// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use std::fmt; use std::fmt::Debug; use std::fmt::Display; use deno_ast::swc::common::Span; use super::buffer::AstBufSerializer; use super::buffer::BoolPos; use super::buffer::FieldArrPos; use super::buffer::FieldPos; use super::buffer::NodeRef; use super::buffer::NullPos; use super::buffer::PendingNodeRef; use super::buffer::SerializeCtx; use super::buffer::StrPos; use super::buffer::UndefPos; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum AstNode { // First node must always be the empty/invalid node Invalid, // Typically the Program, // Module declarations ExportAllDeclaration, ExportDefaultDeclaration, ExportNamedDeclaration, ImportDeclaration, TsExportAssignment, TsImportEquals, TsNamespaceExport, // Decls ClassDeclaration, FunctionDeclaration, TSEnumDeclaration, TSInterface, TsModule, TsTypeAlias, Using, VariableDeclaration, // Statements BlockStatement, BreakStatement, ContinueStatement, DebuggerStatement, DoWhileStatement, EmptyStatement, ExpressionStatement, ForInStatement, ForOfStatement, ForStatement, IfStatement, LabeledStatement, ReturnStatement, SwitchCase, SwitchStatement, ThrowStatement, TryStatement, WhileStatement, WithStatement, // Expressions ArrayExpression, ArrowFunctionExpression, AssignmentExpression, AwaitExpression, BinaryExpression, CallExpression, ChainExpression, ClassExpression, ConditionalExpression, FunctionExpression, Identifier, ImportExpression, LogicalExpression, MemberExpression, MetaProp, NewExpression, ObjectExpression, PrivateIdentifier, SequenceExpression, Super, TaggedTemplateExpression, TemplateLiteral, ThisExpression, TSAsExpression, TsConstAssertion, TsInstantiation, TSNonNullExpression, TSSatisfiesExpression, TSTypeAssertion, UnaryExpression, UpdateExpression, YieldExpression, // TODO: TSEsTree uses a single literal node // Literals StringLiteral, Bool, Null, NumericLiteral, BigIntLiteral, RegExpLiteral, EmptyExpr, SpreadElement, Property, VariableDeclarator, CatchClause, RestElement, ExportSpecifier, TemplateElement, MethodDefinition, ClassBody, // Patterns ArrayPattern, AssignmentPattern, ObjectPattern, // JSX JSXAttribute, JSXClosingElement, JSXClosingFragment, JSXElement, JSXEmptyExpression, JSXExpressionContainer, JSXFragment, JSXIdentifier, JSXMemberExpression, JSXNamespacedName, JSXOpeningElement, JSXOpeningFragment, JSXSpreadAttribute, JSXSpreadChild, JSXText, TSTypeAnnotation, TSTypeParameterDeclaration, TSTypeParameter, TSTypeParameterInstantiation, TSEnumMember, TSInterfaceBody, TSInterfaceHeritage, TSTypeReference, TSThisType, TSLiteralType, TSInferType, TSConditionalType, TSUnionType, TSIntersectionType, TSMappedType, TSTypeQuery, TSTupleType, TSNamedTupleMember, TSFunctionType, TsCallSignatureDeclaration, TSPropertySignature, TSMethodSignature, TSIndexSignature, TSIndexedAccessType, TSTypeOperator, TSTypePredicate, TSImportType, TSRestType, TSArrayType, TSClassImplements, TSAnyKeyword, TSBigIntKeyword, TSBooleanKeyword, TSIntrinsicKeyword, TSNeverKeyword, TSNullKeyword, TSNumberKeyword, TSObjectKeyword, TSStringKeyword, TSSymbolKeyword, TSUndefinedKeyword, TSUnknownKeyword, TSVoidKeyword, TSEnumBody, // Last value is used for max value } impl Display for AstNode { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { Debug::fmt(self, f) } } impl From for u8 { fn from(m: AstNode) -> u8 { m as u8 } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum AstProp { // Base, these must be in sync with JS in the same order. Invalid, Type, Parent, Range, Length, // Not used in AST, but can be used in attr selectors // Starting from here the order doesn't matter. // Following are all possible AST node properties. Abstract, Accessibility, Alternate, Argument, Arguments, Asserts, Async, Attributes, Await, Block, Body, Callee, Cases, Children, CheckType, ClosingElement, ClosingFragment, Computed, Consequent, Const, Constraint, Cooked, Declaration, Declarations, Declare, Default, Definite, Delegate, Discriminant, Elements, ElementType, ElementTypes, ExprName, Expression, Expressions, Exported, Extends, ExtendsType, FalseType, Finalizer, Flags, Generator, Handler, Id, In, IndexType, Init, Initializer, Implements, Key, Kind, Label, Left, Literal, Local, Members, Meta, Method, Name, Namespace, NameType, Object, ObjectType, OpeningElement, OpeningFragment, Operator, Optional, Out, Param, ParameterName, Params, Pattern, Prefix, Properties, Property, Qualifier, Quasi, Quasis, Raw, Readonly, ReturnType, Right, SelfClosing, Shorthand, Source, SourceType, Specifiers, Static, SuperClass, SuperTypeArguments, Tag, Tail, Test, TrueType, TypeAnnotation, TypeArguments, TypeName, TypeParameter, TypeParameters, Types, Update, Value, // Last value is used for max value } // TODO: Feels like there should be an easier way to iterater over an // enum in Rust and lowercase the first letter. impl Display for AstProp { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let s = match self { AstProp::Invalid => "__invalid__", // unused AstProp::Parent => "parent", AstProp::Range => "range", AstProp::Type => "type", AstProp::Length => "length", AstProp::Abstract => "abstract", AstProp::Accessibility => "accessibility", AstProp::Alternate => "alternate", AstProp::Argument => "argument", AstProp::Arguments => "arguments", AstProp::Asserts => "asserts", AstProp::Async => "async", AstProp::Attributes => "attributes", AstProp::Await => "await", AstProp::Block => "block", AstProp::Body => "body", AstProp::Callee => "callee", AstProp::Cases => "cases", AstProp::Children => "children", AstProp::CheckType => "checkType", AstProp::ClosingElement => "closingElement", AstProp::ClosingFragment => "closingFragment", AstProp::Computed => "computed", AstProp::Consequent => "consequent", AstProp::Const => "const", AstProp::Constraint => "constraint", AstProp::Cooked => "cooked", AstProp::Declaration => "declaration", AstProp::Declarations => "declarations", AstProp::Declare => "declare", AstProp::Default => "default", AstProp::Definite => "definite", AstProp::Delegate => "delegate", AstProp::Discriminant => "discriminant", AstProp::Elements => "elements", AstProp::ElementType => "elementType", AstProp::ElementTypes => "elementTypes", AstProp::ExprName => "exprName", AstProp::Expression => "expression", AstProp::Expressions => "expressions", AstProp::Exported => "exported", AstProp::Extends => "extends", AstProp::ExtendsType => "extendsType", AstProp::FalseType => "falseType", AstProp::Finalizer => "finalizer", AstProp::Flags => "flags", AstProp::Generator => "generator", AstProp::Handler => "handler", AstProp::Id => "id", AstProp::In => "in", AstProp::IndexType => "indexType", AstProp::Init => "init", AstProp::Initializer => "initializer", AstProp::Implements => "implements", AstProp::Key => "key", AstProp::Kind => "kind", AstProp::Label => "label", AstProp::Left => "left", AstProp::Literal => "literal", AstProp::Local => "local", AstProp::Members => "members", AstProp::Meta => "meta", AstProp::Method => "method", AstProp::Name => "name", AstProp::Namespace => "namespace", AstProp::NameType => "nameType", AstProp::Object => "object", AstProp::ObjectType => "objectType", AstProp::OpeningElement => "openingElement", AstProp::OpeningFragment => "openingFragment", AstProp::Operator => "operator", AstProp::Optional => "optional", AstProp::Out => "out", AstProp::Param => "param", AstProp::ParameterName => "parameterName", AstProp::Params => "params", AstProp::Pattern => "pattern", AstProp::Prefix => "prefix", AstProp::Properties => "properties", AstProp::Property => "property", AstProp::Qualifier => "qualifier", AstProp::Quasi => "quasi", AstProp::Quasis => "quasis", AstProp::Raw => "raw", AstProp::Readonly => "readonly", AstProp::ReturnType => "returnType", AstProp::Right => "right", AstProp::SelfClosing => "selfClosing", AstProp::Shorthand => "shorthand", AstProp::Source => "source", AstProp::SourceType => "sourceType", AstProp::Specifiers => "specifiers", AstProp::Static => "static", AstProp::SuperClass => "superClass", AstProp::SuperTypeArguments => "superTypeArguments", AstProp::Tag => "tag", AstProp::Tail => "tail", AstProp::Test => "test", AstProp::TrueType => "trueType", AstProp::TypeAnnotation => "typeAnnotation", AstProp::TypeArguments => "typeArguments", AstProp::TypeName => "typeName", AstProp::TypeParameter => "typeParameter", AstProp::TypeParameters => "typeParameters", AstProp::Types => "types", AstProp::Update => "update", AstProp::Value => "value", }; write!(f, "{}", s) } } impl From for u8 { fn from(m: AstProp) -> u8 { m as u8 } } pub struct TsEsTreeBuilder { ctx: SerializeCtx, } // TODO: Add a builder API to make it easier to convert from different source // ast formats. impl TsEsTreeBuilder { pub fn new() -> Self { // Max values // TODO: Maybe there is a rust macro to grab the last enum value? let kind_max_count: u8 = u8::from(AstNode::TSEnumBody) + 1; let prop_max_count: u8 = u8::from(AstProp::Value) + 1; Self { ctx: SerializeCtx::new(kind_max_count, prop_max_count), } } } impl AstBufSerializer for TsEsTreeBuilder { fn header( &mut self, kind: AstNode, parent: NodeRef, span: &Span, ) -> PendingNodeRef { self.ctx.header(kind, parent, span) } fn commit_schema(&mut self, offset: PendingNodeRef) -> NodeRef { self.ctx.commit_schema(offset) } fn ref_field(&mut self, prop: AstProp) -> FieldPos { FieldPos(self.ctx.ref_field(prop)) } fn ref_vec_field(&mut self, prop: AstProp, len: usize) -> FieldArrPos { FieldArrPos(self.ctx.ref_vec_field(prop, len)) } fn str_field(&mut self, prop: AstProp) -> StrPos { StrPos(self.ctx.str_field(prop)) } fn bool_field(&mut self, prop: AstProp) -> BoolPos { BoolPos(self.ctx.bool_field(prop)) } fn undefined_field(&mut self, prop: AstProp) -> UndefPos { UndefPos(self.ctx.undefined_field(prop)) } fn null_field(&mut self, prop: AstProp) -> NullPos { NullPos(self.ctx.null_field(prop)) } fn write_ref(&mut self, pos: FieldPos, value: NodeRef) { self.ctx.write_ref(pos.0, value); } fn write_maybe_ref(&mut self, pos: FieldPos, value: Option) { self.ctx.write_maybe_ref(pos.0, value); } fn write_refs(&mut self, pos: FieldArrPos, value: Vec) { self.ctx.write_refs(pos.0, value); } fn write_str(&mut self, pos: StrPos, value: &str) { self.ctx.write_str(pos.0, value); } fn write_bool(&mut self, pos: BoolPos, value: bool) { self.ctx.write_bool(pos.0, value); } fn serialize(&mut self) -> Vec { self.ctx.serialize() } }