// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::global_state::GlobalState; use crate::inspector::InspectorSession; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::serde_json::json; use rustyline::error::ReadlineError; use rustyline::validate::MatchingBracketValidator; use rustyline::validate::ValidationContext; use rustyline::validate::ValidationResult; use rustyline::validate::Validator; use rustyline::Editor; use rustyline_derive::{Completer, Helper, Highlighter, Hinter}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::sync::Mutex; // Provides syntax specific helpers to the editor like validation for multi-line edits. #[derive(Completer, Helper, Highlighter, Hinter)] struct Helper { validator: MatchingBracketValidator, } impl Validator for Helper { fn validate( &self, ctx: &mut ValidationContext, ) -> Result { self.validator.validate(ctx) } } pub async fn run( global_state: &GlobalState, mut session: Box, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { // Our inspector is unable to default to the default context id so we have to specify it here. let context_id: u32 = 1; let history_file = global_state.dir.root.join("deno_history.txt"); session .post_message("Runtime.enable".to_string(), None) .await?; let helper = Helper { validator: MatchingBracketValidator::new(), }; let editor = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Editor::new())); editor.lock().unwrap().set_helper(Some(helper)); editor .lock() .unwrap() .load_history(history_file.to_str().unwrap()) .unwrap_or(()); println!("Deno {}", crate::version::DENO); println!("exit using ctrl+d or close()"); let prelude = r#" Object.defineProperty(globalThis, "_", { configurable: true, get: () => Deno[Deno.internal].lastEvalResult, set: (value) => { Object.defineProperty(globalThis, "_", { value: value, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }); console.log("Last evaluation result is no longer saved to _."); }, }); Object.defineProperty(globalThis, "_error", { configurable: true, get: () => Deno[Deno.internal].lastThrownError, set: (value) => { Object.defineProperty(globalThis, "_error", { value: value, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }); console.log("Last thrown error is no longer saved to _error."); }, }); "#; session .post_message( "Runtime.evaluate".to_string(), Some(json!({ "expression": prelude, "contextId": context_id, })), ) .await?; loop { let editor2 = editor.clone(); let line = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { editor2.lock().unwrap().readline("> ") }) .await?; match line { Ok(line) => { // It is a bit unexpected that { "foo": "bar" } is interpreted as a block // statement rather than an object literal so we interpret it as an expression statement // to match the behavior found in a typical prompt including browser developer tools. let wrapped_line = if line.trim_start().starts_with('{') && !line.trim_end().ends_with(';') { format!("({})", &line) } else { line.clone() }; let evaluate_response = session .post_message( "Runtime.evaluate".to_string(), Some(json!({ "expression": format!("'use strict'; void 0;\n{}", &wrapped_line), "contextId": context_id, "replMode": true, })), ) .await?; // If that fails, we retry it without wrapping in parens letting the error bubble up to the // user if it is still an error. let evaluate_response = if evaluate_response.get("exceptionDetails").is_some() && wrapped_line != line { session .post_message( "Runtime.evaluate".to_string(), Some(json!({ "expression": format!("'use strict'; void 0;\n{}", &line), "contextId": context_id, "replMode": true, })), ) .await? } else { evaluate_response }; let is_closing = session .post_message( "Runtime.evaluate".to_string(), Some(json!({ "expression": "(globalThis.closed)", "contextId": context_id, })), ) .await? .get("result") .unwrap() .get("value") .unwrap() .as_bool() .unwrap(); if is_closing { break; } let evaluate_result = evaluate_response.get("result").unwrap(); let evaluate_exception_details = evaluate_response.get("exceptionDetails"); if evaluate_exception_details.is_some() { session .post_message( "Runtime.callFunctionOn".to_string(), Some(json!({ "executionContextId": context_id, "functionDeclaration": "function (object) { Deno[Deno.internal].lastThrownError = object; }", "arguments": [ evaluate_result, ], }))).await?; } else { session .post_message( "Runtime.callFunctionOn".to_string(), Some(json!({ "executionContextId": context_id, "functionDeclaration": "function (object) { Deno[Deno.internal].lastEvalResult = object; }", "arguments": [ evaluate_result, ], }))).await?; } // TODO(caspervonb) we should investigate using previews here but to keep things // consistent with the previous implementation we just get the preview result from // Deno.inspectArgs. let inspect_response = session .post_message( "Runtime.callFunctionOn".to_string(), Some(json!({ "executionContextId": context_id, "functionDeclaration": "function (object) { return Deno[Deno.internal].inspectArgs(['%o', object]); }", "arguments": [ evaluate_result, ], }))).await?; let inspect_result = inspect_response.get("result").unwrap(); match evaluate_exception_details { Some(_) => eprintln!( "Uncaught {}", inspect_result.get("value").unwrap().as_str().unwrap() ), None => println!( "{}", inspect_result.get("value").unwrap().as_str().unwrap() ), } editor.lock().unwrap().add_history_entry(line.as_str()); } Err(ReadlineError::Interrupted) => { break; } Err(ReadlineError::Eof) => { break; } Err(err) => { println!("Error: {:?}", err); break; } } } std::fs::create_dir_all(history_file.parent().unwrap())?; editor .lock() .unwrap() .save_history(history_file.to_str().unwrap())?; Ok(()) }