// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // Some deserializer fields are only used on Unix and Windows build fails without it use deno_core::error::custom_error; use deno_core::error::type_error; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::op; use deno_core::CancelFuture; use deno_core::CancelHandle; use deno_core::OpState; use deno_core::ResourceId; use deno_core::ZeroCopyBuf; use deno_crypto::rand::thread_rng; use deno_crypto::rand::Rng; use deno_io::StdFileResource; use log::debug; use serde::Deserialize; use serde::Serialize; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::convert::From; use std::env::current_dir; use std::env::set_current_dir; use std::env::temp_dir; use std::io; use std::io::Error; use std::io::Seek; use std::io::SeekFrom; use std::io::Write; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::rc::Rc; use std::time::SystemTime; use std::time::UNIX_EPOCH; /// Similar to `std::fs::canonicalize()` but strips UNC prefixes on Windows. fn canonicalize_path(path: &Path) -> Result<PathBuf, Error> { let mut canonicalized_path = path.canonicalize()?; if cfg!(windows) { canonicalized_path = PathBuf::from( canonicalized_path .display() .to_string() .trim_start_matches("\\\\?\\"), ); } Ok(canonicalized_path) } /// A utility function to map OsStrings to Strings fn into_string(s: std::ffi::OsString) -> Result<String, AnyError> { s.into_string().map_err(|s| { let message = format!("File name or path {s:?} is not valid UTF-8"); custom_error("InvalidData", message) }) } #[cfg(unix)] pub fn get_nix_error_class(error: &nix::Error) -> &'static str { match error { nix::Error::ECHILD => "NotFound", nix::Error::EINVAL => "TypeError", nix::Error::ENOENT => "NotFound", nix::Error::ENOTTY => "BadResource", nix::Error::EPERM => "PermissionDenied", nix::Error::ESRCH => "NotFound", nix::Error::UnknownErrno => "Error", &nix::Error::ENOTSUP => unreachable!(), _ => "Error", } } struct UnstableChecker { pub unstable: bool, } impl UnstableChecker { // NOTE(bartlomieju): keep in sync with `cli/program_state.rs` pub fn check_unstable(&self, api_name: &str) { if !self.unstable { eprintln!( "Unstable API '{api_name}'. The --unstable flag must be provided." ); std::process::exit(70); } } } /// Helper for checking unstable features. Used for sync ops. fn check_unstable(state: &OpState, api_name: &str) { state.borrow::<UnstableChecker>().check_unstable(api_name) } /// Helper for checking unstable features. Used for async ops. fn check_unstable2(state: &Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, api_name: &str) { let state = state.borrow(); state.borrow::<UnstableChecker>().check_unstable(api_name) } pub trait FsPermissions { fn check_read(&mut self, p: &Path, api_name: &str) -> Result<(), AnyError>; fn check_read_all(&mut self, api_name: &str) -> Result<(), AnyError>; fn check_read_blind( &mut self, p: &Path, display: &str, api_name: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError>; fn check_write(&mut self, p: &Path, api_name: &str) -> Result<(), AnyError>; fn check_write_all(&mut self, api_name: &str) -> Result<(), AnyError>; } #[cfg(not(unix))] use deno_core::error::generic_error; #[cfg(not(unix))] use deno_core::error::not_supported; deno_core::extension!(deno_fs, deps = [ deno_web, deno_io ], parameters = [P: FsPermissions], ops = [ op_open_sync<P>, op_open_async<P>, op_write_file_sync<P>, op_write_file_async<P>, op_seek_sync, op_seek_async, op_fdatasync_sync, op_fdatasync_async, op_fsync_sync, op_fsync_async, op_fstat_sync, op_fstat_async, op_flock_sync, op_flock_async, op_funlock_sync, op_funlock_async, op_umask, op_chdir<P>, op_mkdir_sync<P>, op_mkdir_async<P>, op_chmod_sync<P>, op_chmod_async<P>, op_chown_sync<P>, op_chown_async<P>, op_remove_sync<P>, op_remove_async<P>, op_copy_file_sync<P>, op_copy_file_async<P>, op_stat_sync<P>, op_stat_async<P>, op_realpath_sync<P>, op_realpath_async<P>, op_read_dir_sync<P>, op_read_dir_async<P>, op_rename_sync<P>, op_rename_async<P>, op_link_sync<P>, op_link_async<P>, op_symlink_sync<P>, op_symlink_async<P>, op_read_link_sync<P>, op_read_link_async<P>, op_ftruncate_sync, op_ftruncate_async, op_truncate_sync<P>, op_truncate_async<P>, op_make_temp_dir_sync<P>, op_make_temp_dir_async<P>, op_make_temp_file_sync<P>, op_make_temp_file_async<P>, op_cwd<P>, op_futime_sync, op_futime_async, op_utime_sync<P>, op_utime_async<P>, op_readfile_sync<P>, op_readfile_text_sync<P>, op_readfile_async<P>, op_readfile_text_async<P>, ], esm = [ "30_fs.js" ], options = { unstable: bool }, state = |state, options| { state.put(UnstableChecker { unstable: options.unstable }); }, ); fn default_err_mapper(err: Error, desc: String) -> AnyError { AnyError::new(Error::new(err.kind(), desc)).context(err) } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, Debug)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] #[serde(default)] pub struct OpenOptions { read: bool, write: bool, create: bool, truncate: bool, append: bool, create_new: bool, } #[inline] fn open_helper<P>( state: &mut OpState, path: &str, mode: Option<u32>, options: Option<&OpenOptions>, api_name: &str, ) -> Result<(PathBuf, std::fs::OpenOptions), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = Path::new(path).to_path_buf(); let mut open_options = std::fs::OpenOptions::new(); if let Some(mode) = mode { // mode only used if creating the file on Unix // if not specified, defaults to 0o666 #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::fs::OpenOptionsExt; open_options.mode(mode & 0o777); } #[cfg(not(unix))] let _ = mode; // avoid unused warning } let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); match options { None => { permissions.check_read(&path, api_name)?; open_options .read(true) .create(false) .write(false) .truncate(false) .append(false) .create_new(false); } Some(options) => { if options.read { permissions.check_read(&path, api_name)?; } if options.write || options.append { permissions.check_write(&path, api_name)?; } open_options .read(options.read) .create(options.create) .write(options.write) .truncate(options.truncate) .append(options.append) .create_new(options.create_new); } } Ok((path, open_options)) } #[op] fn op_open_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, path: String, options: Option<OpenOptions>, mode: Option<u32>, ) -> Result<ResourceId, AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (path, open_options) = open_helper::<P>(state, &path, mode, options.as_ref(), "Deno.openSync()")?; let std_file = open_options.open(&path).map_err(|err| { default_err_mapper(err, format!("open '{}'", path.display())) })?; let resource = StdFileResource::fs_file(std_file); let rid = state.resource_table.add(resource); Ok(rid) } #[op] async fn op_open_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, path: String, options: Option<OpenOptions>, mode: Option<u32>, ) -> Result<ResourceId, AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (path, open_options) = open_helper::<P>( &mut state.borrow_mut(), &path, mode, options.as_ref(), "Deno.open()", )?; let std_file = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { open_options.open(&path).map_err(|err| { default_err_mapper(err, format!("open '{}'", path.display())) }) }) .await?; let resource = StdFileResource::fs_file(std_file?); let rid = state.borrow_mut().resource_table.add(resource); Ok(rid) } #[inline] fn write_open_options( create: bool, append: bool, create_new: bool, ) -> OpenOptions { OpenOptions { read: false, write: true, create, truncate: !append, append, create_new, } } #[op] fn op_write_file_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, path: String, mode: Option<u32>, append: bool, create: bool, create_new: bool, data: ZeroCopyBuf, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (path, open_options) = open_helper::<P>( state, &path, mode, Some(&write_open_options(create, append, create_new)), "Deno.writeFileSync()", )?; write_file(&path, open_options, mode, data) } #[op] async fn op_write_file_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, path: String, mode: Option<u32>, append: bool, create: bool, create_new: bool, data: ZeroCopyBuf, cancel_rid: Option<ResourceId>, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (path, open_options) = open_helper::<P>( &mut state.borrow_mut(), &path, mode, Some(&write_open_options(create, append, create_new)), "Deno.writeFile()", )?; let write_future = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { write_file(&path, open_options, mode, data) }); let cancel_handle = cancel_rid.and_then(|rid| { state .borrow_mut() .resource_table .get::<CancelHandle>(rid) .ok() }); if let Some(cancel_handle) = cancel_handle { let write_future_rv = write_future.or_cancel(cancel_handle).await; if let Some(cancel_rid) = cancel_rid { state.borrow_mut().resource_table.close(cancel_rid).ok(); }; return write_future_rv??; } write_future.await? } fn write_file( path: &Path, open_options: std::fs::OpenOptions, _mode: Option<u32>, data: ZeroCopyBuf, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let mut std_file = open_options.open(path).map_err(|err| { default_err_mapper(err, format!("open '{}'", path.display())) })?; // need to chmod the file if it already exists and a mode is specified #[cfg(unix)] if let Some(mode) = _mode { use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; let permissions = PermissionsExt::from_mode(mode & 0o777); std_file.set_permissions(permissions).map_err(|err| { default_err_mapper(err, format!("chmod '{}'", path.display())) })?; } std_file.write_all(&data)?; Ok(()) } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct SeekArgs { rid: ResourceId, offset: i64, whence: i32, } fn seek_helper(args: SeekArgs) -> Result<(u32, SeekFrom), AnyError> { let rid = args.rid; let offset = args.offset; let whence = args.whence as u32; // Translate seek mode to Rust repr. let seek_from = match whence { 0 => SeekFrom::Start(offset as u64), 1 => SeekFrom::Current(offset), 2 => SeekFrom::End(offset), _ => { return Err(type_error(format!("Invalid seek mode: {whence}"))); } }; Ok((rid, seek_from)) } #[op] fn op_seek_sync(state: &mut OpState, args: SeekArgs) -> Result<u64, AnyError> { let (rid, seek_from) = seek_helper(args)?; StdFileResource::with_file(state, rid, |std_file| { std_file.seek(seek_from).map_err(AnyError::from) }) } #[op] async fn op_seek_async( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, args: SeekArgs, ) -> Result<u64, AnyError> { let (rid, seek_from) = seek_helper(args)?; StdFileResource::with_file_blocking_task(state, rid, move |std_file| { std_file.seek(seek_from).map_err(AnyError::from) }) .await } #[op] fn op_fdatasync_sync( state: &mut OpState, rid: ResourceId, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { StdFileResource::with_file(state, rid, |std_file| { std_file.sync_data().map_err(AnyError::from) }) } #[op] async fn op_fdatasync_async( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, rid: ResourceId, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { StdFileResource::with_file_blocking_task(state, rid, move |std_file| { std_file.sync_data().map_err(AnyError::from) }) .await } #[op] fn op_fsync_sync(state: &mut OpState, rid: ResourceId) -> Result<(), AnyError> { StdFileResource::with_file(state, rid, |std_file| { std_file.sync_all().map_err(AnyError::from) }) } #[op] async fn op_fsync_async( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, rid: ResourceId, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { StdFileResource::with_file_blocking_task(state, rid, move |std_file| { std_file.sync_all().map_err(AnyError::from) }) .await } #[op] fn op_fstat_sync( state: &mut OpState, rid: ResourceId, out_buf: &mut [u32], ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let metadata = StdFileResource::with_file(state, rid, |std_file| { std_file.metadata().map_err(AnyError::from) })?; let stat = get_stat(metadata); stat.write(out_buf); Ok(()) } #[op] async fn op_fstat_async( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, rid: ResourceId, ) -> Result<FsStat, AnyError> { let metadata = StdFileResource::with_file_blocking_task(state, rid, move |std_file| { std_file.metadata().map_err(AnyError::from) }) .await?; Ok(get_stat(metadata)) } #[op] fn op_flock_sync( state: &mut OpState, rid: ResourceId, exclusive: bool, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { use fs3::FileExt; check_unstable(state, "Deno.flockSync"); StdFileResource::with_file(state, rid, |std_file| { if exclusive { std_file.lock_exclusive()?; } else { std_file.lock_shared()?; } Ok(()) }) } #[op] async fn op_flock_async( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, rid: ResourceId, exclusive: bool, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { use fs3::FileExt; check_unstable2(&state, "Deno.flock"); StdFileResource::with_file_blocking_task(state, rid, move |std_file| { if exclusive { std_file.lock_exclusive()?; } else { std_file.lock_shared()?; } Ok(()) }) .await } #[op] fn op_funlock_sync( state: &mut OpState, rid: ResourceId, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { use fs3::FileExt; check_unstable(state, "Deno.funlockSync"); StdFileResource::with_file(state, rid, |std_file| { std_file.unlock()?; Ok(()) }) } #[op] async fn op_funlock_async( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, rid: ResourceId, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { use fs3::FileExt; check_unstable2(&state, "Deno.funlock"); StdFileResource::with_file_blocking_task(state, rid, move |std_file| { std_file.unlock()?; Ok(()) }) .await } #[op] fn op_umask(state: &mut OpState, mask: Option<u32>) -> Result<u32, AnyError> { check_unstable(state, "Deno.umask"); // TODO implement umask for Windows // see https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/src/node_process_methods.cc // and https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/cpp/c-runtime-library/reference/umask?view=vs-2019 #[cfg(not(unix))] { let _ = mask; // avoid unused warning. Err(not_supported()) } #[cfg(unix)] { use nix::sys::stat::mode_t; use nix::sys::stat::umask; use nix::sys::stat::Mode; let r = if let Some(mask) = mask { // If mask provided, return previous. umask(Mode::from_bits_truncate(mask as mode_t)) } else { // If no mask provided, we query the current. Requires two syscalls. let prev = umask(Mode::from_bits_truncate(0o777)); let _ = umask(prev); prev }; #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] { Ok(r.bits()) } #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] { Ok(r.bits() as u32) } } } #[op] fn op_chdir<P>(state: &mut OpState, directory: &str) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let d = PathBuf::from(&directory); state.borrow_mut::<P>().check_read(&d, "Deno.chdir()")?; set_current_dir(&d) .map_err(|err| default_err_mapper(err, format!("chdir '{directory}'")))?; Ok(()) } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct MkdirArgs { path: String, recursive: bool, mode: Option<u32>, } #[op] fn op_mkdir_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, args: MkdirArgs, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = Path::new(&args.path).to_path_buf(); let mode = args.mode.unwrap_or(0o777) & 0o777; state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_write(&path, "Deno.mkdirSync()")?; debug!("op_mkdir {} {:o} {}", path.display(), mode, args.recursive); let mut builder = std::fs::DirBuilder::new(); builder.recursive(args.recursive); #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::fs::DirBuilderExt; builder.mode(mode); } builder.create(&path).map_err(|err| { default_err_mapper(err, format!("mkdir '{}'", path.display())) })?; Ok(()) } #[op] async fn op_mkdir_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, args: MkdirArgs, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = Path::new(&args.path).to_path_buf(); let mode = args.mode.unwrap_or(0o777) & 0o777; { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); state.borrow_mut::<P>().check_write(&path, "Deno.mkdir()")?; } tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { debug!("op_mkdir {} {:o} {}", path.display(), mode, args.recursive); let mut builder = std::fs::DirBuilder::new(); builder.recursive(args.recursive); #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::fs::DirBuilderExt; builder.mode(mode); } builder.create(&path).map_err(|err| { default_err_mapper(err, format!("mkdir '{}'", path.display())) })?; Ok(()) }) .await .unwrap() } #[op] fn op_chmod_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, path: &str, mode: u32, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = Path::new(path); let mode = mode & 0o777; state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_write(path, "Deno.chmodSync()")?; raw_chmod(path, mode) } #[op] async fn op_chmod_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, path: String, mode: u32, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = Path::new(&path).to_path_buf(); let mode = mode & 0o777; { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); state.borrow_mut::<P>().check_write(&path, "Deno.chmod()")?; } tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || raw_chmod(&path, mode)) .await .unwrap() } fn raw_chmod(path: &Path, _raw_mode: u32) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let err_mapper = |err| default_err_mapper(err, format!("chmod '{}'", path.display())); #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; let permissions = PermissionsExt::from_mode(_raw_mode); std::fs::set_permissions(path, permissions).map_err(err_mapper)?; Ok(()) } // TODO Implement chmod for Windows (#4357) #[cfg(not(unix))] { // Still check file/dir exists on Windows let _metadata = std::fs::metadata(path).map_err(err_mapper)?; Err(not_supported()) } } #[op] fn op_chown_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, path: &str, #[cfg_attr(windows, allow(unused_variables))] uid: Option<u32>, #[cfg_attr(windows, allow(unused_variables))] gid: Option<u32>, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = Path::new(path).to_path_buf(); state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_write(&path, "Deno.chownSync()")?; #[cfg(unix)] { use nix::unistd::chown; use nix::unistd::Gid; use nix::unistd::Uid; let nix_uid = uid.map(Uid::from_raw); let nix_gid = gid.map(Gid::from_raw); chown(&path, nix_uid, nix_gid).map_err(|err| { custom_error( get_nix_error_class(&err), format!("{}, chown '{}'", err.desc(), path.display()), ) })?; Ok(()) } // TODO Implement chown for Windows #[cfg(not(unix))] { Err(generic_error("Not implemented")) } } #[op] async fn op_chown_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, path: String, #[cfg_attr(windows, allow(unused_variables))] uid: Option<u32>, #[cfg_attr(windows, allow(unused_variables))] gid: Option<u32>, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = Path::new(&path).to_path_buf(); { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); state.borrow_mut::<P>().check_write(&path, "Deno.chown()")?; } tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { #[cfg(unix)] { use nix::unistd::chown; use nix::unistd::Gid; use nix::unistd::Uid; let nix_uid = uid.map(Uid::from_raw); let nix_gid = gid.map(Gid::from_raw); chown(&path, nix_uid, nix_gid).map_err(|err| { custom_error( get_nix_error_class(&err), format!("{}, chown '{}'", err.desc(), path.display()), ) })?; Ok(()) } // TODO Implement chown for Windows #[cfg(not(unix))] Err(not_supported()) }) .await .unwrap() } #[op] fn op_remove_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, path: &str, recursive: bool, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(path); state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_write(&path, "Deno.removeSync()")?; #[cfg(not(unix))] use std::os::windows::prelude::MetadataExt; let err_mapper = |err| default_err_mapper(err, format!("remove '{}'", path.display())); let metadata = std::fs::symlink_metadata(&path).map_err(err_mapper)?; let file_type = metadata.file_type(); if file_type.is_file() { std::fs::remove_file(&path).map_err(err_mapper)?; } else if recursive { std::fs::remove_dir_all(&path).map_err(err_mapper)?; } else if file_type.is_symlink() { #[cfg(unix)] std::fs::remove_file(&path).map_err(err_mapper)?; #[cfg(not(unix))] { use winapi::um::winnt::FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; if metadata.file_attributes() & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY != 0 { std::fs::remove_dir(&path).map_err(err_mapper)?; } else { std::fs::remove_file(&path).map_err(err_mapper)?; } } } else if file_type.is_dir() { std::fs::remove_dir(&path).map_err(err_mapper)?; } else { // pipes, sockets, etc... std::fs::remove_file(&path).map_err(err_mapper)?; } Ok(()) } #[op] async fn op_remove_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, path: String, recursive: bool, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(&path); { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_write(&path, "Deno.remove()")?; } tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { #[cfg(not(unix))] use std::os::windows::prelude::MetadataExt; let err_mapper = |err| default_err_mapper(err, format!("remove '{}'", path.display())); let metadata = std::fs::symlink_metadata(&path).map_err(err_mapper)?; debug!("op_remove_async {} {}", path.display(), recursive); let file_type = metadata.file_type(); if file_type.is_file() { std::fs::remove_file(&path).map_err(err_mapper)?; } else if recursive { std::fs::remove_dir_all(&path).map_err(err_mapper)?; } else if file_type.is_symlink() { #[cfg(unix)] std::fs::remove_file(&path).map_err(err_mapper)?; #[cfg(not(unix))] { use winapi::um::winnt::FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; if metadata.file_attributes() & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY != 0 { std::fs::remove_dir(&path).map_err(err_mapper)?; } else { std::fs::remove_file(&path).map_err(err_mapper)?; } } } else if file_type.is_dir() { std::fs::remove_dir(&path).map_err(err_mapper)?; } else { // pipes, sockets, etc... std::fs::remove_file(&path).map_err(err_mapper)?; } Ok(()) }) .await .unwrap() } #[op] fn op_copy_file_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, from: &str, to: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let from_path = PathBuf::from(from); let to_path = PathBuf::from(to); let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); permissions.check_read(&from_path, "Deno.copyFileSync()")?; permissions.check_write(&to_path, "Deno.copyFileSync()")?; // On *nix, Rust reports non-existent `from` as ErrorKind::InvalidInput // See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/54800 // Once the issue is resolved, we should remove this workaround. if cfg!(unix) && !from_path.is_file() { return Err(custom_error( "NotFound", format!( "File not found, copy '{}' -> '{}'", from_path.display(), to_path.display() ), )); } let err_mapper = |err| { default_err_mapper( err, format!("copy '{}' -> '{}'", from_path.display(), to_path.display()), ) }; #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] { use libc::clonefile; use libc::stat; use libc::unlink; use std::ffi::CString; use std::io::Read; use std::os::unix::fs::OpenOptionsExt; use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; let from = CString::new(from).unwrap(); let to = CString::new(to).unwrap(); // SAFETY: `from` and `to` are valid C strings. // std::fs::copy does open() + fcopyfile() on macOS. We try to use // clonefile() instead, which is more efficient. unsafe { let mut st = std::mem::zeroed(); let ret = stat(from.as_ptr(), &mut st); if ret != 0 { return Err(err_mapper(Error::last_os_error())); } if st.st_size > 128 * 1024 { // Try unlink. If it fails, we are going to try clonefile() anyway. let _ = unlink(to.as_ptr()); // Matches rust stdlib behavior for io::copy. // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/3fdd578d72a24d4efc2fe2ad18eec3b6ba72271e/library/std/src/sys/unix/fs.rs#L1613-L1616 if clonefile(from.as_ptr(), to.as_ptr(), 0) == 0 { return Ok(()); } } else { // Do a regular copy. fcopyfile() is an overkill for < 128KB // files. let mut buf = [0u8; 128 * 1024]; let mut from_file = std::fs::File::open(&from_path).map_err(err_mapper)?; let perm = from_file.metadata().map_err(err_mapper)?.permissions(); let mut to_file = std::fs::OpenOptions::new() // create the file with the correct mode right away .mode(perm.mode()) .write(true) .create(true) .truncate(true) .open(&to_path) .map_err(err_mapper)?; let writer_metadata = to_file.metadata()?; if writer_metadata.is_file() { // Set the correct file permissions, in case the file already existed. // Don't set the permissions on already existing non-files like // pipes/FIFOs or device nodes. to_file.set_permissions(perm)?; } loop { let nread = from_file.read(&mut buf).map_err(err_mapper)?; if nread == 0 { break; } to_file.write_all(&buf[..nread]).map_err(err_mapper)?; } return Ok(()); } } // clonefile() failed, fall back to std::fs::copy(). } // returns size of from as u64 (we ignore) std::fs::copy(&from_path, &to_path).map_err(err_mapper)?; Ok(()) } #[op] async fn op_copy_file_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, from: String, to: String, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let from = PathBuf::from(&from); let to = PathBuf::from(&to); { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); permissions.check_read(&from, "Deno.copyFile()")?; permissions.check_write(&to, "Deno.copyFile()")?; } tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { // On *nix, Rust reports non-existent `from` as ErrorKind::InvalidInput // See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/54800 // Once the issue is resolved, we should remove this workaround. if cfg!(unix) && !from.is_file() { return Err(custom_error( "NotFound", format!( "File not found, copy '{}' -> '{}'", from.display(), to.display() ), )); } // returns size of from as u64 (we ignore) std::fs::copy(&from, &to).map_err(|err| { default_err_mapper( err, format!("copy '{}' -> '{}'", from.display(), to.display()), ) })?; Ok(()) }) .await .unwrap() } fn to_msec(maybe_time: Result<SystemTime, io::Error>) -> (u64, bool) { match maybe_time { Ok(time) => ( time .duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) .map(|t| t.as_millis() as u64) .unwrap_or_else(|err| err.duration().as_millis() as u64), true, ), Err(_) => (0, false), } } macro_rules! create_struct_writer { (pub struct $name:ident { $($field:ident: $type:ty),* $(,)? }) => { impl $name { fn write(self, buf: &mut [u32]) { let mut offset = 0; $( let value = self.$field as u64; buf[offset] = value as u32; buf[offset + 1] = (value >> 32) as u32; #[allow(unused_assignments)] { offset += 2; } )* } } #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct $name { $($field: $type),* } }; } create_struct_writer! { pub struct FsStat { is_file: bool, is_directory: bool, is_symlink: bool, size: u64, // In milliseconds, like JavaScript. Available on both Unix or Windows. mtime_set: bool, mtime: u64, atime_set: bool, atime: u64, birthtime_set: bool, birthtime: u64, // Following are only valid under Unix. dev: u64, ino: u64, mode: u32, nlink: u64, uid: u32, gid: u32, rdev: u64, blksize: u64, blocks: u64, } } #[inline(always)] fn get_stat(metadata: std::fs::Metadata) -> FsStat { // Unix stat member (number types only). 0 if not on unix. macro_rules! usm { ($member:ident) => {{ #[cfg(unix)] { metadata.$member() } #[cfg(not(unix))] { 0 } }}; } #[cfg(unix)] use std::os::unix::fs::MetadataExt; let (mtime, mtime_set) = to_msec(metadata.modified()); let (atime, atime_set) = to_msec(metadata.accessed()); let (birthtime, birthtime_set) = to_msec(metadata.created()); FsStat { is_file: metadata.is_file(), is_directory: metadata.is_dir(), is_symlink: metadata.file_type().is_symlink(), size: metadata.len(), // In milliseconds, like JavaScript. Available on both Unix or Windows. mtime_set, mtime, atime_set, atime, birthtime_set, birthtime, // Following are only valid under Unix. dev: usm!(dev), ino: usm!(ino), mode: usm!(mode), nlink: usm!(nlink), uid: usm!(uid), gid: usm!(gid), rdev: usm!(rdev), blksize: usm!(blksize), blocks: usm!(blocks), } } #[cfg(windows)] #[inline(always)] fn get_stat2(metadata: std::fs::Metadata, dev: u64) -> FsStat { let (mtime, mtime_set) = to_msec(metadata.modified()); let (atime, atime_set) = to_msec(metadata.accessed()); let (birthtime, birthtime_set) = to_msec(metadata.created()); FsStat { is_file: metadata.is_file(), is_directory: metadata.is_dir(), is_symlink: metadata.file_type().is_symlink(), size: metadata.len(), mtime_set, mtime, atime_set, atime, birthtime_set, birthtime, dev, ino: 0, mode: 0, nlink: 0, uid: 0, gid: 0, rdev: 0, blksize: 0, blocks: 0, } } #[cfg(not(windows))] #[inline(always)] fn get_stat2(metadata: std::fs::Metadata) -> FsStat { #[cfg(unix)] use std::os::unix::fs::MetadataExt; let (mtime, mtime_set) = to_msec(metadata.modified()); let (atime, atime_set) = to_msec(metadata.accessed()); let (birthtime, birthtime_set) = to_msec(metadata.created()); FsStat { is_file: metadata.is_file(), is_directory: metadata.is_dir(), is_symlink: metadata.file_type().is_symlink(), size: metadata.len(), mtime_set, mtime, atime_set, atime, birthtime_set, birthtime, dev: metadata.dev(), ino: metadata.ino(), mode: metadata.mode(), nlink: metadata.nlink(), uid: metadata.uid(), gid: metadata.gid(), rdev: metadata.rdev(), blksize: metadata.blksize(), blocks: metadata.blocks(), } } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct StatArgs { path: String, lstat: bool, } #[cfg(not(windows))] fn do_stat(path: PathBuf, lstat: bool) -> Result<FsStat, AnyError> { let err_mapper = |err| default_err_mapper(err, format!("stat '{}'", path.display())); let metadata = if lstat { std::fs::symlink_metadata(&path).map_err(err_mapper)? } else { std::fs::metadata(&path).map_err(err_mapper)? }; Ok(get_stat2(metadata)) } #[cfg(windows)] fn do_stat(path: PathBuf, lstat: bool) -> Result<FsStat, AnyError> { use std::os::windows::prelude::OsStrExt; use winapi::um::fileapi::CreateFileW; use winapi::um::fileapi::OPEN_EXISTING; use winapi::um::handleapi::CloseHandle; use winapi::um::handleapi::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; use winapi::um::winbase::FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS; use winapi::um::winbase::FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT; use winapi::um::winnt::FILE_SHARE_DELETE; use winapi::um::winnt::FILE_SHARE_READ; use winapi::um::winnt::FILE_SHARE_WRITE; let err_mapper = |err| default_err_mapper(err, format!("stat '{}'", path.display())); let metadata = if lstat { std::fs::symlink_metadata(&path).map_err(err_mapper)? } else { std::fs::metadata(&path).map_err(err_mapper)? }; let (p, file_flags) = if lstat { ( path, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS | FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT, ) } else { (path.canonicalize()?, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS) }; // SAFETY: winapi calls unsafe { let mut path: Vec<_> = p.as_os_str().encode_wide().collect(); path.push(0); let file_handle = CreateFileW( path.as_ptr(), 0, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, std::ptr::null_mut(), OPEN_EXISTING, file_flags, std::ptr::null_mut(), ); if file_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE { return Err(std::io::Error::last_os_error().into()); } let result = get_dev(file_handle); CloseHandle(file_handle); let dev = result?; Ok(get_stat2(metadata, dev)) } } #[cfg(windows)] use winapi::um::fileapi::GetFileInformationByHandle; #[cfg(windows)] use winapi::um::fileapi::BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION; #[cfg(windows)] unsafe fn get_dev( handle: winapi::shared::ntdef::HANDLE, ) -> std::io::Result<u64> { use winapi::shared::minwindef::FALSE; let info = { let mut info = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION>::zeroed(); if GetFileInformationByHandle(handle, info.as_mut_ptr()) == FALSE { return Err(std::io::Error::last_os_error()); } info.assume_init() }; Ok(info.dwVolumeSerialNumber as u64) } #[op] fn op_stat_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, path: &str, lstat: bool, out_buf: &mut [u32], ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(path); state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_read(&path, "Deno.statSync()")?; let stat = do_stat(path, lstat)?; stat.write(out_buf); Ok(()) } #[op] async fn op_stat_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, args: StatArgs, ) -> Result<FsStat, AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(&args.path); let lstat = args.lstat; { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); state.borrow_mut::<P>().check_read(&path, "Deno.stat()")?; } tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { debug!("op_stat_async {} {}", path.display(), lstat); do_stat(path, lstat) }) .await .unwrap() } #[op] fn op_realpath_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, path: String, ) -> Result<String, AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(&path); let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); permissions.check_read(&path, "Deno.realPathSync()")?; if path.is_relative() { permissions.check_read_blind( ¤t_dir()?, "CWD", "Deno.realPathSync()", )?; } debug!("op_realpath_sync {}", path.display()); // corresponds to the realpath on Unix and // CreateFile and GetFinalPathNameByHandle on Windows let realpath = canonicalize_path(&path)?; let realpath_str = into_string(realpath.into_os_string())?; Ok(realpath_str) } #[op] async fn op_realpath_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, path: String, ) -> Result<String, AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(&path); { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); permissions.check_read(&path, "Deno.realPath()")?; if path.is_relative() { permissions.check_read_blind( ¤t_dir()?, "CWD", "Deno.realPath()", )?; } } tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { debug!("op_realpath_async {}", path.display()); // corresponds to the realpath on Unix and // CreateFile and GetFinalPathNameByHandle on Windows let realpath = canonicalize_path(&path)?; let realpath_str = into_string(realpath.into_os_string())?; Ok(realpath_str) }) .await .unwrap() } #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct DirEntry { name: String, is_file: bool, is_directory: bool, is_symlink: bool, } #[op] fn op_read_dir_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, path: String, ) -> Result<Vec<DirEntry>, AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(&path); state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_read(&path, "Deno.readDirSync()")?; debug!("op_read_dir_sync {}", path.display()); let entries: Vec<_> = std::fs::read_dir(&path) .map_err(|err| { default_err_mapper(err, format!("readdir '{}'", path.display())) })? .filter_map(|entry| { let entry = entry.unwrap(); // Not all filenames can be encoded as UTF-8. Skip those for now. if let Ok(name) = into_string(entry.file_name()) { Some(DirEntry { name, is_file: entry .file_type() .map(|file_type| file_type.is_file()) .unwrap_or(false), is_directory: entry .file_type() .map(|file_type| file_type.is_dir()) .unwrap_or(false), is_symlink: entry .file_type() .map(|file_type| file_type.is_symlink()) .unwrap_or(false), }) } else { None } }) .collect(); Ok(entries) } #[op] async fn op_read_dir_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, path: String, ) -> Result<Vec<DirEntry>, AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(&path); { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_read(&path, "Deno.readDir()")?; } tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { debug!("op_read_dir_async {}", path.display()); let entries: Vec<_> = std::fs::read_dir(&path) .map_err(|err| { default_err_mapper(err, format!("readdir '{}'", path.display())) })? .filter_map(|entry| { let entry = entry.unwrap(); // Not all filenames can be encoded as UTF-8. Skip those for now. if let Ok(name) = into_string(entry.file_name()) { Some(DirEntry { name, is_file: entry .file_type() .map(|file_type| file_type.is_file()) .unwrap_or(false), is_directory: entry .file_type() .map(|file_type| file_type.is_dir()) .unwrap_or(false), is_symlink: entry .file_type() .map(|file_type| file_type.is_symlink()) .unwrap_or(false), }) } else { None } }) .collect(); Ok(entries) }) .await .unwrap() } #[op] fn op_rename_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, oldpath: &str, newpath: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let oldpath = PathBuf::from(oldpath); let newpath = PathBuf::from(newpath); let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); permissions.check_read(&oldpath, "Deno.renameSync()")?; permissions.check_write(&oldpath, "Deno.renameSync()")?; permissions.check_write(&newpath, "Deno.renameSync()")?; std::fs::rename(&oldpath, &newpath).map_err(|err| { default_err_mapper( err, format!("rename '{}' -> '{}'", oldpath.display(), newpath.display()), ) })?; Ok(()) } #[op] async fn op_rename_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, oldpath: String, newpath: String, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let oldpath = PathBuf::from(&oldpath); let newpath = PathBuf::from(&newpath); { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); permissions.check_read(&oldpath, "Deno.rename()")?; permissions.check_write(&oldpath, "Deno.rename()")?; permissions.check_write(&newpath, "Deno.rename()")?; } tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { std::fs::rename(&oldpath, &newpath).map_err(|err| { default_err_mapper( err, format!("rename '{}' -> '{}'", oldpath.display(), newpath.display()), ) })?; Ok(()) }) .await .unwrap() } #[op] fn op_link_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, oldpath: &str, newpath: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let oldpath = PathBuf::from(oldpath); let newpath = PathBuf::from(newpath); let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); permissions.check_read(&oldpath, "Deno.linkSync()")?; permissions.check_write(&oldpath, "Deno.linkSync()")?; permissions.check_read(&newpath, "Deno.linkSync()")?; permissions.check_write(&newpath, "Deno.linkSync()")?; std::fs::hard_link(&oldpath, &newpath).map_err(|err| { default_err_mapper( err, format!("link '{}' -> '{}'", oldpath.display(), newpath.display()), ) })?; Ok(()) } #[op] async fn op_link_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, oldpath: String, newpath: String, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let oldpath = PathBuf::from(&oldpath); let newpath = PathBuf::from(&newpath); { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); permissions.check_read(&oldpath, "Deno.link()")?; permissions.check_write(&oldpath, "Deno.link()")?; permissions.check_read(&newpath, "Deno.link()")?; permissions.check_write(&newpath, "Deno.link()")?; } tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { let err_mapper = |err| { default_err_mapper( err, format!("link '{}' -> '{}'", oldpath.display(), newpath.display()), ) }; std::fs::hard_link(&oldpath, &newpath).map_err(err_mapper)?; Ok(()) }) .await .unwrap() } #[op] fn op_symlink_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, oldpath: &str, newpath: &str, _type: Option<String>, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let oldpath = PathBuf::from(oldpath); let newpath = PathBuf::from(newpath); state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_write_all("Deno.symlinkSync()")?; state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_read_all("Deno.symlinkSync()")?; let err_mapper = |err| { default_err_mapper( err, format!("symlink '{}' -> '{}'", oldpath.display(), newpath.display()), ) }; #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::fs::symlink; symlink(&oldpath, &newpath).map_err(err_mapper)?; Ok(()) } #[cfg(not(unix))] { use std::os::windows::fs::symlink_dir; use std::os::windows::fs::symlink_file; match _type { Some(ty) => match ty.as_ref() { "file" => symlink_file(&oldpath, &newpath).map_err(err_mapper)?, "dir" => symlink_dir(&oldpath, &newpath).map_err(err_mapper)?, _ => return Err(type_error("unsupported type")), }, None => { let old_meta = std::fs::metadata(&oldpath); match old_meta { Ok(metadata) => { if metadata.is_file() { symlink_file(&oldpath, &newpath).map_err(err_mapper)? } else if metadata.is_dir() { symlink_dir(&oldpath, &newpath).map_err(err_mapper)? } } Err(_) => return Err(type_error("you must pass a `options` argument for non-existent target path in windows".to_string())), } } }; Ok(()) } } #[op] async fn op_symlink_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, oldpath: String, newpath: String, _type: Option<String>, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let oldpath = PathBuf::from(&oldpath); let newpath = PathBuf::from(&newpath); { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); state.borrow_mut::<P>().check_write_all("Deno.symlink()")?; state.borrow_mut::<P>().check_read_all("Deno.symlink()")?; } tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { let err_mapper = |err| default_err_mapper(err, format!( "symlink '{}' -> '{}'", oldpath.display(), newpath.display() )); #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::fs::symlink; symlink(&oldpath, &newpath).map_err(err_mapper)?; Ok(()) } #[cfg(not(unix))] { use std::os::windows::fs::{symlink_dir, symlink_file}; match _type { Some(ty) => match ty.as_ref() { "file" => symlink_file(&oldpath, &newpath).map_err(err_mapper)?, "dir" => symlink_dir(&oldpath, &newpath).map_err(err_mapper)?, _ => return Err(type_error("unsupported type")), }, None => { let old_meta = std::fs::metadata(&oldpath); match old_meta { Ok(metadata) => { if metadata.is_file() { symlink_file(&oldpath, &newpath).map_err(err_mapper)? } else if metadata.is_dir() { symlink_dir(&oldpath, &newpath).map_err(err_mapper)? } } Err(_) => return Err(type_error("you must pass a `options` argument for non-existent target path in windows".to_string())), } } }; Ok(()) } }) .await .unwrap() } #[op] fn op_read_link_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, path: String, ) -> Result<String, AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(&path); state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_read(&path, "Deno.readLink()")?; debug!("op_read_link_value {}", path.display()); let target = std::fs::read_link(&path) .map_err(|err| { default_err_mapper(err, format!("readlink '{}'", path.display())) })? .into_os_string(); let targetstr = into_string(target)?; Ok(targetstr) } #[op] async fn op_read_link_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, path: String, ) -> Result<String, AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(&path); { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_read(&path, "Deno.readLink()")?; } tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { debug!("op_read_link_async {}", path.display()); let target = std::fs::read_link(&path) .map_err(|err| { default_err_mapper(err, format!("readlink '{}'", path.display())) })? .into_os_string(); let targetstr = into_string(target)?; Ok(targetstr) }) .await .unwrap() } #[op] fn op_ftruncate_sync( state: &mut OpState, rid: u32, len: i32, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let len = len as u64; StdFileResource::with_file(state, rid, |std_file| { std_file.set_len(len).map_err(AnyError::from) })?; Ok(()) } #[op] async fn op_ftruncate_async( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, rid: ResourceId, len: i32, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let len = len as u64; StdFileResource::with_file_blocking_task(state, rid, move |std_file| { std_file.set_len(len)?; Ok(()) }) .await } #[op] fn op_truncate_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, path: &str, len: u64, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(path); state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_write(&path, "Deno.truncateSync()")?; debug!("op_truncate_sync {} {}", path.display(), len); let err_mapper = |err| default_err_mapper(err, format!("truncate '{}'", path.display())); let f = std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .open(&path) .map_err(err_mapper)?; f.set_len(len).map_err(err_mapper)?; Ok(()) } #[op] async fn op_truncate_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, path: String, len: u64, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(&path); { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_write(&path, "Deno.truncate()")?; } tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { debug!("op_truncate_async {} {}", path.display(), len); let err_mapper = |err| default_err_mapper(err, format!("truncate '{}'", path.display())); let f = std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .open(&path) .map_err(err_mapper)?; f.set_len(len).map_err(err_mapper)?; Ok(()) }) .await .unwrap() } fn make_temp( dir: Option<&Path>, prefix: Option<&str>, suffix: Option<&str>, is_dir: bool, ) -> std::io::Result<PathBuf> { let prefix_ = prefix.unwrap_or(""); let suffix_ = suffix.unwrap_or(""); let mut buf: PathBuf = match dir { Some(p) => p.to_path_buf(), None => temp_dir(), } .join("_"); let mut rng = thread_rng(); const MAX_TRIES: u32 = 10; for _ in 0..MAX_TRIES { let unique = rng.gen::<u32>(); buf.set_file_name(format!("{prefix_}{unique:08x}{suffix_}")); let r = if is_dir { #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut builder = std::fs::DirBuilder::new(); #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::fs::DirBuilderExt; builder.mode(0o700); } builder.create(buf.as_path()) } else { let mut open_options = std::fs::OpenOptions::new(); open_options.write(true).create_new(true); #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::fs::OpenOptionsExt; open_options.mode(0o600); } open_options.open(buf.as_path()).map(drop) }; match r { Err(ref e) if e.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists => continue, Ok(_) => return Ok(buf), Err(e) => return Err(e), } } Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists, "too many temp files exist", )) } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct MakeTempArgs { dir: Option<String>, prefix: Option<String>, suffix: Option<String>, } #[op] fn op_make_temp_dir_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, args: MakeTempArgs, ) -> Result<String, AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let dir = args.dir.map(|s| PathBuf::from(&s)); let prefix = args.prefix.map(String::from); let suffix = args.suffix.map(String::from); state.borrow_mut::<P>().check_write( dir.clone().unwrap_or_else(temp_dir).as_path(), "Deno.makeTempDirSync()", )?; // TODO(piscisaureus): use byte vector for paths, not a string. // See https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/627. // We can't assume that paths are always valid utf8 strings. let path = make_temp( // Converting Option<String> to Option<&str> dir.as_deref(), prefix.as_deref(), suffix.as_deref(), true, )?; let path_str = into_string(path.into_os_string())?; Ok(path_str) } #[op] async fn op_make_temp_dir_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, args: MakeTempArgs, ) -> Result<String, AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let dir = args.dir.map(|s| PathBuf::from(&s)); let prefix = args.prefix.map(String::from); let suffix = args.suffix.map(String::from); { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); state.borrow_mut::<P>().check_write( dir.clone().unwrap_or_else(temp_dir).as_path(), "Deno.makeTempDir()", )?; } tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { // TODO(piscisaureus): use byte vector for paths, not a string. // See https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/627. // We can't assume that paths are always valid utf8 strings. let path = make_temp( // Converting Option<String> to Option<&str> dir.as_deref(), prefix.as_deref(), suffix.as_deref(), true, )?; let path_str = into_string(path.into_os_string())?; Ok(path_str) }) .await .unwrap() } #[op] fn op_make_temp_file_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, args: MakeTempArgs, ) -> Result<String, AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let dir = args.dir.map(|s| PathBuf::from(&s)); let prefix = args.prefix.map(String::from); let suffix = args.suffix.map(String::from); state.borrow_mut::<P>().check_write( dir.clone().unwrap_or_else(temp_dir).as_path(), "Deno.makeTempFileSync()", )?; // TODO(piscisaureus): use byte vector for paths, not a string. // See https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/627. // We can't assume that paths are always valid utf8 strings. let path = make_temp( // Converting Option<String> to Option<&str> dir.as_deref(), prefix.as_deref(), suffix.as_deref(), false, )?; let path_str = into_string(path.into_os_string())?; Ok(path_str) } #[op] async fn op_make_temp_file_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, args: MakeTempArgs, ) -> Result<String, AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let dir = args.dir.map(|s| PathBuf::from(&s)); let prefix = args.prefix.map(String::from); let suffix = args.suffix.map(String::from); { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); state.borrow_mut::<P>().check_write( dir.clone().unwrap_or_else(temp_dir).as_path(), "Deno.makeTempFile()", )?; } tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { // TODO(piscisaureus): use byte vector for paths, not a string. // See https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/627. // We can't assume that paths are always valid utf8 strings. let path = make_temp( // Converting Option<String> to Option<&str> dir.as_deref(), prefix.as_deref(), suffix.as_deref(), false, )?; let path_str = into_string(path.into_os_string())?; Ok(path_str) }) .await .unwrap() } #[op] fn op_futime_sync( state: &mut OpState, rid: ResourceId, atime_secs: i64, atime_nanos: u32, mtime_secs: i64, mtime_nanos: u32, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let atime = filetime::FileTime::from_unix_time(atime_secs, atime_nanos); let mtime = filetime::FileTime::from_unix_time(mtime_secs, mtime_nanos); StdFileResource::with_file(state, rid, |std_file| { filetime::set_file_handle_times(std_file, Some(atime), Some(mtime)) .map_err(AnyError::from) })?; Ok(()) } #[op] async fn op_futime_async( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, rid: ResourceId, atime_secs: i64, atime_nanos: u32, mtime_secs: i64, mtime_nanos: u32, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let atime = filetime::FileTime::from_unix_time(atime_secs, atime_nanos); let mtime = filetime::FileTime::from_unix_time(mtime_secs, mtime_nanos); StdFileResource::with_file_blocking_task(state, rid, move |std_file| { filetime::set_file_handle_times(std_file, Some(atime), Some(mtime))?; Ok(()) }) .await } #[op] fn op_utime_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, path: &str, atime_secs: i64, atime_nanos: u32, mtime_secs: i64, mtime_nanos: u32, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(path); let atime = filetime::FileTime::from_unix_time(atime_secs, atime_nanos); let mtime = filetime::FileTime::from_unix_time(mtime_secs, mtime_nanos); state.borrow_mut::<P>().check_write(&path, "Deno.utime()")?; filetime::set_file_times(&path, atime, mtime).map_err(|err| { default_err_mapper(err, format!("utime '{}'", path.display())) })?; Ok(()) } #[op] async fn op_utime_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, path: String, atime_secs: i64, atime_nanos: u32, mtime_secs: i64, mtime_nanos: u32, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(&path); let atime = filetime::FileTime::from_unix_time(atime_secs, atime_nanos); let mtime = filetime::FileTime::from_unix_time(mtime_secs, mtime_nanos); state .borrow_mut() .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_write(&path, "Deno.utime()")?; tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { filetime::set_file_times(&path, atime, mtime).map_err(|err| { default_err_mapper(err, format!("utime '{}'", path.display())) })?; Ok(()) }) .await .unwrap() } #[op] fn op_cwd<P>(state: &mut OpState) -> Result<String, AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = current_dir()?; state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_read_blind(&path, "CWD", "Deno.cwd()")?; let path_str = into_string(path.into_os_string())?; Ok(path_str) } #[op] fn op_readfile_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, path: String, ) -> Result<ZeroCopyBuf, AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = Path::new(&path); state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_read(path, "Deno.readFileSync()")?; Ok( std::fs::read(path) .map_err(|err| { default_err_mapper(err, format!("readfile '{}'", path.display())) })? .into(), ) } #[op] fn op_readfile_text_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, path: String, ) -> Result<String, AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = Path::new(&path); state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_read(path, "Deno.readTextFileSync()")?; Ok(string_from_utf8_lossy(std::fs::read(path).map_err( |err| default_err_mapper(err, format!("readfile '{}'", path.display())), )?)) } #[op] async fn op_readfile_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, path: String, cancel_rid: Option<ResourceId>, ) -> Result<ZeroCopyBuf, AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { { let path = Path::new(&path); let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_read(path, "Deno.readFile()")?; } let read_future = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { let path = Path::new(&path); std::fs::read(path).map(ZeroCopyBuf::from).map_err(|err| { default_err_mapper(err, format!("readfile '{}'", path.display())) }) }); let cancel_handle = cancel_rid.and_then(|rid| { state .borrow_mut() .resource_table .get::<CancelHandle>(rid) .ok() }); if let Some(cancel_handle) = cancel_handle { let read_future_rv = read_future.or_cancel(cancel_handle).await; if let Some(cancel_rid) = cancel_rid { state.borrow_mut().resource_table.close(cancel_rid).ok(); }; return read_future_rv??; } read_future.await? } #[op] async fn op_readfile_text_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, path: String, cancel_rid: Option<ResourceId>, ) -> Result<String, AnyError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { { let path = Path::new(&path); let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_read(path, "Deno.readTextFile()")?; } let read_future = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { let path = Path::new(&path); Ok(string_from_utf8_lossy(std::fs::read(path).map_err( |err| default_err_mapper(err, format!("readfile '{}'", path.display())), )?)) }); let cancel_handle = cancel_rid.and_then(|rid| { state .borrow_mut() .resource_table .get::<CancelHandle>(rid) .ok() }); if let Some(cancel_handle) = cancel_handle { let read_future_rv = read_future.or_cancel(cancel_handle).await; if let Some(cancel_rid) = cancel_rid { state.borrow_mut().resource_table.close(cancel_rid).ok(); }; return read_future_rv??; } read_future.await? } // Like String::from_utf8_lossy but operates on owned values fn string_from_utf8_lossy(buf: Vec<u8>) -> String { match String::from_utf8_lossy(&buf) { // buf contained non-utf8 chars than have been patched Cow::Owned(s) => s, // SAFETY: if Borrowed then the buf only contains utf8 chars, // we do this instead of .into_owned() to avoid copying the input buf Cow::Borrowed(_) => unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(buf) }, } }