# specs These are integration tests that execute the `deno` binary. They supersede the `itest` macro found in the `tests/integration` folder and are the preferred way of writing tests that use the `deno` binary. ## Structure Tests must have the following directory structure: ``` tests/specs/<category_name>/<test_name>/__test__.json ``` ## Test filtering To run a specific test, run: ``` cargo test specs::category_name::test_name ``` Or just the following, though it might run other tests: ``` cargo test test_name ``` ## `__test__.json` file This file describes the test to execute and the steps to execute. A basic example looks like: ```json { "args": "run main.js", "output": "main.out" } ``` This will run `deno run main.js` then assert that the output matches the text in `main.out`. Or another example that runs multiple steps: ```json { "tempDir": true, "steps": [{ "args": "cache main.ts", "output": "cache.out" }, { "args": "run main.ts", "output": "error.out", "exitCode": 1 }] } ``` ### Top level properties - `base` - The base config to use for the test. Options: - `jsr` - Uses env vars for jsr. - `npm` - Uses env vars for npm. - `tempDir` (boolean) - Copy all the non-test files to a temporary directory and execute the command in that temporary directory. - By default, tests are executed with a current working directory of the test, but this may not be desirable for tests such as ones that create a node_modules directory. ### Step properties When writing a single step, these may be at the top level rather than nested in a "steps" array. - `args` - A string (that will be spilt on whitespace into an args array) or an array of arguments. - `output` - Path to use to assert the output. - `cleanDenoDir` (boolean) - Whether to empty the deno_dir before running the step. - `flaky` - Step should be repeated until success a maximum of 3 times. - `if` (`"windows"`, `"linux"`, `"mac"`, `"unix"`) - Whether to run this step. - `exitCode` (number) - Expected exit code. ### Auto-complete To get auto-complete for these files, add the following to a local `.vscode/settings.json` file: ```json { "json.schemas": [{ "fileMatch": [ "__test__.jsonc" ], "url": "./tests/specs/schema.json" }] } ``` ## `.out` files `.out` files are used to assert the output when running a test or test step. Within the file, you can use the following for matching: - `[WILDCARD]` - match any text at the wildcard - `[WILDLINE]` - match any text on the current line - `[WILDCHAR]` - match the next character - `[WILDCHARS(5)]` - match any of the next 5 characters - `[UNORDERED_START]` followed by many lines then `[UNORDERED_END]` will match the lines in any order (useful for non-deterministic output) - `[# example]` - line comments start with `[#` and end with `]`