// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. import { primordials } from "ext:core/mod.js"; import { op_query_permission, op_request_permission, op_revoke_permission, } from "ext:core/ops"; const { ArrayIsArray, ArrayPrototypeIncludes, ArrayPrototypeMap, ArrayPrototypeSlice, MapPrototypeGet, MapPrototypeHas, MapPrototypeSet, FunctionPrototypeCall, PromiseResolve, PromiseReject, ReflectHas, SafeArrayIterator, SafeMap, Symbol, SymbolFor, TypeError, } = primordials; import { pathFromURL } from "ext:deno_web/00_infra.js"; import { Event, EventTarget } from "ext:deno_web/02_event.js"; const illegalConstructorKey = Symbol("illegalConstructorKey"); /** * @typedef StatusCacheValue * @property {PermissionState} state * @property {PermissionStatus} status * @property {boolean} partial */ /** @type {ReadonlyArray<"read" | "write" | "net" | "env" | "sys" | "run" | "ffi">} */ const permissionNames = [ "read", "write", "net", "env", "sys", "run", "ffi", ]; /** * @param {Deno.PermissionDescriptor} desc * @returns {Deno.PermissionState} */ function opQuery(desc) { return op_query_permission(desc); } /** * @param {Deno.PermissionDescriptor} desc * @returns {Deno.PermissionState} */ function opRevoke(desc) { return op_revoke_permission(desc); } /** * @param {Deno.PermissionDescriptor} desc * @returns {Deno.PermissionState} */ function opRequest(desc) { return op_request_permission(desc); } class PermissionStatus extends EventTarget { /** @type {{ state: Deno.PermissionState, partial: boolean }} */ #status; /** @type {((this: PermissionStatus, event: Event) => any) | null} */ onchange = null; /** @returns {Deno.PermissionState} */ get state() { return this.#status.state; } /** @returns {boolean} */ get partial() { return this.#status.partial; } /** * @param {{ state: Deno.PermissionState, partial: boolean }} status * @param {unknown} key */ constructor(status = null, key = null) { if (key != illegalConstructorKey) { throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor"); } super(); this.#status = status; } /** * @param {Event} event * @returns {boolean} */ dispatchEvent(event) { let dispatched = super.dispatchEvent(event); if (dispatched && this.onchange) { FunctionPrototypeCall(this.onchange, this, event); dispatched = !event.defaultPrevented; } return dispatched; } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect, inspectOptions) { const object = { state: this.state, onchange: this.onchange }; if (this.partial) object.partial = this.partial; return `${this.constructor.name} ${inspect(object, inspectOptions)}`; } } /** @type {Map<string, StatusCacheValue>} */ const statusCache = new SafeMap(); /** * @param {Deno.PermissionDescriptor} desc * @param {{ state: Deno.PermissionState, partial: boolean }} rawStatus * @returns {PermissionStatus} */ function cache(desc, rawStatus) { let { name: key } = desc; if ( (desc.name === "read" || desc.name === "write" || desc.name === "ffi") && ReflectHas(desc, "path") ) { key += `-${desc.path}&`; } else if (desc.name === "net" && desc.host) { key += `-${desc.host}&`; } else if (desc.name === "run" && desc.command) { key += `-${desc.command}&`; } else if (desc.name === "env" && desc.variable) { key += `-${desc.variable}&`; } else if (desc.name === "sys" && desc.kind) { key += `-${desc.kind}&`; } else { key += "$"; } if (MapPrototypeHas(statusCache, key)) { const cachedObj = MapPrototypeGet(statusCache, key); if ( cachedObj.state !== rawStatus.state || cachedObj.partial !== rawStatus.partial ) { cachedObj.state = rawStatus.state; cachedObj.partial = rawStatus.partial; cachedObj.status.dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { cancelable: false }), ); } return cachedObj.status; } /** @type {{ state: Deno.PermissionState, partial: boolean, status?: PermissionStatus }} */ const obj = rawStatus; obj.status = new PermissionStatus(obj, illegalConstructorKey); MapPrototypeSet(statusCache, key, obj); return obj.status; } /** * @param {unknown} desc * @returns {desc is Deno.PermissionDescriptor} */ function isValidDescriptor(desc) { return typeof desc === "object" && desc !== null && ArrayPrototypeIncludes(permissionNames, desc.name); } /** * @param {Deno.PermissionDescriptor} desc * @returns {desc is Deno.PermissionDescriptor} */ function formDescriptor(desc) { if ( desc.name === "read" || desc.name === "write" || desc.name === "ffi" ) { desc.path = pathFromURL(desc.path); } else if (desc.name === "run") { desc.command = pathFromURL(desc.command); } } class Permissions { constructor(key = null) { if (key != illegalConstructorKey) { throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor"); } } query(desc) { try { return PromiseResolve(this.querySync(desc)); } catch (error) { return PromiseReject(error); } } querySync(desc) { if (!isValidDescriptor(desc)) { throw new TypeError( `The provided value "${desc?.name}" is not a valid permission name`, ); } formDescriptor(desc); const status = opQuery(desc); return cache(desc, status); } revoke(desc) { try { return PromiseResolve(this.revokeSync(desc)); } catch (error) { return PromiseReject(error); } } revokeSync(desc) { if (!isValidDescriptor(desc)) { throw new TypeError( `The provided value "${desc?.name}" is not a valid permission name`, ); } formDescriptor(desc); const status = opRevoke(desc); return cache(desc, status); } request(desc) { try { return PromiseResolve(this.requestSync(desc)); } catch (error) { return PromiseReject(error); } } requestSync(desc) { if (!isValidDescriptor(desc)) { throw new TypeError( `The provided value "${desc?.name}" is not a valid permission name.`, ); } formDescriptor(desc); const status = opRequest(desc); return cache(desc, status); } } const permissions = new Permissions(illegalConstructorKey); /** Converts all file URLs in FS allowlists to paths. */ function serializePermissions(permissions) { if (typeof permissions == "object" && permissions != null) { const serializedPermissions = { __proto__: null }; for ( const key of new SafeArrayIterator([ "read", "write", "run", "ffi", "import", ]) ) { if (ArrayIsArray(permissions[key])) { serializedPermissions[key] = ArrayPrototypeMap( permissions[key], (path) => pathFromURL(path), ); } else { serializedPermissions[key] = permissions[key]; } } for ( const key of new SafeArrayIterator(["env", "net", "sys"]) ) { if (ArrayIsArray(permissions[key])) { serializedPermissions[key] = ArrayPrototypeSlice(permissions[key]); } else { serializedPermissions[key] = permissions[key]; } } return serializedPermissions; } return permissions; } export { Permissions, permissions, PermissionStatus, serializePermissions };