// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. use std::borrow::Cow; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::rc::Rc; use aes::cipher::block_padding::Pkcs7; use aes::cipher::BlockDecryptMut; use aes::cipher::BlockEncryptMut; use aes::cipher::KeyIvInit; use deno_core::Resource; use digest::generic_array::GenericArray; use digest::KeyInit; type Tag = Option>; type Aes128Gcm = aead_gcm_stream::AesGcm; type Aes256Gcm = aead_gcm_stream::AesGcm; enum Cipher { Aes128Cbc(Box>), Aes128Ecb(Box>), Aes192Ecb(Box>), Aes256Ecb(Box>), Aes128Gcm(Box), Aes256Gcm(Box), Aes256Cbc(Box>), // TODO(kt3k): add more algorithms Aes192Cbc, etc. } enum Decipher { Aes128Cbc(Box>), Aes128Ecb(Box>), Aes192Ecb(Box>), Aes256Ecb(Box>), Aes128Gcm(Box), Aes256Gcm(Box), Aes256Cbc(Box>), // TODO(kt3k): add more algorithms Aes192Cbc, Aes128GCM, etc. } pub struct CipherContext { cipher: Rc>, } pub struct DecipherContext { decipher: Rc>, } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, deno_error::JsError)] pub enum CipherContextError { #[class(type)] #[error("Cipher context is already in use")] ContextInUse, #[class(inherit)] #[error("{0}")] Resource(#[from] deno_core::error::ResourceError), #[class(inherit)] #[error(transparent)] Cipher(#[from] CipherError), } impl CipherContext { pub fn new( algorithm: &str, key: &[u8], iv: &[u8], ) -> Result { Ok(Self { cipher: Rc::new(RefCell::new(Cipher::new(algorithm, key, iv)?)), }) } pub fn set_aad(&self, aad: &[u8]) { self.cipher.borrow_mut().set_aad(aad); } pub fn encrypt(&self, input: &[u8], output: &mut [u8]) { self.cipher.borrow_mut().encrypt(input, output); } pub fn take_tag(self) -> Tag { Rc::try_unwrap(self.cipher).ok()?.into_inner().take_tag() } pub fn r#final( self, auto_pad: bool, input: &[u8], output: &mut [u8], ) -> Result { Rc::try_unwrap(self.cipher) .map_err(|_| CipherContextError::ContextInUse)? .into_inner() .r#final(auto_pad, input, output) .map_err(Into::into) } } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, deno_error::JsError)] pub enum DecipherContextError { #[class(type)] #[error("Decipher context is already in use")] ContextInUse, #[class(inherit)] #[error("{0}")] Resource(#[from] deno_core::error::ResourceError), #[class(inherit)] #[error(transparent)] Decipher(#[from] DecipherError), } impl DecipherContext { pub fn new( algorithm: &str, key: &[u8], iv: &[u8], ) -> Result { Ok(Self { decipher: Rc::new(RefCell::new(Decipher::new(algorithm, key, iv)?)), }) } pub fn set_aad(&self, aad: &[u8]) { self.decipher.borrow_mut().set_aad(aad); } pub fn decrypt(&self, input: &[u8], output: &mut [u8]) { self.decipher.borrow_mut().decrypt(input, output); } pub fn r#final( self, auto_pad: bool, input: &[u8], output: &mut [u8], auth_tag: &[u8], ) -> Result<(), DecipherContextError> { Rc::try_unwrap(self.decipher) .map_err(|_| DecipherContextError::ContextInUse)? .into_inner() .r#final(auto_pad, input, output, auth_tag) .map_err(Into::into) } } impl Resource for CipherContext { fn name(&self) -> Cow { "cryptoCipher".into() } } impl Resource for DecipherContext { fn name(&self) -> Cow { "cryptoDecipher".into() } } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, deno_error::JsError)] pub enum CipherError { #[class(type)] #[error("IV length must be 12 bytes")] InvalidIvLength, #[class(range)] #[error("Invalid key length")] InvalidKeyLength, #[class(type)] #[error("Invalid initialization vector")] InvalidInitializationVector, #[class(type)] #[error("Cannot pad the input data")] CannotPadInputData, #[class(type)] #[error("Unknown cipher {0}")] UnknownCipher(String), } impl Cipher { fn new( algorithm_name: &str, key: &[u8], iv: &[u8], ) -> Result { use Cipher::*; Ok(match algorithm_name { "aes128" | "aes-128-cbc" => { Aes128Cbc(Box::new(cbc::Encryptor::new(key.into(), iv.into()))) } "aes-128-ecb" => Aes128Ecb(Box::new(ecb::Encryptor::new(key.into()))), "aes-192-ecb" => Aes192Ecb(Box::new(ecb::Encryptor::new(key.into()))), "aes-256-ecb" => Aes256Ecb(Box::new(ecb::Encryptor::new(key.into()))), "aes-128-gcm" => { let cipher = aead_gcm_stream::AesGcm::::new(key.into(), iv); Aes128Gcm(Box::new(cipher)) } "aes-256-gcm" => { let cipher = aead_gcm_stream::AesGcm::::new(key.into(), iv); Aes256Gcm(Box::new(cipher)) } "aes256" | "aes-256-cbc" => { if key.len() != 32 { return Err(CipherError::InvalidKeyLength); } if iv.len() != 16 { return Err(CipherError::InvalidInitializationVector); } Aes256Cbc(Box::new(cbc::Encryptor::new(key.into(), iv.into()))) } _ => return Err(CipherError::UnknownCipher(algorithm_name.to_string())), }) } fn set_aad(&mut self, aad: &[u8]) { use Cipher::*; match self { Aes128Gcm(cipher) => { cipher.set_aad(aad); } Aes256Gcm(cipher) => { cipher.set_aad(aad); } _ => {} } } /// encrypt encrypts the data in the middle of the input. fn encrypt(&mut self, input: &[u8], output: &mut [u8]) { use Cipher::*; match self { Aes128Cbc(encryptor) => { assert!(input.len() % 16 == 0); for (input, output) in input.chunks(16).zip(output.chunks_mut(16)) { encryptor.encrypt_block_b2b_mut(input.into(), output.into()); } } Aes128Ecb(encryptor) => { assert!(input.len() % 16 == 0); for (input, output) in input.chunks(16).zip(output.chunks_mut(16)) { encryptor.encrypt_block_b2b_mut(input.into(), output.into()); } } Aes192Ecb(encryptor) => { assert!(input.len() % 16 == 0); for (input, output) in input.chunks(16).zip(output.chunks_mut(16)) { encryptor.encrypt_block_b2b_mut(input.into(), output.into()); } } Aes256Ecb(encryptor) => { assert!(input.len() % 16 == 0); for (input, output) in input.chunks(16).zip(output.chunks_mut(16)) { encryptor.encrypt_block_b2b_mut(input.into(), output.into()); } } Aes128Gcm(cipher) => { output[..input.len()].copy_from_slice(input); cipher.encrypt(output); } Aes256Gcm(cipher) => { output[..input.len()].copy_from_slice(input); cipher.encrypt(output); } Aes256Cbc(encryptor) => { assert!(input.len() % 16 == 0); for (input, output) in input.chunks(16).zip(output.chunks_mut(16)) { encryptor.encrypt_block_b2b_mut(input.into(), output.into()); } } } } /// r#final encrypts the last block of the input data. fn r#final( self, auto_pad: bool, input: &[u8], output: &mut [u8], ) -> Result { assert!(input.len() < 16); use Cipher::*; match (self, auto_pad) { (Aes128Cbc(encryptor), true) => { let _ = (*encryptor) .encrypt_padded_b2b_mut::(input, output) .map_err(|_| CipherError::CannotPadInputData)?; Ok(None) } (Aes128Cbc(mut encryptor), false) => { encryptor.encrypt_block_b2b_mut( GenericArray::from_slice(input), GenericArray::from_mut_slice(output), ); Ok(None) } (Aes128Ecb(encryptor), true) => { let _ = (*encryptor) .encrypt_padded_b2b_mut::(input, output) .map_err(|_| CipherError::CannotPadInputData)?; Ok(None) } (Aes128Ecb(mut encryptor), false) => { encryptor.encrypt_block_b2b_mut( GenericArray::from_slice(input), GenericArray::from_mut_slice(output), ); Ok(None) } (Aes192Ecb(encryptor), true) => { let _ = (*encryptor) .encrypt_padded_b2b_mut::(input, output) .map_err(|_| CipherError::CannotPadInputData)?; Ok(None) } (Aes192Ecb(mut encryptor), false) => { encryptor.encrypt_block_b2b_mut( GenericArray::from_slice(input), GenericArray::from_mut_slice(output), ); Ok(None) } (Aes256Ecb(encryptor), true) => { let _ = (*encryptor) .encrypt_padded_b2b_mut::(input, output) .map_err(|_| CipherError::CannotPadInputData)?; Ok(None) } (Aes256Ecb(mut encryptor), false) => { encryptor.encrypt_block_b2b_mut( GenericArray::from_slice(input), GenericArray::from_mut_slice(output), ); Ok(None) } (Aes128Gcm(cipher), _) => Ok(Some(cipher.finish().to_vec())), (Aes256Gcm(cipher), _) => Ok(Some(cipher.finish().to_vec())), (Aes256Cbc(encryptor), true) => { let _ = (*encryptor) .encrypt_padded_b2b_mut::(input, output) .map_err(|_| CipherError::CannotPadInputData)?; Ok(None) } (Aes256Cbc(mut encryptor), false) => { encryptor.encrypt_block_b2b_mut( GenericArray::from_slice(input), GenericArray::from_mut_slice(output), ); Ok(None) } } } fn take_tag(self) -> Tag { use Cipher::*; match self { Aes128Gcm(cipher) => Some(cipher.finish().to_vec()), Aes256Gcm(cipher) => Some(cipher.finish().to_vec()), _ => None, } } } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, deno_error::JsError)] pub enum DecipherError { #[class(type)] #[error("IV length must be 12 bytes")] InvalidIvLength, #[class(range)] #[error("Invalid key length")] InvalidKeyLength, #[class(type)] #[error("Invalid initialization vector")] InvalidInitializationVector, #[class(type)] #[error("Cannot unpad the input data")] CannotUnpadInputData, #[class(type)] #[error("Failed to authenticate data")] DataAuthenticationFailed, #[class(type)] #[error("setAutoPadding(false) not supported for Aes128Gcm yet")] SetAutoPaddingFalseAes128GcmUnsupported, #[class(type)] #[error("setAutoPadding(false) not supported for Aes256Gcm yet")] SetAutoPaddingFalseAes256GcmUnsupported, #[class(type)] #[error("Unknown cipher {0}")] UnknownCipher(String), } impl Decipher { fn new( algorithm_name: &str, key: &[u8], iv: &[u8], ) -> Result { use Decipher::*; Ok(match algorithm_name { "aes-128-cbc" => { Aes128Cbc(Box::new(cbc::Decryptor::new(key.into(), iv.into()))) } "aes-128-ecb" => Aes128Ecb(Box::new(ecb::Decryptor::new(key.into()))), "aes-192-ecb" => Aes192Ecb(Box::new(ecb::Decryptor::new(key.into()))), "aes-256-ecb" => Aes256Ecb(Box::new(ecb::Decryptor::new(key.into()))), "aes-128-gcm" => { let decipher = aead_gcm_stream::AesGcm::::new(key.into(), iv); Aes128Gcm(Box::new(decipher)) } "aes-256-gcm" => { let decipher = aead_gcm_stream::AesGcm::::new(key.into(), iv); Aes256Gcm(Box::new(decipher)) } "aes256" | "aes-256-cbc" => { if key.len() != 32 { return Err(DecipherError::InvalidKeyLength); } if iv.len() != 16 { return Err(DecipherError::InvalidInitializationVector); } Aes256Cbc(Box::new(cbc::Decryptor::new(key.into(), iv.into()))) } _ => { return Err(DecipherError::UnknownCipher(algorithm_name.to_string())) } }) } fn set_aad(&mut self, aad: &[u8]) { use Decipher::*; match self { Aes128Gcm(decipher) => { decipher.set_aad(aad); } Aes256Gcm(decipher) => { decipher.set_aad(aad); } _ => {} } } /// decrypt decrypts the data in the middle of the input. fn decrypt(&mut self, input: &[u8], output: &mut [u8]) { use Decipher::*; match self { Aes128Cbc(decryptor) => { assert!(input.len() % 16 == 0); for (input, output) in input.chunks(16).zip(output.chunks_mut(16)) { decryptor.decrypt_block_b2b_mut(input.into(), output.into()); } } Aes128Ecb(decryptor) => { assert!(input.len() % 16 == 0); for (input, output) in input.chunks(16).zip(output.chunks_mut(16)) { decryptor.decrypt_block_b2b_mut(input.into(), output.into()); } } Aes192Ecb(decryptor) => { assert!(input.len() % 16 == 0); for (input, output) in input.chunks(16).zip(output.chunks_mut(16)) { decryptor.decrypt_block_b2b_mut(input.into(), output.into()); } } Aes256Ecb(decryptor) => { assert!(input.len() % 16 == 0); for (input, output) in input.chunks(16).zip(output.chunks_mut(16)) { decryptor.decrypt_block_b2b_mut(input.into(), output.into()); } } Aes128Gcm(decipher) => { output[..input.len()].copy_from_slice(input); decipher.decrypt(output); } Aes256Gcm(decipher) => { output[..input.len()].copy_from_slice(input); decipher.decrypt(output); } Aes256Cbc(decryptor) => { assert!(input.len() % 16 == 0); for (input, output) in input.chunks(16).zip(output.chunks_mut(16)) { decryptor.decrypt_block_b2b_mut(input.into(), output.into()); } } } } /// r#final decrypts the last block of the input data. fn r#final( self, auto_pad: bool, input: &[u8], output: &mut [u8], auth_tag: &[u8], ) -> Result<(), DecipherError> { use Decipher::*; if input.is_empty() && !matches!(self, Aes128Gcm(_) | Aes256Gcm(_)) { return Ok(()); } match (self, auto_pad) { (Aes128Cbc(decryptor), true) => { assert!(input.len() == 16); let _ = (*decryptor) .decrypt_padded_b2b_mut::(input, output) .map_err(|_| DecipherError::CannotUnpadInputData)?; Ok(()) } (Aes128Cbc(mut decryptor), false) => { decryptor.decrypt_block_b2b_mut( GenericArray::from_slice(input), GenericArray::from_mut_slice(output), ); Ok(()) } (Aes128Ecb(decryptor), true) => { assert!(input.len() == 16); let _ = (*decryptor) .decrypt_padded_b2b_mut::(input, output) .map_err(|_| DecipherError::CannotUnpadInputData)?; Ok(()) } (Aes128Ecb(mut decryptor), false) => { decryptor.decrypt_block_b2b_mut( GenericArray::from_slice(input), GenericArray::from_mut_slice(output), ); Ok(()) } (Aes192Ecb(decryptor), true) => { assert!(input.len() == 16); let _ = (*decryptor) .decrypt_padded_b2b_mut::(input, output) .map_err(|_| DecipherError::CannotUnpadInputData)?; Ok(()) } (Aes192Ecb(mut decryptor), false) => { decryptor.decrypt_block_b2b_mut( GenericArray::from_slice(input), GenericArray::from_mut_slice(output), ); Ok(()) } (Aes256Ecb(decryptor), true) => { assert!(input.len() == 16); let _ = (*decryptor) .decrypt_padded_b2b_mut::(input, output) .map_err(|_| DecipherError::CannotUnpadInputData)?; Ok(()) } (Aes256Ecb(mut decryptor), false) => { decryptor.decrypt_block_b2b_mut( GenericArray::from_slice(input), GenericArray::from_mut_slice(output), ); Ok(()) } (Aes128Gcm(decipher), true) => { let tag = decipher.finish(); if tag.as_slice() == auth_tag { Ok(()) } else { Err(DecipherError::DataAuthenticationFailed) } } (Aes128Gcm(_), false) => { Err(DecipherError::SetAutoPaddingFalseAes128GcmUnsupported) } (Aes256Gcm(decipher), true) => { let tag = decipher.finish(); if tag.as_slice() == auth_tag { Ok(()) } else { Err(DecipherError::DataAuthenticationFailed) } } (Aes256Gcm(_), false) => { Err(DecipherError::SetAutoPaddingFalseAes256GcmUnsupported) } (Aes256Cbc(decryptor), true) => { assert!(input.len() == 16); let _ = (*decryptor) .decrypt_padded_b2b_mut::(input, output) .map_err(|_| DecipherError::CannotUnpadInputData)?; Ok(()) } (Aes256Cbc(mut decryptor), false) => { decryptor.decrypt_block_b2b_mut( GenericArray::from_slice(input), GenericArray::from_mut_slice(output), ); Ok(()) } } } }