// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // @ts-check /// /// /// /// "use strict"; ((window) => { const core = window.Deno.core; const ops = core.ops; const webidl = window.__bootstrap.webidl; const eventTarget = window.__bootstrap.eventTarget; const { DOMException } = window.__bootstrap.domException; const { ArrayBuffer, ArrayBufferIsView, ArrayIsArray, ArrayPrototypeFilter, ArrayPrototypeMap, ArrayPrototypePop, ArrayPrototypePush, Error, MathMax, ObjectDefineProperty, ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf, Promise, PromisePrototypeCatch, PromisePrototypeThen, PromiseReject, PromiseResolve, SafeArrayIterator, SafePromiseAll, Set, SetPrototypeHas, Symbol, SymbolFor, TypeError, Uint32Array, Uint32ArrayPrototype, Uint8Array, } = window.__bootstrap.primordials; const _rid = Symbol("[[rid]]"); const _size = Symbol("[[size]]"); const _usage = Symbol("[[usage]]"); const _state = Symbol("[[state]]"); const _mappingRange = Symbol("[[mapping_range]]"); const _mappedRanges = Symbol("[[mapped_ranges]]"); const _mapMode = Symbol("[[map_mode]]"); const _adapter = Symbol("[[adapter]]"); const _cleanup = Symbol("[[cleanup]]"); const _vendor = Symbol("[[vendor]]"); const _architecture = Symbol("[[architecture]]"); const _description = Symbol("[[description]]"); const _limits = Symbol("[[limits]]"); const _features = Symbol("[[features]]"); const _reason = Symbol("[[reason]]"); const _message = Symbol("[[message]]"); const _label = Symbol("[[label]]"); const _device = Symbol("[[device]]"); const _queue = Symbol("[[queue]]"); const _views = Symbol("[[views]]"); const _texture = Symbol("[[texture]]"); const _encoders = Symbol("[[encoders]]"); const _encoder = Symbol("[[encoder]]"); const _descriptor = Symbol("[[descriptor]]"); /** * @param {any} self * @param {{prefix: string, context: string}} opts * @returns {InnerGPUDevice & {rid: number}} */ function assertDevice(self, { prefix, context }) { const device = self[_device]; const deviceRid = device?.rid; if (deviceRid === undefined) { throw new DOMException( `${prefix}: ${context} references an invalid or destroyed device.`, "OperationError", ); } return device; } /** * @param {InnerGPUDevice} self * @param {any} resource * @param {{prefix: string, resourceContext: string, selfContext: string}} opts * @returns {InnerGPUDevice & {rid: number}} */ function assertDeviceMatch( self, resource, { prefix, resourceContext, selfContext }, ) { const resourceDevice = assertDevice(resource, { prefix, context: resourceContext, }); if (resourceDevice.rid !== self.rid) { throw new DOMException( `${prefix}: ${resourceContext} belongs to a diffent device than ${selfContext}.`, "OperationError", ); } return { ...resourceDevice, rid: resourceDevice.rid }; } /** * @param {any} self * @param {{prefix: string, context: string}} opts * @returns {number} */ function assertResource(self, { prefix, context }) { const rid = self[_rid]; if (rid === undefined) { throw new DOMException( `${prefix}: ${context} an invalid or destroyed resource.`, "OperationError", ); } return rid; } /** * @param {number[] | GPUExtent3DDict} data * @returns {GPUExtent3DDict} */ function normalizeGPUExtent3D(data) { if (ArrayIsArray(data)) { return { width: data[0], height: data[1], depthOrArrayLayers: data[2], }; } else { return data; } } /** * @param {number[] | GPUOrigin3DDict} data * @returns {GPUOrigin3DDict} */ function normalizeGPUOrigin3D(data) { if (ArrayIsArray(data)) { return { x: data[0], y: data[1], z: data[2], }; } else { return data; } } /** * @param {number[] | GPUColor} data * @returns {GPUColor} */ function normalizeGPUColor(data) { if (ArrayIsArray(data)) { return { r: data[0], g: data[1], b: data[2], a: data[3], }; } else { return data; } } class GPUError extends Error { constructor() { super(); webidl.illegalConstructor(); } [_message]; get message() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUErrorPrototype); return this[_message]; } } const GPUErrorPrototype = GPUError.prototype; class GPUOutOfMemoryError extends GPUError { name = "GPUOutOfMemoryError"; constructor(message) { const prefix = "Failed to construct 'GPUOutOfMemoryError'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); message = webidl.converters.DOMString(message, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); super(message); } } const GPUOutOfMemoryErrorPrototype = GPUOutOfMemoryError.prototype; class GPUValidationError extends GPUError { name = "GPUValidationError"; /** @param {string} message */ constructor(message) { const prefix = "Failed to construct 'GPUValidationError'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); message = webidl.converters.DOMString(message, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); super(message); } } const GPUValidationErrorPrototype = GPUValidationError.prototype; class GPU { [webidl.brand] = webidl.brand; constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } /** * @param {GPURequestAdapterOptions} options */ async requestAdapter(options = {}) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUPrototype); options = webidl.converters.GPURequestAdapterOptions(options, { prefix: "Failed to execute 'requestAdapter' on 'GPU'", context: "Argument 1", }); const { err, ...data } = await core.opAsync( "op_webgpu_request_adapter", options.powerPreference, options.forceFallbackAdapter, ); if (err) { return null; } else { return createGPUAdapter(data); } } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${inspect({})}`; } } const GPUPrototype = GPU.prototype; /** * @typedef InnerGPUAdapter * @property {number} rid * @property {GPUSupportedFeatures} features * @property {GPUSupportedLimits} limits * @property {boolean} isFallbackAdapter */ /** * @param {InnerGPUAdapter} inner * @returns {GPUAdapter} */ function createGPUAdapter(inner) { /** @type {GPUAdapter} */ const adapter = webidl.createBranded(GPUAdapter); adapter[_adapter] = { ...inner, features: createGPUSupportedFeatures(inner.features), limits: createGPUSupportedLimits(inner.limits), }; return adapter; } class GPUAdapter { /** @type {InnerGPUAdapter} */ [_adapter]; /** @returns {GPUSupportedFeatures} */ get features() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUAdapterPrototype); return this[_adapter].features; } /** @returns {GPUSupportedLimits} */ get limits() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUAdapterPrototype); return this[_adapter].limits; } /** @returns {boolean} */ get isFallbackAdapter() { return this[_adapter].isFallbackAdapter; } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } /** * @param {GPUDeviceDescriptor} descriptor * @returns {Promise} */ async requestDevice(descriptor = {}) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUAdapterPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'requestDevice' on 'GPUAdapter'"; descriptor = webidl.converters.GPUDeviceDescriptor(descriptor, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const requiredFeatures = descriptor.requiredFeatures ?? []; for (let i = 0; i < requiredFeatures.length; ++i) { const feature = requiredFeatures[i]; if (!SetPrototypeHas(this[_adapter].features[_features], feature)) { throw new TypeError( `${prefix}: nonGuaranteedFeatures must be a subset of the adapter features.`, ); } } let requiredLimits = descriptor.requiredLimits; if (requiredLimits) { requiredLimits = { ...this[_adapter].limits[_limits], ...requiredLimits, }; } // TODO(lucacasonato): validate requiredLimits const { rid, features, limits } = await core.opAsync( "op_webgpu_request_device", this[_adapter].rid, descriptor.label, requiredFeatures, requiredLimits, ); const inner = new InnerGPUDevice({ rid, adapter: this, features: createGPUSupportedFeatures(features), limits: createGPUSupportedLimits(limits), }); return createGPUDevice( descriptor.label ?? null, inner, createGPUQueue(descriptor.label ?? null, inner), ); } /** * @param {string[]} unmaskHints * @returns {Promise} */ async requestAdapterInfo(unmaskHints = []) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUAdapterPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'requestAdapterInfo' on 'GPUAdapter'"; unmaskHints = webidl.converters["sequence"](unmaskHints, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const { vendor, architecture, device, description, } = await core.opAsync( "op_webgpu_request_adapter_info", this[_adapter].rid, ); const adapterInfo = webidl.createBranded(GPUAdapterInfo); adapterInfo[_vendor] = unmaskHints.includes("vendor") ? vendor : ""; adapterInfo[_architecture] = unmaskHints.includes("architecture") ? architecture : ""; adapterInfo[_device] = unmaskHints.includes("device") ? device : ""; adapterInfo[_description] = unmaskHints.includes("description") ? description : ""; return adapterInfo; } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ features: this.features, limits: this.limits, }) }`; } } const GPUAdapterPrototype = GPUAdapter.prototype; class GPUAdapterInfo { /** @type {string} */ [_vendor]; /** @returns {string} */ get vendor() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUAdapterInfoPrototype); return this[_vendor]; } /** @type {string} */ [_architecture]; /** @returns {string} */ get architecture() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUAdapterInfoPrototype); return this[_architecture]; } /** @type {string} */ [_device]; /** @returns {string} */ get device() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUAdapterInfoPrototype); return this[_device]; } /** @type {string} */ [_description]; /** @returns {string} */ get description() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUAdapterInfoPrototype); return this[_description]; } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ vendor: this.vendor, architecture: this.architecture, device: this.device, description: this.description, }) }`; } } const GPUAdapterInfoPrototype = GPUAdapterInfo.prototype; function createGPUSupportedLimits(features) { /** @type {GPUSupportedLimits} */ const adapterFeatures = webidl.createBranded(GPUSupportedLimits); adapterFeatures[_limits] = features; return adapterFeatures; } /** * @typedef InnerAdapterLimits * @property {number} maxTextureDimension1D * @property {number} maxTextureDimension2D * @property {number} maxTextureDimension3D * @property {number} maxTextureArrayLayers * @property {number} maxBindGroups * @property {number} maxDynamicUniformBuffersPerPipelineLayout * @property {number} maxDynamicStorageBuffersPerPipelineLayout * @property {number} maxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage * @property {number} maxSamplersPerShaderStage * @property {number} maxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage * @property {number} maxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage * @property {number} maxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage * @property {number} maxUniformBufferBindingSize * @property {number} maxStorageBufferBindingSize * @property {number} minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment * @property {number} minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment * @property {number} maxVertexBuffers * @property {number} maxVertexAttributes * @property {number} maxVertexBufferArrayStride * @property {number} maxInterStageShaderComponents * @property {number} maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize * @property {number} maxComputeInvocationsPerWorkgroup * @property {number} maxComputeWorkgroupSizeX * @property {number} maxComputeWorkgroupSizeY * @property {number} maxComputeWorkgroupSizeZ * @property {number} maxComputeWorkgroupsPerDimension */ class GPUSupportedLimits { /** @type {InnerAdapterLimits} */ [_limits]; constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } get maxTextureDimension1D() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxTextureDimension1D; } get maxTextureDimension2D() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxTextureDimension2D; } get maxTextureDimension3D() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxTextureDimension3D; } get maxTextureArrayLayers() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxTextureArrayLayers; } get maxBindGroups() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxBindGroups; } get maxDynamicUniformBuffersPerPipelineLayout() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxDynamicUniformBuffersPerPipelineLayout; } get maxDynamicStorageBuffersPerPipelineLayout() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxDynamicStorageBuffersPerPipelineLayout; } get maxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage; } get maxSamplersPerShaderStage() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxSamplersPerShaderStage; } get maxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage; } get maxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage; } get maxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage; } get maxUniformBufferBindingSize() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxUniformBufferBindingSize; } get maxStorageBufferBindingSize() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxStorageBufferBindingSize; } get minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment; } get minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment; } get maxVertexBuffers() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxVertexBuffers; } get maxVertexAttributes() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxVertexAttributes; } get maxVertexBufferArrayStride() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxVertexBufferArrayStride; } get maxInterStageShaderComponents() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxInterStageShaderComponents; } get maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize; } get maxComputeInvocationsPerWorkgroup() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxComputeInvocationsPerWorkgroup; } get maxComputeWorkgroupSizeX() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxComputeWorkgroupSizeX; } get maxComputeWorkgroupSizeY() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxComputeWorkgroupSizeY; } get maxComputeWorkgroupSizeZ() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxComputeWorkgroupSizeZ; } get maxComputeWorkgroupsPerDimension() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype); return this[_limits].maxComputeWorkgroupsPerDimension; } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${inspect(this[_limits])}`; } } const GPUSupportedLimitsPrototype = GPUSupportedLimits.prototype; function createGPUSupportedFeatures(features) { /** @type {GPUSupportedFeatures} */ const supportedFeatures = webidl.createBranded(GPUSupportedFeatures); supportedFeatures[webidl.setlikeInner] = new Set(features); return webidl.setlike( supportedFeatures, GPUSupportedFeaturesPrototype, true, ); } class GPUSupportedFeatures { constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect([...new SafeArrayIterator(this.values())]) }`; } } const GPUSupportedFeaturesPrototype = GPUSupportedFeatures.prototype; /** * @param {string | undefined} reason * @param {string} message * @returns {GPUDeviceLostInfo} */ function createGPUDeviceLostInfo(reason, message) { /** @type {GPUDeviceLostInfo} */ const deviceLostInfo = webidl.createBranded(GPUDeviceLostInfo); deviceLostInfo[_reason] = reason; deviceLostInfo[_message] = message; return deviceLostInfo; } class GPUDeviceLostInfo { /** @type {string | undefined} */ [_reason]; /** @type {string} */ [_message]; constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } get reason() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDeviceLostInfoPrototype); return this[_reason]; } get message() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDeviceLostInfoPrototype); return this[_message]; } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ reason: this[_reason], message: this[_message] }) }`; } } const GPUDeviceLostInfoPrototype = GPUDeviceLostInfo.prototype; /** * @param {string} name * @param {any} type */ function GPUObjectBaseMixin(name, type) { type.prototype[_label] = null; ObjectDefineProperty(type.prototype, "label", { /** * @return {string | null} */ get() { webidl.assertBranded(this, type.prototype); return this[_label]; }, /** * @param {string | null} label */ set(label) { webidl.assertBranded(this, type.prototype); label = webidl.converters["UVString?"](label, { prefix: `Failed to set 'label' on '${name}'`, context: "Argument 1", }); this[_label] = label; }, }); } /** * @typedef ErrorScope * @property {string} filter * @property {Promise[]} operations */ /** * @typedef InnerGPUDeviceOptions * @property {GPUAdapter} adapter * @property {number | undefined} rid * @property {GPUSupportedFeatures} features * @property {GPUSupportedLimits} limits */ class InnerGPUDevice { /** @type {GPUAdapter} */ adapter; /** @type {number | undefined} */ rid; /** @type {GPUSupportedFeatures} */ features; /** @type {GPUSupportedLimits} */ limits; /** @type {WeakRef[]} */ resources; /** @type {boolean} */ isLost; /** @type {Promise} */ lost; /** @type {(info: GPUDeviceLostInfo) => void} */ resolveLost; /** @type {ErrorScope[]} */ errorScopeStack; /** * @param {InnerGPUDeviceOptions} options */ constructor(options) { this.adapter = options.adapter; this.rid = options.rid; this.features = options.features; this.limits = options.limits; this.resources = []; this.isLost = false; this.resolveLost = () => {}; this.lost = new Promise((resolve) => { this.resolveLost = resolve; }); this.errorScopeStack = []; } /** @param {any} resource */ trackResource(resource) { ArrayPrototypePush(this.resources, new WeakRef(resource)); } /** @param {{ type: string, value: string | null } | undefined} err */ pushError(err) { this.pushErrorPromise(PromiseResolve(err)); } /** @param {Promise<{ type: string, value: string | null } | undefined>} promise */ pushErrorPromise(promise) { const operation = PromisePrototypeThen(promise, (err) => { if (err) { switch (err.type) { case "lost": this.isLost = true; this.resolveLost( createGPUDeviceLostInfo(undefined, "device was lost"), ); break; case "validation": return PromiseReject( new GPUValidationError(err.value ?? "validation error"), ); case "out-of-memory": return PromiseReject(new GPUOutOfMemoryError()); } } }); const validationStack = ArrayPrototypeFilter( this.errorScopeStack, ({ filter }) => filter == "validation", ); const validationScope = validationStack[validationStack.length - 1]; const validationFilteredPromise = PromisePrototypeCatch( operation, (err) => { if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(GPUValidationErrorPrototype, err)) { return PromiseReject(err); } return PromiseResolve(); }, ); if (validationScope) { ArrayPrototypePush( validationScope.operations, validationFilteredPromise, ); } else { PromisePrototypeCatch(validationFilteredPromise, () => { // TODO(lucacasonato): emit an UncapturedErrorEvent }); } // prevent uncaptured promise rejections PromisePrototypeCatch(validationFilteredPromise, (_err) => {}); const oomStack = ArrayPrototypeFilter( this.errorScopeStack, ({ filter }) => filter == "out-of-memory", ); const oomScope = oomStack[oomStack.length - 1]; const oomFilteredPromise = PromisePrototypeCatch(operation, (err) => { if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(GPUOutOfMemoryErrorPrototype, err)) { return PromiseReject(err); } return PromiseResolve(); }); if (oomScope) { ArrayPrototypePush(oomScope.operations, oomFilteredPromise); } else { PromisePrototypeCatch(oomFilteredPromise, () => { // TODO(lucacasonato): emit an UncapturedErrorEvent }); } // prevent uncaptured promise rejections PromisePrototypeCatch(oomFilteredPromise, (_err) => {}); } } /** * @param {string | null} label * @param {InnerGPUDevice} inner * @param {GPUQueue} queue * @returns {GPUDevice} */ function createGPUDevice(label, inner, queue) { /** @type {GPUDevice} */ const device = webidl.createBranded(GPUDevice); device[_label] = label; device[_device] = inner; device[_queue] = queue; return device; } class GPUDevice extends eventTarget.EventTarget { /** @type {InnerGPUDevice} */ [_device]; /** @type {GPUQueue} */ [_queue]; [_cleanup]() { const device = this[_device]; const resources = device.resources; while (resources.length > 0) { const resource = ArrayPrototypePop(resources)?.deref(); if (resource) { resource[_cleanup](); } } const rid = device.rid; if (rid !== undefined) { core.close(rid); /** @type {number | undefined} */ device.rid = undefined; } } get features() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDevicePrototype); return this[_device].features; } get limits() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDevicePrototype); return this[_device].limits; } get queue() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDevicePrototype); return this[_queue]; } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); super(); } destroy() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDevicePrototype); this[_cleanup](); } /** * @param {GPUBufferDescriptor} descriptor * @returns {GPUBuffer} */ createBuffer(descriptor) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDevicePrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'createBuffer' on 'GPUDevice'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); descriptor = webidl.converters.GPUBufferDescriptor(descriptor, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const { rid, err } = ops.op_webgpu_create_buffer( device.rid, descriptor.label, descriptor.size, descriptor.usage, descriptor.mappedAtCreation, ); device.pushError(err); /** @type {CreateGPUBufferOptions} */ let options; if (descriptor.mappedAtCreation) { options = { mapping: new ArrayBuffer(descriptor.size), mappingRange: [0, descriptor.size], mappedRanges: [], state: "mapped at creation", }; } else { options = { mapping: null, mappedRanges: null, mappingRange: null, state: "unmapped", }; } const buffer = createGPUBuffer( descriptor.label ?? null, device, rid, descriptor.size, descriptor.usage, options, ); device.trackResource(buffer); return buffer; } /** * @param {GPUTextureDescriptor} descriptor * @returns {GPUTexture} */ createTexture(descriptor) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDevicePrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'createTexture' on 'GPUDevice'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); descriptor = webidl.converters.GPUTextureDescriptor(descriptor, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const { rid, err } = ops.op_webgpu_create_texture({ deviceRid: device.rid, ...descriptor, size: normalizeGPUExtent3D(descriptor.size), }); device.pushError(err); const texture = createGPUTexture( descriptor.label ?? null, device, rid, ); device.trackResource(texture); return texture; } /** * @param {GPUSamplerDescriptor} descriptor * @returns {GPUSampler} */ createSampler(descriptor = {}) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDevicePrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'createSampler' on 'GPUDevice'"; descriptor = webidl.converters.GPUSamplerDescriptor(descriptor, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const { rid, err } = ops.op_webgpu_create_sampler({ deviceRid: device.rid, ...descriptor, }); device.pushError(err); const sampler = createGPUSampler( descriptor.label ?? null, device, rid, ); device.trackResource(sampler); return sampler; } /** * @param {GPUBindGroupLayoutDescriptor} descriptor * @returns {GPUBindGroupLayout} */ createBindGroupLayout(descriptor) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDevicePrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'createBindGroupLayout' on 'GPUDevice'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); descriptor = webidl.converters.GPUBindGroupLayoutDescriptor(descriptor, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); for (let i = 0; i < descriptor.entries.length; ++i) { const entry = descriptor.entries[i]; let count = 0; if (entry.buffer) count++; if (entry.sampler) count++; if (entry.texture) count++; if (entry.storageTexture) count++; if (count !== 1) { throw new Error(); // TODO(@crowlKats): correct error } } const { rid, err } = ops.op_webgpu_create_bind_group_layout( device.rid, descriptor.label, descriptor.entries, ); device.pushError(err); const bindGroupLayout = createGPUBindGroupLayout( descriptor.label ?? null, device, rid, ); device.trackResource(bindGroupLayout); return bindGroupLayout; } /** * @param {GPUPipelineLayoutDescriptor} descriptor * @returns {GPUPipelineLayout} */ createPipelineLayout(descriptor) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDevicePrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'createPipelineLayout' on 'GPUDevice'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); descriptor = webidl.converters.GPUPipelineLayoutDescriptor(descriptor, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const bindGroupLayouts = ArrayPrototypeMap( descriptor.bindGroupLayouts, (layout, i) => { const context = `bind group layout ${i + 1}`; const rid = assertResource(layout, { prefix, context }); assertDeviceMatch(device, layout, { prefix, selfContext: "this", resourceContext: context, }); return rid; }, ); const { rid, err } = ops.op_webgpu_create_pipeline_layout( device.rid, descriptor.label, bindGroupLayouts, ); device.pushError(err); const pipelineLayout = createGPUPipelineLayout( descriptor.label ?? null, device, rid, ); device.trackResource(pipelineLayout); return pipelineLayout; } /** * @param {GPUBindGroupDescriptor} descriptor * @returns {GPUBindGroup} */ createBindGroup(descriptor) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDevicePrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'createBindGroup' on 'GPUDevice'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); descriptor = webidl.converters.GPUBindGroupDescriptor(descriptor, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const layout = assertResource(descriptor.layout, { prefix, context: "layout", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, descriptor.layout, { prefix, resourceContext: "layout", selfContext: "this", }); const entries = ArrayPrototypeMap(descriptor.entries, (entry, i) => { const context = `entry ${i + 1}`; const resource = entry.resource; if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(GPUSamplerPrototype, resource)) { const rid = assertResource(resource, { prefix, context, }); assertDeviceMatch(device, resource, { prefix, resourceContext: context, selfContext: "this", }); return { binding: entry.binding, kind: "GPUSampler", resource: rid, }; } else if ( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(GPUTextureViewPrototype, resource) ) { const rid = assertResource(resource, { prefix, context, }); assertResource(resource[_texture], { prefix, context, }); assertDeviceMatch(device, resource[_texture], { prefix, resourceContext: context, selfContext: "this", }); return { binding: entry.binding, kind: "GPUTextureView", resource: rid, }; } else { const rid = assertResource(resource.buffer, { prefix, context }); assertDeviceMatch(device, resource.buffer, { prefix, resourceContext: context, selfContext: "this", }); return { binding: entry.binding, kind: "GPUBufferBinding", resource: rid, offset: entry.resource.offset, size: entry.resource.size, }; } }); const { rid, err } = ops.op_webgpu_create_bind_group( device.rid, descriptor.label, layout, entries, ); device.pushError(err); const bindGroup = createGPUBindGroup( descriptor.label ?? null, device, rid, ); device.trackResource(bindGroup); return bindGroup; } /** * @param {GPUShaderModuleDescriptor} descriptor */ createShaderModule(descriptor) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDevicePrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'createShaderModule' on 'GPUDevice'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); descriptor = webidl.converters.GPUShaderModuleDescriptor(descriptor, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const { rid, err } = ops.op_webgpu_create_shader_module( device.rid, descriptor.label, descriptor.code, descriptor.sourceMap, ); device.pushError(err); const shaderModule = createGPUShaderModule( descriptor.label ?? null, device, rid, ); device.trackResource(shaderModule); return shaderModule; } /** * @param {GPUComputePipelineDescriptor} descriptor * @returns {GPUComputePipeline} */ createComputePipeline(descriptor) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDevicePrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'createComputePipeline' on 'GPUDevice'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); descriptor = webidl.converters.GPUComputePipelineDescriptor(descriptor, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); let layout = descriptor.layout; if (typeof descriptor.layout !== "string") { const context = "layout"; layout = assertResource(descriptor.layout, { prefix, context }); assertDeviceMatch(device, descriptor.layout, { prefix, resourceContext: context, selfContext: "this", }); } const module = assertResource(descriptor.compute.module, { prefix, context: "compute shader module", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, descriptor.compute.module, { prefix, resourceContext: "compute shader module", selfContext: "this", }); const { rid, err } = ops.op_webgpu_create_compute_pipeline( device.rid, descriptor.label, layout, { module, entryPoint: descriptor.compute.entryPoint, constants: descriptor.compute.constants, }, ); device.pushError(err); const computePipeline = createGPUComputePipeline( descriptor.label ?? null, device, rid, ); device.trackResource(computePipeline); return computePipeline; } /** * @param {GPURenderPipelineDescriptor} descriptor * @returns {GPURenderPipeline} */ createRenderPipeline(descriptor) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDevicePrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'createRenderPipeline' on 'GPUDevice'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); descriptor = webidl.converters.GPURenderPipelineDescriptor(descriptor, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); let layout = descriptor.layout; if (typeof descriptor.layout !== "string") { const context = "layout"; layout = assertResource(descriptor.layout, { prefix, context }); assertDeviceMatch(device, descriptor.layout, { prefix, resourceContext: context, selfContext: "this", }); } const module = assertResource(descriptor.vertex.module, { prefix, context: "vertex shader module", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, descriptor.vertex.module, { prefix, resourceContext: "vertex shader module", selfContext: "this", }); let fragment = undefined; if (descriptor.fragment) { const module = assertResource(descriptor.fragment.module, { prefix, context: "fragment shader module", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, descriptor.fragment.module, { prefix, resourceContext: "fragment shader module", selfContext: "this", }); fragment = { module, entryPoint: descriptor.fragment.entryPoint, targets: descriptor.fragment.targets, }; } const { rid, err } = ops.op_webgpu_create_render_pipeline({ deviceRid: device.rid, label: descriptor.label, layout, vertex: { module, entryPoint: descriptor.vertex.entryPoint, buffers: descriptor.vertex.buffers, }, primitive: descriptor.primitive, depthStencil: descriptor.depthStencil, multisample: descriptor.multisample, fragment, }); device.pushError(err); const renderPipeline = createGPURenderPipeline( descriptor.label ?? null, device, rid, ); device.trackResource(renderPipeline); return renderPipeline; } createComputePipelineAsync(descriptor) { // TODO(lucacasonato): this should be real async return PromiseResolve(this.createComputePipeline(descriptor)); } createRenderPipelineAsync(descriptor) { // TODO(lucacasonato): this should be real async return PromiseResolve(this.createRenderPipeline(descriptor)); } /** * @param {GPUCommandEncoderDescriptor} descriptor * @returns {GPUCommandEncoder} */ createCommandEncoder(descriptor = {}) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDevicePrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'createCommandEncoder' on 'GPUDevice'"; descriptor = webidl.converters.GPUCommandEncoderDescriptor(descriptor, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const { rid, err } = ops.op_webgpu_create_command_encoder( device.rid, descriptor.label, ); device.pushError(err); const commandEncoder = createGPUCommandEncoder( descriptor.label ?? null, device, rid, ); device.trackResource(commandEncoder); return commandEncoder; } /** * @param {GPURenderBundleEncoderDescriptor} descriptor * @returns {GPURenderBundleEncoder} */ createRenderBundleEncoder(descriptor) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDevicePrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'createRenderBundleEncoder' on 'GPUDevice'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); descriptor = webidl.converters.GPURenderBundleEncoderDescriptor( descriptor, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }, ); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const { rid, err } = ops.op_webgpu_create_render_bundle_encoder( { deviceRid: device.rid, ...descriptor, }, ); device.pushError(err); const renderBundleEncoder = createGPURenderBundleEncoder( descriptor.label ?? null, device, rid, ); device.trackResource(renderBundleEncoder); return renderBundleEncoder; } /** * @param {GPUQuerySetDescriptor} descriptor * @returns {GPUQuerySet} */ createQuerySet(descriptor) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDevicePrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'createQuerySet' on 'GPUDevice'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); descriptor = webidl.converters.GPUQuerySetDescriptor( descriptor, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }, ); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const { rid, err } = ops.op_webgpu_create_query_set({ deviceRid: device.rid, ...descriptor, }); device.pushError(err); const querySet = createGPUQuerySet( descriptor.label ?? null, device, rid, descriptor, ); device.trackResource(querySet); return querySet; } get lost() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDevicePrototype); const device = this[_device]; if (!device) { return PromiseResolve(true); } if (device.rid === undefined) { return PromiseResolve(true); } return device.lost; } /** * @param {GPUErrorFilter} filter */ pushErrorScope(filter) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDevicePrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'pushErrorScope' on 'GPUDevice'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); filter = webidl.converters.GPUErrorFilter(filter, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); ArrayPrototypePush(device.errorScopeStack, { filter, operations: [] }); } /** * @returns {Promise} */ // deno-lint-ignore require-await async popErrorScope() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUDevicePrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'popErrorScope' on 'GPUDevice'"; const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); if (device.isLost) { throw new DOMException("Device has been lost.", "OperationError"); } const scope = ArrayPrototypePop(device.errorScopeStack); if (!scope) { throw new DOMException( "There are no error scopes on the error scope stack.", "OperationError", ); } const operations = SafePromiseAll(scope.operations); return PromisePrototypeThen( operations, () => PromiseResolve(null), (err) => PromiseResolve(err), ); } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ features: this.features, label: this.label, limits: this.limits, queue: this.queue, }) }`; } } GPUObjectBaseMixin("GPUDevice", GPUDevice); const GPUDevicePrototype = GPUDevice.prototype; /** * @param {string | null} label * @param {InnerGPUDevice} device * @returns {GPUQueue} */ function createGPUQueue(label, device) { /** @type {GPUQueue} */ const queue = webidl.createBranded(GPUQueue); queue[_label] = label; queue[_device] = device; return queue; } class GPUQueue { /** @type {InnerGPUDevice} */ [_device]; constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } /** * @param {GPUCommandBuffer[]} commandBuffers */ submit(commandBuffers) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUQueue.prototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'submit' on 'GPUQueue'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix, }); commandBuffers = webidl.converters["sequence"]( commandBuffers, { prefix, context: "Argument 1" }, ); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const commandBufferRids = ArrayPrototypeMap( commandBuffers, (buffer, i) => { const context = `command buffer ${i + 1}`; const rid = assertResource(buffer, { prefix, context }); assertDeviceMatch(device, buffer, { prefix, selfContext: "this", resourceContext: context, }); return rid; }, ); const { err } = ops.op_webgpu_queue_submit( device.rid, commandBufferRids, ); for (let i = 0; i < commandBuffers.length; ++i) { commandBuffers[i][_rid] = undefined; } device.pushError(err); } onSubmittedWorkDone() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUQueue.prototype); return PromiseResolve(); } /** * @param {GPUBuffer} buffer * @param {number} bufferOffset * @param {BufferSource} data * @param {number} [dataOffset] * @param {number} [size] */ writeBuffer(buffer, bufferOffset, data, dataOffset = 0, size) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUQueue.prototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'writeBuffer' on 'GPUQueue'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 3, { prefix }); buffer = webidl.converters["GPUBuffer"](buffer, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); bufferOffset = webidl.converters["GPUSize64"](bufferOffset, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); data = webidl.converters.BufferSource(data, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); dataOffset = webidl.converters["GPUSize64"](dataOffset, { prefix, context: "Argument 4", }); size = size === undefined ? undefined : webidl.converters["GPUSize64"](size, { prefix, context: "Argument 5", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const bufferRid = assertResource(buffer, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, buffer, { prefix, selfContext: "this", resourceContext: "Argument 1", }); const { err } = ops.op_webgpu_write_buffer( device.rid, bufferRid, bufferOffset, dataOffset, size, new Uint8Array(ArrayBufferIsView(data) ? data.buffer : data), ); device.pushError(err); } /** * @param {GPUImageCopyTexture} destination * @param {BufferSource} data * @param {GPUImageDataLayout} dataLayout * @param {GPUExtent3D} size */ writeTexture(destination, data, dataLayout, size) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUQueue.prototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'writeTexture' on 'GPUQueue'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 4, { prefix }); destination = webidl.converters.GPUImageCopyTexture(destination, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); data = webidl.converters.BufferSource(data, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); dataLayout = webidl.converters.GPUImageDataLayout(dataLayout, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); size = webidl.converters.GPUExtent3D(size, { prefix, context: "Argument 4", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const textureRid = assertResource(destination.texture, { prefix, context: "texture", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, destination.texture, { prefix, selfContext: "this", resourceContext: "texture", }); const { err } = ops.op_webgpu_write_texture( device.rid, { texture: textureRid, mipLevel: destination.mipLevel, origin: destination.origin ? normalizeGPUOrigin3D(destination.origin) : undefined, aspect: destination.aspect, }, dataLayout, normalizeGPUExtent3D(size), new Uint8Array(ArrayBufferIsView(data) ? data.buffer : data), ); device.pushError(err); } copyImageBitmapToTexture(_source, _destination, _copySize) { throw new Error("Not yet implemented"); } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ label: this.label, }) }`; } } GPUObjectBaseMixin("GPUQueue", GPUQueue); /** * @typedef CreateGPUBufferOptions * @property {ArrayBuffer | null} mapping * @property {number[] | null} mappingRange * @property {[ArrayBuffer, number, number][] | null} mappedRanges * @property {"mapped" | "mapped at creation" | "mapped pending" | "unmapped" | "destroy" } state */ /** * @param {string | null} label * @param {InnerGPUDevice} device * @param {number} rid * @param {number} size * @param {number} usage * @param {CreateGPUBufferOptions} options * @returns {GPUBuffer} */ function createGPUBuffer(label, device, rid, size, usage, options) { /** @type {GPUBuffer} */ const buffer = webidl.createBranded(GPUBuffer); buffer[_label] = label; buffer[_device] = device; buffer[_rid] = rid; buffer[_size] = size; buffer[_usage] = usage; buffer[_mappingRange] = options.mappingRange; buffer[_mappedRanges] = options.mappedRanges; buffer[_state] = options.state; return buffer; } class GPUBuffer { /** @type {InnerGPUDevice} */ [_device]; /** @type {number} */ [_rid]; /** @type {number} */ [_size]; /** @type {number} */ [_usage]; /** @type {"mapped" | "mapped at creation" | "mapped pending" | "unmapped" | "destroy"} */ [_state]; /** @type {[number, number] | null} */ [_mappingRange]; /** @type {[ArrayBuffer, number, number][] | null} */ [_mappedRanges]; /** @type {number} */ [_mapMode]; [_cleanup]() { const mappedRanges = this[_mappedRanges]; if (mappedRanges) { while (mappedRanges.length > 0) { const mappedRange = ArrayPrototypePop(mappedRanges); if (mappedRange !== undefined) { core.close(mappedRange[1]); } } } const rid = this[_rid]; if (rid !== undefined) { core.close(rid); /** @type {number | undefined} */ this[_rid] = undefined; } this[_state] = "destroy"; } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } /** * @param {number} mode * @param {number} offset * @param {number} [size] */ async mapAsync(mode, offset = 0, size) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUBuffer.prototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'mapAsync' on 'GPUBuffer'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); mode = webidl.converters.GPUMapModeFlags(mode, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); offset = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(offset, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); size = size === undefined ? undefined : webidl.converters.GPUSize64(size, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const bufferRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); /** @type {number} */ let rangeSize; if (size === undefined) { rangeSize = MathMax(0, this[_size] - offset); } else { rangeSize = this[_size]; } if ((offset % 8) !== 0) { throw new DOMException( `${prefix}: offset must be a multiple of 8.`, "OperationError", ); } if ((rangeSize % 4) !== 0) { throw new DOMException( `${prefix}: rangeSize must be a multiple of 4.`, "OperationError", ); } if ((offset + rangeSize) > this[_size]) { throw new DOMException( `${prefix}: offset + rangeSize must be less than or equal to buffer size.`, "OperationError", ); } if (this[_state] !== "unmapped") { throw new DOMException( `${prefix}: GPUBuffer is not currently unmapped.`, "OperationError", ); } const readMode = (mode & 0x0001) === 0x0001; const writeMode = (mode & 0x0002) === 0x0002; if ((readMode && writeMode) || (!readMode && !writeMode)) { throw new DOMException( `${prefix}: exactly one of READ or WRITE map mode must be set.`, "OperationError", ); } if (readMode && !((this[_usage] && 0x0001) === 0x0001)) { throw new DOMException( `${prefix}: READ map mode not valid because buffer does not have MAP_READ usage.`, "OperationError", ); } if (writeMode && !((this[_usage] && 0x0002) === 0x0002)) { throw new DOMException( `${prefix}: WRITE map mode not valid because buffer does not have MAP_WRITE usage.`, "OperationError", ); } this[_mapMode] = mode; this[_state] = "mapping pending"; const promise = PromisePrototypeThen( core.opAsync( "op_webgpu_buffer_get_map_async", bufferRid, device.rid, mode, offset, rangeSize, ), ({ err }) => err, ); device.pushErrorPromise(promise); const err = await promise; if (err) { throw new DOMException("validation error occured", "OperationError"); } this[_state] = "mapped"; this[_mappingRange] = [offset, offset + rangeSize]; /** @type {[ArrayBuffer, number, number][] | null} */ this[_mappedRanges] = []; } /** * @param {number} offset * @param {number} size */ getMappedRange(offset = 0, size) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUBuffer.prototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'getMappedRange' on 'GPUBuffer'"; offset = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(offset, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); if (size !== undefined) { size = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(size, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); } assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const bufferRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); /** @type {number} */ let rangeSize; if (size === undefined) { rangeSize = MathMax(0, this[_size] - offset); } else { rangeSize = size; } const mappedRanges = this[_mappedRanges]; if (!mappedRanges) { throw new DOMException(`${prefix}: invalid state.`, "OperationError"); } for (let i = 0; i < mappedRanges.length; ++i) { const [buffer, _rid, start] = mappedRanges[i]; // TODO(lucacasonato): is this logic correct? const end = start + buffer.byteLength; if ( (start >= offset && start < (offset + rangeSize)) || (end >= offset && end < (offset + rangeSize)) ) { throw new DOMException( `${prefix}: requested buffer overlaps with another mapped range.`, "OperationError", ); } } const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(rangeSize); const { rid } = ops.op_webgpu_buffer_get_mapped_range( bufferRid, offset, size, new Uint8Array(buffer), ); ArrayPrototypePush(mappedRanges, [buffer, rid, offset]); return buffer; } unmap() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUBuffer.prototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'unmap' on 'GPUBuffer'"; const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const bufferRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); if (this[_state] === "unmapped" || this[_state] === "destroyed") { throw new DOMException( `${prefix}: buffer is not ready to be unmapped.`, "OperationError", ); } if (this[_state] === "mapping pending") { // TODO(lucacasonato): this is not spec compliant. throw new DOMException( `${prefix}: can not unmap while mapping. This is a Deno limitation.`, "OperationError", ); } else if ( this[_state] === "mapped" || this[_state] === "mapped at creation" ) { /** @type {boolean} */ let write = false; if (this[_state] === "mapped at creation") { write = true; } else if (this[_state] === "mapped") { const mapMode = this[_mapMode]; if (mapMode === undefined) { throw new DOMException( `${prefix}: invalid state.`, "OperationError", ); } if ((mapMode & 0x0002) === 0x0002) { write = true; } } const mappedRanges = this[_mappedRanges]; if (!mappedRanges) { throw new DOMException(`${prefix}: invalid state.`, "OperationError"); } for (let i = 0; i < mappedRanges.length; ++i) { const [buffer, mappedRid] = mappedRanges[i]; const { err } = ops.op_webgpu_buffer_unmap( bufferRid, mappedRid, ...new SafeArrayIterator(write ? [new Uint8Array(buffer)] : []), ); device.pushError(err); if (err) return; } this[_mappingRange] = null; this[_mappedRanges] = null; } this[_state] = "unmapped"; } destroy() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUBuffer.prototype); this[_cleanup](); } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ label: this.label, }) }`; } } GPUObjectBaseMixin("GPUBuffer", GPUBuffer); class GPUBufferUsage { constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } static get MAP_READ() { return 0x0001; } static get MAP_WRITE() { return 0x0002; } static get COPY_SRC() { return 0x0004; } static get COPY_DST() { return 0x0008; } static get INDEX() { return 0x0010; } static get VERTEX() { return 0x0020; } static get UNIFORM() { return 0x0040; } static get STORAGE() { return 0x0080; } static get INDIRECT() { return 0x0100; } static get QUERY_RESOLVE() { return 0x0200; } } class GPUMapMode { constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } static get READ() { return 0x0001; } static get WRITE() { return 0x0002; } } /** * @param {string | null} label * @param {InnerGPUDevice} device * @param {number} rid * @returns {GPUTexture} */ function createGPUTexture(label, device, rid) { /** @type {GPUTexture} */ const texture = webidl.createBranded(GPUTexture); texture[_label] = label; texture[_device] = device; texture[_rid] = rid; texture[_views] = []; return texture; } class GPUTexture { /** @type {InnerGPUDevice} */ [_device]; /** @type {number | undefined} */ [_rid]; /** @type {WeakRef[]} */ [_views]; [_cleanup]() { const views = this[_views]; while (views.length > 0) { const view = ArrayPrototypePop(views)?.deref(); if (view) { view[_cleanup](); } } const rid = this[_rid]; if (rid !== undefined) { core.close(rid); /** @type {number | undefined} */ this[_rid] = undefined; } } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } /** * @param {GPUTextureViewDescriptor} descriptor */ createView(descriptor = {}) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUTexture.prototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'createView' on 'GPUTexture'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 0, { prefix }); descriptor = webidl.converters.GPUTextureViewDescriptor(descriptor, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const textureRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const { rid, err } = ops.op_webgpu_create_texture_view({ textureRid, ...descriptor, }); device.pushError(err); const textureView = createGPUTextureView( descriptor.label ?? null, this, rid, ); ArrayPrototypePush(this[_views], new WeakRef(textureView)); return textureView; } destroy() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUTexture.prototype); this[_cleanup](); } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ label: this.label, }) }`; } } GPUObjectBaseMixin("GPUTexture", GPUTexture); class GPUTextureUsage { constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } static get COPY_SRC() { return 0x01; } static get COPY_DST() { return 0x02; } static get TEXTURE_BINDING() { return 0x04; } static get STORAGE_BINDING() { return 0x08; } static get RENDER_ATTACHMENT() { return 0x10; } } /** * @param {string | null} label * @param {GPUTexture} texture * @param {number} rid * @returns {GPUTextureView} */ function createGPUTextureView(label, texture, rid) { /** @type {GPUTextureView} */ const textureView = webidl.createBranded(GPUTextureView); textureView[_label] = label; textureView[_texture] = texture; textureView[_rid] = rid; return textureView; } class GPUTextureView { /** @type {GPUTexture} */ [_texture]; /** @type {number | undefined} */ [_rid]; [_cleanup]() { const rid = this[_rid]; if (rid !== undefined) { core.close(rid); /** @type {number | undefined} */ this[_rid] = undefined; } } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ label: this.label, }) }`; } } GPUObjectBaseMixin("GPUTextureView", GPUTextureView); const GPUTextureViewPrototype = GPUTextureView.prototype; /** * @param {string | null} label * @param {InnerGPUDevice} device * @param {number} rid * @returns {GPUSampler} */ function createGPUSampler(label, device, rid) { /** @type {GPUSampler} */ const sampler = webidl.createBranded(GPUSampler); sampler[_label] = label; sampler[_device] = device; sampler[_rid] = rid; return sampler; } class GPUSampler { /** @type {InnerGPUDevice} */ [_device]; /** @type {number | undefined} */ [_rid]; [_cleanup]() { const rid = this[_rid]; if (rid !== undefined) { core.close(rid); /** @type {number | undefined} */ this[_rid] = undefined; } } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ label: this.label, }) }`; } } GPUObjectBaseMixin("GPUSampler", GPUSampler); const GPUSamplerPrototype = GPUSampler.prototype; /** * @param {string | null} label * @param {InnerGPUDevice} device * @param {number} rid * @returns {GPUBindGroupLayout} */ function createGPUBindGroupLayout(label, device, rid) { /** @type {GPUBindGroupLayout} */ const bindGroupLayout = webidl.createBranded(GPUBindGroupLayout); bindGroupLayout[_label] = label; bindGroupLayout[_device] = device; bindGroupLayout[_rid] = rid; return bindGroupLayout; } class GPUBindGroupLayout { /** @type {InnerGPUDevice} */ [_device]; /** @type {number | undefined} */ [_rid]; [_cleanup]() { const rid = this[_rid]; if (rid !== undefined) { core.close(rid); /** @type {number | undefined} */ this[_rid] = undefined; } } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ label: this.label, }) }`; } } GPUObjectBaseMixin("GPUBindGroupLayout", GPUBindGroupLayout); /** * @param {string | null} label * @param {InnerGPUDevice} device * @param {number} rid * @returns {GPUPipelineLayout} */ function createGPUPipelineLayout(label, device, rid) { /** @type {GPUPipelineLayout} */ const pipelineLayout = webidl.createBranded(GPUPipelineLayout); pipelineLayout[_label] = label; pipelineLayout[_device] = device; pipelineLayout[_rid] = rid; return pipelineLayout; } class GPUPipelineLayout { /** @type {InnerGPUDevice} */ [_device]; /** @type {number | undefined} */ [_rid]; [_cleanup]() { const rid = this[_rid]; if (rid !== undefined) { core.close(rid); /** @type {number | undefined} */ this[_rid] = undefined; } } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ label: this.label, }) }`; } } GPUObjectBaseMixin("GPUPipelineLayout", GPUPipelineLayout); /** * @param {string | null} label * @param {InnerGPUDevice} device * @param {number} rid * @returns {GPUBindGroup} */ function createGPUBindGroup(label, device, rid) { /** @type {GPUBindGroup} */ const bindGroup = webidl.createBranded(GPUBindGroup); bindGroup[_label] = label; bindGroup[_device] = device; bindGroup[_rid] = rid; return bindGroup; } class GPUBindGroup { /** @type {InnerGPUDevice} */ [_device]; /** @type {number | undefined} */ [_rid]; [_cleanup]() { const rid = this[_rid]; if (rid !== undefined) { core.close(rid); /** @type {number | undefined} */ this[_rid] = undefined; } } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ label: this.label, }) }`; } } GPUObjectBaseMixin("GPUBindGroup", GPUBindGroup); /** * @param {string | null} label * @param {InnerGPUDevice} device * @param {number} rid * @returns {GPUShaderModule} */ function createGPUShaderModule(label, device, rid) { /** @type {GPUShaderModule} */ const bindGroup = webidl.createBranded(GPUShaderModule); bindGroup[_label] = label; bindGroup[_device] = device; bindGroup[_rid] = rid; return bindGroup; } class GPUShaderModule { /** @type {InnerGPUDevice} */ [_device]; /** @type {number | undefined} */ [_rid]; [_cleanup]() { const rid = this[_rid]; if (rid !== undefined) { core.close(rid); /** @type {number | undefined} */ this[_rid] = undefined; } } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } compilationInfo() { throw new Error("Not yet implemented"); } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ label: this.label, }) }`; } } GPUObjectBaseMixin("GPUShaderModule", GPUShaderModule); class GPUShaderStage { constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } static get VERTEX() { return 0x1; } static get FRAGMENT() { return 0x2; } static get COMPUTE() { return 0x4; } } /** * @param {string | null} label * @param {InnerGPUDevice} device * @param {number} rid * @returns {GPUComputePipeline} */ function createGPUComputePipeline(label, device, rid) { /** @type {GPUComputePipeline} */ const pipeline = webidl.createBranded(GPUComputePipeline); pipeline[_label] = label; pipeline[_device] = device; pipeline[_rid] = rid; return pipeline; } class GPUComputePipeline { /** @type {InnerGPUDevice} */ [_device]; /** @type {number | undefined} */ [_rid]; [_cleanup]() { const rid = this[_rid]; if (rid !== undefined) { core.close(rid); /** @type {number | undefined} */ this[_rid] = undefined; } } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } /** * @param {number} index * @returns {GPUBindGroupLayout} */ getBindGroupLayout(index) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUComputePipelinePrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'getBindGroupLayout' on 'GPUComputePipeline'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); index = webidl.converters["unsigned long"](index, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const computePipelineRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); const { rid, label, err } = ops .op_webgpu_compute_pipeline_get_bind_group_layout( computePipelineRid, index, ); device.pushError(err); const bindGroupLayout = createGPUBindGroupLayout( label, device, rid, ); device.trackResource(bindGroupLayout); return bindGroupLayout; } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ label: this.label, }) }`; } } GPUObjectBaseMixin("GPUComputePipeline", GPUComputePipeline); const GPUComputePipelinePrototype = GPUComputePipeline.prototype; /** * @param {string | null} label * @param {InnerGPUDevice} device * @param {number} rid * @returns {GPURenderPipeline} */ function createGPURenderPipeline(label, device, rid) { /** @type {GPURenderPipeline} */ const pipeline = webidl.createBranded(GPURenderPipeline); pipeline[_label] = label; pipeline[_device] = device; pipeline[_rid] = rid; return pipeline; } class GPURenderPipeline { /** @type {InnerGPUDevice} */ [_device]; /** @type {number | undefined} */ [_rid]; [_cleanup]() { const rid = this[_rid]; if (rid !== undefined) { core.close(rid); /** @type {number | undefined} */ this[_rid] = undefined; } } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } /** * @param {number} index */ getBindGroupLayout(index) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPipelinePrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'getBindGroupLayout' on 'GPURenderPipeline'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); index = webidl.converters["unsigned long"](index, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const renderPipelineRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); const { rid, label, err } = ops .op_webgpu_render_pipeline_get_bind_group_layout( renderPipelineRid, index, ); device.pushError(err); const bindGroupLayout = createGPUBindGroupLayout( label, device, rid, ); device.trackResource(bindGroupLayout); return bindGroupLayout; } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ label: this.label, }) }`; } } GPUObjectBaseMixin("GPURenderPipeline", GPURenderPipeline); const GPURenderPipelinePrototype = GPURenderPipeline.prototype; class GPUColorWrite { constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } static get RED() { return 0x1; } static get GREEN() { return 0x2; } static get BLUE() { return 0x4; } static get ALPHA() { return 0x8; } static get ALL() { return 0xF; } } /** * @param {string | null} label * @param {InnerGPUDevice} device * @param {number} rid * @returns {GPUCommandEncoder} */ function createGPUCommandEncoder(label, device, rid) { /** @type {GPUCommandEncoder} */ const encoder = webidl.createBranded(GPUCommandEncoder); encoder[_label] = label; encoder[_device] = device; encoder[_rid] = rid; encoder[_encoders] = []; return encoder; } class GPUCommandEncoder { /** @type {InnerGPUDevice} */ [_device]; /** @type {number | undefined} */ [_rid]; /** @type {WeakRef[]} */ [_encoders]; [_cleanup]() { const encoders = this[_encoders]; while (encoders.length > 0) { const encoder = ArrayPrototypePop(encoders)?.deref(); if (encoder) { encoder[_cleanup](); } } const rid = this[_rid]; if (rid !== undefined) { core.close(rid); /** @type {number | undefined} */ this[_rid] = undefined; } } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } /** * @param {GPURenderPassDescriptor} descriptor * @return {GPURenderPassEncoder} */ beginRenderPass(descriptor) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUCommandEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'beginRenderPass' on 'GPUCommandEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); descriptor = webidl.converters.GPURenderPassDescriptor(descriptor, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const commandEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); if (this[_rid] === undefined) { throw new DOMException( "Failed to execute 'beginRenderPass' on 'GPUCommandEncoder': already consumed", "OperationError", ); } let depthStencilAttachment; if (descriptor.depthStencilAttachment) { const view = assertResource(descriptor.depthStencilAttachment.view, { prefix, context: "texture view for depth stencil attachment", }); assertDeviceMatch( device, descriptor.depthStencilAttachment.view[_texture], { prefix, resourceContext: "texture view for depth stencil attachment", selfContext: "this", }, ); depthStencilAttachment = { ...descriptor.depthStencilAttachment, view, }; } const colorAttachments = ArrayPrototypeMap( descriptor.colorAttachments, (colorAttachment, i) => { const context = `color attachment ${i + 1}`; const view = assertResource(colorAttachment.view, { prefix, context: `texture view for ${context}`, }); assertResource(colorAttachment.view[_texture], { prefix, context: `texture backing texture view for ${context}`, }); assertDeviceMatch( device, colorAttachment.view[_texture], { prefix, resourceContext: `texture view for ${context}`, selfContext: "this", }, ); let resolveTarget; if (colorAttachment.resolveTarget) { resolveTarget = assertResource( colorAttachment.resolveTarget, { prefix, context: `resolve target texture view for ${context}`, }, ); assertResource(colorAttachment.resolveTarget[_texture], { prefix, context: `texture backing resolve target texture view for ${context}`, }); assertDeviceMatch( device, colorAttachment.resolveTarget[_texture], { prefix, resourceContext: `resolve target texture view for ${context}`, selfContext: "this", }, ); } return { view: view, resolveTarget, storeOp: colorAttachment.storeOp, loadOp: colorAttachment.loadOp, clearValue: normalizeGPUColor(colorAttachment.clearValue), }; }, ); const { rid } = ops.op_webgpu_command_encoder_begin_render_pass( commandEncoderRid, descriptor.label, colorAttachments, depthStencilAttachment, ); const renderPassEncoder = createGPURenderPassEncoder( descriptor.label ?? null, this, rid, ); ArrayPrototypePush(this[_encoders], new WeakRef(renderPassEncoder)); return renderPassEncoder; } /** * @param {GPUComputePassDescriptor} descriptor */ beginComputePass(descriptor = {}) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUCommandEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'beginComputePass' on 'GPUCommandEncoder'"; descriptor = webidl.converters.GPUComputePassDescriptor(descriptor, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const commandEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); const { rid } = ops.op_webgpu_command_encoder_begin_compute_pass( commandEncoderRid, descriptor.label, ); const computePassEncoder = createGPUComputePassEncoder( descriptor.label ?? null, this, rid, ); ArrayPrototypePush(this[_encoders], new WeakRef(computePassEncoder)); return computePassEncoder; } /** * @param {GPUBuffer} source * @param {number} sourceOffset * @param {GPUBuffer} destination * @param {number} destinationOffset * @param {number} size */ copyBufferToBuffer( source, sourceOffset, destination, destinationOffset, size, ) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUCommandEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'copyBufferToBuffer' on 'GPUCommandEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 5, { prefix }); source = webidl.converters.GPUBuffer(source, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); sourceOffset = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(sourceOffset, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); destination = webidl.converters.GPUBuffer(destination, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); destinationOffset = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(destinationOffset, { prefix, context: "Argument 4", }); size = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(size, { prefix, context: "Argument 5", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const commandEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); const sourceRid = assertResource(source, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, source, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 1", selfContext: "this", }); const destinationRid = assertResource(destination, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, destination, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 3", selfContext: "this", }); const { err } = ops.op_webgpu_command_encoder_copy_buffer_to_buffer( commandEncoderRid, sourceRid, sourceOffset, destinationRid, destinationOffset, size, ); device.pushError(err); } /** * @param {GPUImageCopyBuffer} source * @param {GPUImageCopyTexture} destination * @param {GPUExtent3D} copySize */ copyBufferToTexture(source, destination, copySize) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUCommandEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'copyBufferToTexture' on 'GPUCommandEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 3, { prefix }); source = webidl.converters.GPUImageCopyBuffer(source, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); destination = webidl.converters.GPUImageCopyTexture(destination, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); copySize = webidl.converters.GPUExtent3D(copySize, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const commandEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); const sourceBufferRid = assertResource(source.buffer, { prefix, context: "source in Argument 1", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, source.buffer, { prefix, resourceContext: "source in Argument 1", selfContext: "this", }); const destinationTextureRid = assertResource(destination.texture, { prefix, context: "texture in Argument 2", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, destination.texture, { prefix, resourceContext: "texture in Argument 2", selfContext: "this", }); const { err } = ops.op_webgpu_command_encoder_copy_buffer_to_texture( commandEncoderRid, { ...source, buffer: sourceBufferRid, }, { texture: destinationTextureRid, mipLevel: destination.mipLevel, origin: destination.origin ? normalizeGPUOrigin3D(destination.origin) : undefined, aspect: destination.aspect, }, normalizeGPUExtent3D(copySize), ); device.pushError(err); } /** * @param {GPUImageCopyTexture} source * @param {GPUImageCopyBuffer} destination * @param {GPUExtent3D} copySize */ copyTextureToBuffer(source, destination, copySize) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUCommandEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'copyTextureToBuffer' on 'GPUCommandEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 3, { prefix }); source = webidl.converters.GPUImageCopyTexture(source, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); destination = webidl.converters.GPUImageCopyBuffer(destination, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); copySize = webidl.converters.GPUExtent3D(copySize, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const commandEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); const sourceTextureRid = assertResource(source.texture, { prefix, context: "texture in Argument 1", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, source.texture, { prefix, resourceContext: "texture in Argument 1", selfContext: "this", }); const destinationBufferRid = assertResource(destination.buffer, { prefix, context: "buffer in Argument 2", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, destination.buffer, { prefix, resourceContext: "buffer in Argument 2", selfContext: "this", }); const { err } = ops.op_webgpu_command_encoder_copy_texture_to_buffer( commandEncoderRid, { texture: sourceTextureRid, mipLevel: source.mipLevel, origin: source.origin ? normalizeGPUOrigin3D(source.origin) : undefined, aspect: source.aspect, }, { ...destination, buffer: destinationBufferRid, }, normalizeGPUExtent3D(copySize), ); device.pushError(err); } /** * @param {GPUImageCopyTexture} source * @param {GPUImageCopyTexture} destination * @param {GPUExtent3D} copySize */ copyTextureToTexture(source, destination, copySize) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUCommandEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'copyTextureToTexture' on 'GPUCommandEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 3, { prefix }); source = webidl.converters.GPUImageCopyTexture(source, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); destination = webidl.converters.GPUImageCopyTexture(destination, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); copySize = webidl.converters.GPUExtent3D(copySize, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const commandEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); const sourceTextureRid = assertResource(source.texture, { prefix, context: "texture in Argument 1", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, source.texture, { prefix, resourceContext: "texture in Argument 1", selfContext: "this", }); const destinationTextureRid = assertResource(destination.texture, { prefix, context: "texture in Argument 2", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, destination.texture, { prefix, resourceContext: "texture in Argument 2", selfContext: "this", }); const { err } = ops.op_webgpu_command_encoder_copy_texture_to_texture( commandEncoderRid, { texture: sourceTextureRid, mipLevel: source.mipLevel, origin: source.origin ? normalizeGPUOrigin3D(source.origin) : undefined, aspect: source.aspect, }, { texture: destinationTextureRid, mipLevel: destination.mipLevel, origin: destination.origin ? normalizeGPUOrigin3D(destination.origin) : undefined, aspect: source.aspect, }, normalizeGPUExtent3D(copySize), ); device.pushError(err); } /** * @param {GPUBuffer} buffer * @param {GPUSize64} offset * @param {GPUSize64} size */ clearBuffer(buffer, offset = 0, size = undefined) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUCommandEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'clearBuffer' on 'GPUCommandEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 3, { prefix }); buffer = webidl.converters.GPUBuffer(buffer, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); offset = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(offset, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); size = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(size, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const commandEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); const bufferRid = assertResource(buffer, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const { err } = ops.op_webgpu_command_encoder_clear_buffer( commandEncoderRid, bufferRid, offset, size, ); device.pushError(err); } /** * @param {string} groupLabel */ pushDebugGroup(groupLabel) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUCommandEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'pushDebugGroup' on 'GPUCommandEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); groupLabel = webidl.converters.USVString(groupLabel, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const commandEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); const { err } = ops.op_webgpu_command_encoder_push_debug_group( commandEncoderRid, groupLabel, ); device.pushError(err); } popDebugGroup() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUCommandEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'popDebugGroup' on 'GPUCommandEncoder'"; const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const commandEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); const { err } = ops.op_webgpu_command_encoder_pop_debug_group( commandEncoderRid, ); device.pushError(err); } /** * @param {string} markerLabel */ insertDebugMarker(markerLabel) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUCommandEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'insertDebugMarker' on 'GPUCommandEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); markerLabel = webidl.converters.USVString(markerLabel, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const commandEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); const { err } = ops.op_webgpu_command_encoder_insert_debug_marker( commandEncoderRid, markerLabel, ); device.pushError(err); } /** * @param {GPUQuerySet} querySet * @param {number} queryIndex */ writeTimestamp(querySet, queryIndex) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUCommandEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'writeTimestamp' on 'GPUCommandEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 2, { prefix }); querySet = webidl.converters.GPUQuerySet(querySet, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); queryIndex = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(queryIndex, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const commandEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); const querySetRid = assertResource(querySet, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, querySet, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 1", selfContext: "this", }); const { err } = ops.op_webgpu_command_encoder_write_timestamp( commandEncoderRid, querySetRid, queryIndex, ); device.pushError(err); } /** * @param {GPUQuerySet} querySet * @param {number} firstQuery * @param {number} queryCount * @param {GPUBuffer} destination * @param {number} destinationOffset */ resolveQuerySet( querySet, firstQuery, queryCount, destination, destinationOffset, ) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUCommandEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'resolveQuerySet' on 'GPUCommandEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 5, { prefix }); querySet = webidl.converters.GPUQuerySet(querySet, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); firstQuery = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(firstQuery, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); queryCount = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(queryCount, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); destination = webidl.converters.GPUBuffer(destination, { prefix, context: "Argument 4", }); destinationOffset = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(destinationOffset, { prefix, context: "Argument 5", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const commandEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); const querySetRid = assertResource(querySet, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, querySet, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 1", selfContext: "this", }); const destinationRid = assertResource(destination, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, destination, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 3", selfContext: "this", }); const { err } = ops.op_webgpu_command_encoder_resolve_query_set( commandEncoderRid, querySetRid, firstQuery, queryCount, destinationRid, destinationOffset, ); device.pushError(err); } /** * @param {GPUCommandBufferDescriptor} descriptor * @returns {GPUCommandBuffer} */ finish(descriptor = {}) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUCommandEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'finish' on 'GPUCommandEncoder'"; descriptor = webidl.converters.GPUCommandBufferDescriptor(descriptor, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const commandEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); const { rid, err } = ops.op_webgpu_command_encoder_finish( commandEncoderRid, descriptor.label, ); device.pushError(err); /** @type {number | undefined} */ this[_rid] = undefined; const commandBuffer = createGPUCommandBuffer( descriptor.label ?? null, device, rid, ); device.trackResource(commandBuffer); return commandBuffer; } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ label: this.label, }) }`; } } GPUObjectBaseMixin("GPUCommandEncoder", GPUCommandEncoder); const GPUCommandEncoderPrototype = GPUCommandEncoder.prototype; /** * @param {string | null} label * @param {GPUCommandEncoder} encoder * @param {number} rid * @returns {GPURenderPassEncoder} */ function createGPURenderPassEncoder(label, encoder, rid) { /** @type {GPURenderPassEncoder} */ const passEncoder = webidl.createBranded(GPURenderPassEncoder); passEncoder[_label] = label; passEncoder[_encoder] = encoder; passEncoder[_rid] = rid; return passEncoder; } class GPURenderPassEncoder { /** @type {GPUCommandEncoder} */ [_encoder]; /** @type {number | undefined} */ [_rid]; [_cleanup]() { const rid = this[_rid]; if (rid !== undefined) { core.close(rid); /** @type {number | undefined} */ this[_rid] = undefined; } } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } /** * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {number} width * @param {number} height * @param {number} minDepth * @param {number} maxDepth */ setViewport(x, y, width, height, minDepth, maxDepth) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'setViewport' on 'GPUComputePassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 6, { prefix }); x = webidl.converters.float(x, { prefix, context: "Argument 1" }); y = webidl.converters.float(y, { prefix, context: "Argument 2" }); width = webidl.converters.float(width, { prefix, context: "Argument 3" }); height = webidl.converters.float(height, { prefix, context: "Argument 4", }); minDepth = webidl.converters.float(minDepth, { prefix, context: "Argument 5", }); maxDepth = webidl.converters.float(maxDepth, { prefix, context: "Argument 6", }); assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const renderPassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); ops.op_webgpu_render_pass_set_viewport({ renderPassRid, x, y, width, height, minDepth, maxDepth, }); } /** * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {number} width * @param {number} height */ setScissorRect(x, y, width, height) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'setScissorRect' on 'GPUComputePassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 4, { prefix }); x = webidl.converters.GPUIntegerCoordinate(x, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); y = webidl.converters.GPUIntegerCoordinate(y, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); width = webidl.converters.GPUIntegerCoordinate(width, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); height = webidl.converters.GPUIntegerCoordinate(height, { prefix, context: "Argument 4", }); assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const renderPassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); ops.op_webgpu_render_pass_set_scissor_rect( renderPassRid, x, y, width, height, ); } /** * @param {GPUColor} color */ setBlendConstant(color) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'setBlendConstant' on 'GPUComputePassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); color = webidl.converters.GPUColor(color, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const renderPassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); ops.op_webgpu_render_pass_set_blend_constant( renderPassRid, normalizeGPUColor(color), ); } /** * @param {number} reference */ setStencilReference(reference) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'setStencilReference' on 'GPUComputePassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); reference = webidl.converters.GPUStencilValue(reference, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const renderPassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); ops.op_webgpu_render_pass_set_stencil_reference( renderPassRid, reference, ); } beginOcclusionQuery(_queryIndex) { throw new Error("Not yet implemented"); } endOcclusionQuery() { throw new Error("Not yet implemented"); } /** * @param {GPUQuerySet} querySet * @param {number} queryIndex */ beginPipelineStatisticsQuery(querySet, queryIndex) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'beginPipelineStatisticsQuery' on 'GPURenderPassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 2, { prefix }); querySet = webidl.converters.GPUQuerySet(querySet, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); queryIndex = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(queryIndex, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); const device = assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const renderPassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const querySetRid = assertResource(querySet, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, querySet, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 1", selfContext: "this", }); ops.op_webgpu_render_pass_begin_pipeline_statistics_query( renderPassRid, querySetRid, queryIndex, ); } endPipelineStatisticsQuery() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'endPipelineStatisticsQuery' on 'GPURenderPassEncoder'"; assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const renderPassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); ops.op_webgpu_render_pass_end_pipeline_statistics_query( renderPassRid, ); } /** * @param {GPUQuerySet} querySet * @param {number} queryIndex */ writeTimestamp(querySet, queryIndex) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'writeTimestamp' on 'GPURenderPassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 2, { prefix }); querySet = webidl.converters.GPUQuerySet(querySet, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); queryIndex = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(queryIndex, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); const device = assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const renderPassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const querySetRid = assertResource(querySet, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, querySet, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 1", selfContext: "this", }); ops.op_webgpu_render_pass_write_timestamp( renderPassRid, querySetRid, queryIndex, ); } /** * @param {GPURenderBundle[]} bundles */ executeBundles(bundles) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'executeBundles' on 'GPURenderPassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); bundles = webidl.converters["sequence"](bundles, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const renderPassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const bundleRids = ArrayPrototypeMap(bundles, (bundle, i) => { const context = `bundle ${i + 1}`; const rid = assertResource(bundle, { prefix, context }); assertDeviceMatch(device, bundle, { prefix, resourceContext: context, selfContext: "this", }); return rid; }); ops.op_webgpu_render_pass_execute_bundles( renderPassRid, bundleRids, ); } end() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'end' on 'GPURenderPassEncoder'"; const device = assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const commandEncoderRid = assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const renderPassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const { err } = ops.op_webgpu_render_pass_end( commandEncoderRid, renderPassRid, ); device.pushError(err); this[_rid] = undefined; } // TODO(lucacasonato): has an overload setBindGroup( index, bindGroup, dynamicOffsetsData, dynamicOffsetsDataStart, dynamicOffsetsDataLength, ) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'setBindGroup' on 'GPURenderPassEncoder'"; const device = assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const renderPassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const bindGroupRid = assertResource(bindGroup, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, bindGroup, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 2", selfContext: "this", }); if ( !(ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( Uint32ArrayPrototype, dynamicOffsetsData, )) ) { dynamicOffsetsData = new Uint32Array(dynamicOffsetsData ?? []); dynamicOffsetsDataStart = 0; dynamicOffsetsDataLength = dynamicOffsetsData.length; } ops.op_webgpu_render_pass_set_bind_group( renderPassRid, index, bindGroupRid, dynamicOffsetsData, dynamicOffsetsDataStart, dynamicOffsetsDataLength, ); } /** * @param {string} groupLabel */ pushDebugGroup(groupLabel) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'pushDebugGroup' on 'GPURenderPassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); groupLabel = webidl.converters.USVString(groupLabel, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const renderPassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); ops.op_webgpu_render_pass_push_debug_group( renderPassRid, groupLabel, ); } popDebugGroup() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'popDebugGroup' on 'GPURenderPassEncoder'"; assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const renderPassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); ops.op_webgpu_render_pass_pop_debug_group(renderPassRid); } /** * @param {string} markerLabel */ insertDebugMarker(markerLabel) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'insertDebugMarker' on 'GPURenderPassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); markerLabel = webidl.converters.USVString(markerLabel, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const renderPassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); ops.op_webgpu_render_pass_insert_debug_marker( renderPassRid, markerLabel, ); } /** * @param {GPURenderPipeline} pipeline */ setPipeline(pipeline) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'setPipeline' on 'GPURenderPassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); pipeline = webidl.converters.GPURenderPipeline(pipeline, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const renderPassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const pipelineRid = assertResource(pipeline, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, pipeline, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 1", selfContext: "this", }); ops.op_webgpu_render_pass_set_pipeline( renderPassRid, pipelineRid, ); } /** * @param {GPUBuffer} buffer * @param {GPUIndexFormat} indexFormat * @param {number} offset * @param {number} size */ setIndexBuffer(buffer, indexFormat, offset = 0, size) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'setIndexBuffer' on 'GPURenderPassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 2, { prefix }); buffer = webidl.converters.GPUBuffer(buffer, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); indexFormat = webidl.converters.GPUIndexFormat(indexFormat, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); offset = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(offset, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); if (size !== undefined) { size = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(size, { prefix, context: "Argument 4", }); } const device = assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const renderPassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const bufferRid = assertResource(buffer, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, buffer, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 1", selfContext: "this", }); ops.op_webgpu_render_pass_set_index_buffer( renderPassRid, bufferRid, indexFormat, offset, size, ); } /** * @param {number} slot * @param {GPUBuffer} buffer * @param {number} offset * @param {number} size */ setVertexBuffer(slot, buffer, offset = 0, size) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'setVertexBuffer' on 'GPURenderPassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 2, { prefix }); slot = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(slot, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); buffer = webidl.converters.GPUBuffer(buffer, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); offset = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(offset, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); if (size !== undefined) { size = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(size, { prefix, context: "Argument 4", }); } const device = assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const renderPassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const bufferRid = assertResource(buffer, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, buffer, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 2", selfContext: "this", }); ops.op_webgpu_render_pass_set_vertex_buffer( renderPassRid, slot, bufferRid, offset, size, ); } /** * @param {number} vertexCount * @param {number} instanceCount * @param {number} firstVertex * @param {number} firstInstance */ draw(vertexCount, instanceCount = 1, firstVertex = 0, firstInstance = 0) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'draw' on 'GPURenderPassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); vertexCount = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(vertexCount, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); instanceCount = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(instanceCount, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); firstVertex = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(firstVertex, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); firstInstance = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(firstInstance, { prefix, context: "Argument 4", }); assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const renderPassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); ops.op_webgpu_render_pass_draw( renderPassRid, vertexCount, instanceCount, firstVertex, firstInstance, ); } /** * @param {number} indexCount * @param {number} instanceCount * @param {number} firstIndex * @param {number} baseVertex * @param {number} firstInstance */ drawIndexed( indexCount, instanceCount = 1, firstIndex = 0, baseVertex = 0, firstInstance = 0, ) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'drawIndexed' on 'GPURenderPassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); indexCount = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(indexCount, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); instanceCount = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(instanceCount, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); firstIndex = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(firstIndex, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); baseVertex = webidl.converters.GPUSignedOffset32(baseVertex, { prefix, context: "Argument 4", }); firstInstance = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(firstInstance, { prefix, context: "Argument 5", }); assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const renderPassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); ops.op_webgpu_render_pass_draw_indexed( renderPassRid, indexCount, instanceCount, firstIndex, baseVertex, firstInstance, ); } /** * @param {GPUBuffer} indirectBuffer * @param {number} indirectOffset */ drawIndirect(indirectBuffer, indirectOffset) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'drawIndirect' on 'GPURenderPassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 2, { prefix }); indirectBuffer = webidl.converters.GPUBuffer(indirectBuffer, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); indirectOffset = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(indirectOffset, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); const device = assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const renderPassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const indirectBufferRid = assertResource(indirectBuffer, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, indirectBuffer, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 1", selfContext: "this", }); ops.op_webgpu_render_pass_draw_indirect( renderPassRid, indirectBufferRid, indirectOffset, ); } /** * @param {GPUBuffer} indirectBuffer * @param {number} indirectOffset */ drawIndexedIndirect(indirectBuffer, indirectOffset) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'drawIndirect' on 'GPURenderPassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 2, { prefix }); indirectBuffer = webidl.converters.GPUBuffer(indirectBuffer, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); indirectOffset = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(indirectOffset, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); const device = assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const renderPassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const indirectBufferRid = assertResource(indirectBuffer, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, indirectBuffer, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 1", selfContext: "this", }); ops.op_webgpu_render_pass_draw_indexed_indirect( renderPassRid, indirectBufferRid, indirectOffset, ); } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ label: this.label, }) }`; } } GPUObjectBaseMixin("GPURenderPassEncoder", GPURenderPassEncoder); const GPURenderPassEncoderPrototype = GPURenderPassEncoder.prototype; /** * @param {string | null} label * @param {GPUCommandEncoder} encoder * @param {number} rid * @returns {GPUComputePassEncoder} */ function createGPUComputePassEncoder(label, encoder, rid) { /** @type {GPUComputePassEncoder} */ const computePassEncoder = webidl.createBranded(GPUComputePassEncoder); computePassEncoder[_label] = label; computePassEncoder[_encoder] = encoder; computePassEncoder[_rid] = rid; return computePassEncoder; } class GPUComputePassEncoder { /** @type {GPUCommandEncoder} */ [_encoder]; /** @type {number | undefined} */ [_rid]; [_cleanup]() { const rid = this[_rid]; if (rid !== undefined) { core.close(rid); /** @type {number | undefined} */ this[_rid] = undefined; } } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } /** * @param {GPUComputePipeline} pipeline */ setPipeline(pipeline) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUComputePassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'setPipeline' on 'GPUComputePassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); pipeline = webidl.converters.GPUComputePipeline(pipeline, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const computePassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const pipelineRid = assertResource(pipeline, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, pipeline, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 1", selfContext: "this", }); ops.op_webgpu_compute_pass_set_pipeline( computePassRid, pipelineRid, ); } /** * @param {number} workgroupCountX * @param {number} workgroupCountY * @param {number} workgroupCountZ */ dispatchWorkgroups( workgroupCountX, workgroupCountY = 1, workgroupCountZ = 1, ) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUComputePassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'dispatchWorkgroups' on 'GPUComputePassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); workgroupCountX = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(workgroupCountX, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); workgroupCountY = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(workgroupCountY, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); workgroupCountZ = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(workgroupCountZ, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const computePassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); ops.op_webgpu_compute_pass_dispatch_workgroups( computePassRid, workgroupCountX, workgroupCountY, workgroupCountZ, ); } /** * @param {GPUBuffer} indirectBuffer * @param {number} indirectOffset */ dispatchWorkgroupsIndirect(indirectBuffer, indirectOffset) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUComputePassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'dispatchWorkgroupsIndirect' on 'GPUComputePassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 2, { prefix }); indirectBuffer = webidl.converters.GPUBuffer(indirectBuffer, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); indirectOffset = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(indirectOffset, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); const device = assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const computePassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const indirectBufferRid = assertResource(indirectBuffer, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, indirectBuffer, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 1", selfContext: "this", }); ops.op_webgpu_compute_pass_dispatch_workgroups_indirect( computePassRid, indirectBufferRid, indirectOffset, ); } /** * @param {GPUQuerySet} querySet * @param {number} queryIndex */ beginPipelineStatisticsQuery(querySet, queryIndex) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUComputePassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'beginPipelineStatisticsQuery' on 'GPUComputePassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 2, { prefix }); querySet = webidl.converters.GPUQuerySet(querySet, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); queryIndex = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(queryIndex, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); const device = assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const computePassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const querySetRid = assertResource(querySet, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, querySet, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 1", selfContext: "this", }); ops.op_webgpu_compute_pass_begin_pipeline_statistics_query( computePassRid, querySetRid, queryIndex, ); } endPipelineStatisticsQuery() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUComputePassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'endPipelineStatisticsQuery' on 'GPUComputePassEncoder'"; assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const computePassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); ops.op_webgpu_compute_pass_end_pipeline_statistics_query( computePassRid, ); } /** * @param {GPUQuerySet} querySet * @param {number} queryIndex */ writeTimestamp(querySet, queryIndex) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUComputePassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'writeTimestamp' on 'GPUComputePassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 2, { prefix }); querySet = webidl.converters.GPUQuerySet(querySet, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); queryIndex = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(queryIndex, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); const device = assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const computePassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const querySetRid = assertResource(querySet, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, querySet, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 1", selfContext: "this", }); ops.op_webgpu_compute_pass_write_timestamp( computePassRid, querySetRid, queryIndex, ); } end() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUComputePassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'end' on 'GPUComputePassEncoder'"; const device = assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const commandEncoderRid = assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const computePassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const { err } = ops.op_webgpu_compute_pass_end( commandEncoderRid, computePassRid, ); device.pushError(err); this[_rid] = undefined; } // TODO(lucacasonato): has an overload setBindGroup( index, bindGroup, dynamicOffsetsData, dynamicOffsetsDataStart, dynamicOffsetsDataLength, ) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUComputePassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'setBindGroup' on 'GPUComputePassEncoder'"; const device = assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const computePassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const bindGroupRid = assertResource(bindGroup, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, bindGroup, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 2", selfContext: "this", }); if ( !(ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( Uint32ArrayPrototype, dynamicOffsetsData, )) ) { dynamicOffsetsData = new Uint32Array(dynamicOffsetsData ?? []); dynamicOffsetsDataStart = 0; dynamicOffsetsDataLength = dynamicOffsetsData.length; } ops.op_webgpu_compute_pass_set_bind_group( computePassRid, index, bindGroupRid, dynamicOffsetsData, dynamicOffsetsDataStart, dynamicOffsetsDataLength, ); } /** * @param {string} groupLabel */ pushDebugGroup(groupLabel) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUComputePassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'pushDebugGroup' on 'GPUComputePassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); groupLabel = webidl.converters.USVString(groupLabel, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const computePassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); ops.op_webgpu_compute_pass_push_debug_group( computePassRid, groupLabel, ); } popDebugGroup() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUComputePassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'popDebugGroup' on 'GPUComputePassEncoder'"; assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const computePassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); ops.op_webgpu_compute_pass_pop_debug_group(computePassRid); } /** * @param {string} markerLabel */ insertDebugMarker(markerLabel) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUComputePassEncoderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'insertDebugMarker' on 'GPUComputePassEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); markerLabel = webidl.converters.USVString(markerLabel, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDevice(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); assertResource(this[_encoder], { prefix, context: "encoder referenced by this", }); const computePassRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); ops.op_webgpu_compute_pass_insert_debug_marker( computePassRid, markerLabel, ); } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ label: this.label, }) }`; } } GPUObjectBaseMixin("GPUComputePassEncoder", GPUComputePassEncoder); const GPUComputePassEncoderPrototype = GPUComputePassEncoder.prototype; /** * @param {string | null} label * @param {InnerGPUDevice} device * @param {number} rid * @returns {GPUCommandBuffer} */ function createGPUCommandBuffer(label, device, rid) { /** @type {GPUCommandBuffer} */ const commandBuffer = webidl.createBranded(GPUCommandBuffer); commandBuffer[_label] = label; commandBuffer[_device] = device; commandBuffer[_rid] = rid; return commandBuffer; } class GPUCommandBuffer { /** @type {InnerGPUDevice} */ [_device]; /** @type {number | undefined} */ [_rid]; [_cleanup]() { const rid = this[_rid]; if (rid !== undefined) { core.close(rid); /** @type {number | undefined} */ this[_rid] = undefined; } } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ label: this.label, }) }`; } } GPUObjectBaseMixin("GPUCommandBuffer", GPUCommandBuffer); /** * @param {string | null} label * @param {InnerGPUDevice} device * @param {number} rid * @returns {GPURenderBundleEncoder} */ function createGPURenderBundleEncoder(label, device, rid) { /** @type {GPURenderBundleEncoder} */ const bundleEncoder = webidl.createBranded(GPURenderBundleEncoder); bundleEncoder[_label] = label; bundleEncoder[_device] = device; bundleEncoder[_rid] = rid; return bundleEncoder; } class GPURenderBundleEncoder { /** @type {InnerGPUDevice} */ [_device]; /** @type {number | undefined} */ [_rid]; [_cleanup]() { const rid = this[_rid]; if (rid !== undefined) { core.close(rid); /** @type {number | undefined} */ this[_rid] = undefined; } } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } /** * @param {GPURenderBundleDescriptor} descriptor */ finish(descriptor = {}) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderBundleEncoder.prototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'finish' on 'GPURenderBundleEncoder'"; descriptor = webidl.converters.GPURenderBundleDescriptor(descriptor, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const renderBundleEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); const { rid, err } = ops.op_webgpu_render_bundle_encoder_finish( renderBundleEncoderRid, descriptor.label, ); device.pushError(err); this[_rid] = undefined; const renderBundle = createGPURenderBundle( descriptor.label ?? null, device, rid, ); device.trackResource(renderBundle); return renderBundle; } // TODO(lucacasonato): has an overload setBindGroup( index, bindGroup, dynamicOffsetsData, dynamicOffsetsDataStart, dynamicOffsetsDataLength, ) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderBundleEncoder.prototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'setBindGroup' on 'GPURenderBundleEncoder'"; const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const renderBundleEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); const bindGroupRid = assertResource(bindGroup, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, bindGroup, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 2", selfContext: "this", }); if ( !(ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( Uint32ArrayPrototype, dynamicOffsetsData, )) ) { dynamicOffsetsData = new Uint32Array(dynamicOffsetsData ?? []); dynamicOffsetsDataStart = 0; dynamicOffsetsDataLength = dynamicOffsetsData.length; } ops.op_webgpu_render_bundle_encoder_set_bind_group( renderBundleEncoderRid, index, bindGroupRid, dynamicOffsetsData, dynamicOffsetsDataStart, dynamicOffsetsDataLength, ); } /** * @param {string} groupLabel */ pushDebugGroup(groupLabel) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderBundleEncoder.prototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'pushDebugGroup' on 'GPURenderBundleEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); groupLabel = webidl.converters.USVString(groupLabel, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const renderBundleEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); ops.op_webgpu_render_bundle_encoder_push_debug_group( renderBundleEncoderRid, groupLabel, ); } popDebugGroup() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderBundleEncoder.prototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'popDebugGroup' on 'GPURenderBundleEncoder'"; assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const renderBundleEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); ops.op_webgpu_render_bundle_encoder_pop_debug_group( renderBundleEncoderRid, ); } /** * @param {string} markerLabel */ insertDebugMarker(markerLabel) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderBundleEncoder.prototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'insertDebugMarker' on 'GPURenderBundleEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); markerLabel = webidl.converters.USVString(markerLabel, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const renderBundleEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); ops.op_webgpu_render_bundle_encoder_insert_debug_marker( renderBundleEncoderRid, markerLabel, ); } /** * @param {GPURenderPipeline} pipeline */ setPipeline(pipeline) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderBundleEncoder.prototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'setPipeline' on 'GPURenderBundleEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); pipeline = webidl.converters.GPURenderPipeline(pipeline, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const renderBundleEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); const pipelineRid = assertResource(pipeline, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, pipeline, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 1", selfContext: "this", }); ops.op_webgpu_render_bundle_encoder_set_pipeline( renderBundleEncoderRid, pipelineRid, ); } /** * @param {GPUBuffer} buffer * @param {GPUIndexFormat} indexFormat * @param {number} offset * @param {number} size */ setIndexBuffer(buffer, indexFormat, offset = 0, size = 0) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderBundleEncoder.prototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'setIndexBuffer' on 'GPURenderBundleEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 2, { prefix }); buffer = webidl.converters.GPUBuffer(buffer, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); indexFormat = webidl.converters.GPUIndexFormat(indexFormat, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); offset = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(offset, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); size = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(size, { prefix, context: "Argument 4", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const renderBundleEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); const bufferRid = assertResource(buffer, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, buffer, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 1", selfContext: "this", }); ops.op_webgpu_render_bundle_encoder_set_index_buffer( renderBundleEncoderRid, bufferRid, indexFormat, offset, size, ); } /** * @param {number} slot * @param {GPUBuffer} buffer * @param {number} offset * @param {number} size */ setVertexBuffer(slot, buffer, offset = 0, size = 0) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderBundleEncoder.prototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'setVertexBuffer' on 'GPURenderBundleEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 2, { prefix }); slot = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(slot, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); buffer = webidl.converters.GPUBuffer(buffer, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); offset = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(offset, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); size = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(size, { prefix, context: "Argument 4", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const renderBundleEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); const bufferRid = assertResource(buffer, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, buffer, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 2", selfContext: "this", }); ops.op_webgpu_render_bundle_encoder_set_vertex_buffer( renderBundleEncoderRid, slot, bufferRid, offset, size, ); } /** * @param {number} vertexCount * @param {number} instanceCount * @param {number} firstVertex * @param {number} firstInstance */ draw(vertexCount, instanceCount = 1, firstVertex = 0, firstInstance = 0) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderBundleEncoder.prototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'draw' on 'GPURenderBundleEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); vertexCount = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(vertexCount, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); instanceCount = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(instanceCount, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); firstVertex = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(firstVertex, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); firstInstance = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(firstInstance, { prefix, context: "Argument 4", }); assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const renderBundleEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); ops.op_webgpu_render_bundle_encoder_draw( renderBundleEncoderRid, vertexCount, instanceCount, firstVertex, firstInstance, ); } /** * @param {number} indexCount * @param {number} instanceCount * @param {number} firstIndex * @param {number} baseVertex * @param {number} firstInstance */ drawIndexed( indexCount, instanceCount = 1, firstIndex = 0, baseVertex = 0, firstInstance = 0, ) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderBundleEncoder.prototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'drawIndexed' on 'GPURenderBundleEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); indexCount = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(indexCount, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); instanceCount = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(instanceCount, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); firstIndex = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(firstIndex, { prefix, context: "Argument 3", }); baseVertex = webidl.converters.GPUSignedOffset32(baseVertex, { prefix, context: "Argument 4", }); firstInstance = webidl.converters.GPUSize32(firstInstance, { prefix, context: "Argument 5", }); assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const renderBundleEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); ops.op_webgpu_render_bundle_encoder_draw_indexed( renderBundleEncoderRid, indexCount, instanceCount, firstIndex, baseVertex, firstInstance, ); } /** * @param {GPUBuffer} indirectBuffer * @param {number} indirectOffset */ drawIndirect(indirectBuffer, indirectOffset) { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPURenderBundleEncoder.prototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'drawIndirect' on 'GPURenderBundleEncoder'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 2, { prefix }); indirectBuffer = webidl.converters.GPUBuffer(indirectBuffer, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); indirectOffset = webidl.converters.GPUSize64(indirectOffset, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" }); const renderBundleEncoderRid = assertResource(this, { prefix, context: "this", }); const indirectBufferRid = assertResource(indirectBuffer, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); assertDeviceMatch(device, indirectBuffer, { prefix, resourceContext: "Argument 1", selfContext: "this", }); ops.op_webgpu_render_bundle_encoder_draw_indirect( renderBundleEncoderRid, indirectBufferRid, indirectOffset, ); } drawIndexedIndirect(_indirectBuffer, _indirectOffset) { throw new Error("Not yet implemented"); } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ label: this.label, }) }`; } } GPUObjectBaseMixin("GPURenderBundleEncoder", GPURenderBundleEncoder); /** * @param {string | null} label * @param {InnerGPUDevice} device * @param {number} rid * @returns {GPURenderBundle} */ function createGPURenderBundle(label, device, rid) { /** @type {GPURenderBundle} */ const bundle = webidl.createBranded(GPURenderBundle); bundle[_label] = label; bundle[_device] = device; bundle[_rid] = rid; return bundle; } class GPURenderBundle { /** @type {InnerGPUDevice} */ [_device]; /** @type {number | undefined} */ [_rid]; [_cleanup]() { const rid = this[_rid]; if (rid !== undefined) { core.close(rid); /** @type {number | undefined} */ this[_rid] = undefined; } } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ label: this.label, }) }`; } } GPUObjectBaseMixin("GPURenderBundle", GPURenderBundle); /** * @param {string | null} label * @param {InnerGPUDevice} device * @param {number} rid * @returns {GPUQuerySet} */ function createGPUQuerySet(label, device, rid, descriptor) { /** @type {GPUQuerySet} */ const queue = webidl.createBranded(GPUQuerySet); queue[_label] = label; queue[_device] = device; queue[_rid] = rid; queue[_descriptor] = descriptor; return queue; } class GPUQuerySet { /** @type {InnerGPUDevice} */ [_device]; /** @type {number | undefined} */ [_rid]; /** @type {GPUQuerySetDescriptor} */ [_descriptor]; [_cleanup]() { const rid = this[_rid]; if (rid !== undefined) { core.close(rid); /** @type {number | undefined} */ this[_rid] = undefined; } } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } destroy() { webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUQuerySetPrototype); this[_cleanup](); } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ label: this.label, }) }`; } } GPUObjectBaseMixin("GPUQuerySet", GPUQuerySet); const GPUQuerySetPrototype = GPUQuerySet.prototype; window.__bootstrap.webgpu = { gpu: webidl.createBranded(GPU), GPU, GPUAdapter, GPUSupportedLimits, GPUSupportedFeatures, GPUDevice, GPUQueue, GPUBuffer, GPUBufferUsage, GPUMapMode, GPUTextureUsage, GPUTexture, GPUTextureView, GPUSampler, GPUBindGroupLayout, GPUPipelineLayout, GPUBindGroup, GPUShaderModule, GPUShaderStage, GPUComputePipeline, GPURenderPipeline, GPUColorWrite, GPUCommandEncoder, GPURenderPassEncoder, GPUComputePassEncoder, GPUCommandBuffer, GPURenderBundleEncoder, GPURenderBundle, GPUQuerySet, GPUError, GPUOutOfMemoryError, GPUValidationError, }; })(this);