyData, algorithm: "PBKDF2", hash: normalizedAlgorithm.hash.name, iterations: normalizedAlgorithm.iterations, length, }, normalizedAlgorithm.salt); return buf.buffer; } case "ECDH": { // 1. if (baseKey[_type] !== "private") { throw new DOMException("Invalid key type", "InvalidAccessError"); } // 2. const publicKey = normalizedAlgorithm.public; // 3. if (publicKey[_type] !== "public") { throw new DOMException("Invalid key type", "InvalidAccessError"); } // 4. if (publicKey[_algorithm].name !== baseKey[_algorithm].name) { throw new DOMException( "Algorithm mismatch", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 5. if ( publicKey[_algorithm].namedCurve !== baseKey[_algorithm].namedCurve ) { throw new DOMException( "namedCurve mismatch", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 6. if ( ArrayPrototypeIncludes( supportedNamedCurves, publicKey[_algorithm].namedCurve, ) ) { const baseKeyhandle = baseKey[_handle]; const baseKeyData = WeakMapPrototypeGet(KEY_STORE, baseKeyhandle); const publicKeyhandle = publicKey[_handle]; const publicKeyData = WeakMapPrototypeGet(KEY_STORE, publicKeyhandle); const buf = await core.opAsync("op_crypto_derive_bits", { key: baseKeyData, publicKey: publicKeyData, algorithm: "ECDH", namedCurve: publicKey[_algorithm].namedCurve, length, }); // 8. if (length === null) { return buf.buffer; } else if (buf.buffer.byteLength * 8 < length) { throw new DOMException("Invalid length", "OperationError"); } else { return buf.buffer.slice(0, MathCeil(length / 8)); } } else { throw new DOMException("Not implemented", "NotSupportedError"); } } case "HKDF": { // 1. if (length === null || length === 0 || length % 8 !== 0) { throw new DOMException("Invalid length", "OperationError"); } const handle = baseKey[_handle]; const keyDerivationKey = WeakMapPrototypeGet(KEY_STORE, handle); normalizedAlgorithm.salt = copyBuffer(normalizedAlgorithm.salt); normalizedAlgorithm.info = copyBuffer(normalizedAlgorithm.info); const buf = await core.opAsync("op_crypto_derive_bits", { key: keyDerivationKey, algorithm: "HKDF", hash: normalizedAlgorithm.hash.name, info: normalizedAlgorithm.info, length, }, normalizedAlgorithm.salt); return buf.buffer; } case "X25519": { // 1. if (baseKey[_type] !== "private") { throw new DOMException("Invalid key type", "InvalidAccessError"); } // 2. const publicKey = normalizedAlgorithm.public; // 3. if (publicKey[_type] !== "public") { throw new DOMException("Invalid key type", "InvalidAccessError"); } // 4. if (publicKey[_algorithm].name !== baseKey[_algorithm].name) { throw new DOMException( "Algorithm mismatch", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 5. const kHandle = baseKey[_handle]; const k = WeakMapPrototypeGet(KEY_STORE, kHandle); const uHandle = publicKey[_handle]; const u = WeakMapPrototypeGet(KEY_STORE, uHandle); const secret = new Uint8Array(32); const isIdentity = ops.op_derive_bits_x25519(k, u, secret); // 6. if (isIdentity) { throw new DOMException("Invalid key", "OperationError"); } // 7. if (length === null) { return secret.buffer; } else if ( secret.buffer.byteLength * 8 < length ) { throw new DOMException("Invalid length", "OperationError"); } else { return secret.buffer.slice(0, MathCeil(length / 8)); } } default: throw new DOMException("Not implemented", "NotSupportedError"); } } async function encrypt(normalizedAlgorithm, key, data) { const handle = key[_handle]; const keyData = WeakMapPrototypeGet(KEY_STORE, handle); switch (normalizedAlgorithm.name) { case "RSA-OAEP": { // 1. if (key[_type] !== "public") { throw new DOMException( "Key type not supported", "InvalidAccessError", ); } // 2. if (normalizedAlgorithm.label) { normalizedAlgorithm.label = copyBuffer(normalizedAlgorithm.label); } else { normalizedAlgorithm.label = new Uint8Array(); } // 3-5. const hashAlgorithm = key[_algorithm].hash.name; const cipherText = await core.opAsync("op_crypto_encrypt", { key: keyData, algorithm: "RSA-OAEP", hash: hashAlgorithm, label: normalizedAlgorithm.label, }, data); // 6. return cipherText.buffer; } case "AES-CBC": { normalizedAlgorithm.iv = copyBuffer(normalizedAlgorithm.iv); // 1. if (normalizedAlgorithm.iv.byteLength !== 16) { throw new DOMException( "Initialization vector must be 16 bytes", "OperationError", ); } // 2. const cipherText = await core.opAsync("op_crypto_encrypt", { key: keyData, algorithm: "AES-CBC", length: key[_algorithm].length, iv: normalizedAlgorithm.iv, }, data); // 4. return cipherText.buffer; } case "AES-CTR": { normalizedAlgorithm.counter = copyBuffer(normalizedAlgorithm.counter); // 1. if (normalizedAlgorithm.counter.byteLength !== 16) { throw new DOMException( "Counter vector must be 16 bytes", "OperationError", ); } // 2. if ( normalizedAlgorithm.length == 0 || normalizedAlgorithm.length > 128 ) { throw new DOMException( "Counter length must not be 0 or greater than 128", "OperationError", ); } // 3. const cipherText = await core.opAsync("op_crypto_encrypt", { key: keyData, algorithm: "AES-CTR", keyLength: key[_algorithm].length, counter: normalizedAlgorithm.counter, ctrLength: normalizedAlgorithm.length, }, data); // 4. return cipherText.buffer; } case "AES-GCM": { normalizedAlgorithm.iv = copyBuffer(normalizedAlgorithm.iv); // 1. if (data.byteLength > (2 ** 39) - 256) { throw new DOMException( "Plaintext too large", "OperationError", ); } // 2. // We only support 96-bit and 128-bit nonce. if ( ArrayPrototypeIncludes( [12, 16], normalizedAlgorithm.iv.byteLength, ) === undefined ) { throw new DOMException( "Initialization vector length not supported", "NotSupportedError", ); } // 3. if (normalizedAlgorithm.additionalData !== undefined) { if (normalizedAlgorithm.additionalData.byteLength > (2 ** 64) - 1) { throw new DOMException( "Additional data too large", "OperationError", ); } } // 4. if (normalizedAlgorithm.tagLength == undefined) { normalizedAlgorithm.tagLength = 128; } else if ( !ArrayPrototypeIncludes( [32, 64, 96, 104, 112, 120, 128], normalizedAlgorithm.tagLength, ) ) { throw new DOMException( "Invalid tag length", "OperationError", ); } // 5. if (normalizedAlgorithm.additionalData) { normalizedAlgorithm.additionalData = copyBuffer( normalizedAlgorithm.additionalData, ); } // 6-7. const cipherText = await core.opAsync("op_crypto_encrypt", { key: keyData, algorithm: "AES-GCM", length: key[_algorithm].length, iv: normalizedAlgorithm.iv, additionalData: normalizedAlgorithm.additionalData || null, tagLength: normalizedAlgorithm.tagLength, }, data); // 8. return cipherText.buffer; } default: throw new DOMException("Not implemented", "NotSupportedError"); } } webidl.configurePrototype(SubtleCrypto); const subtle = webidl.createBranded(SubtleCrypto); class Crypto { constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } getRandomValues(arrayBufferView) { webidl.assertBranded(this, CryptoPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'getRandomValues' on 'Crypto'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); // Fast path for Uint8Array if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(Uint8ArrayPrototype, arrayBufferView)) { ops.op_crypto_get_random_values(arrayBufferView); return arrayBufferView; } arrayBufferView = webidl.converters.ArrayBufferView(arrayBufferView, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); if ( !( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(Int8ArrayPrototype, arrayBufferView) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(Uint8ArrayPrototype, arrayBufferView) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype, arrayBufferView, ) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(Int16ArrayPrototype, arrayBufferView) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(Uint16ArrayPrototype, arrayBufferView) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(Int32ArrayPrototype, arrayBufferView) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(Uint32ArrayPrototype, arrayBufferView) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( BigInt64ArrayPrototype, arrayBufferView, ) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(BigUint64ArrayPrototype, arrayBufferView) ) ) { throw new DOMException( "The provided ArrayBufferView is not an integer array type", "TypeMismatchError", ); } const ui8 = new Uint8Array( arrayBufferView.buffer, arrayBufferView.byteOffset, arrayBufferView.byteLength, ); ops.op_crypto_get_random_values(ui8); return arrayBufferView; } randomUUID() { webidl.assertBranded(this, CryptoPrototype); return ops.op_crypto_random_uuid(); } get subtle() { webidl.assertBranded(this, CryptoPrototype); return subtle; } [SymbolFor("Deno.customInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${inspect({})}`; } } webidl.configurePrototype(Crypto); const CryptoPrototype = Crypto.prototype; window.__bootstrap.crypto = { SubtleCrypto, crypto: webidl.createBranded(Crypto), Crypto, CryptoKey, }; })(this);