// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::futures::FutureExt; use deno_core::resolve_url_or_path; use deno_runtime::colors; use crate::args::BundleFlags; use crate::args::CliOptions; use crate::args::Flags; use crate::args::TsConfigType; use crate::args::TypeCheckMode; use crate::graph_util::create_graph_and_maybe_check; use crate::graph_util::error_for_any_npm_specifier; use crate::proc_state::ProcState; use crate::util; use crate::util::display; use crate::util::file_watcher::ResolutionResult; pub async fn bundle( flags: Flags, bundle_flags: BundleFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let cli_options = Arc::new(CliOptions::from_flags(flags)?); let resolver = |_| { let cli_options = cli_options.clone(); let source_file1 = bundle_flags.source_file.clone(); let source_file2 = bundle_flags.source_file.clone(); async move { let module_specifier = resolve_url_or_path(&source_file1)?; log::debug!(">>>>> bundle START"); let ps = ProcState::from_options(cli_options).await?; let graph = create_graph_and_maybe_check(module_specifier, &ps).await?; let mut paths_to_watch: Vec<PathBuf> = graph .specifiers() .filter_map(|(_, r)| { r.as_ref().ok().and_then(|(s, _, _)| s.to_file_path().ok()) }) .collect(); if let Ok(Some(import_map_path)) = ps .options .resolve_import_map_specifier() .map(|ms| ms.and_then(|ref s| s.to_file_path().ok())) { paths_to_watch.push(import_map_path); } Ok((paths_to_watch, graph, ps)) } .map(move |result| match result { Ok((paths_to_watch, graph, ps)) => ResolutionResult::Restart { paths_to_watch, result: Ok((ps, graph)), }, Err(e) => ResolutionResult::Restart { paths_to_watch: vec![PathBuf::from(source_file2)], result: Err(e), }, }) }; let operation = |(ps, graph): (ProcState, Arc<deno_graph::ModuleGraph>)| { let out_file = bundle_flags.out_file.clone(); async move { // at the moment, we don't support npm specifiers in deno bundle, so show an error error_for_any_npm_specifier(&graph)?; let bundle_output = bundle_module_graph(graph.as_ref(), &ps)?; log::debug!(">>>>> bundle END"); if let Some(out_file) = out_file.as_ref() { let output_bytes = bundle_output.code.as_bytes(); let output_len = output_bytes.len(); util::fs::write_file(out_file, output_bytes, 0o644)?; log::info!( "{} {:?} ({})", colors::green("Emit"), out_file, colors::gray(display::human_size(output_len as f64)) ); if let Some(bundle_map) = bundle_output.maybe_map { let map_bytes = bundle_map.as_bytes(); let map_len = map_bytes.len(); let ext = if let Some(curr_ext) = out_file.extension() { format!("{}.map", curr_ext.to_string_lossy()) } else { "map".to_string() }; let map_out_file = out_file.with_extension(ext); util::fs::write_file(&map_out_file, map_bytes, 0o644)?; log::info!( "{} {:?} ({})", colors::green("Emit"), map_out_file, colors::gray(display::human_size(map_len as f64)) ); } } else { println!("{}", bundle_output.code); } Ok(()) } }; if cli_options.watch_paths().is_some() { util::file_watcher::watch_func( resolver, operation, util::file_watcher::PrintConfig { job_name: "Bundle".to_string(), clear_screen: !cli_options.no_clear_screen(), }, ) .await?; } else { let module_graph = if let ResolutionResult::Restart { result, .. } = resolver(None).await { result? } else { unreachable!(); }; operation(module_graph).await?; } Ok(()) } fn bundle_module_graph( graph: &deno_graph::ModuleGraph, ps: &ProcState, ) -> Result<deno_emit::BundleEmit, AnyError> { log::info!("{} {}", colors::green("Bundle"), graph.roots[0].0); let ts_config_result = ps .options .resolve_ts_config_for_emit(TsConfigType::Bundle)?; if ps.options.type_check_mode() == TypeCheckMode::None { if let Some(ignored_options) = ts_config_result.maybe_ignored_options { log::warn!("{}", ignored_options); } } deno_emit::bundle_graph( graph, deno_emit::BundleOptions { bundle_type: deno_emit::BundleType::Module, emit_options: ts_config_result.ts_config.into(), emit_ignore_directives: true, }, ) }