// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. mod args; mod auth_tokens; mod cache; mod cdp; mod deno_std; mod emit; mod errors; mod factory; mod file_fetcher; mod graph_util; mod http_util; mod js; mod lsp; mod module_loader; mod napi; mod node; mod npm; mod ops; mod resolver; mod standalone; mod tools; mod tsc; mod util; mod version; mod worker; use crate::args::flags_from_vec; use crate::args::DenoSubcommand; use crate::args::Flags; use crate::util::display; use crate::util::v8::get_v8_flags_from_env; use crate::util::v8::init_v8_flags; use deno_core::anyhow::Context; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::error::JsError; use deno_core::futures::FutureExt; use deno_core::unsync::JoinHandle; use deno_runtime::colors; use deno_runtime::fmt_errors::format_js_error; use deno_runtime::tokio_util::create_and_run_current_thread_with_maybe_metrics; use factory::CliFactory; use std::env; use std::env::current_exe; use std::future::Future; use std::path::PathBuf; /// Ensures that all subcommands return an i32 exit code and an [`AnyError`] error type. trait SubcommandOutput { fn output(self) -> Result<i32, AnyError>; } impl SubcommandOutput for Result<i32, AnyError> { fn output(self) -> Result<i32, AnyError> { self } } impl SubcommandOutput for Result<(), AnyError> { fn output(self) -> Result<i32, AnyError> { self.map(|_| 0) } } impl SubcommandOutput for Result<(), std::io::Error> { fn output(self) -> Result<i32, AnyError> { self.map(|_| 0).map_err(|e| e.into()) } } /// Ensure that the subcommand runs in a task, rather than being directly executed. Since some of these /// futures are very large, this prevents the stack from getting blown out from passing them by value up /// the callchain (especially in debug mode when Rust doesn't have a chance to elide copies!). #[inline(always)] fn spawn_subcommand<F: Future<Output = T> + 'static, T: SubcommandOutput>( f: F, ) -> JoinHandle<Result<i32, AnyError>> { // the boxed_local() is important in order to get windows to not blow the stack in debug deno_core::unsync::spawn( async move { f.map(|r| r.output()).await }.boxed_local(), ) } async fn run_subcommand(flags: Flags) -> Result<i32, AnyError> { let handle = match flags.subcommand.clone() { DenoSubcommand::Bench(bench_flags) => spawn_subcommand(async { if bench_flags.watch.is_some() { tools::bench::run_benchmarks_with_watch(flags, bench_flags).await } else { tools::bench::run_benchmarks(flags, bench_flags).await } }), DenoSubcommand::Bundle(bundle_flags) => spawn_subcommand(async { tools::bundle::bundle(flags, bundle_flags).await }), DenoSubcommand::Doc(doc_flags) => { spawn_subcommand(async { tools::doc::doc(flags, doc_flags).await }) } DenoSubcommand::Eval(eval_flags) => spawn_subcommand(async { tools::run::eval_command(flags, eval_flags).await }), DenoSubcommand::Cache(cache_flags) => spawn_subcommand(async move { let factory = CliFactory::from_flags(flags).await?; let module_load_preparer = factory.module_load_preparer().await?; let emitter = factory.emitter()?; let graph_container = factory.graph_container(); module_load_preparer .load_and_type_check_files(&cache_flags.files) .await?; emitter.cache_module_emits(&graph_container.graph()) }), DenoSubcommand::Check(check_flags) => spawn_subcommand(async move { let factory = CliFactory::from_flags(flags).await?; let module_load_preparer = factory.module_load_preparer().await?; module_load_preparer .load_and_type_check_files(&check_flags.files) .await }), DenoSubcommand::Compile(compile_flags) => spawn_subcommand(async { tools::compile::compile(flags, compile_flags).await }), DenoSubcommand::Coverage(coverage_flags) => spawn_subcommand(async { tools::coverage::cover_files(flags, coverage_flags).await }), DenoSubcommand::Fmt(fmt_flags) => { spawn_subcommand( async move { tools::fmt::format(flags, fmt_flags).await }, ) } DenoSubcommand::Init(init_flags) => { spawn_subcommand(async { tools::init::init_project(init_flags).await }) } DenoSubcommand::Info(info_flags) => { spawn_subcommand(async { tools::info::info(flags, info_flags).await }) } DenoSubcommand::Install(install_flags) => spawn_subcommand(async { tools::installer::install_command(flags, install_flags).await }), DenoSubcommand::Jupyter(jupyter_flags) => spawn_subcommand(async { tools::jupyter::kernel(flags, jupyter_flags).await }), DenoSubcommand::Uninstall(uninstall_flags) => spawn_subcommand(async { tools::installer::uninstall(uninstall_flags.name, uninstall_flags.root) }), DenoSubcommand::Lsp => spawn_subcommand(async { lsp::start().await }), DenoSubcommand::Lint(lint_flags) => spawn_subcommand(async { if lint_flags.rules { tools::lint::print_rules_list( lint_flags.json, lint_flags.maybe_rules_tags, ); Ok(()) } else { tools::lint::lint(flags, lint_flags).await } }), DenoSubcommand::Repl(repl_flags) => { spawn_subcommand(async move { tools::repl::run(flags, repl_flags).await }) } DenoSubcommand::Run(run_flags) => spawn_subcommand(async move { if run_flags.is_stdin() { tools::run::run_from_stdin(flags).await } else { tools::run::run_script(flags, run_flags).await } }), DenoSubcommand::Task(task_flags) => spawn_subcommand(async { tools::task::execute_script(flags, task_flags).await }), DenoSubcommand::Test(test_flags) => { spawn_subcommand(async { if let Some(ref coverage_dir) = test_flags.coverage_dir { std::fs::create_dir_all(coverage_dir) .with_context(|| format!("Failed creating: {coverage_dir}"))?; // this is set in order to ensure spawned processes use the same // coverage directory env::set_var( "DENO_UNSTABLE_COVERAGE_DIR", PathBuf::from(coverage_dir).canonicalize()?, ); } if test_flags.watch.is_some() { tools::test::run_tests_with_watch(flags, test_flags).await } else { tools::test::run_tests(flags, test_flags).await } }) } DenoSubcommand::Completions(completions_flags) => { spawn_subcommand(async move { display::write_to_stdout_ignore_sigpipe(&completions_flags.buf) }) } DenoSubcommand::Types => spawn_subcommand(async move { let types = tsc::get_types_declaration_file_text(); display::write_to_stdout_ignore_sigpipe(types.as_bytes()) }), #[cfg(feature = "upgrade")] DenoSubcommand::Upgrade(upgrade_flags) => spawn_subcommand(async { tools::upgrade::upgrade(flags, upgrade_flags).await }), #[cfg(not(feature = "upgrade"))] DenoSubcommand::Upgrade(_) => exit_with_message( "This deno was built without the \"upgrade\" feature. Please upgrade using the installation method originally used to install Deno.", 1, ), DenoSubcommand::Vendor(vendor_flags) => spawn_subcommand(async { tools::vendor::vendor(flags, vendor_flags).await }), // TODO: DenoSubcommand::Publish(publish_flags) => spawn_subcommand(async { tools::registry::publish(flags, publish_flags).await }), }; handle.await? } fn setup_panic_hook() { // This function does two things inside of the panic hook: // - Tokio does not exit the process when a task panics, so we define a custom // panic hook to implement this behaviour. // - We print a message to stderr to indicate that this is a bug in Deno, and // should be reported to us. let orig_hook = std::panic::take_hook(); std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |panic_info| { eprintln!("\n============================================================"); eprintln!("Deno has panicked. This is a bug in Deno. Please report this"); eprintln!("at https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/new."); eprintln!("If you can reliably reproduce this panic, include the"); eprintln!("reproduction steps and re-run with the RUST_BACKTRACE=1 env"); eprintln!("var set and include the backtrace in your report."); eprintln!(); eprintln!("Platform: {} {}", env::consts::OS, env::consts::ARCH); eprintln!("Version: {}", version::deno()); eprintln!("Args: {:?}", env::args().collect::<Vec<_>>()); eprintln!(); orig_hook(panic_info); std::process::exit(1); })); } fn exit_with_message(message: &str, code: i32) -> ! { eprintln!( "{}: {}", colors::red_bold("error"), message.trim_start_matches("error: ") ); std::process::exit(code); } fn unwrap_or_exit<T>(result: Result<T, AnyError>) -> T { match result { Ok(value) => value, Err(error) => { let mut error_string = format!("{error:?}"); let mut error_code = 1; if let Some(e) = error.downcast_ref::<JsError>() { error_string = format_js_error(e); } else if let Some(e) = error.downcast_ref::<args::LockfileError>() { error_string = e.to_string(); error_code = 10; } exit_with_message(&error_string, error_code); } } } // NOTE(bartlomieju): keep IDs in sync with `runtime/90_deno_ns.js` (search for `unstableFeatures`) pub(crate) static UNSTABLE_GRANULAR_FLAGS: &[( // flag name &str, // help text &str, // id to enable it in runtime/99_main.js i32, )] = &[ ( deno_runtime::deno_broadcast_channel::UNSTABLE_FEATURE_NAME, "Enable unstable `BroadcastChannel` API", 1, ), ( deno_runtime::deno_cron::UNSTABLE_FEATURE_NAME, "Enable unstable Deno.cron API", 2, ), ( deno_runtime::deno_ffi::UNSTABLE_FEATURE_NAME, "Enable unstable FFI APIs", 3, ), ( deno_runtime::deno_fs::UNSTABLE_FEATURE_NAME, "Enable unstable file system APIs", 4, ), ( deno_runtime::ops::http::UNSTABLE_FEATURE_NAME, "Enable unstable HTTP APIs", 5, ), ( deno_runtime::deno_kv::UNSTABLE_FEATURE_NAME, "Enable unstable Key-Value store APIs", 6, ), ( deno_runtime::deno_net::UNSTABLE_FEATURE_NAME, "Enable unstable net APIs", 7, ), ( "temporal", "Enable unstable Temporal API", // Not used in JS 8, ), ( "unsafe-proto", "Enable unsafe __proto__ support. This is a security risk.", // This number is used directly in the JS code. Search // for "unstableIds" to see where it's used. 9, ), ( deno_runtime::deno_webgpu::UNSTABLE_FEATURE_NAME, "Enable unstable `WebGPU` API", 10, ), ( deno_runtime::ops::worker_host::UNSTABLE_FEATURE_NAME, "Enable unstable Web Worker APIs", 11, ), ]; pub(crate) fn unstable_exit_cb(_feature: &str, api_name: &str) { // TODO(bartlomieju): change to "The `--unstable-{feature}` flag must be provided.". eprintln!("Unstable API '{api_name}'. The --unstable flag must be provided."); std::process::exit(70); } #[allow(dead_code)] pub(crate) fn unstable_warn_cb(feature: &str) { eprintln!( "The `--unstable` flag is deprecated, use --unstable-{feature} instead." ); } pub fn main() { setup_panic_hook(); util::unix::raise_fd_limit(); util::windows::ensure_stdio_open(); #[cfg(windows)] colors::enable_ansi(); // For Windows 10 deno_runtime::permissions::set_prompt_callbacks( Box::new(util::draw_thread::DrawThread::hide), Box::new(util::draw_thread::DrawThread::show), ); let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect(); // NOTE(lucacasonato): due to new PKU feature introduced in V8 11.6 we need to // initalize the V8 platform on a parent thread of all threads that will spawn // V8 isolates. let future = async move { let current_exe_path = current_exe()?; let standalone_res = match standalone::extract_standalone(¤t_exe_path, args.clone()) .await { Ok(Some((metadata, eszip))) => standalone::run(eszip, metadata).await, Ok(None) => Ok(()), Err(err) => Err(err), }; // TODO(bartlomieju): doesn't handle exit code set by the runtime properly unwrap_or_exit(standalone_res); let flags = match flags_from_vec(args) { Ok(flags) => flags, Err(err @ clap::Error { .. }) if err.kind() == clap::error::ErrorKind::DisplayHelp || err.kind() == clap::error::ErrorKind::DisplayVersion => { err.print().unwrap(); std::process::exit(0); } Err(err) => unwrap_or_exit(Err(AnyError::from(err))), }; let default_v8_flags = match flags.subcommand { // Using same default as VSCode: // https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/blob/48d4ba271686e8072fc6674137415bc80d936bc7/extensions/typescript-language-features/src/configuration/configuration.ts#L213-L214 DenoSubcommand::Lsp => vec!["--max-old-space-size=3072".to_string()], _ => { if flags.unstable || flags.unstable_features.contains(&"temporal".to_string()) { vec!["--harmony-temporal".to_string()] } else { vec![] } } }; init_v8_flags(&default_v8_flags, &flags.v8_flags, get_v8_flags_from_env()); deno_core::JsRuntime::init_platform(None); util::logger::init(flags.log_level); run_subcommand(flags).await }; let exit_code = unwrap_or_exit(create_and_run_current_thread_with_maybe_metrics(future)); std::process::exit(exit_code); } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; #[test] fn unstable_granular_flag_names_sorted() { let flags = UNSTABLE_GRANULAR_FLAGS .iter() .map(|(name, _, _)| name.to_string()) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); let mut sorted_flags = flags.clone(); sorted_flags.sort(); // sort the flags by name so they appear nicely in the help text assert_eq!(flags, sorted_flags); } }