// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use std::collections::HashSet; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use deno_ast::MediaType; use deno_ast::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_core::anyhow::bail; use deno_core::anyhow::Context; use deno_core::error::generic_error; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::located_script_name; use deno_core::serde_json::Map; use deno_core::serde_json::Value; use deno_core::url::Url; use deno_core::JsRuntime; use deno_graph::source::ResolveResponse; use deno_runtime::deno_node::get_package_scope_config; use deno_runtime::deno_node::legacy_main_resolve; use deno_runtime::deno_node::package_exports_resolve; use deno_runtime::deno_node::package_imports_resolve; use deno_runtime::deno_node::package_resolve; use deno_runtime::deno_node::DenoDirNpmResolver; use deno_runtime::deno_node::PackageJson; use deno_runtime::deno_node::DEFAULT_CONDITIONS; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use path_clean::PathClean; use regex::Regex; use crate::compat; use crate::file_fetcher::FileFetcher; use crate::npm::GlobalNpmPackageResolver; use crate::npm::NpmPackageReference; use crate::npm::NpmPackageReq; use crate::npm::NpmPackageResolver; mod analyze; pub use analyze::esm_code_with_node_globals; static RESERVED_WORDS: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { HashSet::from([ "break", "case", "catch", "class", "const", "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "else", "export", "extends", "false", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "import", "in", "instanceof", "new", "null", "return", "super", "switch", "this", "throw", "true", "try", "typeof", "var", "void", "while", "with", "yield", "let", "enum", "implements", "interface", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "static", ]) }); pub async fn initialize_runtime( js_runtime: &mut JsRuntime, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let source_code = &format!( r#"(async function loadBuiltinNodeModules(moduleAllUrl) {{ const moduleAll = await import(moduleAllUrl); Deno[Deno.internal].node.initialize(moduleAll.default); }})('{}');"#, compat::MODULE_ALL_URL.as_str(), ); let value = js_runtime.execute_script(&located_script_name!(), source_code)?; js_runtime.resolve_value(value).await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn initialize_binary_command( js_runtime: &mut JsRuntime, binary_name: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { // overwrite what's done in deno_std in order to set the binary arg name let source_code = &format!( r#"(async function initializeBinaryCommand(binaryName) {{ const process = Deno[Deno.internal].node.globalThis.process; Object.defineProperty(process.argv, "0", {{ get: () => binaryName, }}); }})('{}');"#, binary_name, ); let value = js_runtime.execute_script(&located_script_name!(), source_code)?; js_runtime.resolve_value(value).await?; Ok(()) } /// This function is an implementation of `defaultResolve` in /// `lib/internal/modules/esm/resolve.js` from Node. pub fn node_resolve( specifier: &str, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, npm_resolver: &dyn DenoDirNpmResolver, ) -> Result, AnyError> { // TODO(bartlomieju): skipped "policy" part as we don't plan to support it if let Some(resolved) = compat::try_resolve_builtin_module(specifier) { return Ok(Some(ResolveResponse::Esm(resolved))); } if let Ok(url) = Url::parse(specifier) { if url.scheme() == "data" { return Ok(Some(ResolveResponse::Specifier(url))); } let protocol = url.scheme(); if protocol == "node" { let split_specifier = url.as_str().split(':'); let specifier = split_specifier.skip(1).collect::(); if let Some(resolved) = compat::try_resolve_builtin_module(&specifier) { return Ok(Some(ResolveResponse::Esm(resolved))); } else { return Err(generic_error(format!("Unknown module {}", specifier))); } } if protocol != "file" && protocol != "data" { return Err(compat::errors::err_unsupported_esm_url_scheme(&url)); } // todo(THIS PR): I think this is handled upstream so can be removed? if referrer.scheme() == "data" { let url = referrer.join(specifier).map_err(AnyError::from)?; return Ok(Some(ResolveResponse::Specifier(url))); } } let conditions = DEFAULT_CONDITIONS; let url = module_resolve(specifier, referrer, conditions, npm_resolver)?; let url = match url { Some(url) => url, None => return Ok(None), }; let resolve_response = url_to_resolve_response(url, npm_resolver)?; // TODO(bartlomieju): skipped checking errors for commonJS resolution and // "preserveSymlinksMain"/"preserveSymlinks" options. Ok(Some(resolve_response)) } pub fn node_resolve_npm_reference( reference: &NpmPackageReference, npm_resolver: &GlobalNpmPackageResolver, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let package_folder = npm_resolver .resolve_package_from_deno_module(&reference.req)? .folder_path; let maybe_url = package_config_resolve( reference.sub_path.as_deref().unwrap_or("."), &package_folder, npm_resolver, ) .map(Some) .with_context(|| { format!("Error resolving package config for '{}'.", reference) })?; let url = match maybe_url { Some(url) => url, None => return Ok(None), }; let resolve_response = url_to_resolve_response(url, npm_resolver)?; // TODO(bartlomieju): skipped checking errors for commonJS resolution and // "preserveSymlinksMain"/"preserveSymlinks" options. Ok(Some(resolve_response)) } pub fn node_resolve_binary_export( pkg_req: &NpmPackageReq, bin_name: Option<&str>, npm_resolver: &GlobalNpmPackageResolver, ) -> Result { let pkg = npm_resolver.resolve_package_from_deno_module(pkg_req)?; let package_folder = pkg.folder_path; let package_json_path = package_folder.join("package.json"); let package_json = PackageJson::load(npm_resolver, package_json_path)?; let bin = match &package_json.bin { Some(bin) => bin, None => bail!( "package {} did not have a 'bin' property in its package.json", pkg.id ), }; let bin_entry = match bin { Value::String(_) => { if bin_name.is_some() && bin_name.unwrap() != pkg_req.name { None } else { Some(bin) } } Value::Object(o) => { if let Some(bin_name) = bin_name { o.get(bin_name) } else if o.len() == 1 { o.values().next() } else { o.get(&pkg_req.name) } }, _ => bail!("package {} did not have a 'bin' property with a string or object value in its package.json", pkg.id), }; let bin_entry = match bin_entry { Some(e) => e, None => bail!( "package {} did not have a 'bin' entry for {} in its package.json", pkg.id, bin_name.unwrap_or(&pkg_req.name), ), }; let bin_entry = match bin_entry { Value::String(s) => s, _ => bail!( "package {} had a non-string sub property of 'bin' in its package.json", pkg.id ), }; let url = ModuleSpecifier::from_file_path(package_folder.join(bin_entry)).unwrap(); let resolve_response = url_to_resolve_response(url, npm_resolver)?; // TODO(bartlomieju): skipped checking errors for commonJS resolution and // "preserveSymlinksMain"/"preserveSymlinks" options. Ok(resolve_response) } pub fn load_cjs_module_from_ext_node( js_runtime: &mut JsRuntime, module: &str, main: bool, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { fn escape_for_single_quote_string(text: &str) -> String { text.replace('\\', r"\\").replace('\'', r"\'") } let source_code = &format!( r#"(function loadCjsModule(module) {{ Deno[Deno.internal].require.Module._load(module, null, {main}); }})('{module}');"#, main = main, module = escape_for_single_quote_string(module), ); js_runtime.execute_script(&located_script_name!(), source_code)?; Ok(()) } fn package_config_resolve( package_subpath: &str, package_dir: &Path, npm_resolver: &dyn DenoDirNpmResolver, ) -> Result { let package_json_path = package_dir.join("package.json"); // todo(dsherret): remove base from this code let base = ModuleSpecifier::from_directory_path(package_json_path.parent().unwrap()) .unwrap(); let package_config = PackageJson::load(npm_resolver, package_json_path.clone())?; let package_json_url = ModuleSpecifier::from_file_path(&package_json_path).unwrap(); if let Some(exports) = &package_config.exports { return package_exports_resolve( package_json_url, package_subpath.to_string(), exports, &base, DEFAULT_CONDITIONS, npm_resolver, ); } if package_subpath == "." { return legacy_main_resolve(&package_json_url, &package_config, &base); } package_json_url .join(package_subpath) .map_err(AnyError::from) } fn url_to_resolve_response( url: ModuleSpecifier, npm_resolver: &dyn DenoDirNpmResolver, ) -> Result { Ok(if url.as_str().starts_with("http") { ResolveResponse::Esm(url) } else if url.as_str().ends_with(".js") { let package_config = get_package_scope_config(&url, npm_resolver)?; if package_config.typ == "module" { ResolveResponse::Esm(url) } else { ResolveResponse::CommonJs(url) } } else if url.as_str().ends_with(".cjs") { ResolveResponse::CommonJs(url) } else { ResolveResponse::Esm(url) }) } fn finalize_resolution( resolved: ModuleSpecifier, base: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result { // TODO(bartlomieju): this is not part of Node resolution algorithm // (as it doesn't support http/https); but I had to short circuit here // for remote modules because they are mainly used to polyfill `node` built // in modules. Another option would be to leave the resolved URLs // as `node:` and do the actual remapping to std's polyfill // in module loader. I'm not sure which approach is better. if resolved.scheme().starts_with("http") { return Ok(resolved); } // todo(dsherret): cache let encoded_sep_re = Regex::new(r"%2F|%2C").unwrap(); if encoded_sep_re.is_match(resolved.path()) { return Err(compat::errors::err_invalid_module_specifier( resolved.path(), "must not include encoded \"/\" or \"\\\\\" characters", Some(to_file_path_string(base)), )); } let path = to_file_path(&resolved); // TODO(bartlomieju): currently not supported // if (getOptionValue('--experimental-specifier-resolution') === 'node') { // ... // } let p_str = path.to_str().unwrap(); let p = if p_str.ends_with('/') { p_str[p_str.len() - 1..].to_string() } else { p_str.to_string() }; let (is_dir, is_file) = if let Ok(stats) = std::fs::metadata(&p) { (stats.is_dir(), stats.is_file()) } else { (false, false) }; if is_dir { return Err(compat::errors::err_unsupported_dir_import( resolved.as_str(), base.as_str(), )); } else if !is_file { return Err(compat::errors::err_module_not_found( resolved.as_str(), base.as_str(), "module", )); } Ok(resolved) } fn module_resolve( specifier: &str, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, conditions: &[&str], npm_resolver: &dyn DenoDirNpmResolver, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let url = if should_be_treated_as_relative_or_absolute_path(specifier) { let resolved_specifier = referrer.join(specifier)?; Some(resolved_specifier) } else if specifier.starts_with('#') { Some(package_imports_resolve( specifier, referrer, conditions, npm_resolver, )?) } else if let Ok(resolved) = Url::parse(specifier) { Some(resolved) } else { Some(package_resolve( specifier, referrer, conditions, npm_resolver, )?) }; Ok(match url { Some(url) => Some(finalize_resolution(url, referrer)?), None => None, }) } fn add_export(source: &mut Vec, name: &str, initializer: &str) { // TODO(bartlomieju): Node actually checks if a given export exists in `exports` object, // but it might not be necessary here since our analysis is more detailed? if RESERVED_WORDS.contains(name) { // we can't create an identifier with a reserved word, so assign it to a temporary // variable that won't have a conflict, then re-export it as a string source.push(format!( "const __deno_reexport_temp__{} = {};", name, initializer )); source.push(format!( "export {{ __deno_reexport_temp__{0} as \"{0}\" }};", name )); } else { source.push(format!("export const {} = {};", name, initializer)); } } /// Translates given CJS module into ESM. This function will perform static /// analysis on the file to find defined exports and reexports. /// /// For all discovered reexports the analysis will be performed recursively. /// /// If successful a source code for equivalent ES module is returned. pub fn translate_cjs_to_esm( file_fetcher: &FileFetcher, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, code: String, media_type: MediaType, npm_resolver: &GlobalNpmPackageResolver, ) -> Result { let parsed_source = deno_ast::parse_script(deno_ast::ParseParams { specifier: specifier.to_string(), text_info: deno_ast::SourceTextInfo::new(code.into()), media_type, capture_tokens: true, scope_analysis: false, maybe_syntax: None, })?; let analysis = parsed_source.analyze_cjs(); let mut source = vec![ r#"const require = Deno[Deno.internal].require.Module.createRequire(import.meta.url);"#.to_string(), ]; // if there are reexports, handle them first for (idx, reexport) in analysis.reexports.iter().enumerate() { // Firstly, resolve relate reexport specifier // todo(dsherret): call module_resolve instead? let resolved_reexport = resolve( reexport, specifier, // FIXME(bartlomieju): check if these conditions are okay, probably // should be `deno-require`, because `deno` is already used in `esm_resolver.rs` &["deno", "require", "default"], npm_resolver, )?; let reexport_specifier = ModuleSpecifier::from_file_path(&resolved_reexport).unwrap(); // Secondly, read the source code from disk let reexport_file = file_fetcher.get_source(&reexport_specifier).unwrap(); // Now perform analysis again { let parsed_source = deno_ast::parse_script(deno_ast::ParseParams { specifier: reexport_specifier.to_string(), text_info: deno_ast::SourceTextInfo::new(reexport_file.source), media_type: reexport_file.media_type, capture_tokens: true, scope_analysis: false, maybe_syntax: None, })?; let analysis = parsed_source.analyze_cjs(); source.push(format!( "const reexport{} = require(\"{}\");", idx, reexport )); for export in analysis.exports.iter().filter(|e| e.as_str() != "default") { add_export(&mut source, export, &format!("Deno[Deno.internal].require.bindExport(reexport{0}.{1}, reexport{0})", idx, export)); } } } source.push(format!( "const mod = require(\"{}\");", specifier .to_file_path() .unwrap() .to_str() .unwrap() .replace('\\', "\\\\") .replace('\'', "\\\'") .replace('\"', "\\\"") )); let mut had_default = false; for export in analysis.exports.iter() { if export.as_str() == "default" { // todo(dsherret): we should only do this if there was a `_esModule: true` instead source.push(format!( "export default Deno[Deno.internal].require.bindExport(mod.{}, mod);", export, )); had_default = true; } else { add_export( &mut source, export, &format!( "Deno[Deno.internal].require.bindExport(mod.{}, mod)", export ), ); } } if !had_default { source.push("export default mod;".to_string()); } let translated_source = source.join("\n"); Ok(translated_source) } fn resolve_package_target_string( target: &str, subpath: Option, ) -> String { if let Some(subpath) = subpath { target.replace('*', &subpath) } else { target.to_string() } } fn resolve( specifier: &str, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, conditions: &[&str], npm_resolver: &dyn DenoDirNpmResolver, ) -> Result { if specifier.starts_with('/') { todo!(); } let referrer_path = referrer.to_file_path().unwrap(); if specifier.starts_with("./") || specifier.starts_with("../") { if let Some(parent) = referrer_path.parent() { return file_extension_probe(parent.join(specifier), &referrer_path); } else { todo!(); } } // We've got a bare specifier or maybe bare_specifier/blah.js" let (_, package_subpath) = parse_specifier(specifier).unwrap(); // todo(dsherret): use not_found error on not found here let module_dir = npm_resolver.resolve_package_folder_from_path(&referrer_path)?; let package_json_path = module_dir.join("package.json"); if package_json_path.exists() { let package_json = PackageJson::load(npm_resolver, package_json_path)?; if let Some(map) = package_json.exports { if let Some((key, subpath)) = exports_resolve(&map, &package_subpath) { let value = map.get(&key).unwrap(); let s = conditions_resolve(value, conditions); let t = resolve_package_target_string(&s, subpath); return Ok(module_dir.join(t).clean()); } else { todo!() } } // old school if package_subpath != "." { let d = module_dir.join(package_subpath); if let Ok(m) = d.metadata() { if m.is_dir() { return Ok(d.join("index.js").clean()); } } return file_extension_probe(d, &referrer_path); } else if let Some(main) = package_json.main { return Ok(module_dir.join(main).clean()); } else { return Ok(module_dir.join("index.js").clean()); } } Err(not_found(specifier, &referrer_path)) } fn conditions_resolve(value: &Value, conditions: &[&str]) -> String { match value { Value::String(s) => s.to_string(), Value::Object(map) => { for condition in conditions { if let Some(x) = map.get(&condition.to_string()) { if let Value::String(s) = x { return s.to_string(); } else { todo!() } } } todo!() } _ => todo!(), } } fn parse_specifier(specifier: &str) -> Option<(String, String)> { let mut separator_index = specifier.find('/'); let mut valid_package_name = true; // let mut is_scoped = false; if specifier.is_empty() { valid_package_name = false; } else if specifier.starts_with('@') { // is_scoped = true; if let Some(index) = separator_index { separator_index = specifier[index + 1..].find('/'); } else { valid_package_name = false; } } let package_name = if let Some(index) = separator_index { specifier[0..index].to_string() } else { specifier.to_string() }; // Package name cannot have leading . and cannot have percent-encoding or separators. for ch in package_name.chars() { if ch == '%' || ch == '\\' { valid_package_name = false; break; } } if !valid_package_name { return None; } let package_subpath = if let Some(index) = separator_index { format!(".{}", specifier.chars().skip(index).collect::()) } else { ".".to_string() }; Some((package_name, package_subpath)) } fn exports_resolve( map: &Map, subpath: &str, ) -> Option<(String, Option)> { if map.contains_key(subpath) { return Some((subpath.to_string(), None)); } // best match let mut best_match = None; for key in map.keys() { if let Some(pattern_index) = key.find('*') { let key_sub = &key[0..pattern_index]; if subpath.starts_with(key_sub) { if subpath.ends_with('/') { todo!() } let pattern_trailer = &key[pattern_index + 1..]; if subpath.len() > key.len() && subpath.ends_with(pattern_trailer) // && pattern_key_compare(best_match, key) == 1 && key.rfind('*') == Some(pattern_index) { let rest = subpath [pattern_index..(subpath.len() - pattern_trailer.len())] .to_string(); best_match = Some((key, rest)); } } } } if let Some((key, subpath_)) = best_match { return Some((key.to_string(), Some(subpath_))); } None } fn to_file_path(url: &ModuleSpecifier) -> PathBuf { url .to_file_path() .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Provided URL was not file:// URL: {}", url)) } fn to_file_path_string(url: &ModuleSpecifier) -> String { to_file_path(url).display().to_string() } fn should_be_treated_as_relative_or_absolute_path(specifier: &str) -> bool { if specifier.is_empty() { return false; } if specifier.starts_with('/') { return true; } is_relative_specifier(specifier) } // TODO(ry) We very likely have this utility function elsewhere in Deno. fn is_relative_specifier(specifier: &str) -> bool { let specifier_len = specifier.len(); let specifier_chars: Vec<_> = specifier.chars().collect(); if !specifier_chars.is_empty() && specifier_chars[0] == '.' { if specifier_len == 1 || specifier_chars[1] == '/' { return true; } if specifier_chars[1] == '.' && (specifier_len == 2 || specifier_chars[2] == '/') { return true; } } false } fn file_extension_probe( mut p: PathBuf, referrer: &Path, ) -> Result { if p.exists() && !p.is_dir() { Ok(p.clean()) } else { p.set_extension("js"); if p.exists() && !p.is_dir() { Ok(p) } else { Err(not_found(&p.clean().to_string_lossy(), referrer)) } } } fn not_found(path: &str, referrer: &Path) -> AnyError { let msg = format!( "[ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND] Cannot find module \"{}\" imported from \"{}\"", path, referrer.to_string_lossy() ); std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound, msg).into() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_add_export() { let mut source = vec![]; let exports = vec!["static", "server", "app"]; for export in exports { add_export(&mut source, export, "init"); } assert_eq!( source, vec![ "const __deno_reexport_temp__static = init;".to_string(), "export { __deno_reexport_temp__static as \"static\" };".to_string(), "export const server = init;".to_string(), "export const app = init;".to_string(), ] ) } #[test] fn test_resolve_package_target_string() { assert_eq!(resolve_package_target_string("foo", None), "foo"); assert_eq!( resolve_package_target_string("*foo", Some("bar".to_string())), "barfoo" ); } }