// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. use std::sync::Arc; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::futures::TryFutureExt; use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier; use super::run::check_permission_before_script; use super::run::maybe_npm_install; use crate::args::Flags; use crate::args::ServeFlags; use crate::args::WatchFlagsWithPaths; use crate::factory::CliFactory; use crate::util::file_watcher::WatcherRestartMode; use crate::worker::CliMainWorkerFactory; pub async fn serve( flags: Arc, serve_flags: ServeFlags, ) -> Result { check_permission_before_script(&flags); if let Some(watch_flags) = serve_flags.watch { return serve_with_watch(flags, watch_flags, serve_flags.worker_count) .await; } let factory = CliFactory::from_flags(flags); let cli_options = factory.cli_options()?; let deno_dir = factory.deno_dir()?; let http_client = factory.http_client_provider(); // Run a background task that checks for available upgrades or output // if an earlier run of this background task found a new version of Deno. #[cfg(feature = "upgrade")] super::upgrade::check_for_upgrades( http_client.clone(), deno_dir.upgrade_check_file_path(), ); let main_module = cli_options.resolve_main_module()?; maybe_npm_install(&factory).await?; let worker_factory = factory.create_cli_main_worker_factory().await?; let hmr = serve_flags .watch .map(|watch_flags| watch_flags.hmr) .unwrap_or(false); do_serve( worker_factory, main_module.clone(), serve_flags.worker_count, hmr, ) .await } async fn do_serve( worker_factory: CliMainWorkerFactory, main_module: ModuleSpecifier, worker_count: Option, hmr: bool, ) -> Result { let mut worker = worker_factory .create_main_worker( deno_runtime::WorkerExecutionMode::Serve { is_main: true, worker_count, }, main_module.clone(), ) .await?; let worker_count = match worker_count { None | Some(1) => return worker.run().await, Some(c) => c, }; let main = deno_core::unsync::spawn(async move { worker.run().await }); let extra_workers = worker_count.saturating_sub(1); let mut channels = Vec::with_capacity(extra_workers); for i in 0..extra_workers { let worker_factory = worker_factory.clone(); let main_module = main_module.clone(); let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel(); channels.push(rx); std::thread::Builder::new() .name(format!("serve-worker-{i}")) .spawn(move || { deno_runtime::tokio_util::create_and_run_current_thread(async move { let result = run_worker(i, worker_factory, main_module, hmr).await; let _ = tx.send(result); }); })?; } let (main_result, worker_results) = tokio::try_join!( main.map_err(AnyError::from), deno_core::futures::future::try_join_all( channels.into_iter().map(|r| r.map_err(AnyError::from)) ) )?; let mut exit_code = main_result?; for res in worker_results { let ret = res?; if ret != 0 && exit_code == 0 { exit_code = ret; } } Ok(exit_code) } async fn run_worker( worker_count: usize, worker_factory: CliMainWorkerFactory, main_module: ModuleSpecifier, hmr: bool, ) -> Result { let mut worker: crate::worker::CliMainWorker = worker_factory .create_main_worker( deno_runtime::WorkerExecutionMode::Serve { is_main: false, worker_count: Some(worker_count), }, main_module, ) .await?; if hmr { worker.run_for_watcher().await?; Ok(0) } else { worker.run().await } } async fn serve_with_watch( flags: Arc, watch_flags: WatchFlagsWithPaths, worker_count: Option, ) -> Result { let hmr = watch_flags.hmr; crate::util::file_watcher::watch_recv( flags, crate::util::file_watcher::PrintConfig::new_with_banner( if watch_flags.hmr { "HMR" } else { "Watcher" }, "Process", !watch_flags.no_clear_screen, ), WatcherRestartMode::Automatic, move |flags, watcher_communicator, changed_paths| { watcher_communicator.show_path_changed(changed_paths.clone()); Ok(async move { let factory = CliFactory::from_flags_for_watcher( flags, watcher_communicator.clone(), ); let cli_options = factory.cli_options()?; let main_module = cli_options.resolve_main_module()?; maybe_npm_install(&factory).await?; let _ = watcher_communicator.watch_paths(cli_options.watch_paths()); let worker_factory = factory.create_cli_main_worker_factory().await?; do_serve(worker_factory, main_module.clone(), worker_count, hmr) .await?; Ok(()) }) }, ) .await?; Ok(0) }