// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. use std::borrow::Cow; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::error::Error; use std::fmt::Formatter; use std::io; use std::io::SeekFrom; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::path::StripPrefixError; use std::rc::Rc; use boxed_error::Boxed; use deno_core::error::ResourceError; use deno_core::op2; use deno_core::CancelFuture; use deno_core::CancelHandle; use deno_core::FastString; use deno_core::JsBuffer; use deno_core::OpState; use deno_core::ResourceId; use deno_core::ToJsBuffer; use deno_error::JsErrorBox; use deno_io::fs::FileResource; use deno_io::fs::FsError; use deno_io::fs::FsStat; use deno_permissions::PermissionCheckError; use rand::rngs::ThreadRng; use rand::thread_rng; use rand::Rng; use serde::Serialize; use crate::interface::AccessCheckFn; use crate::interface::FileSystemRc; use crate::interface::FsDirEntry; use crate::interface::FsFileType; use crate::FsPermissions; use crate::OpenOptions; #[derive(Debug, Boxed, deno_error::JsError)] pub struct FsOpsError(pub Box<FsOpsErrorKind>); #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, deno_error::JsError)] pub enum FsOpsErrorKind { #[class(inherit)] #[error("{0}")] Io(#[source] std::io::Error), #[class(inherit)] #[error("{0}")] OperationError(#[source] OperationError), #[class(inherit)] #[error(transparent)] Permission(#[from] PermissionCheckError), #[class(inherit)] #[error(transparent)] Resource(#[from] ResourceError), #[class("InvalidData")] #[error("File name or path {0:?} is not valid UTF-8")] InvalidUtf8(std::ffi::OsString), #[class(generic)] #[error("{0}")] StripPrefix(#[from] StripPrefixError), #[class(inherit)] #[error("{0}")] Canceled(#[from] deno_core::Canceled), #[class(type)] #[error("Invalid seek mode: {0}")] InvalidSeekMode(i32), #[class(generic)] #[error("Invalid control character in prefix or suffix: {0:?}")] InvalidControlCharacter(String), #[class(generic)] #[error("Invalid character in prefix or suffix: {0:?}")] InvalidCharacter(String), #[cfg(windows)] #[class(generic)] #[error("Invalid trailing character in suffix")] InvalidTrailingCharacter, #[class("NotCapable")] #[error("Requires {err} access to {path}, {}", print_not_capable_info(*.standalone, .err))] NotCapableAccess { // NotCapable standalone: bool, err: &'static str, path: String, }, #[class("NotCapable")] #[error("permission denied: {0}")] NotCapable(&'static str), #[class(inherit)] #[error(transparent)] Other(JsErrorBox), } impl From<FsError> for FsOpsError { fn from(err: FsError) -> Self { match err { FsError::Io(err) => FsOpsErrorKind::Io(err), FsError::FileBusy => FsOpsErrorKind::Resource(ResourceError::Unavailable), FsError::NotSupported => { FsOpsErrorKind::Other(JsErrorBox::not_supported()) } FsError::NotCapable(err) => FsOpsErrorKind::NotCapable(err), } .into_box() } } fn print_not_capable_info(standalone: bool, err: &'static str) -> String { if standalone { format!("specify the required permissions during compilation using `deno compile --allow-{err}`") } else { format!("run again with the --allow-{err} flag") } } fn sync_permission_check<'a, P: FsPermissions + 'static>( permissions: &'a mut P, api_name: &'static str, ) -> impl AccessCheckFn + 'a { move |resolved, path, options| { permissions.check(resolved, options, path, api_name) } } fn async_permission_check<P: FsPermissions + 'static>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, api_name: &'static str, ) -> impl AccessCheckFn { move |resolved, path, options| { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); permissions.check(resolved, options, path, api_name) } } fn map_permission_error( operation: &'static str, error: FsError, path: &Path, ) -> FsOpsError { match error { FsError::NotCapable(err) => { let path = format!("{path:?}"); let (path, truncated) = if path.len() > 1024 { (&path[0..1024], "...(truncated)") } else { (path.as_str(), "") }; FsOpsErrorKind::NotCapableAccess { standalone: deno_permissions::is_standalone(), err, path: format!("{path}{truncated}"), } .into_box() } err => Err::<(), _>(err) .context_path(operation, path) .err() .unwrap(), } } #[op2(stack_trace)] #[string] pub fn op_fs_cwd<P>(state: &mut OpState) -> Result<String, FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>(); let path = fs.cwd()?; state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_read_blind(&path, "CWD", "Deno.cwd()")?; let path_str = path_into_string(path.into_os_string())?; Ok(path_str) } #[op2(fast, stack_trace)] pub fn op_fs_chdir<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] directory: &str, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let d = state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_read(directory, "Deno.chdir()")?; state .borrow::<FileSystemRc>() .chdir(&d) .context_path("chdir", &d) } #[op2] pub fn op_fs_umask( state: &mut OpState, mask: Option<u32>, ) -> Result<u32, FsOpsError> where { state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().umask(mask).context("umask") } #[op2(stack_trace)] #[smi] pub fn op_fs_open_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] path: String, #[serde] options: Option<OpenOptions>, ) -> Result<ResourceId, FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(path); let options = options.unwrap_or_else(OpenOptions::read); let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(); let mut access_check = sync_permission_check::<P>(state.borrow_mut(), "Deno.openSync()"); let file = fs .open_sync(&path, options, Some(&mut access_check)) .map_err(|error| map_permission_error("open", error, &path))?; drop(access_check); let rid = state .resource_table .add(FileResource::new(file, "fsFile".to_string())); Ok(rid) } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] #[smi] pub async fn op_fs_open_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] path: String, #[serde] options: Option<OpenOptions>, ) -> Result<ResourceId, FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(path); let options = options.unwrap_or_else(OpenOptions::read); let mut access_check = async_permission_check::<P>(state.clone(), "Deno.open()"); let fs = state.borrow().borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(); let file = fs .open_async(path.clone(), options, Some(&mut access_check)) .await .map_err(|error| map_permission_error("open", error, &path))?; let rid = state .borrow_mut() .resource_table .add(FileResource::new(file, "fsFile".to_string())); Ok(rid) } #[op2(stack_trace)] pub fn op_fs_mkdir_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] path: String, recursive: bool, mode: Option<u32>, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let mode = mode.unwrap_or(0o777) & 0o777; let path = state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_write(&path, "Deno.mkdirSync()")?; let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>(); fs.mkdir_sync(&path, recursive, Some(mode)) .context_path("mkdir", &path)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] pub async fn op_fs_mkdir_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] path: String, recursive: bool, mode: Option<u32>, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let mode = mode.unwrap_or(0o777) & 0o777; let (fs, path) = { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let path = state.borrow_mut::<P>().check_write(&path, "Deno.mkdir()")?; (state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(), path) }; fs.mkdir_async(path.clone(), recursive, Some(mode)) .await .context_path("mkdir", &path)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(fast, stack_trace)] pub fn op_fs_chmod_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] path: String, mode: u32, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_write(&path, "Deno.chmodSync()")?; let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>(); fs.chmod_sync(&path, mode).context_path("chmod", &path)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] pub async fn op_fs_chmod_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] path: String, mode: u32, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (fs, path) = { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let path = state.borrow_mut::<P>().check_write(&path, "Deno.chmod()")?; (state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(), path) }; fs.chmod_async(path.clone(), mode) .await .context_path("chmod", &path)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(stack_trace)] pub fn op_fs_chown_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] path: String, uid: Option<u32>, gid: Option<u32>, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_write(&path, "Deno.chownSync()")?; let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>(); fs.chown_sync(&path, uid, gid) .context_path("chown", &path)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] pub async fn op_fs_chown_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] path: String, uid: Option<u32>, gid: Option<u32>, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (fs, path) = { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let path = state.borrow_mut::<P>().check_write(&path, "Deno.chown()")?; (state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(), path) }; fs.chown_async(path.clone(), uid, gid) .await .context_path("chown", &path)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(fast, stack_trace)] pub fn op_fs_remove_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] path: &str, recursive: bool, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_write(path, "Deno.removeSync()")?; let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>(); fs.remove_sync(&path, recursive) .context_path("remove", &path)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] pub async fn op_fs_remove_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] path: String, recursive: bool, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (fs, path) = { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let path = if recursive { state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_write(&path, "Deno.remove()")? } else { state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_write_partial(&path, "Deno.remove()")? }; (state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(), path) }; fs.remove_async(path.clone(), recursive) .await .context_path("remove", &path)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(fast, stack_trace)] pub fn op_fs_copy_file_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] from: &str, #[string] to: &str, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); let from = permissions.check_read(from, "Deno.copyFileSync()")?; let to = permissions.check_write(to, "Deno.copyFileSync()")?; let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>(); fs.copy_file_sync(&from, &to) .context_two_path("copy", &from, &to)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] pub async fn op_fs_copy_file_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] from: String, #[string] to: String, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (fs, from, to) = { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); let from = permissions.check_read(&from, "Deno.copyFile()")?; let to = permissions.check_write(&to, "Deno.copyFile()")?; (state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(), from, to) }; fs.copy_file_async(from.clone(), to.clone()) .await .context_two_path("copy", &from, &to)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(fast, stack_trace)] pub fn op_fs_stat_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] path: String, #[buffer] stat_out_buf: &mut [u32], ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_read(&path, "Deno.statSync()")?; let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>(); let stat = fs.stat_sync(&path).context_path("stat", &path)?; let serializable_stat = SerializableStat::from(stat); serializable_stat.write(stat_out_buf); Ok(()) } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] #[serde] pub async fn op_fs_stat_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] path: String, ) -> Result<SerializableStat, FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (fs, path) = { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); let path = permissions.check_read(&path, "Deno.stat()")?; (state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(), path) }; let stat = fs .stat_async(path.clone()) .await .context_path("stat", &path)?; Ok(SerializableStat::from(stat)) } #[op2(fast, stack_trace)] pub fn op_fs_lstat_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] path: String, #[buffer] stat_out_buf: &mut [u32], ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_read(&path, "Deno.lstatSync()")?; let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>(); let stat = fs.lstat_sync(&path).context_path("lstat", &path)?; let serializable_stat = SerializableStat::from(stat); serializable_stat.write(stat_out_buf); Ok(()) } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] #[serde] pub async fn op_fs_lstat_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] path: String, ) -> Result<SerializableStat, FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (fs, path) = { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); let path = permissions.check_read(&path, "Deno.lstat()")?; (state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(), path) }; let stat = fs .lstat_async(path.clone()) .await .context_path("lstat", &path)?; Ok(SerializableStat::from(stat)) } #[op2(stack_trace)] #[string] pub fn op_fs_realpath_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] path: String, ) -> Result<String, FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(); let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); let path = permissions.check_read(&path, "Deno.realPathSync()")?; if path.is_relative() { permissions.check_read_blind(&fs.cwd()?, "CWD", "Deno.realPathSync()")?; } let resolved_path = fs.realpath_sync(&path).context_path("realpath", &path)?; let path_string = path_into_string(resolved_path.into_os_string())?; Ok(path_string) } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] #[string] pub async fn op_fs_realpath_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] path: String, ) -> Result<String, FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (fs, path) = { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(); let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); let path = permissions.check_read(&path, "Deno.realPath()")?; if path.is_relative() { permissions.check_read_blind(&fs.cwd()?, "CWD", "Deno.realPath()")?; } (fs, path) }; let resolved_path = fs .realpath_async(path.clone()) .await .context_path("realpath", &path)?; let path_string = path_into_string(resolved_path.into_os_string())?; Ok(path_string) } #[op2(stack_trace)] #[serde] pub fn op_fs_read_dir_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] path: String, ) -> Result<Vec<FsDirEntry>, FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_read(&path, "Deno.readDirSync()")?; let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>(); let entries = fs.read_dir_sync(&path).context_path("readdir", &path)?; Ok(entries) } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] #[serde] pub async fn op_fs_read_dir_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] path: String, ) -> Result<Vec<FsDirEntry>, FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (fs, path) = { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let path = state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_read(&path, "Deno.readDir()")?; (state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(), path) }; let entries = fs .read_dir_async(path.clone()) .await .context_path("readdir", &path)?; Ok(entries) } #[op2(fast, stack_trace)] pub fn op_fs_rename_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] oldpath: String, #[string] newpath: String, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); let _ = permissions.check_read(&oldpath, "Deno.renameSync()")?; let oldpath = permissions.check_write(&oldpath, "Deno.renameSync()")?; let newpath = permissions.check_write(&newpath, "Deno.renameSync()")?; let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>(); fs.rename_sync(&oldpath, &newpath) .context_two_path("rename", &oldpath, &newpath)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] pub async fn op_fs_rename_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] oldpath: String, #[string] newpath: String, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (fs, oldpath, newpath) = { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); _ = permissions.check_read(&oldpath, "Deno.rename()")?; let oldpath = permissions.check_write(&oldpath, "Deno.rename()")?; let newpath = permissions.check_write(&newpath, "Deno.rename()")?; (state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(), oldpath, newpath) }; fs.rename_async(oldpath.clone(), newpath.clone()) .await .context_two_path("rename", &oldpath, &newpath)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(fast, stack_trace)] pub fn op_fs_link_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] oldpath: &str, #[string] newpath: &str, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); _ = permissions.check_read(oldpath, "Deno.linkSync()")?; let oldpath = permissions.check_write(oldpath, "Deno.linkSync()")?; _ = permissions.check_read(newpath, "Deno.linkSync()")?; let newpath = permissions.check_write(newpath, "Deno.linkSync()")?; let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>(); fs.link_sync(&oldpath, &newpath) .context_two_path("link", &oldpath, &newpath)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] pub async fn op_fs_link_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] oldpath: String, #[string] newpath: String, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (fs, oldpath, newpath) = { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); _ = permissions.check_read(&oldpath, "Deno.link()")?; let oldpath = permissions.check_write(&oldpath, "Deno.link()")?; _ = permissions.check_read(&newpath, "Deno.link()")?; let newpath = permissions.check_write(&newpath, "Deno.link()")?; (state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(), oldpath, newpath) }; fs.link_async(oldpath.clone(), newpath.clone()) .await .context_two_path("link", &oldpath, &newpath)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(stack_trace)] pub fn op_fs_symlink_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] oldpath: &str, #[string] newpath: &str, #[serde] file_type: Option<FsFileType>, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let oldpath = PathBuf::from(oldpath); let newpath = PathBuf::from(newpath); let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); permissions.check_write_all("Deno.symlinkSync()")?; permissions.check_read_all("Deno.symlinkSync()")?; let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>(); fs.symlink_sync(&oldpath, &newpath, file_type) .context_two_path("symlink", &oldpath, &newpath)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] pub async fn op_fs_symlink_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] oldpath: String, #[string] newpath: String, #[serde] file_type: Option<FsFileType>, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let oldpath = PathBuf::from(&oldpath); let newpath = PathBuf::from(&newpath); let fs = { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<P>(); permissions.check_write_all("Deno.symlink()")?; permissions.check_read_all("Deno.symlink()")?; state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone() }; fs.symlink_async(oldpath.clone(), newpath.clone(), file_type) .await .context_two_path("symlink", &oldpath, &newpath)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(stack_trace)] #[string] pub fn op_fs_read_link_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] path: String, ) -> Result<String, FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_read(&path, "Deno.readLink()")?; let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>(); let target = fs.read_link_sync(&path).context_path("readlink", &path)?; let target_string = path_into_string(target.into_os_string())?; Ok(target_string) } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] #[string] pub async fn op_fs_read_link_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] path: String, ) -> Result<String, FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (fs, path) = { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let path = state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_read(&path, "Deno.readLink()")?; (state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(), path) }; let target = fs .read_link_async(path.clone()) .await .context_path("readlink", &path)?; let target_string = path_into_string(target.into_os_string())?; Ok(target_string) } #[op2(fast, stack_trace)] pub fn op_fs_truncate_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] path: &str, #[number] len: u64, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_write(path, "Deno.truncateSync()")?; let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>(); fs.truncate_sync(&path, len) .context_path("truncate", &path)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] pub async fn op_fs_truncate_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] path: String, #[number] len: u64, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (fs, path) = { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let path = state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_write(&path, "Deno.truncate()")?; (state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(), path) }; fs.truncate_async(path.clone(), len) .await .context_path("truncate", &path)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(fast, stack_trace)] pub fn op_fs_utime_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] path: &str, #[number] atime_secs: i64, #[smi] atime_nanos: u32, #[number] mtime_secs: i64, #[smi] mtime_nanos: u32, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = state.borrow_mut::<P>().check_write(path, "Deno.utime()")?; let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>(); fs.utime_sync(&path, atime_secs, atime_nanos, mtime_secs, mtime_nanos) .context_path("utime", &path)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] pub async fn op_fs_utime_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] path: String, #[number] atime_secs: i64, #[smi] atime_nanos: u32, #[number] mtime_secs: i64, #[smi] mtime_nanos: u32, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (fs, path) = { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let path = state.borrow_mut::<P>().check_write(&path, "Deno.utime()")?; (state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(), path) }; fs.utime_async( path.clone(), atime_secs, atime_nanos, mtime_secs, mtime_nanos, ) .await .context_path("utime", &path)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(stack_trace)] #[string] pub fn op_fs_make_temp_dir_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] dir_arg: Option<String>, #[string] prefix: Option<String>, #[string] suffix: Option<String>, ) -> Result<String, FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (dir, fs) = make_temp_check_sync::<P>( state, dir_arg.as_deref(), "Deno.makeTempDirSync()", )?; let mut rng = thread_rng(); const MAX_TRIES: u32 = 10; for _ in 0..MAX_TRIES { let path = tmp_name(&mut rng, &dir, prefix.as_deref(), suffix.as_deref())?; match fs.mkdir_sync(&path, false, Some(0o700)) { Ok(_) => { // PERMISSIONS: ensure the absolute path is not leaked let path = strip_dir_prefix(&dir, dir_arg.as_deref(), path)?; return path_into_string(path.into_os_string()); } Err(FsError::Io(ref e)) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists => { continue; } Err(e) => return Err(e).context("tmpdir"), } } Err(FsError::Io(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists, "too many temp dirs exist", ))) .context("tmpdir") } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] #[string] pub async fn op_fs_make_temp_dir_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] dir_arg: Option<String>, #[string] prefix: Option<String>, #[string] suffix: Option<String>, ) -> Result<String, FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (dir, fs) = make_temp_check_async::<P>( state, dir_arg.as_deref(), "Deno.makeTempDir()", )?; let mut rng = thread_rng(); const MAX_TRIES: u32 = 10; for _ in 0..MAX_TRIES { let path = tmp_name(&mut rng, &dir, prefix.as_deref(), suffix.as_deref())?; match fs .clone() .mkdir_async(path.clone(), false, Some(0o700)) .await { Ok(_) => { // PERMISSIONS: ensure the absolute path is not leaked let path = strip_dir_prefix(&dir, dir_arg.as_deref(), path)?; return path_into_string(path.into_os_string()); } Err(FsError::Io(ref e)) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists => { continue; } Err(e) => return Err(e).context("tmpdir"), } } Err(FsError::Io(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists, "too many temp dirs exist", ))) .context("tmpdir") } #[op2(stack_trace)] #[string] pub fn op_fs_make_temp_file_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] dir_arg: Option<String>, #[string] prefix: Option<String>, #[string] suffix: Option<String>, ) -> Result<String, FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (dir, fs) = make_temp_check_sync::<P>( state, dir_arg.as_deref(), "Deno.makeTempFileSync()", )?; let open_opts = OpenOptions { write: true, create_new: true, mode: Some(0o600), ..Default::default() }; let mut rng = thread_rng(); const MAX_TRIES: u32 = 10; for _ in 0..MAX_TRIES { let path = tmp_name(&mut rng, &dir, prefix.as_deref(), suffix.as_deref())?; match fs.open_sync(&path, open_opts, None) { Ok(_) => { // PERMISSIONS: ensure the absolute path is not leaked let path = strip_dir_prefix(&dir, dir_arg.as_deref(), path)?; return path_into_string(path.into_os_string()); } Err(FsError::Io(ref e)) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists => { continue; } Err(e) => return Err(e).context("tmpfile"), } } Err(FsError::Io(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists, "too many temp files exist", ))) .context("tmpfile") } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] #[string] pub async fn op_fs_make_temp_file_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] dir_arg: Option<String>, #[string] prefix: Option<String>, #[string] suffix: Option<String>, ) -> Result<String, FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let (dir, fs) = make_temp_check_async::<P>( state, dir_arg.as_deref(), "Deno.makeTempFile()", )?; let open_opts = OpenOptions { write: true, create_new: true, mode: Some(0o600), ..Default::default() }; let mut rng = thread_rng(); const MAX_TRIES: u32 = 10; for _ in 0..MAX_TRIES { let path = tmp_name(&mut rng, &dir, prefix.as_deref(), suffix.as_deref())?; match fs.clone().open_async(path.clone(), open_opts, None).await { Ok(_) => { // PERMISSIONS: ensure the absolute path is not leaked let path = strip_dir_prefix(&dir, dir_arg.as_deref(), path)?; return path_into_string(path.into_os_string()); } Err(FsError::Io(ref e)) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists => { continue; } Err(e) => return Err(e).context("tmpfile"), } } Err(FsError::Io(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists, "too many temp files exist", ))) .context("tmpfile") } fn strip_dir_prefix( resolved_dir: &Path, dir_arg: Option<&str>, result_path: PathBuf, ) -> Result<PathBuf, StripPrefixError> { if resolved_dir.is_absolute() { match &dir_arg { Some(dir_arg) => { Ok(Path::new(dir_arg).join(result_path.strip_prefix(resolved_dir)?)) } None => Ok(result_path), } } else { Ok(result_path) } } fn make_temp_check_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, dir: Option<&str>, api_name: &str, ) -> Result<(PathBuf, FileSystemRc), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(); let dir = match dir { Some(dir) => state.borrow_mut::<P>().check_write(dir, api_name)?, None => { let dir = fs.tmp_dir().context("tmpdir")?; state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_write_blind(&dir, "TMP", api_name)?; dir } }; Ok((dir, fs)) } fn make_temp_check_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, dir: Option<&str>, api_name: &str, ) -> Result<(PathBuf, FileSystemRc), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(); let dir = match dir { Some(dir) => state.borrow_mut::<P>().check_write(dir, api_name)?, None => { let dir = fs.tmp_dir().context("tmpdir")?; state .borrow_mut::<P>() .check_write_blind(&dir, "TMP", api_name)?; dir } }; Ok((dir, fs)) } /// Identify illegal filename characters before attempting to use them in a filesystem /// operation. We're a bit stricter with tempfile and tempdir names than with regular /// files. fn validate_temporary_filename_component( component: &str, #[allow(unused_variables)] suffix: bool, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> { // Ban ASCII and Unicode control characters: these will often fail if let Some(c) = component.matches(|c: char| c.is_control()).next() { return Err( FsOpsErrorKind::InvalidControlCharacter(c.to_string()).into_box(), ); } // Windows has the most restrictive filenames. As temp files aren't normal files, we just // use this set of banned characters for all platforms because wildcard-like files can also // be problematic in unix-like shells. // The list of banned characters in Windows: // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/naming-a-file#naming-conventions // You might ask why <, >, and " are included in the Windows list? It's because they are // special wildcard implemented in the filesystem driver! // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-ca/archive/blogs/jeremykuhne/wildcards-in-windows if let Some(c) = component .matches(|c: char| "<>:\"/\\|?*".contains(c)) .next() { return Err(FsOpsErrorKind::InvalidCharacter(c.to_string()).into_box()); } // This check is only for Windows #[cfg(windows)] if suffix && component.ends_with(|c: char| ". ".contains(c)) { return Err(FsOpsErrorKind::InvalidTrailingCharacter.into_box()); } Ok(()) } fn tmp_name( rng: &mut ThreadRng, dir: &Path, prefix: Option<&str>, suffix: Option<&str>, ) -> Result<PathBuf, FsOpsError> { let prefix = prefix.unwrap_or(""); validate_temporary_filename_component(prefix, false)?; let suffix = suffix.unwrap_or(""); validate_temporary_filename_component(suffix, true)?; // If we use a 32-bit number, we only need ~70k temp files before we have a 50% // chance of collision. By bumping this up to 64-bits, we require ~5 billion // before hitting a 50% chance. We also base32-encode this value so the entire // thing is 1) case insensitive and 2) slightly shorter than the equivalent hex // value. let unique = rng.gen::<u64>(); base32::encode(base32::Alphabet::Crockford, &unique.to_le_bytes()); let path = dir.join(format!("{prefix}{unique:08x}{suffix}")); Ok(path) } #[op2(stack_trace)] pub fn op_fs_write_file_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] path: String, mode: Option<u32>, append: bool, create: bool, create_new: bool, #[buffer] data: JsBuffer, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(path); let options = OpenOptions::write(create, append, create_new, mode); let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(); let mut access_check = sync_permission_check::<P>(state.borrow_mut(), "Deno.writeFileSync()"); fs.write_file_sync(&path, options, Some(&mut access_check), &data) .map_err(|error| map_permission_error("writefile", error, &path))?; Ok(()) } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub async fn op_fs_write_file_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] path: String, #[smi] mode: Option<u32>, append: bool, create: bool, create_new: bool, #[buffer] data: JsBuffer, #[smi] cancel_rid: Option<ResourceId>, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(path); let options = OpenOptions::write(create, append, create_new, mode); let mut access_check = async_permission_check::<P>(state.clone(), "Deno.writeFile()"); let (fs, cancel_handle) = { let state = state.borrow_mut(); let cancel_handle = cancel_rid .and_then(|rid| state.resource_table.get::<CancelHandle>(rid).ok()); (state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(), cancel_handle) }; let fut = fs.write_file_async( path.clone(), options, Some(&mut access_check), data.to_vec(), ); if let Some(cancel_handle) = cancel_handle { let res = fut.or_cancel(cancel_handle).await; if let Some(cancel_rid) = cancel_rid { if let Ok(res) = state.borrow_mut().resource_table.take_any(cancel_rid) { res.close(); } }; res?.map_err(|error| map_permission_error("writefile", error, &path))?; } else { fut .await .map_err(|error| map_permission_error("writefile", error, &path))?; } Ok(()) } #[op2(stack_trace)] #[serde] pub fn op_fs_read_file_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] path: String, ) -> Result<ToJsBuffer, FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(path); let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(); let mut access_check = sync_permission_check::<P>(state.borrow_mut(), "Deno.readFileSync()"); let buf = fs .read_file_sync(&path, Some(&mut access_check)) .map_err(|error| map_permission_error("readfile", error, &path))?; // todo(https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/27107): do not clone here Ok(buf.into_owned().into_boxed_slice().into()) } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] #[serde] pub async fn op_fs_read_file_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] path: String, #[smi] cancel_rid: Option<ResourceId>, ) -> Result<ToJsBuffer, FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(path); let mut access_check = async_permission_check::<P>(state.clone(), "Deno.readFile()"); let (fs, cancel_handle) = { let state = state.borrow(); let cancel_handle = cancel_rid .and_then(|rid| state.resource_table.get::<CancelHandle>(rid).ok()); (state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(), cancel_handle) }; let fut = fs.read_file_async(path.clone(), Some(&mut access_check)); let buf = if let Some(cancel_handle) = cancel_handle { let res = fut.or_cancel(cancel_handle).await; if let Some(cancel_rid) = cancel_rid { if let Ok(res) = state.borrow_mut().resource_table.take_any(cancel_rid) { res.close(); } }; res?.map_err(|error| map_permission_error("readfile", error, &path))? } else { fut .await .map_err(|error| map_permission_error("readfile", error, &path))? }; // todo(https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/27107): do not clone here Ok(buf.into_owned().into_boxed_slice().into()) } #[op2(stack_trace)] #[to_v8] pub fn op_fs_read_file_text_sync<P>( state: &mut OpState, #[string] path: String, ) -> Result<FastString, FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(path); let fs = state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(); let mut access_check = sync_permission_check::<P>(state.borrow_mut(), "Deno.readFileSync()"); let str = fs .read_text_file_lossy_sync(&path, Some(&mut access_check)) .map_err(|error| map_permission_error("readfile", error, &path))?; Ok(match str { Cow::Borrowed(text) => FastString::from_static(text), Cow::Owned(value) => value.into(), }) } #[op2(async, stack_trace)] #[to_v8] pub async fn op_fs_read_file_text_async<P>( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[string] path: String, #[smi] cancel_rid: Option<ResourceId>, ) -> Result<FastString, FsOpsError> where P: FsPermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(path); let mut access_check = async_permission_check::<P>(state.clone(), "Deno.readFile()"); let (fs, cancel_handle) = { let state = state.borrow_mut(); let cancel_handle = cancel_rid .and_then(|rid| state.resource_table.get::<CancelHandle>(rid).ok()); (state.borrow::<FileSystemRc>().clone(), cancel_handle) }; let fut = fs.read_text_file_lossy_async(path.clone(), Some(&mut access_check)); let str = if let Some(cancel_handle) = cancel_handle { let res = fut.or_cancel(cancel_handle).await; if let Some(cancel_rid) = cancel_rid { if let Ok(res) = state.borrow_mut().resource_table.take_any(cancel_rid) { res.close(); } }; res?.map_err(|error| map_permission_error("readfile", error, &path))? } else { fut .await .map_err(|error| map_permission_error("readfile", error, &path))? }; Ok(match str { Cow::Borrowed(text) => FastString::from_static(text), Cow::Owned(value) => value.into(), }) } fn to_seek_from(offset: i64, whence: i32) -> Result<SeekFrom, FsOpsError> { let seek_from = match whence { 0 => SeekFrom::Start(offset as u64), 1 => SeekFrom::Current(offset), 2 => SeekFrom::End(offset), _ => { return Err(FsOpsErrorKind::InvalidSeekMode(whence).into_box()); } }; Ok(seek_from) } #[op2(fast)] #[number] pub fn op_fs_seek_sync( state: &mut OpState, #[smi] rid: ResourceId, #[number] offset: i64, #[smi] whence: i32, ) -> Result<u64, FsOpsError> { let pos = to_seek_from(offset, whence)?; let file = FileResource::get_file(state, rid).map_err(FsOpsErrorKind::Resource)?; let cursor = file.seek_sync(pos)?; Ok(cursor) } #[op2(async)] #[number] pub async fn op_fs_seek_async( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[smi] rid: ResourceId, #[number] offset: i64, #[smi] whence: i32, ) -> Result<u64, FsOpsError> { let pos = to_seek_from(offset, whence)?; let file = FileResource::get_file(&state.borrow(), rid) .map_err(FsOpsErrorKind::Resource)?; let cursor = file.seek_async(pos).await?; Ok(cursor) } #[op2(fast)] pub fn op_fs_file_sync_data_sync( state: &mut OpState, #[smi] rid: ResourceId, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> { let file = FileResource::get_file(state, rid).map_err(FsOpsErrorKind::Resource)?; file.datasync_sync()?; Ok(()) } #[op2(async)] pub async fn op_fs_file_sync_data_async( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[smi] rid: ResourceId, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> { let file = FileResource::get_file(&state.borrow(), rid) .map_err(FsOpsErrorKind::Resource)?; file.datasync_async().await?; Ok(()) } #[op2(fast)] pub fn op_fs_file_sync_sync( state: &mut OpState, #[smi] rid: ResourceId, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> { let file = FileResource::get_file(state, rid).map_err(FsOpsErrorKind::Resource)?; file.sync_sync()?; Ok(()) } #[op2(async)] pub async fn op_fs_file_sync_async( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[smi] rid: ResourceId, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> { let file = FileResource::get_file(&state.borrow(), rid) .map_err(FsOpsErrorKind::Resource)?; file.sync_async().await?; Ok(()) } #[op2(fast)] pub fn op_fs_file_stat_sync( state: &mut OpState, #[smi] rid: ResourceId, #[buffer] stat_out_buf: &mut [u32], ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> { let file = FileResource::get_file(state, rid).map_err(FsOpsErrorKind::Resource)?; let stat = file.stat_sync()?; let serializable_stat = SerializableStat::from(stat); serializable_stat.write(stat_out_buf); Ok(()) } #[op2(async)] #[serde] pub async fn op_fs_file_stat_async( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[smi] rid: ResourceId, ) -> Result<SerializableStat, FsOpsError> { let file = FileResource::get_file(&state.borrow(), rid) .map_err(FsOpsErrorKind::Resource)?; let stat = file.stat_async().await?; Ok(stat.into()) } #[op2(fast)] pub fn op_fs_flock_sync( state: &mut OpState, #[smi] rid: ResourceId, exclusive: bool, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> { let file = FileResource::get_file(state, rid).map_err(FsOpsErrorKind::Resource)?; file.lock_sync(exclusive)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(async)] pub async fn op_fs_flock_async( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[smi] rid: ResourceId, exclusive: bool, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> { let file = FileResource::get_file(&state.borrow(), rid) .map_err(FsOpsErrorKind::Resource)?; file.lock_async(exclusive).await?; Ok(()) } #[op2(fast)] pub fn op_fs_funlock_sync( state: &mut OpState, #[smi] rid: ResourceId, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> { let file = FileResource::get_file(state, rid).map_err(FsOpsErrorKind::Resource)?; file.unlock_sync()?; Ok(()) } #[op2(async)] pub async fn op_fs_funlock_async( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[smi] rid: ResourceId, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> { let file = FileResource::get_file(&state.borrow(), rid) .map_err(FsOpsErrorKind::Resource)?; file.unlock_async().await?; Ok(()) } #[op2(fast)] pub fn op_fs_ftruncate_sync( state: &mut OpState, #[smi] rid: ResourceId, #[number] len: u64, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> { let file = FileResource::get_file(state, rid).map_err(FsOpsErrorKind::Resource)?; file.truncate_sync(len)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(async)] pub async fn op_fs_file_truncate_async( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[smi] rid: ResourceId, #[number] len: u64, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> { let file = FileResource::get_file(&state.borrow(), rid) .map_err(FsOpsErrorKind::Resource)?; file.truncate_async(len).await?; Ok(()) } #[op2(fast)] pub fn op_fs_futime_sync( state: &mut OpState, #[smi] rid: ResourceId, #[number] atime_secs: i64, #[smi] atime_nanos: u32, #[number] mtime_secs: i64, #[smi] mtime_nanos: u32, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> { let file = FileResource::get_file(state, rid).map_err(FsOpsErrorKind::Resource)?; file.utime_sync(atime_secs, atime_nanos, mtime_secs, mtime_nanos)?; Ok(()) } #[op2(async)] pub async fn op_fs_futime_async( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[smi] rid: ResourceId, #[number] atime_secs: i64, #[smi] atime_nanos: u32, #[number] mtime_secs: i64, #[smi] mtime_nanos: u32, ) -> Result<(), FsOpsError> { let file = FileResource::get_file(&state.borrow(), rid) .map_err(FsOpsErrorKind::Resource)?; file .utime_async(atime_secs, atime_nanos, mtime_secs, mtime_nanos) .await?; Ok(()) } #[derive(Debug, deno_error::JsError)] #[class(inherit)] pub struct OperationError { operation: &'static str, kind: OperationErrorKind, #[inherit] pub err: FsError, } impl std::fmt::Display for OperationError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { if let FsError::Io(e) = &self.err { std::fmt::Display::fmt(&e, f)?; f.write_str(": ")?; } f.write_str(self.operation)?; match &self.kind { OperationErrorKind::Bare => Ok(()), OperationErrorKind::WithPath(path) => write!(f, " '{}'", path.display()), OperationErrorKind::WithTwoPaths(from, to) => { write!(f, " '{}' -> '{}'", from.display(), to.display()) } } } } impl std::error::Error for OperationError { fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { if let FsError::Io(err) = &self.err { Some(err) } else { None } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum OperationErrorKind { Bare, WithPath(PathBuf), WithTwoPaths(PathBuf, PathBuf), } trait MapErrContext { type R; fn context_fn<F>(self, f: F) -> Self::R where F: FnOnce(FsError) -> OperationError; fn context(self, desc: &'static str) -> Self::R; fn context_path(self, operation: &'static str, path: &Path) -> Self::R; fn context_two_path( self, operation: &'static str, from: &Path, to: &Path, ) -> Self::R; } impl<T> MapErrContext for Result<T, FsError> { type R = Result<T, FsOpsError>; fn context_fn<F>(self, f: F) -> Self::R where F: FnOnce(FsError) -> OperationError, { self.map_err(|err| FsOpsErrorKind::OperationError(f(err)).into_box()) } fn context(self, operation: &'static str) -> Self::R { self.context_fn(move |err| OperationError { operation, kind: OperationErrorKind::Bare, err, }) } fn context_path(self, operation: &'static str, path: &Path) -> Self::R { self.context_fn(|err| OperationError { operation, kind: OperationErrorKind::WithPath(path.to_path_buf()), err, }) } fn context_two_path( self, operation: &'static str, oldpath: &Path, newpath: &Path, ) -> Self::R { self.context_fn(|err| OperationError { operation, kind: OperationErrorKind::WithTwoPaths( oldpath.to_path_buf(), newpath.to_path_buf(), ), err, }) } } fn path_into_string(s: std::ffi::OsString) -> Result<String, FsOpsError> { s.into_string() .map_err(|e| FsOpsErrorKind::InvalidUtf8(e).into_box()) } macro_rules! create_struct_writer { (pub struct $name:ident { $($field:ident: $type:ty),* $(,)? }) => { impl $name { fn write(self, buf: &mut [u32]) { let mut offset = 0; $( let value = self.$field as u64; buf[offset] = value as u32; buf[offset + 1] = (value >> 32) as u32; #[allow(unused_assignments)] { offset += 2; } )* } } #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct $name { $($field: $type),* } }; } create_struct_writer! { pub struct SerializableStat { is_file: bool, is_directory: bool, is_symlink: bool, size: u64, // In milliseconds, like JavaScript. Available on both Unix or Windows. mtime_set: bool, mtime: u64, atime_set: bool, atime: u64, birthtime_set: bool, birthtime: u64, ctime_set: bool, ctime: u64, // Following are only valid under Unix. dev: u64, ino: u64, mode: u32, nlink: u64, uid: u32, gid: u32, rdev: u64, blksize: u64, blocks: u64, is_block_device: bool, is_char_device: bool, is_fifo: bool, is_socket: bool, } } impl From<FsStat> for SerializableStat { fn from(stat: FsStat) -> Self { SerializableStat { is_file: stat.is_file, is_directory: stat.is_directory, is_symlink: stat.is_symlink, size: stat.size, mtime_set: stat.mtime.is_some(), mtime: stat.mtime.unwrap_or(0), atime_set: stat.atime.is_some(), atime: stat.atime.unwrap_or(0), birthtime_set: stat.birthtime.is_some(), birthtime: stat.birthtime.unwrap_or(0), ctime_set: stat.ctime.is_some(), ctime: stat.ctime.unwrap_or(0), dev: stat.dev, ino: stat.ino, mode: stat.mode, nlink: stat.nlink, uid: stat.uid, gid: stat.gid, rdev: stat.rdev, blksize: stat.blksize, blocks: stat.blocks, is_block_device: stat.is_block_device, is_char_device: stat.is_char_device, is_fifo: stat.is_fifo, is_socket: stat.is_socket, } } }