// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use super::analysis; use super::text::LineIndex; use super::tsc; use super::urls::INVALID_SPECIFIER; use crate::config_file::ConfigFile; use crate::file_fetcher::get_source_from_bytes; use crate::file_fetcher::map_content_type; use crate::file_fetcher::SUPPORTED_SCHEMES; use crate::flags::Flags; use crate::http_cache; use crate::http_cache::HttpCache; use crate::import_map::ImportMap; use crate::media_type::MediaType; use crate::module_graph::GraphBuilder; use crate::program_state::ProgramState; use crate::specifier_handler::FetchHandler; use crate::text_encoding; use deno_core::error::anyhow; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::parking_lot::Mutex; use deno_core::serde_json; use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_runtime::permissions::Permissions; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::SystemTime; use tsc::NavigationTree; pub async fn cache( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, maybe_import_map: &Option, maybe_config_file: &Option, maybe_cache_path: &Option, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let program_state = Arc::new( ProgramState::build(Flags { cache_path: maybe_cache_path.clone(), ..Default::default() }) .await?, ); let handler = Arc::new(Mutex::new(FetchHandler::new( &program_state, Permissions::allow_all(), Permissions::allow_all(), )?)); let mut builder = GraphBuilder::new(handler, maybe_import_map.clone(), None); builder.analyze_config_file(maybe_config_file).await?; builder.add(specifier, false).await } fn get_remote_headers( cache_filename: &Path, ) -> Option> { let metadata_path = http_cache::Metadata::filename(cache_filename); let metadata_str = fs::read_to_string(metadata_path).ok()?; let metadata: http_cache::Metadata = serde_json::from_str(&metadata_str).ok()?; Some(metadata.headers) } fn resolve_remote_specifier( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, http_cache: &HttpCache, redirect_limit: isize, ) -> Option { let cache_filename = http_cache.get_cache_filename(specifier)?; if redirect_limit >= 0 && cache_filename.is_file() { let headers = get_remote_headers(&cache_filename)?; if let Some(location) = headers.get("location") { let redirect = deno_core::resolve_import(location, specifier.as_str()).ok()?; resolve_remote_specifier(&redirect, http_cache, redirect_limit - 1) } else { Some(specifier.clone()) } } else { None } } fn resolve_specifier( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, redirects: &mut HashMap, http_cache: &HttpCache, ) -> Option { let scheme = specifier.scheme(); if !SUPPORTED_SCHEMES.contains(&scheme) { return None; } if scheme == "data" { Some(specifier.clone()) } else if scheme == "file" { let path = specifier.to_file_path().ok()?; if path.is_file() { Some(specifier.clone()) } else { None } } else if let Some(specifier) = redirects.get(specifier) { Some(specifier.clone()) } else { let redirect = resolve_remote_specifier(specifier, http_cache, 10)?; redirects.insert(specifier.clone(), redirect.clone()); Some(redirect) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct Metadata { dependencies: Option>, length_utf16: usize, line_index: LineIndex, maybe_navigation_tree: Option, maybe_types: Option, maybe_warning: Option, media_type: MediaType, source: String, specifier: ModuleSpecifier, version: String, } impl Default for Metadata { fn default() -> Self { Self { dependencies: None, length_utf16: 0, line_index: LineIndex::default(), maybe_navigation_tree: None, maybe_types: None, maybe_warning: None, media_type: MediaType::default(), source: String::default(), specifier: INVALID_SPECIFIER.clone(), version: String::default(), } } } impl Metadata { fn new( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, source: &str, version: &str, media_type: &MediaType, maybe_warning: Option, maybe_import_map: &Option, ) -> Self { let (dependencies, maybe_types) = if let Ok(parsed_module) = analysis::parse_module(specifier, source, media_type) { let (deps, maybe_types) = analysis::analyze_dependencies( specifier, media_type, &parsed_module, maybe_import_map, ); (Some(deps), maybe_types) } else { (None, None) }; let line_index = LineIndex::new(source); Self { dependencies, length_utf16: source.encode_utf16().count(), line_index, maybe_navigation_tree: None, maybe_types, maybe_warning, media_type: media_type.to_owned(), source: source.to_string(), specifier: specifier.clone(), version: version.to_string(), } } fn refresh(&mut self, maybe_import_map: &Option) { let (dependencies, maybe_types) = if let Ok(parsed_module) = analysis::parse_module(&self.specifier, &self.source, &self.media_type) { let (deps, maybe_types) = analysis::analyze_dependencies( &self.specifier, &self.media_type, &parsed_module, maybe_import_map, ); (Some(deps), maybe_types) } else { (None, None) }; self.dependencies = dependencies; self.maybe_types = maybe_types; } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] struct Inner { http_cache: HttpCache, maybe_import_map: Option, metadata: HashMap, redirects: HashMap, remotes: HashMap, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] pub struct Sources(Arc>); impl Sources { pub fn new(location: &Path) -> Self { Self(Arc::new(Mutex::new(Inner::new(location)))) } pub fn contains_key(&self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier) -> bool { self.0.lock().contains_key(specifier) } pub fn get_line_index( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { self.0.lock().get_line_index(specifier) } pub fn get_maybe_types( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { self.0.lock().get_maybe_types(specifier) } pub fn get_maybe_warning( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { self.0.lock().get_maybe_warning(specifier) } pub fn get_media_type( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { self.0.lock().get_media_type(specifier) } pub fn get_navigation_tree( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { self.0.lock().get_navigation_tree(specifier) } pub fn get_script_version( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { self.0.lock().get_script_version(specifier) } pub fn get_source(&self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier) -> Option { self.0.lock().get_source(specifier) } pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.0.lock().metadata.len() } pub fn resolve_import( &self, specifier: &str, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option<(ModuleSpecifier, MediaType)> { self.0.lock().resolve_import(specifier, referrer) } pub fn specifiers(&self) -> Vec { self.0.lock().metadata.keys().cloned().collect() } pub fn set_import_map(&self, maybe_import_map: Option) { self.0.lock().set_import_map(maybe_import_map) } pub fn set_navigation_tree( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, navigation_tree: tsc::NavigationTree, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { self .0 .lock() .set_navigation_tree(specifier, navigation_tree) } } impl Inner { fn new(location: &Path) -> Self { Self { http_cache: HttpCache::new(location), ..Default::default() } } fn calculate_script_version( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { let path = self.get_path(specifier)?; let metadata = fs::metadata(path).ok()?; if let Ok(modified) = metadata.modified() { if let Ok(n) = modified.duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) { Some(format!("{}", n.as_millis())) } else { Some("1".to_string()) } } else { Some("1".to_string()) } } fn contains_key(&mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier) -> bool { if let Some(specifier) = resolve_specifier(specifier, &mut self.redirects, &self.http_cache) { if self.get_metadata(&specifier).is_some() { return true; } } false } fn get_line_index( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { let specifier = resolve_specifier(specifier, &mut self.redirects, &self.http_cache)?; let metadata = self.get_metadata(&specifier)?; Some(metadata.line_index) } fn get_maybe_types( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { let specifier = resolve_specifier(specifier, &mut self.redirects, &self.http_cache)?; let metadata = self.get_metadata(&specifier)?; metadata.maybe_types } fn get_maybe_warning( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { let metadata = self.get_metadata(&specifier)?; metadata.maybe_warning } fn get_media_type( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { let specifier = resolve_specifier(specifier, &mut self.redirects, &self.http_cache)?; let metadata = self.get_metadata(&specifier)?; Some(metadata.media_type) } fn get_metadata(&mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier) -> Option { if let Some(metadata) = self.metadata.get(specifier).cloned() { if metadata.version == self.calculate_script_version(specifier)? { return Some(metadata); } } let version = self.calculate_script_version(specifier)?; let path = self.get_path(specifier)?; let bytes = fs::read(path).ok()?; let scheme = specifier.scheme(); let (source, media_type, maybe_types, maybe_warning) = if scheme == "file" { let maybe_charset = Some(text_encoding::detect_charset(&bytes).to_string()); let source = get_source_from_bytes(bytes, maybe_charset).ok()?; (source, MediaType::from(specifier), None, None) } else { let cache_filename = self.http_cache.get_cache_filename(specifier)?; let headers = get_remote_headers(&cache_filename)?; let maybe_content_type = headers.get("content-type").cloned(); let (media_type, maybe_charset) = map_content_type(specifier, maybe_content_type); let source = get_source_from_bytes(bytes, maybe_charset).ok()?; let maybe_types = headers.get("x-typescript-types").map(|s| { analysis::resolve_import(s, &specifier, &self.maybe_import_map) }); let maybe_warning = headers.get("x-deno-warning").cloned(); (source, media_type, maybe_types, maybe_warning) }; let mut metadata = Metadata::new( specifier, &source, &version, &media_type, maybe_warning, &self.maybe_import_map, ); if maybe_types.is_some() { metadata.maybe_types = maybe_types; } self.metadata.insert(specifier.clone(), metadata.clone()); Some(metadata) } fn get_navigation_tree( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { let specifier = resolve_specifier(specifier, &mut self.redirects, &self.http_cache)?; let metadata = self.get_metadata(&specifier)?; metadata.maybe_navigation_tree } fn get_path(&mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier) -> Option { if specifier.scheme() == "file" { specifier.to_file_path().ok() } else if let Some(path) = self.remotes.get(&specifier) { Some(path.clone()) } else { let path = self.http_cache.get_cache_filename(&specifier)?; if path.is_file() { self.remotes.insert(specifier.clone(), path.clone()); Some(path) } else { None } } } fn get_script_version( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { let specifier = resolve_specifier(specifier, &mut self.redirects, &self.http_cache)?; let metadata = self.get_metadata(&specifier)?; Some(metadata.version) } fn get_source(&mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier) -> Option { let specifier = resolve_specifier(specifier, &mut self.redirects, &self.http_cache)?; let metadata = self.get_metadata(&specifier)?; Some(metadata.source) } fn resolution_result( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option<(ModuleSpecifier, MediaType)> { let specifier = resolve_specifier(specifier, &mut self.redirects, &self.http_cache)?; let media_type = if let Some(metadata) = self.metadata.get(&specifier) { metadata.media_type } else { MediaType::from(&specifier) }; Some((specifier, media_type)) } fn resolve_import( &mut self, specifier: &str, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option<(ModuleSpecifier, MediaType)> { let referrer = resolve_specifier(referrer, &mut self.redirects, &self.http_cache)?; let metadata = self.get_metadata(&referrer)?; let dependencies = &metadata.dependencies?; let dependency = dependencies.get(specifier)?; if let Some(type_dependency) = &dependency.maybe_type { if let analysis::ResolvedDependency::Resolved(resolved_specifier) = type_dependency { // even if we have a module in the maybe_types slot, it doesn't mean // that it is the actual module we should be using based on headers, // so we check here and update properly. if let Some(type_dependency) = self.get_maybe_types(resolved_specifier) { self.set_maybe_type(specifier, &referrer, &type_dependency); if let analysis::ResolvedDependency::Resolved(type_specifier) = type_dependency { self.resolution_result(&type_specifier) } else { self.resolution_result(resolved_specifier) } } else { self.resolution_result(resolved_specifier) } } else { None } } else { let code_dependency = &dependency.maybe_code.clone()?; if let analysis::ResolvedDependency::Resolved(resolved_specifier) = code_dependency { if let Some(type_dependency) = self.get_maybe_types(resolved_specifier) { self.set_maybe_type(specifier, &referrer, &type_dependency); if let analysis::ResolvedDependency::Resolved(type_specifier) = type_dependency { self.resolution_result(&type_specifier) } else { self.resolution_result(resolved_specifier) } } else { self.resolution_result(resolved_specifier) } } else { None } } } fn set_import_map(&mut self, maybe_import_map: Option) { for (_, metadata) in self.metadata.iter_mut() { metadata.refresh(&maybe_import_map); } self.maybe_import_map = maybe_import_map; } fn set_maybe_type( &mut self, specifier: &str, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, dependency: &analysis::ResolvedDependency, ) { if let Some(metadata) = self.metadata.get_mut(referrer) { if let Some(dependencies) = &mut metadata.dependencies { if let Some(dep) = dependencies.get_mut(specifier) { dep.maybe_type = Some(dependency.clone()); } } } } fn set_navigation_tree( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, navigation_tree: NavigationTree, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let mut metadata = self .metadata .get_mut(specifier) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Specifier not found {}"))?; metadata.maybe_navigation_tree = Some(navigation_tree); Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use deno_core::resolve_path; use deno_core::resolve_url; use deno_core::serde_json::json; use std::env; use tempfile::TempDir; fn setup() -> (Sources, PathBuf) { let temp_dir = TempDir::new().expect("could not create temp dir"); let location = temp_dir.path().join("deps"); let sources = Sources::new(&location); (sources, location) } #[test] fn test_sources_get_script_version() { let (sources, _) = setup(); let c = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap()); let tests = c.join("tests"); let specifier = resolve_path(&tests.join("001_hello.js").to_string_lossy()).unwrap(); let actual = sources.get_script_version(&specifier); assert!(actual.is_some()); } #[test] fn test_sources_get_text() { let (sources, _) = setup(); let c = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap()); let tests = c.join("tests"); let specifier = resolve_path(&tests.join("001_hello.js").to_string_lossy()).unwrap(); let actual = sources.get_source(&specifier); assert!(actual.is_some()); let actual = actual.unwrap(); assert_eq!(actual, "console.log(\"Hello World\");\n"); } #[test] fn test_resolve_dependency_types() { let (sources, location) = setup(); let cache = HttpCache::new(&location); let specifier_dep = resolve_url("https://deno.land/x/mod.ts").unwrap(); cache .set( &specifier_dep, Default::default(), b"export * from \"https://deno.land/x/lib.js\";", ) .unwrap(); let specifier_code = resolve_url("https://deno.land/x/lib.js").unwrap(); let mut headers_code = HashMap::new(); headers_code .insert("x-typescript-types".to_string(), "./lib.d.ts".to_string()); cache .set(&specifier_code, headers_code, b"export const a = 1;") .unwrap(); let specifier_type = resolve_url("https://deno.land/x/lib.d.ts").unwrap(); cache .set( &specifier_type, Default::default(), b"export const a: number;", ) .unwrap(); let actual = sources.resolve_import("https://deno.land/x/lib.js", &specifier_dep); assert_eq!(actual, Some((specifier_type, MediaType::Dts))) } #[test] /// This is a regression test for https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/10031 fn test_resolve_dependency_import_types() { let (sources, location) = setup(); let cache = HttpCache::new(&location); let specifier_dep = resolve_url("https://deno.land/x/mod.ts").unwrap(); cache .set( &specifier_dep, Default::default(), b"import type { A } from \"https://deno.land/x/lib.js\";\nconst a: A = { a: \"a\" };", ) .unwrap(); let specifier_code = resolve_url("https://deno.land/x/lib.js").unwrap(); let mut headers_code = HashMap::new(); headers_code .insert("x-typescript-types".to_string(), "./lib.d.ts".to_string()); cache .set(&specifier_code, headers_code, b"export const a = 1;") .unwrap(); let specifier_type = resolve_url("https://deno.land/x/lib.d.ts").unwrap(); cache .set( &specifier_type, Default::default(), b"export const a: number;\nexport interface A { a: number; }\n", ) .unwrap(); let actual = sources.resolve_import("https://deno.land/x/lib.js", &specifier_dep); assert_eq!(actual, Some((specifier_type, MediaType::Dts))) } #[test] fn test_warning_header() { let (sources, location) = setup(); let cache = HttpCache::new(&location); let specifier = resolve_url("https://deno.land/x/lib.js").unwrap(); let mut headers = HashMap::new(); headers.insert( "x-deno-warning".to_string(), "this is a warning".to_string(), ); cache .set(&specifier, headers, b"export const a = 1;") .unwrap(); let actual = sources.get_maybe_warning(&specifier); assert_eq!(actual, Some("this is a warning".to_string())); } #[test] fn test_resolve_dependency_evil_redirect() { let (sources, location) = setup(); let cache = HttpCache::new(&location); let evil_specifier = resolve_url("https://deno.land/x/evil.ts").unwrap(); let mut evil_headers = HashMap::new(); evil_headers .insert("location".to_string(), "file:///etc/passwd".to_string()); cache.set(&evil_specifier, evil_headers, b"").unwrap(); let remote_specifier = resolve_url("https://deno.land/x/mod.ts").unwrap(); cache .set( &remote_specifier, Default::default(), b"export * from \"./evil.ts\";", ) .unwrap(); let actual = sources.resolve_import("./evil.ts", &remote_specifier); assert_eq!(actual, None); } #[test] fn test_resolve_with_import_map() { let (sources, location) = setup(); let import_map_json = json!({ "imports": { "mylib": "https://deno.land/x/myLib/index.js" } }); let import_map = ImportMap::from_json( "https://deno.land/x/", &import_map_json.to_string(), ) .unwrap(); sources.set_import_map(Some(import_map)); let cache = HttpCache::new(&location); let mylib_specifier = resolve_url("https://deno.land/x/myLib/index.js").unwrap(); let mut mylib_headers_map = HashMap::new(); mylib_headers_map.insert( "content-type".to_string(), "application/javascript".to_string(), ); cache .set( &mylib_specifier, mylib_headers_map, b"export const a = \"a\";\n", ) .unwrap(); let referrer = resolve_url("https://deno.land/x/mod.ts").unwrap(); cache .set( &referrer, Default::default(), b"export { a } from \"mylib\";", ) .unwrap(); let actual = sources.resolve_import("mylib", &referrer); assert_eq!(actual, Some((mylib_specifier, MediaType::JavaScript))); } #[test] fn test_update_import_map() { let (sources, location) = setup(); let import_map_json = json!({ "imports": { "otherlib": "https://deno.land/x/otherlib/index.js" } }); let import_map = ImportMap::from_json( "https://deno.land/x/", &import_map_json.to_string(), ) .unwrap(); sources.set_import_map(Some(import_map)); let cache = HttpCache::new(&location); let mylib_specifier = resolve_url("https://deno.land/x/myLib/index.js").unwrap(); let mut mylib_headers_map = HashMap::new(); mylib_headers_map.insert( "content-type".to_string(), "application/javascript".to_string(), ); cache .set( &mylib_specifier, mylib_headers_map, b"export const a = \"a\";\n", ) .unwrap(); let referrer = resolve_url("https://deno.land/x/mod.ts").unwrap(); cache .set( &referrer, Default::default(), b"export { a } from \"mylib\";", ) .unwrap(); let actual = sources.resolve_import("mylib", &referrer); assert_eq!(actual, None); let import_map_json = json!({ "imports": { "otherlib": "https://deno.land/x/otherlib/index.js", "mylib": "https://deno.land/x/myLib/index.js" } }); let import_map = ImportMap::from_json( "https://deno.land/x/", &import_map_json.to_string(), ) .unwrap(); sources.set_import_map(Some(import_map)); let actual = sources.resolve_import("mylib", &referrer); assert_eq!(actual, Some((mylib_specifier, MediaType::JavaScript))); } #[test] fn test_sources_resolve_specifier_non_supported_schema() { let (sources, _) = setup(); let specifier = resolve_url("foo://a/b/c.ts").expect("could not create specifier"); let sources = sources.0.lock(); let mut redirects = sources.redirects.clone(); let http_cache = sources.http_cache.clone(); let actual = resolve_specifier(&specifier, &mut redirects, &http_cache); assert!(actual.is_none()); } }