// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use deno_core::error::custom_error; use deno_core::error::not_supported; use deno_core::error::null_opbuf; use deno_core::error::type_error; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::include_js_files; use deno_core::op_async; use deno_core::op_sync; use deno_core::Extension; use deno_core::OpState; use deno_core::ZeroCopyBuf; use serde::Deserialize; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::rc::Rc; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use num_traits::cast::FromPrimitive; use rand::rngs::OsRng; use rand::rngs::StdRng; use rand::thread_rng; use rand::Rng; use rand::SeedableRng; use ring::digest; use ring::hmac::Algorithm as HmacAlgorithm; use ring::hmac::Key as HmacKey; use ring::rand as RingRand; use ring::rand::SecureRandom; use ring::signature::EcdsaKeyPair; use ring::signature::EcdsaSigningAlgorithm; use rsa::padding::PaddingScheme; use rsa::BigUint; use rsa::PrivateKeyEncoding; use rsa::RSAPrivateKey; use sha1::Sha1; use sha2::Digest; use sha2::Sha256; use sha2::Sha384; use sha2::Sha512; use std::path::PathBuf; pub use rand; // Re-export rand mod key; use crate::key::Algorithm; use crate::key::CryptoHash; use crate::key::CryptoNamedCurve; // Allowlist for RSA public exponents. lazy_static! { static ref PUB_EXPONENT_1: BigUint = BigUint::from_u64(3).unwrap(); static ref PUB_EXPONENT_2: BigUint = BigUint::from_u64(65537).unwrap(); } pub fn init(maybe_seed: Option) -> Extension { Extension::builder() .js(include_js_files!( prefix "deno:extensions/crypto", "00_crypto.js", "01_webidl.js", )) .ops(vec![ ( "op_crypto_get_random_values", op_sync(op_crypto_get_random_values), ), ("op_crypto_generate_key", op_async(op_crypto_generate_key)), ("op_crypto_sign_key", op_async(op_crypto_sign_key)), ("op_crypto_subtle_digest", op_async(op_crypto_subtle_digest)), ("op_crypto_random_uuid", op_sync(op_crypto_random_uuid)), ]) .state(move |state| { if let Some(seed) = maybe_seed { state.put(StdRng::seed_from_u64(seed)); } Ok(()) }) .build() } pub fn op_crypto_get_random_values( state: &mut OpState, mut zero_copy: ZeroCopyBuf, _: (), ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { if zero_copy.len() > 65536 { return Err( deno_web::DomExceptionQuotaExceededError::new(&format!("The ArrayBufferView's byte length ({}) exceeds the number of bytes of entropy available via this API (65536)", zero_copy.len())) .into(), ); } let maybe_seeded_rng = state.try_borrow_mut::(); if let Some(seeded_rng) = maybe_seeded_rng { seeded_rng.fill(&mut *zero_copy); } else { let mut rng = thread_rng(); rng.fill(&mut *zero_copy); } Ok(()) } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct AlgorithmArg { name: Algorithm, modulus_length: Option, public_exponent: Option, named_curve: Option, hash: Option, length: Option, } pub async fn op_crypto_generate_key( _state: Rc>, args: AlgorithmArg, _: (), ) -> Result { let algorithm = args.name; let key = match algorithm { Algorithm::RsassaPkcs1v15 | Algorithm::RsaPss => { let public_exponent = args.public_exponent.ok_or_else(not_supported)?; let modulus_length = args.modulus_length.ok_or_else(not_supported)?; let exponent = BigUint::from_bytes_be(&public_exponent); if exponent != *PUB_EXPONENT_1 && exponent != *PUB_EXPONENT_2 { return Err(custom_error( "DOMExceptionOperationError", "Bad public exponent", )); } let mut rng = OsRng; let private_key: RSAPrivateKey = tokio::task::spawn_blocking( move || -> Result { RSAPrivateKey::new_with_exp( &mut rng, modulus_length as usize, &exponent, ) }, ) .await .unwrap() .map_err(|e| custom_error("DOMExceptionOperationError", e.to_string()))?; private_key.to_pkcs8()? } Algorithm::Ecdsa => { let curve: &EcdsaSigningAlgorithm = args.named_curve.ok_or_else(not_supported)?.into(); let rng = RingRand::SystemRandom::new(); let private_key: Vec = tokio::task::spawn_blocking( move || -> Result, ring::error::Unspecified> { let pkcs8 = EcdsaKeyPair::generate_pkcs8(curve, &rng)?; Ok(pkcs8.as_ref().to_vec()) }, ) .await .unwrap() .map_err(|_| { custom_error("DOMExceptionOperationError", "Key generation failed") })?; private_key } Algorithm::Hmac => { let hash: HmacAlgorithm = args.hash.ok_or_else(not_supported)?.into(); let length = if let Some(length) = args.length { if (length % 8) != 0 { return Err(custom_error( "DOMExceptionOperationError", "hmac block length must be byte aligned", )); } let length = length / 8; if length > ring::digest::MAX_BLOCK_LEN { return Err(custom_error( "DOMExceptionOperationError", "hmac block length is too large", )); } length } else { hash.digest_algorithm().block_len }; let rng = RingRand::SystemRandom::new(); let mut key_bytes = [0; ring::digest::MAX_BLOCK_LEN]; let key_bytes = &mut key_bytes[..length]; rng.fill(key_bytes).map_err(|_| { custom_error("DOMExceptionOperationError", "Key generation failed") })?; key_bytes.to_vec() } _ => return Err(not_supported()), }; Ok(key.into()) } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")] pub enum KeyFormat { Raw, Pkcs8, } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")] pub struct KeyData { // TODO(littledivy): Kept here to be used to importKey() in future. #[allow(dead_code)] r#type: KeyFormat, data: ZeroCopyBuf, } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct SignArg { key: KeyData, algorithm: Algorithm, salt_length: Option, hash: Option, named_curve: Option, } pub async fn op_crypto_sign_key( _state: Rc>, args: SignArg, zero_copy: Option, ) -> Result { let zero_copy = zero_copy.ok_or_else(null_opbuf)?; let data = &*zero_copy; let algorithm = args.algorithm; let signature = match algorithm { Algorithm::RsassaPkcs1v15 => { let private_key = RSAPrivateKey::from_pkcs8(&*args.key.data)?; let padding = match args .hash .ok_or_else(|| type_error("Missing argument hash".to_string()))? { CryptoHash::Sha1 => PaddingScheme::PKCS1v15Sign { hash: Some(rsa::hash::Hash::SHA1), }, CryptoHash::Sha256 => PaddingScheme::PKCS1v15Sign { hash: Some(rsa::hash::Hash::SHA2_256), }, CryptoHash::Sha384 => PaddingScheme::PKCS1v15Sign { hash: Some(rsa::hash::Hash::SHA2_384), }, CryptoHash::Sha512 => PaddingScheme::PKCS1v15Sign { hash: Some(rsa::hash::Hash::SHA2_512), }, }; private_key.sign(padding, &data)? } Algorithm::RsaPss => { let private_key = RSAPrivateKey::from_pkcs8(&*args.key.data)?; let salt_len = args .salt_length .ok_or_else(|| type_error("Missing argument saltLength".to_string()))? as usize; let rng = OsRng; let (padding, digest_in) = match args .hash .ok_or_else(|| type_error("Missing argument hash".to_string()))? { CryptoHash::Sha1 => { let mut hasher = Sha1::new(); hasher.update(&data); ( PaddingScheme::new_pss_with_salt::(rng, salt_len), hasher.finalize()[..].to_vec(), ) } CryptoHash::Sha256 => { let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); hasher.update(&data); ( PaddingScheme::new_pss_with_salt::(rng, salt_len), hasher.finalize()[..].to_vec(), ) } CryptoHash::Sha384 => { let mut hasher = Sha384::new(); hasher.update(&data); ( PaddingScheme::new_pss_with_salt::(rng, salt_len), hasher.finalize()[..].to_vec(), ) } CryptoHash::Sha512 => { let mut hasher = Sha512::new(); hasher.update(&data); ( PaddingScheme::new_pss_with_salt::(rng, salt_len), hasher.finalize()[..].to_vec(), ) } }; // Sign data based on computed padding and return buffer private_key.sign(padding, &digest_in)? } Algorithm::Ecdsa => { let curve: &EcdsaSigningAlgorithm = args.named_curve.ok_or_else(not_supported)?.try_into()?; let key_pair = EcdsaKeyPair::from_pkcs8(curve, &*args.key.data)?; // We only support P256-SHA256 & P384-SHA384. These are recommended signature pairs. // https://briansmith.org/rustdoc/ring/signature/index.html#statics if let Some(hash) = args.hash { match hash { CryptoHash::Sha256 | CryptoHash::Sha384 => (), _ => return Err(type_error("Unsupported algorithm")), } }; let rng = RingRand::SystemRandom::new(); let signature = key_pair.sign(&rng, &data)?; // Signature data as buffer. signature.as_ref().to_vec() } Algorithm::Hmac => { let hash: HmacAlgorithm = args.hash.ok_or_else(not_supported)?.into(); let key = HmacKey::new(hash, &*args.key.data); let signature = ring::hmac::sign(&key, &data); signature.as_ref().to_vec() } _ => return Err(type_error("Unsupported algorithm".to_string())), }; Ok(signature.into()) } pub fn op_crypto_random_uuid( state: &mut OpState, _: (), _: (), ) -> Result { let maybe_seeded_rng = state.try_borrow_mut::(); let uuid = if let Some(seeded_rng) = maybe_seeded_rng { let mut bytes = [0u8; 16]; seeded_rng.fill(&mut bytes); uuid::Builder::from_bytes(bytes) .set_version(uuid::Version::Random) .build() } else { uuid::Uuid::new_v4() }; Ok(uuid.to_string()) } pub async fn op_crypto_subtle_digest( _state: Rc>, algorithm_id: i8, data: Option, ) -> Result { let algorithm = match algorithm_id { 0 => &digest::SHA1_FOR_LEGACY_USE_ONLY, 1 => &digest::SHA256, 2 => &digest::SHA384, 3 => &digest::SHA512, _ => panic!("Invalid algorithm id"), }; let input = data.ok_or_else(null_opbuf)?; let output = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { digest::digest(algorithm, &input).as_ref().to_vec().into() }) .await?; Ok(output) } pub fn get_declaration() -> PathBuf { PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("lib.deno_crypto.d.ts") }