// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { relative } from "path"; import { readFileSync } from "fs"; import { EOL } from "os"; import { ExportDeclaration, ImportDeclaration, InterfaceDeclaration, JSDoc, Project, PropertySignature, SourceFile, StatementedNode, ts, TypeGuards, VariableStatement, VariableDeclarationKind } from "ts-simple-ast"; /** Add a property to an interface */ export function addInterfaceProperty( interfaceDeclaration: InterfaceDeclaration, name: string, type: string, jsdocs?: JSDoc[] ): PropertySignature { return interfaceDeclaration.addProperty({ name, type, docs: jsdocs && jsdocs.map(jsdoc => jsdoc.getText()) }); } /** Add `@url` comment to node. */ export function addSourceComment( node: StatementedNode, sourceFile: SourceFile, rootPath: string ): void { node.insertStatements( 0, `// @url ${relative(rootPath, sourceFile.getFilePath())}\n\n` ); } /** Add a declaration of a type alias to a node */ export function addTypeAlias( node: StatementedNode, name: string, type: string, hasDeclareKeyword = false, jsdocs?: JSDoc[] ) { return node.addTypeAlias({ name, type, docs: jsdocs && jsdocs.map(jsdoc => jsdoc.getText()), hasDeclareKeyword }); } /** Add a declaration of a variable to a node */ export function addVariableDeclaration( node: StatementedNode, name: string, type: string, hasDeclareKeyword?: boolean, jsdocs?: JSDoc[] ): VariableStatement { return node.addVariableStatement({ declarationKind: VariableDeclarationKind.Const, declarations: [{ name, type }], docs: jsdocs && jsdocs.map(jsdoc => jsdoc.getText()), hasDeclareKeyword }); } /** Copy one source file to the end of another source file. */ export function appendSourceFile( sourceFile: SourceFile, targetSourceFile: SourceFile ): void { targetSourceFile.addStatements(`\n${sourceFile.print()}`); } /** Check diagnostics, and if any exist, exit the process */ export function checkDiagnostics(project: Project, onlyFor?: string[]) { const program = project.getProgram(); const diagnostics = [ ...program.getGlobalDiagnostics(), ...program.getSyntacticDiagnostics(), ...program.getSemanticDiagnostics(), ...program.getDeclarationDiagnostics() ] .filter(diagnostic => { const sourceFile = diagnostic.getSourceFile(); return onlyFor && sourceFile ? onlyFor.includes(sourceFile.getFilePath()) : true; }) .map(diagnostic => diagnostic.compilerObject); logDiagnostics(diagnostics); if (diagnostics.length) { process.exit(1); } } function createDeclarationError( msg: string, declaration: ImportDeclaration | ExportDeclaration ): Error { return new Error( `${msg}\n` + ` In: "${declaration.getSourceFile().getFilePath()}"\n` + ` Text: "${declaration.getText()}"` ); } export interface FlattenNamespaceOptions { customSources?: { [sourceFilePath: string]: string }; debug?: boolean; rootPath: string; sourceFile: SourceFile; } /** Take a namespace and flatten all exports. */ export function flattenNamespace({ customSources, debug, rootPath, sourceFile }: FlattenNamespaceOptions): string { const sourceFiles = new Set<SourceFile>(); let output = ""; const exportedSymbols = getExportedSymbols(sourceFile); function flattenDeclarations( declaration: ImportDeclaration | ExportDeclaration ) { const declarationSourceFile = declaration.getModuleSpecifierSourceFile(); if (declarationSourceFile) { processSourceFile(declarationSourceFile); declaration.remove(); } } function rectifyNodes(currentSourceFile: SourceFile) { currentSourceFile.forEachChild(node => { if (TypeGuards.isAmbientableNode(node)) { node.setHasDeclareKeyword(false); } if (TypeGuards.isExportableNode(node)) { const nodeSymbol = node.getSymbol(); if ( nodeSymbol && !exportedSymbols.has(nodeSymbol.getFullyQualifiedName()) ) { node.setIsExported(false); } } }); } function processSourceFile(currentSourceFile: SourceFile) { if (sourceFiles.has(currentSourceFile)) { return; } sourceFiles.add(currentSourceFile); const currentSourceFilePath = currentSourceFile.getFilePath(); if (customSources && currentSourceFilePath in customSources) { output += customSources[currentSourceFilePath]; return; } currentSourceFile.getImportDeclarations().forEach(flattenDeclarations); currentSourceFile.getExportDeclarations().forEach(flattenDeclarations); rectifyNodes(currentSourceFile); output += (debug ? getSourceComment(currentSourceFile, rootPath) : "") + currentSourceFile.print(); } sourceFile.getExportDeclarations().forEach(exportDeclaration => { const exportedSourceFile = exportDeclaration.getModuleSpecifierSourceFile(); if (exportedSourceFile) { processSourceFile(exportedSourceFile); } else { throw createDeclarationError("Missing source file.", exportDeclaration); } exportDeclaration.remove(); }); rectifyNodes(sourceFile); return ( output + (debug ? getSourceComment(sourceFile, rootPath) : "") + sourceFile.print() ); } /** Used when formatting diagnostics */ const formatDiagnosticHost: ts.FormatDiagnosticsHost = { getCurrentDirectory() { return process.cwd(); }, getCanonicalFileName(path: string) { return path; }, getNewLine() { return EOL; } }; /** Return a set of fully qualified symbol names for the files exports */ function getExportedSymbols(sourceFile: SourceFile): Set<string> { const exportedSymbols = new Set<string>(); const exportDeclarations = sourceFile.getExportDeclarations(); for (const exportDeclaration of exportDeclarations) { const exportSpecifiers = exportDeclaration.getNamedExports(); for (const exportSpecifier of exportSpecifiers) { const aliasedSymbol = exportSpecifier .getSymbolOrThrow() .getAliasedSymbol(); if (aliasedSymbol) { exportedSymbols.add(aliasedSymbol.getFullyQualifiedName()); } } } return exportedSymbols; } /** Returns a string which indicates the source file as the source */ export function getSourceComment( sourceFile: SourceFile, rootPath: string ): string { return `\n// @url ${relative(rootPath, sourceFile.getFilePath())}\n\n`; } interface InlineFilesOptions { basePath: string; debug?: boolean; inline: string[]; targetSourceFile: SourceFile; } /** Inline files into the target source file. */ export function inlineFiles({ basePath, debug, inline, targetSourceFile }: InlineFilesOptions) { for (const filename of inline) { const text = readFileSync(filename, { encoding: "utf8" }); targetSourceFile.addStatements( debug ? `\n// @url ${relative(basePath, filename)}\n\n${text}` : `\n${text}` ); } } /** * Load and write to a virtual file system all the default libs needed to * resolve types on project. */ export function loadDtsFiles(project: Project) { loadFiles( project, [ "lib.es2015.collection.d.ts", "lib.es2015.core.d.ts", "lib.es2015.d.ts", "lib.es2015.generator.d.ts", "lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts", "lib.es2015.promise.d.ts", "lib.es2015.proxy.d.ts", "lib.es2015.reflect.d.ts", "lib.es2015.symbol.d.ts", "lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts", "lib.es2016.array.include.d.ts", "lib.es2016.d.ts", "lib.es2017.d.ts", "lib.es2017.intl.d.ts", "lib.es2017.object.d.ts", "lib.es2017.sharedmemory.d.ts", "lib.es2017.string.d.ts", "lib.es2017.typedarrays.d.ts", "lib.es2018.d.ts", "lib.es2018.intl.d.ts", "lib.es2018.promise.d.ts", "lib.es2018.regexp.d.ts", "lib.es5.d.ts", "lib.esnext.d.ts", "lib.esnext.array.d.ts", "lib.esnext.asynciterable.d.ts", "lib.esnext.intl.d.ts", "lib.esnext.symbol.d.ts" ].map(fileName => `node_modules/typescript/lib/${fileName}`) ); } /** Load a set of files into a file system host. */ export function loadFiles(project: Project, filePaths: string[]) { const fileSystem = project.getFileSystem(); for (const filePath of filePaths) { const fileText = readFileSync(filePath, { encoding: "utf8" }); fileSystem.writeFileSync(filePath, fileText); } } /** Log diagnostics to the console with colour. */ export function logDiagnostics(diagnostics: ts.Diagnostic[]): void { if (diagnostics.length) { console.log( ts.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext(diagnostics, formatDiagnosticHost) ); } } export interface NamespaceSourceFileOptions { debug?: boolean; namespace?: string; namespaces: Set<string>; rootPath: string; sourceFileMap: Map<SourceFile, string>; } /** * Take a source file (`.d.ts`) and convert it to a namespace, resolving any * imports as their own namespaces. */ export function namespaceSourceFile( sourceFile: SourceFile, { debug, namespace, namespaces, rootPath, sourceFileMap }: NamespaceSourceFileOptions ): string { if (sourceFileMap.has(sourceFile)) { return ""; } if (!namespace) { namespace = sourceFile.getBaseNameWithoutExtension(); } sourceFileMap.set(sourceFile, namespace); sourceFile.forEachChild(node => { if (TypeGuards.isAmbientableNode(node)) { node.setHasDeclareKeyword(false); } }); // TODO need to properly unwrap this const globalNamespace = sourceFile.getNamespace("global"); let globalNamespaceText = ""; if (globalNamespace) { const structure = globalNamespace.getStructure(); if (structure.bodyText && typeof structure.bodyText === "string") { globalNamespaceText = structure.bodyText; } else { throw new TypeError("Unexpected global declaration structure."); } } if (globalNamespace) { globalNamespace.remove(); } const output = sourceFile .getImportDeclarations() .filter(declaration => { const dsf = declaration.getModuleSpecifierSourceFile(); if (dsf == null) { try { const namespaceName = declaration .getNamespaceImportOrThrow() .getText(); if (!namespaces.has(namespaceName)) { throw createDeclarationError( "Already defined source file under different namespace.", declaration ); } } catch (e) { throw createDeclarationError( "Unsupported import clause.", declaration ); } declaration.remove(); } return dsf; }) .map(declaration => { if ( declaration.getNamedImports().length || !declaration.getNamespaceImport() ) { throw createDeclarationError("Unsupported import clause.", declaration); } const text = namespaceSourceFile( declaration.getModuleSpecifierSourceFileOrThrow(), { debug, namespace: declaration.getNamespaceImportOrThrow().getText(), namespaces, rootPath, sourceFileMap } ); declaration.remove(); return text; }) .join("\n"); sourceFile .getExportDeclarations() .forEach(declaration => declaration.remove()); namespaces.add(namespace); return `${output} ${globalNamespaceText || ""} declare namespace ${namespace} { ${debug ? getSourceComment(sourceFile, rootPath) : ""} ${sourceFile.getText()} }`; } /** Mirrors TypeScript's handling of paths */ export function normalizeSlashes(path: string): string { return path.replace(/\\/g, "/"); }