// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. MIT license. // Forked from Node's lib/internal/cli_table.js import { TextEncoder } from "./text_encoding"; import { hasOwnProperty } from "./util"; const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const tableChars = { middleMiddle: "─", rowMiddle: "┼", topRight: "┐", topLeft: "┌", leftMiddle: "├", topMiddle: "┬", bottomRight: "┘", bottomLeft: "└", bottomMiddle: "┴", rightMiddle: "┤", left: "│ ", right: " │", middle: " │ " }; const colorRegExp = /\u001b\[\d\d?m/g; function removeColors(str: string): string { return str.replace(colorRegExp, ""); } function countBytes(str: string): number { const normalized = removeColors(String(str)).normalize("NFC"); return encoder.encode(normalized).byteLength; } function renderRow(row: string[], columnWidths: number[]): string { let out = tableChars.left; for (let i = 0; i < row.length; i++) { const cell = row[i]; const len = countBytes(cell); const needed = (columnWidths[i] - len) / 2; // round(needed) + ceil(needed) will always add up to the amount // of spaces we need while also left justifying the output. out += `${" ".repeat(needed)}${cell}${" ".repeat(Math.ceil(needed))}`; if (i !== row.length - 1) { out += tableChars.middle; } } out += tableChars.right; return out; } export function cliTable(head: string[], columns: string[][]): string { const rows: string[][] = []; const columnWidths = head.map((h: string) => countBytes(h)); const longestColumn = columns.reduce( (n: number, a: string[]) => Math.max(n, a.length), 0 ); for (let i = 0; i < head.length; i++) { const column = columns[i]; for (let j = 0; j < longestColumn; j++) { if (rows[j] === undefined) { rows[j] = []; } const value = (rows[j][i] = hasOwnProperty(column, j) ? column[j] : ""); const width = columnWidths[i] || 0; const counted = countBytes(value); columnWidths[i] = Math.max(width, counted); } } const divider = columnWidths.map((i: number) => tableChars.middleMiddle.repeat(i + 2) ); let result = `${tableChars.topLeft}${divider.join(tableChars.topMiddle)}` + `${tableChars.topRight}\n${renderRow(head, columnWidths)}\n` + `${tableChars.leftMiddle}${divider.join(tableChars.rowMiddle)}` + `${tableChars.rightMiddle}\n`; for (const row of rows) { result += `${renderRow(row, columnWidths)}\n`; } result += `${tableChars.bottomLeft}${divider.join(tableChars.bottomMiddle)}` + tableChars.bottomRight; return result; }