// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { test, assert, assertEquals, assertNotEquals } from "./test_util.ts"; function deferred(): { promise: Promise<{}>; resolve: (value?: {} | PromiseLike<{}>) => void; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any reject: (reason?: any) => void; } { let resolve: (value?: {} | PromiseLike<{}>) => void; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any let reject: ((reason?: any) => void) | undefined = undefined; const promise = new Promise<{}>((res, rej): void => { resolve = res; reject = rej; }); return { promise, resolve: resolve!, reject: reject! }; } async function waitForMs(ms: number): Promise { return new Promise((resolve: () => void): number => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } test(async function timeoutSuccess(): Promise { const { promise, resolve } = deferred(); let count = 0; setTimeout((): void => { count++; resolve(); }, 500); await promise; // count should increment assertEquals(count, 1); }); test(async function timeoutArgs(): Promise { const { promise, resolve } = deferred(); const arg = 1; setTimeout( (a, b, c): void => { assertEquals(a, arg); assertEquals(b, arg.toString()); assertEquals(c, [arg]); resolve(); }, 10, arg, arg.toString(), [arg] ); await promise; }); test(async function timeoutCancelSuccess(): Promise { let count = 0; const id = setTimeout((): void => { count++; }, 1); // Cancelled, count should not increment clearTimeout(id); await waitForMs(600); assertEquals(count, 0); }); test(async function timeoutCancelMultiple(): Promise { function uncalled(): never { throw new Error("This function should not be called."); } // Set timers and cancel them in the same order. const t1 = setTimeout(uncalled, 10); const t2 = setTimeout(uncalled, 10); const t3 = setTimeout(uncalled, 10); clearTimeout(t1); clearTimeout(t2); clearTimeout(t3); // Set timers and cancel them in reverse order. const t4 = setTimeout(uncalled, 20); const t5 = setTimeout(uncalled, 20); const t6 = setTimeout(uncalled, 20); clearTimeout(t6); clearTimeout(t5); clearTimeout(t4); // Sleep until we're certain that the cancelled timers aren't gonna fire. await waitForMs(50); }); test(async function timeoutCancelInvalidSilentFail(): Promise { // Expect no panic const { promise, resolve } = deferred(); let count = 0; const id = setTimeout((): void => { count++; // Should have no effect clearTimeout(id); resolve(); }, 500); await promise; assertEquals(count, 1); // Should silently fail (no panic) clearTimeout(2147483647); }); test(async function intervalSuccess(): Promise { const { promise, resolve } = deferred(); let count = 0; const id = setInterval((): void => { count++; clearInterval(id); resolve(); }, 100); await promise; // Clear interval clearInterval(id); // count should increment twice assertEquals(count, 1); }); test(async function intervalCancelSuccess(): Promise { let count = 0; const id = setInterval((): void => { count++; }, 1); clearInterval(id); await waitForMs(500); assertEquals(count, 0); }); test(async function intervalOrdering(): Promise { const timers: number[] = []; let timeouts = 0; function onTimeout(): void { ++timeouts; for (let i = 1; i < timers.length; i++) { clearTimeout(timers[i]); } } for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { timers[i] = setTimeout(onTimeout, 1); } await waitForMs(500); assertEquals(timeouts, 1); }); test(async function intervalCancelInvalidSilentFail(): Promise { // Should silently fail (no panic) clearInterval(2147483647); }); test(async function fireCallbackImmediatelyWhenDelayOverMaxValue(): Promise< void > { let count = 0; setTimeout((): void => { count++; }, 2 ** 31); await waitForMs(1); assertEquals(count, 1); }); test(async function timeoutCallbackThis(): Promise { const { promise, resolve } = deferred(); const obj = { foo(): void { assertEquals(this, window); resolve(); } }; setTimeout(obj.foo, 1); await promise; }); test(async function timeoutBindThis(): Promise { function noop(): void {} const thisCheckPassed = [null, undefined, window, globalThis]; const thisCheckFailed = [ 0, "", true, false, {}, [], "foo", (): void => {}, Object.prototype ]; thisCheckPassed.forEach( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any (thisArg: any): void => { let hasThrown = 0; try { setTimeout.call(thisArg, noop, 1); hasThrown = 1; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof TypeError) { hasThrown = 2; } else { hasThrown = 3; } } assertEquals(hasThrown, 1); } ); thisCheckFailed.forEach( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any (thisArg: any): void => { let hasThrown = 0; try { setTimeout.call(thisArg, noop, 1); hasThrown = 1; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof TypeError) { hasThrown = 2; } else { hasThrown = 3; } } assertEquals(hasThrown, 2); } ); }); test(async function clearTimeoutShouldConvertToNumber(): Promise { let called = false; const obj = { valueOf(): number { called = true; return 1; } }; clearTimeout((obj as unknown) as number); assert(called); }); test(function setTimeoutShouldThrowWithBigint(): void { let hasThrown = 0; try { setTimeout((): void => {}, (1n as unknown) as number); hasThrown = 1; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof TypeError) { hasThrown = 2; } else { hasThrown = 3; } } assertEquals(hasThrown, 2); }); test(function clearTimeoutShouldThrowWithBigint(): void { let hasThrown = 0; try { clearTimeout((1n as unknown) as number); hasThrown = 1; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof TypeError) { hasThrown = 2; } else { hasThrown = 3; } } assertEquals(hasThrown, 2); }); test(function testFunctionName(): void { assertEquals(clearTimeout.name, "clearTimeout"); assertEquals(clearInterval.name, "clearInterval"); }); test(function testFunctionParamsLength(): void { assertEquals(setTimeout.length, 1); assertEquals(setInterval.length, 1); assertEquals(clearTimeout.length, 0); assertEquals(clearInterval.length, 0); }); test(function clearTimeoutAndClearIntervalNotBeEquals(): void { assertNotEquals(clearTimeout, clearInterval); }); test(async function timerMaxCpuBug(): Promise { // There was a bug where clearing a timeout would cause Deno to use 100% CPU. clearTimeout(setTimeout(() => {}, 1000)); // We can check this by counting how many ops have triggered in the interim. // Certainly less than 10 ops should have been dispatched in next 100 ms. const { opsDispatched } = Deno.metrics(); await waitForMs(100); const opsDispatched_ = Deno.metrics().opsDispatched; assert(opsDispatched_ - opsDispatched < 10); }); test(async function timerBasicMicrotaskOrdering(): Promise { let s = ""; let count = 0; const { promise, resolve } = deferred(); setTimeout(() => { Promise.resolve().then(() => { count++; s += "de"; if (count === 2) { resolve(); } }); }); setTimeout(() => { count++; s += "no"; if (count === 2) { resolve(); } }); await promise; assertEquals(s, "deno"); }); test(async function timerNestedMicrotaskOrdering(): Promise { let s = ""; const { promise, resolve } = deferred(); s += "0"; setTimeout(() => { s += "4"; setTimeout(() => (s += "8")); Promise.resolve().then(() => { setTimeout(() => { s += "9"; resolve(); }); }); }); setTimeout(() => (s += "5")); Promise.resolve().then(() => (s += "2")); Promise.resolve().then(() => setTimeout(() => { s += "6"; Promise.resolve().then(() => (s += "7")); }) ); Promise.resolve().then(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => (s += "3"))); s += "1"; await promise; assertEquals(s, "0123456789"); });