// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. use std::ffi::c_void; use std::ptr; use deno_core::v8; use libffi::middle::Arg; use crate::symbol::NativeType; #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, deno_error::JsError)] #[class(type)] pub enum IRError { #[error("Invalid FFI u8 type, expected boolean")] InvalidU8ExpectedBoolean, #[error("Invalid FFI u8 type, expected unsigned integer")] InvalidU8ExpectedUnsignedInteger, #[error("Invalid FFI i8 type, expected integer")] InvalidI8, #[error("Invalid FFI u16 type, expected unsigned integer")] InvalidU16, #[error("Invalid FFI i16 type, expected integer")] InvalidI16, #[error("Invalid FFI u32 type, expected unsigned integer")] InvalidU32, #[error("Invalid FFI i32 type, expected integer")] InvalidI32, #[error("Invalid FFI u64 type, expected unsigned integer")] InvalidU64, #[error("Invalid FFI i64 type, expected integer")] InvalidI64, #[error("Invalid FFI usize type, expected unsigned integer")] InvalidUsize, #[error("Invalid FFI isize type, expected integer")] InvalidIsize, #[error("Invalid FFI f32 type, expected number")] InvalidF32, #[error("Invalid FFI f64 type, expected number")] InvalidF64, #[error("Invalid FFI pointer type, expected null, or External")] InvalidPointerType, #[error( "Invalid FFI buffer type, expected null, ArrayBuffer, or ArrayBufferView" )] InvalidBufferType, #[error("Invalid FFI ArrayBufferView, expected data in the buffer")] InvalidArrayBufferView, #[error("Invalid FFI ArrayBuffer, expected data in buffer")] InvalidArrayBuffer, #[error("Invalid FFI struct type, expected ArrayBuffer, or ArrayBufferView")] InvalidStructType, #[error("Invalid FFI function type, expected null, or External")] InvalidFunctionType, } pub struct OutBuffer(pub *mut u8); // SAFETY: OutBuffer is allocated by us in 00_ffi.js and is guaranteed to be // only used for the purpose of writing return value of structs. unsafe impl Send for OutBuffer {} // SAFETY: See above unsafe impl Sync for OutBuffer {} pub fn out_buffer_as_ptr( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, out_buffer: Option<v8::Local<v8::TypedArray>>, ) -> Option<OutBuffer> { match out_buffer { Some(out_buffer) => { let ab = out_buffer.buffer(scope).unwrap(); ab.data() .map(|non_null| OutBuffer(non_null.as_ptr() as *mut u8)) } None => None, } } /// Intermediate format for easy translation from NativeType + V8 value /// to libffi argument types. #[repr(C)] pub union NativeValue { pub void_value: (), pub bool_value: bool, pub u8_value: u8, pub i8_value: i8, pub u16_value: u16, pub i16_value: i16, pub u32_value: u32, pub i32_value: i32, pub u64_value: u64, pub i64_value: i64, pub usize_value: usize, pub isize_value: isize, pub f32_value: f32, pub f64_value: f64, pub pointer: *mut c_void, } impl NativeValue { pub unsafe fn as_arg(&self, native_type: &NativeType) -> Arg { match native_type { NativeType::Void => unreachable!(), NativeType::Bool => Arg::new(&self.bool_value), NativeType::U8 => Arg::new(&self.u8_value), NativeType::I8 => Arg::new(&self.i8_value), NativeType::U16 => Arg::new(&self.u16_value), NativeType::I16 => Arg::new(&self.i16_value), NativeType::U32 => Arg::new(&self.u32_value), NativeType::I32 => Arg::new(&self.i32_value), NativeType::U64 => Arg::new(&self.u64_value), NativeType::I64 => Arg::new(&self.i64_value), NativeType::USize => Arg::new(&self.usize_value), NativeType::ISize => Arg::new(&self.isize_value), NativeType::F32 => Arg::new(&self.f32_value), NativeType::F64 => Arg::new(&self.f64_value), NativeType::Pointer | NativeType::Buffer | NativeType::Function => { Arg::new(&self.pointer) } NativeType::Struct(_) => Arg::new(&*self.pointer), } } // SAFETY: native_type must correspond to the type of value represented by the union field #[inline] pub unsafe fn to_v8<'scope>( &self, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'scope>, native_type: NativeType, ) -> v8::Local<'scope, v8::Value> { match native_type { NativeType::Void => v8::undefined(scope).into(), NativeType::Bool => v8::Boolean::new(scope, self.bool_value).into(), NativeType::U8 => { v8::Integer::new_from_unsigned(scope, self.u8_value as u32).into() } NativeType::I8 => v8::Integer::new(scope, self.i8_value as i32).into(), NativeType::U16 => { v8::Integer::new_from_unsigned(scope, self.u16_value as u32).into() } NativeType::I16 => v8::Integer::new(scope, self.i16_value as i32).into(), NativeType::U32 => { v8::Integer::new_from_unsigned(scope, self.u32_value).into() } NativeType::I32 => v8::Integer::new(scope, self.i32_value).into(), NativeType::U64 => v8::BigInt::new_from_u64(scope, self.u64_value).into(), NativeType::I64 => v8::BigInt::new_from_i64(scope, self.i64_value).into(), NativeType::USize => { v8::BigInt::new_from_u64(scope, self.usize_value as u64).into() } NativeType::ISize => { v8::BigInt::new_from_i64(scope, self.isize_value as i64).into() } NativeType::F32 => v8::Number::new(scope, self.f32_value as f64).into(), NativeType::F64 => v8::Number::new(scope, self.f64_value).into(), NativeType::Pointer | NativeType::Buffer | NativeType::Function => { let local_value: v8::Local<v8::Value> = if self.pointer.is_null() { v8::null(scope).into() } else { v8::External::new(scope, self.pointer).into() }; local_value } NativeType::Struct(_) => v8::null(scope).into(), } } } // SAFETY: unsafe trait must have unsafe implementation unsafe impl Send for NativeValue {} #[inline] pub fn ffi_parse_bool_arg( arg: v8::Local<v8::Value>, ) -> Result<NativeValue, IRError> { let bool_value = v8::Local::<v8::Boolean>::try_from(arg) .map_err(|_| IRError::InvalidU8ExpectedBoolean)? .is_true(); Ok(NativeValue { bool_value }) } #[inline] pub fn ffi_parse_u8_arg( arg: v8::Local<v8::Value>, ) -> Result<NativeValue, IRError> { let u8_value = v8::Local::<v8::Uint32>::try_from(arg) .map_err(|_| IRError::InvalidU8ExpectedUnsignedInteger)? .value() as u8; Ok(NativeValue { u8_value }) } #[inline] pub fn ffi_parse_i8_arg( arg: v8::Local<v8::Value>, ) -> Result<NativeValue, IRError> { let i8_value = v8::Local::<v8::Int32>::try_from(arg) .map_err(|_| IRError::InvalidI8)? .value() as i8; Ok(NativeValue { i8_value }) } #[inline] pub fn ffi_parse_u16_arg( arg: v8::Local<v8::Value>, ) -> Result<NativeValue, IRError> { let u16_value = v8::Local::<v8::Uint32>::try_from(arg) .map_err(|_| IRError::InvalidU16)? .value() as u16; Ok(NativeValue { u16_value }) } #[inline] pub fn ffi_parse_i16_arg( arg: v8::Local<v8::Value>, ) -> Result<NativeValue, IRError> { let i16_value = v8::Local::<v8::Int32>::try_from(arg) .map_err(|_| IRError::InvalidI16)? .value() as i16; Ok(NativeValue { i16_value }) } #[inline] pub fn ffi_parse_u32_arg( arg: v8::Local<v8::Value>, ) -> Result<NativeValue, IRError> { let u32_value = v8::Local::<v8::Uint32>::try_from(arg) .map_err(|_| IRError::InvalidU32)? .value(); Ok(NativeValue { u32_value }) } #[inline] pub fn ffi_parse_i32_arg( arg: v8::Local<v8::Value>, ) -> Result<NativeValue, IRError> { let i32_value = v8::Local::<v8::Int32>::try_from(arg) .map_err(|_| IRError::InvalidI32)? .value(); Ok(NativeValue { i32_value }) } #[inline] pub fn ffi_parse_u64_arg( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, arg: v8::Local<v8::Value>, ) -> Result<NativeValue, IRError> { // Order of checking: // 1. BigInt: Uncommon and not supported by Fast API, so optimise slow call for this case. // 2. Number: Common, supported by Fast API, so let that be the optimal case. let u64_value: u64 = if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::<v8::BigInt>::try_from(arg) { value.u64_value().0 } else if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::<v8::Number>::try_from(arg) { value.integer_value(scope).unwrap() as u64 } else { return Err(IRError::InvalidU64); }; Ok(NativeValue { u64_value }) } #[inline] pub fn ffi_parse_i64_arg( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, arg: v8::Local<v8::Value>, ) -> Result<NativeValue, IRError> { // Order of checking: // 1. BigInt: Uncommon and not supported by Fast API, so optimise slow call for this case. // 2. Number: Common, supported by Fast API, so let that be the optimal case. let i64_value: i64 = if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::<v8::BigInt>::try_from(arg) { value.i64_value().0 } else if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::<v8::Number>::try_from(arg) { value.integer_value(scope).unwrap() } else { return Err(IRError::InvalidI64); }; Ok(NativeValue { i64_value }) } #[inline] pub fn ffi_parse_usize_arg( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, arg: v8::Local<v8::Value>, ) -> Result<NativeValue, IRError> { // Order of checking: // 1. BigInt: Uncommon and not supported by Fast API, so optimise slow call for this case. // 2. Number: Common, supported by Fast API, so let that be the optimal case. let usize_value: usize = if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::<v8::BigInt>::try_from(arg) { value.u64_value().0 as usize } else if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::<v8::Number>::try_from(arg) { value.integer_value(scope).unwrap() as usize } else { return Err(IRError::InvalidUsize); }; Ok(NativeValue { usize_value }) } #[inline] pub fn ffi_parse_isize_arg( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, arg: v8::Local<v8::Value>, ) -> Result<NativeValue, IRError> { // Order of checking: // 1. BigInt: Uncommon and not supported by Fast API, so optimise slow call for this case. // 2. Number: Common, supported by Fast API, so let that be the optimal case. let isize_value: isize = if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::<v8::BigInt>::try_from(arg) { value.i64_value().0 as isize } else if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::<v8::Number>::try_from(arg) { value.integer_value(scope).unwrap() as isize } else { return Err(IRError::InvalidIsize); }; Ok(NativeValue { isize_value }) } #[inline] pub fn ffi_parse_f32_arg( arg: v8::Local<v8::Value>, ) -> Result<NativeValue, IRError> { let f32_value = v8::Local::<v8::Number>::try_from(arg) .map_err(|_| IRError::InvalidF32)? .value() as f32; Ok(NativeValue { f32_value }) } #[inline] pub fn ffi_parse_f64_arg( arg: v8::Local<v8::Value>, ) -> Result<NativeValue, IRError> { let f64_value = v8::Local::<v8::Number>::try_from(arg) .map_err(|_| IRError::InvalidF64)? .value(); Ok(NativeValue { f64_value }) } #[inline] pub fn ffi_parse_pointer_arg( _scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, arg: v8::Local<v8::Value>, ) -> Result<NativeValue, IRError> { let pointer = if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::<v8::External>::try_from(arg) { value.value() } else if arg.is_null() { ptr::null_mut() } else { return Err(IRError::InvalidPointerType); }; Ok(NativeValue { pointer }) } #[inline] pub fn ffi_parse_buffer_arg( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, arg: v8::Local<v8::Value>, ) -> Result<NativeValue, IRError> { // Order of checking: // 1. ArrayBuffer: Fairly common and not supported by Fast API, optimise this case. // 2. ArrayBufferView: Common and supported by Fast API // 5. Null: Very uncommon / can be represented by a 0. let pointer = if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::<v8::ArrayBuffer>::try_from(arg) { if let Some(non_null) = value.data() { non_null.as_ptr() } else { ptr::null_mut() } } else if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::<v8::ArrayBufferView>::try_from(arg) { let byte_offset = value.byte_offset(); let pointer = value .buffer(scope) .ok_or(IRError::InvalidArrayBufferView)? .data(); if let Some(non_null) = pointer { // SAFETY: Pointer is non-null, and V8 guarantees that the byte_offset // is within the buffer backing store. unsafe { non_null.as_ptr().add(byte_offset) } } else { ptr::null_mut() } } else if arg.is_null() { ptr::null_mut() } else { return Err(IRError::InvalidBufferType); }; Ok(NativeValue { pointer }) } #[inline] pub fn ffi_parse_struct_arg( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, arg: v8::Local<v8::Value>, ) -> Result<NativeValue, IRError> { // Order of checking: // 1. ArrayBuffer: Fairly common and not supported by Fast API, optimise this case. // 2. ArrayBufferView: Common and supported by Fast API let pointer = if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::<v8::ArrayBuffer>::try_from(arg) { if let Some(non_null) = value.data() { non_null.as_ptr() } else { return Err(IRError::InvalidArrayBuffer); } } else if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::<v8::ArrayBufferView>::try_from(arg) { let byte_offset = value.byte_offset(); let pointer = value .buffer(scope) .ok_or(IRError::InvalidArrayBufferView)? .data(); if let Some(non_null) = pointer { // SAFETY: Pointer is non-null, and V8 guarantees that the byte_offset // is within the buffer backing store. unsafe { non_null.as_ptr().add(byte_offset) } } else { return Err(IRError::InvalidArrayBufferView); } } else { return Err(IRError::InvalidStructType); }; Ok(NativeValue { pointer }) } #[inline] pub fn ffi_parse_function_arg( _scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, arg: v8::Local<v8::Value>, ) -> Result<NativeValue, IRError> { let pointer = if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::<v8::External>::try_from(arg) { value.value() } else if arg.is_null() { ptr::null_mut() } else { return Err(IRError::InvalidFunctionType); }; Ok(NativeValue { pointer }) } pub fn ffi_parse_args<'scope>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'scope>, args: v8::Local<v8::Array>, parameter_types: &[NativeType], ) -> Result<Vec<NativeValue>, IRError> where 'scope: 'scope, { if parameter_types.is_empty() { return Ok(vec![]); } let mut ffi_args: Vec<NativeValue> = Vec::with_capacity(parameter_types.len()); for (index, native_type) in parameter_types.iter().enumerate() { let value = args.get_index(scope, index as u32).unwrap(); match native_type { NativeType::Bool => { ffi_args.push(ffi_parse_bool_arg(value)?); } NativeType::U8 => { ffi_args.push(ffi_parse_u8_arg(value)?); } NativeType::I8 => { ffi_args.push(ffi_parse_i8_arg(value)?); } NativeType::U16 => { ffi_args.push(ffi_parse_u16_arg(value)?); } NativeType::I16 => { ffi_args.push(ffi_parse_i16_arg(value)?); } NativeType::U32 => { ffi_args.push(ffi_parse_u32_arg(value)?); } NativeType::I32 => { ffi_args.push(ffi_parse_i32_arg(value)?); } NativeType::U64 => { ffi_args.push(ffi_parse_u64_arg(scope, value)?); } NativeType::I64 => { ffi_args.push(ffi_parse_i64_arg(scope, value)?); } NativeType::USize => { ffi_args.push(ffi_parse_usize_arg(scope, value)?); } NativeType::ISize => { ffi_args.push(ffi_parse_isize_arg(scope, value)?); } NativeType::F32 => { ffi_args.push(ffi_parse_f32_arg(value)?); } NativeType::F64 => { ffi_args.push(ffi_parse_f64_arg(value)?); } NativeType::Buffer => { ffi_args.push(ffi_parse_buffer_arg(scope, value)?); } NativeType::Struct(_) => { ffi_args.push(ffi_parse_struct_arg(scope, value)?); } NativeType::Pointer => { ffi_args.push(ffi_parse_pointer_arg(scope, value)?); } NativeType::Function => { ffi_args.push(ffi_parse_function_arg(scope, value)?); } NativeType::Void => { unreachable!(); } } } Ok(ffi_args) }