// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. "use strict"; ((window) => { const core = window.Deno.core; const __bootstrap = window.__bootstrap; const { BigInt, ObjectDefineProperty, ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf, PromisePrototypeThen, TypeError, Uint8Array, } = window.__bootstrap.primordials; function unpackU64([hi, lo]) { return BigInt(hi) << 32n | BigInt(lo); } function unpackI64([hi, lo]) { const u64 = unpackU64([hi, lo]); return u64 >> 63n ? u64 - 0x10000000000000000n : u64; } class UnsafePointerView { pointer; constructor(pointer) { this.pointer = pointer; } getUint8(offset = 0) { return core.opSync( "op_ffi_read_u8", this.pointer + BigInt(offset), ); } getInt8(offset = 0) { return core.opSync( "op_ffi_read_i8", this.pointer + BigInt(offset), ); } getUint16(offset = 0) { return core.opSync( "op_ffi_read_u16", this.pointer + BigInt(offset), ); } getInt16(offset = 0) { return core.opSync( "op_ffi_read_i16", this.pointer + BigInt(offset), ); } getUint32(offset = 0) { return core.opSync( "op_ffi_read_u32", this.pointer + BigInt(offset), ); } getInt32(offset = 0) { return core.opSync( "op_ffi_read_i32", this.pointer + BigInt(offset), ); } getBigUint64(offset = 0) { return core.opSync( "op_ffi_read_u64", this.pointer + BigInt(offset), ); } getBigInt64(offset = 0) { return core.opSync( "op_ffi_read_u64", this.pointer + BigInt(offset), ); } getFloat32(offset = 0) { return core.opSync( "op_ffi_read_f32", this.pointer + BigInt(offset), ); } getFloat64(offset = 0) { return core.opSync( "op_ffi_read_f64", this.pointer + BigInt(offset), ); } getCString(offset = 0) { return core.opSync( "op_ffi_cstr_read", this.pointer + BigInt(offset), ); } getArrayBuffer(byteLength, offset = 0) { const uint8array = new Uint8Array(byteLength); this.copyInto(uint8array, offset); return uint8array.buffer; } copyInto(destination, offset = 0) { core.opSync( "op_ffi_buf_copy_into", this.pointer + BigInt(offset), destination, destination.byteLength, ); } } class UnsafePointer { static of(value) { if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(UnsafeCallbackPrototype, value)) { return value.pointer; } return core.opSync("op_ffi_ptr_of", value); } } function unpackNonblockingReturnValue(type, result) { if ( typeof type === "object" && type !== null && "function" in type || type === "pointer" ) { return unpackU64(result); } switch (type) { case "isize": case "i64": return unpackI64(result); case "usize": case "u64": return unpackU64(result); default: return result; } } class UnsafeFnPointer { pointer; definition; constructor(pointer, definition) { this.pointer = pointer; this.definition = definition; } call(...parameters) { const resultType = this.definition.result; if (this.definition.nonblocking) { const promise = core.opAsync( "op_ffi_call_ptr_nonblocking", this.pointer, this.definition, parameters, ); if ( isReturnedAsBigInt(resultType) ) { return PromisePrototypeThen( promise, (result) => unpackNonblockingReturnValue(resultType, result), ); } return promise; } else { return core.opSync( "op_ffi_call_ptr", this.pointer, this.definition, parameters, ); } } } function isPointerType(type) { return type === "pointer" || typeof type === "object" && type !== null && "function" in type; } function isReturnedAsBigInt(type) { return isPointerType(type) || type === "u64" || type === "i64" || type === "usize" || type === "isize"; } class UnsafeCallback { #refcount; #rid; definition; callback; pointer; constructor(definition, callback) { if (definition.nonblocking) { throw new TypeError( "Invalid UnsafeCallback, cannot be nonblocking", ); } const [rid, pointer] = core.opSync( "op_ffi_unsafe_callback_create", definition, callback, ); this.#refcount = 0; this.#rid = rid; this.pointer = pointer; this.definition = definition; this.callback = callback; } ref() { if (this.#refcount++ === 0) { core.opSync("op_ffi_unsafe_callback_ref", true); } } unref() { if (--this.#refcount === 0) { core.opSync("op_ffi_unsafe_callback_ref", false); } } close() { if (this.#refcount) { this.#refcount = 0; core.opSync("op_ffi_unsafe_callback_ref", false); } core.close(this.#rid); } } const UnsafeCallbackPrototype = UnsafeCallback.prototype; class DynamicLibrary { #rid; symbols = {}; constructor(path, symbols) { this.#rid = core.opSync("op_ffi_load", { path, symbols }); for (const symbol in symbols) { if ("type" in symbols[symbol]) { const type = symbols[symbol].type; if (type === "void") { throw new TypeError( "Foreign symbol of type 'void' is not supported.", ); } const name = symbols[symbol].name || symbol; const value = core.opSync( "op_ffi_get_static", this.#rid, name, type, ); ObjectDefineProperty( this.symbols, symbol, { configurable: false, enumerable: true, value, writable: false, }, ); continue; } const isNonBlocking = symbols[symbol].nonblocking; const resultType = symbols[symbol].result; let fn; if (isNonBlocking) { const needsUnpacking = isReturnedAsBigInt(resultType); fn = (...parameters) => { const promise = core.opAsync( "op_ffi_call_nonblocking", this.#rid, symbol, parameters, ); if (needsUnpacking) { return PromisePrototypeThen( promise, (result) => unpackNonblockingReturnValue(resultType, result), ); } return promise; }; } else { fn = (...parameters) => core.opSync( "op_ffi_call", this.#rid, symbol, parameters, ); } ObjectDefineProperty( this.symbols, symbol, { configurable: false, enumerable: true, value: fn, writable: false, }, ); } } close() { core.close(this.#rid); } } function dlopen(path, symbols) { // URL support is progressively enhanced by util in `runtime/js`. const pathFromURL = __bootstrap.util.pathFromURL ?? ((p) => p); return new DynamicLibrary(pathFromURL(path), symbols); } window.__bootstrap.ffi = { dlopen, UnsafeCallback, UnsafePointer, UnsafePointerView, UnsafeFnPointer, }; })(this);