// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. //! This module provides file formating utilities using //! [`dprint`](https://github.com/dsherret/dprint). //! //! At the moment it is only consumed using CLI but in //! the future it can be easily extended to provide //! the same functions as ops available in JS runtime. use crate::fs::files_in_subtree; use crate::op_error::OpError; use deno_core::ErrBox; use dprint_plugin_typescript as dprint; use std::fs; use std::io::stdin; use std::io::stdout; use std::io::Read; use std::io::Write; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; fn is_supported(path: &Path) -> bool { if let Some(ext) = path.extension() { if ext == "tsx" || ext == "js" || ext == "jsx" { true } else if ext == "ts" { // Currently dprint does not support d.ts files. // https://github.com/dsherret/dprint/issues/100 !path.as_os_str().to_string_lossy().ends_with(".d.ts") } else { false } } else { false } } fn get_config() -> dprint::configuration::Configuration { dprint::configuration::ConfigurationBuilder::new() .line_width(80) .indent_width(2) .next_control_flow_position( dprint::configuration::NextControlFlowPosition::SameLine, ) .binary_expression_operator_position( dprint::configuration::OperatorPosition::SameLine, ) .build() } fn check_source_files( config: dprint::configuration::Configuration, paths: Vec<PathBuf>, ) -> Result<(), ErrBox> { let mut not_formatted_files = vec![]; for file_path in paths { let file_path_str = file_path.to_string_lossy(); let file_contents = fs::read_to_string(&file_path).unwrap(); match dprint::format_text(&file_path_str, &file_contents, &config) { Ok(None) => { // nothing to format, pass } Ok(Some(formatted_text)) => { if formatted_text != file_contents { not_formatted_files.push(file_path); } } Err(e) => { eprintln!("Error checking: {}", &file_path_str); eprintln!(" {}", e); } } } if not_formatted_files.is_empty() { Ok(()) } else { let f = if not_formatted_files.len() == 1 { "file" } else { "files" }; Err( OpError::other(format!( "Found {} not formatted {}", not_formatted_files.len(), f, )) .into(), ) } } fn format_source_files( config: dprint::configuration::Configuration, paths: Vec<PathBuf>, ) -> Result<(), ErrBox> { let mut not_formatted_files = vec![]; for file_path in paths { let file_path_str = file_path.to_string_lossy(); let file_contents = fs::read_to_string(&file_path)?; // TODO(ry) dprint seems to panic unnecessarally sometimes. Until it matures // we'll use a catch_unwind to avoid passing it on to our users. let catch_unwind_result = std::panic::catch_unwind(|| { dprint::format_text(&file_path_str, &file_contents, &config) }); if let Ok(dprint_result) = catch_unwind_result { match dprint_result { Ok(None) => { // nothing to format, pass } Ok(Some(formatted_text)) => { if formatted_text != file_contents { println!("{}", file_path_str); fs::write(&file_path, formatted_text)?; not_formatted_files.push(file_path); } } Err(e) => { eprintln!("Error formatting: {}", &file_path_str); eprintln!(" {}", e); } } } else { eprintln!("dprint panic {}", file_path_str); } } let f = if not_formatted_files.len() == 1 { "file" } else { "files" }; debug!("Formatted {} {}", not_formatted_files.len(), f); Ok(()) } /// Format JavaScript/TypeScript files. /// /// First argument supports globs, and if it is `None` /// then the current directory is recursively walked. pub fn format(args: Vec<String>, check: bool) -> Result<(), ErrBox> { if args.len() == 1 && args[0] == "-" { return format_stdin(check); } let mut target_files: Vec<PathBuf> = vec![]; if args.is_empty() { target_files.extend(files_in_subtree( std::env::current_dir().unwrap(), is_supported, )); } else { for arg in args { let p = PathBuf::from(arg); if p.is_dir() { target_files.extend(files_in_subtree(p, is_supported)); } else { target_files.push(p); }; } } let config = get_config(); if check { check_source_files(config, target_files)?; } else { format_source_files(config, target_files)?; } Ok(()) } /// Format stdin and write result to stdout. /// Treats input as TypeScript. /// Compatible with `--check` flag. fn format_stdin(check: bool) -> Result<(), ErrBox> { let mut source = String::new(); if stdin().read_to_string(&mut source).is_err() { return Err(OpError::other("Failed to read from stdin".to_string()).into()); } let config = get_config(); match dprint::format_text("_stdin.ts", &source, &config) { Ok(None) => unreachable!(), Ok(Some(formatted_text)) => { if check { if formatted_text != source { println!("Not formatted stdin"); } } else { stdout().write_all(formatted_text.as_bytes())?; } } Err(e) => { return Err(OpError::other(e).into()); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_is_supported() { assert!(!is_supported(Path::new("tests/subdir/redirects"))); assert!(!is_supported(Path::new("README.md"))); assert!(!is_supported(Path::new("lib/typescript.d.ts"))); assert!(is_supported(Path::new("cli/tests/001_hello.js"))); assert!(is_supported(Path::new("cli/tests/002_hello.ts"))); assert!(is_supported(Path::new("foo.jsx"))); assert!(is_supported(Path::new("foo.tsx"))); } #[test] fn check_tests_dir() { // Because of cli/tests/error_syntax.js the following should fail but not // crash. let r = format(vec!["./tests".to_string()], true); assert!(r.is_err()); }