// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // @ts-check /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// import { core, primordials } from "ext:core/mod.js"; import * as webidl from "ext:deno_webidl/00_webidl.js"; import { parseUrlEncoded, URLSearchParamsPrototype, } from "ext:deno_url/00_url.js"; import { formDataFromEntries, FormDataPrototype, formDataToBlob, parseFormData, } from "ext:deno_fetch/21_formdata.js"; import * as mimesniff from "ext:deno_web/01_mimesniff.js"; import { BlobPrototype } from "ext:deno_web/09_file.js"; import { createProxy, errorReadableStream, isReadableStreamDisturbed, readableStreamClose, readableStreamCollectIntoUint8Array, readableStreamDisturb, ReadableStreamPrototype, readableStreamTee, readableStreamThrowIfErrored, } from "ext:deno_web/06_streams.js"; const { ArrayBufferPrototype, ArrayBufferIsView, ArrayPrototypeMap, DataViewPrototypeGetBuffer, DataViewPrototypeGetByteLength, DataViewPrototypeGetByteOffset, JSONParse, ObjectDefineProperties, ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf, // TODO(lucacasonato): add SharedArrayBuffer to primordials // SharedArrayBufferPrototype TypedArrayPrototypeGetBuffer, TypedArrayPrototypeGetByteLength, TypedArrayPrototypeGetByteOffset, TypedArrayPrototypeGetSymbolToStringTag, TypedArrayPrototypeSlice, TypeError, Uint8Array, } = primordials; /** * @param {Uint8Array | string} chunk * @returns {Uint8Array} */ function chunkToU8(chunk) { return typeof chunk === "string" ? core.encode(chunk) : chunk; } /** * @param {Uint8Array | string} chunk * @returns {string} */ function chunkToString(chunk) { return typeof chunk === "string" ? chunk : core.decode(chunk); } class InnerBody { /** * @param {ReadableStream | { body: Uint8Array | string, consumed: boolean }} stream */ constructor(stream) { /** @type {ReadableStream | { body: Uint8Array | string, consumed: boolean }} */ this.streamOrStatic = stream ?? { body: new Uint8Array(), consumed: false }; /** @type {null | Uint8Array | string | Blob | FormData} */ this.source = null; /** @type {null | number} */ this.length = null; } get stream() { if ( !ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( ReadableStreamPrototype, this.streamOrStatic, ) ) { const { body, consumed } = this.streamOrStatic; if (consumed) { this.streamOrStatic = new ReadableStream(); this.streamOrStatic.getReader(); readableStreamDisturb(this.streamOrStatic); readableStreamClose(this.streamOrStatic); } else { this.streamOrStatic = new ReadableStream({ start(controller) { controller.enqueue(chunkToU8(body)); controller.close(); }, }); } } return this.streamOrStatic; } /** * https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#body-unusable * @returns {boolean} */ unusable() { if ( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( ReadableStreamPrototype, this.streamOrStatic, ) ) { return this.streamOrStatic.locked || isReadableStreamDisturbed(this.streamOrStatic); } return this.streamOrStatic.consumed; } /** * @returns {boolean} */ consumed() { if ( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( ReadableStreamPrototype, this.streamOrStatic, ) ) { return isReadableStreamDisturbed(this.streamOrStatic); } return this.streamOrStatic.consumed; } /** * https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-body-consume-body * @returns {Promise} */ consume() { if (this.unusable()) throw new TypeError("Body already consumed."); if ( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( ReadableStreamPrototype, this.streamOrStatic, ) ) { readableStreamThrowIfErrored(this.stream); return readableStreamCollectIntoUint8Array(this.stream); } else { this.streamOrStatic.consumed = true; return this.streamOrStatic.body; } } cancel(error) { if ( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( ReadableStreamPrototype, this.streamOrStatic, ) ) { this.streamOrStatic.cancel(error); } else { this.streamOrStatic.consumed = true; } } error(error) { if ( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( ReadableStreamPrototype, this.streamOrStatic, ) ) { errorReadableStream(this.streamOrStatic, error); } else { this.streamOrStatic.consumed = true; } } /** * @returns {InnerBody} */ clone() { const { 0: out1, 1: out2 } = readableStreamTee(this.stream, true); this.streamOrStatic = out1; const second = new InnerBody(out2); second.source = core.deserialize(core.serialize(this.source)); second.length = this.length; return second; } /** * @returns {InnerBody} */ createProxy() { let proxyStreamOrStatic; if ( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( ReadableStreamPrototype, this.streamOrStatic, ) ) { proxyStreamOrStatic = createProxy(this.streamOrStatic); } else { proxyStreamOrStatic = { ...this.streamOrStatic }; this.streamOrStatic.consumed = true; } const proxy = new InnerBody(proxyStreamOrStatic); proxy.source = this.source; proxy.length = this.length; return proxy; } } /** * @param {any} prototype * @param {symbol} bodySymbol * @param {symbol} mimeTypeSymbol * @returns {void} */ function mixinBody(prototype, bodySymbol, mimeTypeSymbol) { async function consumeBody(object, type) { webidl.assertBranded(object, prototype); const body = object[bodySymbol] !== null ? await object[bodySymbol].consume() : new Uint8Array(); const mimeType = type === "Blob" || type === "FormData" ? object[mimeTypeSymbol] : null; return packageData(body, type, mimeType); } /** @type {PropertyDescriptorMap} */ const mixin = { body: { /** * @returns {ReadableStream | null} */ get() { webidl.assertBranded(this, prototype); if (this[bodySymbol] === null) { return null; } else { return this[bodySymbol].stream; } }, configurable: true, enumerable: true, }, bodyUsed: { /** * @returns {boolean} */ get() { webidl.assertBranded(this, prototype); if (this[bodySymbol] !== null) { return this[bodySymbol].consumed(); } return false; }, configurable: true, enumerable: true, }, arrayBuffer: { /** @returns {Promise} */ value: function arrayBuffer() { return consumeBody(this, "ArrayBuffer"); }, writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: true, }, blob: { /** @returns {Promise} */ value: function blob() { return consumeBody(this, "Blob"); }, writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: true, }, formData: { /** @returns {Promise} */ value: function formData() { return consumeBody(this, "FormData"); }, writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: true, }, json: { /** @returns {Promise} */ value: function json() { return consumeBody(this, "JSON"); }, writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: true, }, text: { /** @returns {Promise} */ value: function text() { return consumeBody(this, "text"); }, writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: true, }, }; return ObjectDefineProperties(prototype, mixin); } /** * https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-body-package-data * @param {Uint8Array | string} bytes * @param {"ArrayBuffer" | "Blob" | "FormData" | "JSON" | "text"} type * @param {MimeType | null} [mimeType] */ function packageData(bytes, type, mimeType) { switch (type) { case "ArrayBuffer": return TypedArrayPrototypeGetBuffer(chunkToU8(bytes)); case "Blob": return new Blob([bytes], { type: mimeType !== null ? mimesniff.serializeMimeType(mimeType) : "", }); case "FormData": { if (mimeType !== null) { const essence = mimesniff.essence(mimeType); if (essence === "multipart/form-data") { const boundary = mimeType.parameters.get("boundary"); if (boundary === null) { throw new TypeError( "Missing boundary parameter in mime type of multipart formdata.", ); } return parseFormData(chunkToU8(bytes), boundary); } else if (essence === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") { // TODO(@AaronO): pass as-is with StringOrBuffer in op-layer const entries = parseUrlEncoded(chunkToU8(bytes)); return formDataFromEntries( ArrayPrototypeMap( entries, (x) => ({ name: x[0], value: x[1] }), ), ); } throw new TypeError("Body can not be decoded as form data"); } throw new TypeError("Missing content type"); } case "JSON": return JSONParse(chunkToString(bytes)); case "text": return chunkToString(bytes); } } /** * @param {BodyInit} object * @returns {{body: InnerBody, contentType: string | null}} */ function extractBody(object) { /** @type {ReadableStream | { body: Uint8Array | string, consumed: boolean }} */ let stream; let source = null; let length = null; let contentType = null; if (typeof object === "string") { source = object; contentType = "text/plain;charset=UTF-8"; } else if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(BlobPrototype, object)) { stream = object.stream(); source = object; length = object.size; if (object.type.length !== 0) { contentType = object.type; } } else if (ArrayBufferIsView(object)) { const tag = TypedArrayPrototypeGetSymbolToStringTag(object); if (tag !== undefined) { // TypedArray if (tag !== "Uint8Array") { // TypedArray, unless it's Uint8Array object = new Uint8Array( TypedArrayPrototypeGetBuffer(/** @type {Uint8Array} */ (object)), TypedArrayPrototypeGetByteOffset(/** @type {Uint8Array} */ (object)), TypedArrayPrototypeGetByteLength(/** @type {Uint8Array} */ (object)), ); } } else { // DataView object = new Uint8Array( DataViewPrototypeGetBuffer(/** @type {DataView} */ (object)), DataViewPrototypeGetByteOffset(/** @type {DataView} */ (object)), DataViewPrototypeGetByteLength(/** @type {DataView} */ (object)), ); } source = TypedArrayPrototypeSlice(object); } else if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(ArrayBufferPrototype, object)) { source = TypedArrayPrototypeSlice(new Uint8Array(object)); } else if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(FormDataPrototype, object)) { const res = formDataToBlob(object); stream = res.stream(); source = res; length = res.size; contentType = res.type; } else if ( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(URLSearchParamsPrototype, object) ) { // TODO(@satyarohith): not sure what primordial here. // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials source = object.toString(); contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"; } else if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(ReadableStreamPrototype, object)) { stream = object; if (object.locked || isReadableStreamDisturbed(object)) { throw new TypeError("ReadableStream is locked or disturbed"); } } if (typeof source === "string") { // WARNING: this deviates from spec (expects length to be set) // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#bodyinit > 7. // no observable side-effect for users so far, but could change stream = { body: source, consumed: false }; length = null; // NOTE: string length != byte length } else if (TypedArrayPrototypeGetSymbolToStringTag(source) === "Uint8Array") { stream = { body: source, consumed: false }; length = TypedArrayPrototypeGetByteLength(source); } const body = new InnerBody(stream); body.source = source; body.length = length; return { body, contentType }; } webidl.converters["BodyInit_DOMString"] = (V, prefix, context, opts) => { // Union for (ReadableStream or Blob or ArrayBufferView or ArrayBuffer or FormData or URLSearchParams or USVString) if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(ReadableStreamPrototype, V)) { return webidl.converters["ReadableStream"](V, prefix, context, opts); } else if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(BlobPrototype, V)) { return webidl.converters["Blob"](V, prefix, context, opts); } else if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(FormDataPrototype, V)) { return webidl.converters["FormData"](V, prefix, context, opts); } else if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(URLSearchParamsPrototype, V)) { return webidl.converters["URLSearchParams"](V, prefix, context, opts); } if (typeof V === "object") { if ( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(ArrayBufferPrototype, V) || // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(SharedArrayBuffer.prototype, V) ) { return webidl.converters["ArrayBuffer"](V, prefix, context, opts); } if (ArrayBufferIsView(V)) { return webidl.converters["ArrayBufferView"](V, prefix, context, opts); } } // BodyInit conversion is passed to extractBody(), which calls core.encode(). // core.encode() will UTF-8 encode strings with replacement, being equivalent to the USV normalization. // Therefore we can convert to DOMString instead of USVString and avoid a costly redundant conversion. return webidl.converters["DOMString"](V, prefix, context, opts); }; webidl.converters["BodyInit_DOMString?"] = webidl.createNullableConverter( webidl.converters["BodyInit_DOMString"], ); export { extractBody, InnerBody, mixinBody };