// Copyright 2018 Ryan Dahl <ry@tinyclouds.org> // All rights reserved. MIT License. // This allows us to have async/await in our code. It must be loaded first. import "babel-polyfill"; import * as dispatch from "./dispatch"; import { main as pb } from "./msg.pb"; import * as runtime from "./runtime"; import * as util from "./util"; import { initTimers } from "./timers"; import { initFetch } from "./fetch"; // To control internal logging output // Set with the -debug command-line flag. export let debug = false; let startCalled = false; // denoMain is needed to allow hooks into the system. // Also eventual snapshot support needs it. // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any (window as any)["denoMain"] = () => { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any delete (window as any)["denoMain"]; initTimers(); initFetch(); dispatch.sub("start", (payload: Uint8Array) => { if (startCalled) { throw Error("start message received more than once!"); } startCalled = true; const msg = pb.Msg.decode(payload); const { startCwd: cwd, startArgv: argv, startDebugFlag: debugFlag, startMainJs: mainJs, startMainMap: mainMap } = msg; debug = debugFlag; util.log("start", { cwd, argv, debugFlag }); runtime.setup(mainJs, mainMap); const inputFn = argv[0]; const mod = runtime.resolveModule(inputFn, `${cwd}/`); mod.compileAndRun(); }); };